Add a parameter into a conf file through shell script - linux

I have a conf file as shown below
"files": [
"paths": ["/srv/log/*"],
"fields": { "type": "appLog", "app": "my_app", "env": "integration", "server": "" }
"paths": ["/srv/log/tomcat7/*"],
"fields": { "type": "tomcat", "app": "my_app", "env": "integration", "server": "" }
"paths": ["/srv/log/nginx/*"],
"fields": { "type": "nginxLog", "app": "my_app", "env": "integration", "server": "" }
I have to define the server explicitly through a shell script which is stored in a variable. Which means that i need to add the server in the "" after "server" to another script, For example: $host = , say this server address needs to be added into the conf file through my shell script . So when i run my script the above conf becomes
"files": [
"paths": ["/srv/log/*"],
"fields": { "type": "appLog", "app": "my_app", "env": "integration", "server": "" }
"paths": ["/srv/log/tomcat7/*"],
"fields": { "type": "tomcat", "app": "my_app", "env": "integration", "server": "" }
"paths": ["/srv/log/nginx/*"],
"fields": { "type": "nginxLog", "app": "my_app", "env": "integration", "server": "" }
I tried using "sed -i" but couldn't make it work. Can someone help.

The config file is a json document. Use jq to modify it:
jq --arg server '' '.files[].fields.server=$server' conf.json
To change the file in place:
mv conf.json conf.backup.json
jq --arg server '' '.files[].fields.server=$server' conf.json > new
mv new conf.json

Using sed:
sed -i 's/""/""/' file
Or bash script:
$ cat
sed -i "s/\"\"/\"$1\"/g" file
How to use:
$ ./


How to add base/baseHref to Nx/Vite manifest.json file

How can I prefix the file, css, and assets in a Vite manifest.json file with a CDN URL?
export default defineConfig({
base: '',
build: {
manifest: true,
rollupOptions: {
input: '/path/to/main.js'
but the end result is:
"main.js": {
"file": "assets/main.4889e940.js",
"src": "main.js",
"isEntry": true,
"dynamicImports": [],
"css": ["assets/main.b82dbe22.css"],
"assets": ["assets/asset.0ab0f9cd.png"]
instead of:
"main.js": {
"file": "",
"src": "main.js",
"isEntry": true,
"dynamicImports": [],
"css": [""],
"assets": [""]
To achieve that, you need to add a base property with the URL or path in the project.json file under targets/build/options.
Here is an example project.json config file:
"name": "app",
"$schema": "node_modules/nx/schemas/project-schema.json",
"sourceRoot": "./src",
"projectType": "application",
"targets": {
"build": {
"executor": "#nrwl/vite:build",
"outputs": ["{options.outputPath}"],
"defaultConfiguration": "production",
"options": {
"outputPath": "dist/app",
"base": ""
And if you are using vite without NX, then you can provide a base argument to the vite build command.
An example:
vite build --base=""

C++ & vimspector & -exec -enable-pretty-printing

Currently I have to enter -exec -enable-pretty-printing into vimspector debugger command line (debugging C++ code using vscode-cpptools) to see std::string as a "string" rather than as a STL container. Could you advice me how to modify my .vimspector.json to run the command automatically on vimspector launch? I tried to google it out but without success... My current .vimspector.json looks like this.
"configurations": {
"Vim - run a test": {
"adapter": "vscode-cpptools",
"configuration": {
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/main",
"args": [
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"environment": [
{ "name": "VIMRUNTIME", "value": "${workspaceRoot}" }
"externalConsole": true,
"stopAtEntry": true,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"logging": {
"engineLogging": false
PS: The mentioning -enable-pretty-printing as argument in .json file does not work.
OK, I have installed vscode and had a look at its configuration files. It seems that the following .vimspector.json file does what I want.
"configurations": {
"FinMat": {
"adapter": "vscode-cpptools",
"configuration": {
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${workspaceRoot}/main",
"args": [],
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"environment": [
{ "name": "VIMRUNTIME", "value": "${workspaceRoot}" }
"externalConsole": true,
"stopAtEntry": true,
"MIMode": "gdb",
"setupCommands": [
"description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
"text": "-enable-pretty-printing",
"ignoreFailures": true
"logging": {
"engineLogging": false

Run a python script from the startup script

An instance is created when a new file is uploaded to the storage. The startup runs a python script that generates a pdf file for the new file, uploads the pdf back to the storage and deletes the instance. Since the python script has pretty lengthy, I have stored the startup script and the python script in the same location (Cloud Storage). I have passed the paths are metadata while creating the instance. The input to the python script is the file name of the new file. I checked the logs of the instance, its throwing some errors there. Can someone point out what is it that I am doing wrong.
Error Message:
"cpuPlatform": "Intel Haswell",
"creationTimestamp": "2021-08-02T06:40:36.346-07:00",
"deletionProtection": false,
"disks": [
"autoDelete": true,
"boot": true,
"deviceName": "xyz",
"diskSizeGb": "10",
"guestOsFeatures": [
"index": 0,
"interface": "SCSI",
"kind": "compute#attachedDisk",
"licenses": [
"mode": "READ_WRITE",
"source": "projects/patch-us/zones/us-central1-a/disks/instance-name",
"type": "PERSISTENT"
"fingerprint": "XlZ7biyVpAI=",
"id": "3984870299667155772",
"kind": "compute#instance",
"labelFingerprint": "42WmSpB8rSM=",
"lastStartTimestamp": "2021-08-02T06:40:46.210-07:00",
"machineType": "projects/project-name/zones/us-central1-a/machineTypes/e2-medium",
"metadata": {
"fingerprint": "f5o3Pxed5VY=",
"items": [
"key": "startup-script-url",
"value": ""
"key": "file_name",
"value": "123456"
"key": "python_script_name",
"value": ""
"kind": "compute#metadata"
"name": "instance-name",
"networkInterfaces": [
"accessConfigs": [
"kind": "compute#accessConfig",
"name": "External NAT",
"natIP": "",
"networkTier": "PREMIUM",
"type": "ONE_TO_ONE_NAT"
"fingerprint": "565TD6a2Y2c=",
"kind": "compute#networkInterface",
"name": "nic0",
"network": "projects/project-name/global/networks/default",
"networkIP": "",
"stackType": "IPV4_ONLY",
"subnetwork": "projects/project-name/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/default"
"scheduling": {
"automaticRestart": true,
"onHostMaintenance": "MIGRATE",
"preemptible": false
"selfLink": "projects/project-name/zones/us-central1-a/instances/instance-name",
"serviceAccounts": [
"email": "",
"scopes": [
"shieldedInstanceConfig": {
"enableIntegrityMonitoring": true,
"enableSecureBoot": false,
"enableVtpm": true
"shieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy": {
"updateAutoLearnPolicy": true
"startRestricted": false,
"status": "RUNNING",
"tags": {
"fingerprint": "42WmSpB8rSM="
"zone": "projects/project-name/zones/us-central1-a"
#! /bin/bash
ECG_FILE_PATH = $(curl http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/file_path -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")
PYTHON_FILE_PATH = $(curl http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/python_script_name -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")
ECG_FILE_NAME = $(curl http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/file_name -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")
chmod +x
python3 ECG_FILE_PATH &
#!/usr/bin/env python3
def main(file_name):
To download the script, URL path to which you've saved as the metadata value is as follows:
curl -s -o filename.txt $(curl -s http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/instance/attributes/filename -H "Metadata-Flavor: Google")

CloudFormation how to export a variable

The following is a part of our template. We export a path variable there. However, running from template, this does not work. If I SSH into the server and run the same line, it works and I can use gradle. But just from the template, it somehow doesn't get executed. The other chmod commands work, so the block is clearly execute. Any help is highly appreciated.
"LaunchConfiguration": {
"Type": "AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration",
"Metadata": {
"AWS::CloudFormation::Init": {
"config": {
"packages": {
"yum": {
"java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel": []
"sources": {
"/opt": "",
"/home/ec2-user": ""
"files": {
"/tmp/gradle_config": {
"content": {
"Fn::Join": ["",
"#!/bin/bash -ex\n",
"chmod -R 755 gradle-3.4.1/\n",
"export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle-3.4.1/bin\n" //<<<< This does not work
"mode": "000500",
"owner": "root",
"group": "root"
"/tmp/app_config": {
"content": {
"Fn::Join": ["",
"#!/bin/bash -ex\n",
"chmod -R 777 XYZ-master/\n"
"mode": "000500",
"owner": "root",
"group": "root"
"commands": {
"01_config": {
"command": "/tmp/gradle_config",
"cwd" : "/opt"
"02_config": {
"command": "/tmp/app_config",
"cwd" : "/home/ec2-user"
}, ...
I found the solution. All those lines are executed as root user. The export PATH... therefore wasn't for my ec2-user. The way I handled is was by putting the path variable (globally) into the /etc/environment file.
In my code snippet, just replace
"export PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle-3.4.1/bin\n",
"echo \"PATH=$PATH:/opt/gradle-3.4.1/bin\" >> /etc/environment"",

Symfony2 composer adding own bundle requirement

How can I install a specific Bundle (for example SonataGoutteBundle) to my Symfony2 project via composer?
I tried this, but it doesn't work for me. Any ideas what's wrong?
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "sonata-project/sonatagouttebundle",
"version": "dev-master",
"dist": {
"url": "",
"type": "git"
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"sonata-project/sonatagouttebundle": "dev-master"
Try something like
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"vendor/bundle": "dev-master"
The SonataGoutteBundle must have a composer.json
In this particular case, this would work:
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "sonata-project/goutte",
"version": "dev-master",
"source": {
"url": "",
"type": "git",
"reference": "master"
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"sonata-project/goutte": "dev-master"
For all options see the documentation
You should provide a link to an archive (like zip) in "dist" section. If you want to use git you should define "source" section instead:
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "sonata-project/sonatagouttebundle",
"version": "dev-master",
"source": {
"url": "",
"type": "git",
"reference": "master"
"require": {
"php": ">=5.3.3",
"sonata-project/sonatagouttebundle": "dev-master"
More about defining custom repositories:
