Application Insights dependencies not shown - azure

After that my Application Insights Map shows my dependency calls from yesterday i don't see any dependencies in the map and no calls in the analytics page.
I haven't changed my app. Even my page visits aren't on the application map.
What can be the reason that i don't see this part and only my rest api is logging?

You probably have not configured your application to use ApplicationInsights
Set up Application Insights for your ASP.NET website
Also check if your dependency is up to date. It is currently in version 2.4, so you can use the following features:
Live Metrics Stream

Make sure the only in your bin folder exists the application.config file.


Deployed Nodejs service does not work on Azure Web App

I've created two pipelines: build and release for Nodejs app.
Here is the link to nodejs app repo: azure web service
Here is the tasks for build pipeline:
Here is the wwwroot folder structure:
So it is look like all required files are present.
Despite that, I'm constantly receiving:
You do not have permission to view this directory or page
I've tried to add web.config file, but it did not help.
I have front end application on same App service Plan and it works, so it is no way that I have bad service plan.
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks a lot.
I was able to deploy my service only after using nodejs-docs-hello-world starter.
It is looks like web.config is a required file, btw, still did not find any meaningfull documentation for web.config.
Make sure your azure nodejs env support your js syntax (import from ...), in other case use webpack or typescript.
I'have found App Service Editor very helpful if you want to debug your code errors. See section Output.
I had a problem also with nodejs version, despite the fact I choosed node 12 tls during web app creation, I have noticed that my app used node 6 under the hood. So I changed default nodejs version to 10. See here how to do it
Also, I want to thank #Jason Pan for his help.

How can we display database query in azure application insights

Our application is using azure application insights. What I read is that, using application insights end to end tracking, we can even get the query which gets executed at database and how much time that query took.
But as shown in the screenshot, azure app insights shows me that there are 3 calls made to database but not the actual query that was executed against the database in those calls.
What I need to know is that what i need to do inorder to get the query that was executed against the database?
This is one of breaking changes as part of SDK 2.14.
You just need to simply modify ConfigureServices() with the line below for ASP.NET Core:
services.ConfigureTelemetryModule<DependencyTrackingTelemetryModule>((module, o) => { module.EnableSqlCommandTextInstrumentation = true; });
and for ASP.NET modify ApplicationInsights.config file:
<Add Type="Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.DependencyCollector.DependencyTrackingTelemetryModule, Microsoft.AI.DependencyCollector">,
Yes, the application insights can track sql query. But note that there are some changes in the latest version of application insights nuget package, which makes it does not automatically track sql query.
You can do it via the workaround below.
Assume you're using the .net core web project. Then you need to downgrade the Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore to version 2.12.0.
Here is my test result with version 2.12.0 of that package:
And also, you can use other workarounds, see here for more details.

ASP.NET Core Application Insights adaptive sampling

TL;DR: Does ExcludedTypes in Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore SDK default to Exception and Trace?
I am running an ASP.NET Core 2.2 app with version 2.6.1 Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore SDK. I am reading: where they write that the default values for ExcludedTypes is Trace and Exception, which is just the way i like it, but I am wondering, since the default values is for ASP.NET (actually specified in the application insights config for the host), if these default values also apply for ASP.NET Core applications that doesnt have an application insights config file (all config is done through code).
I know that the SDK is open sourced, but I haven't been able to search through it and find the initial values: Maybe I am just searching for the wrong things.
Yes, the default ExcludedTypes for core is Event. There'are 2 places mentionded that:
1.In this article, it says "In ASP.NET Core, exact same default behavior is enabled in code.":
2.In the source code, you can find it's defined here:
First, the default values for ExcludedTypes is not Trace and Exception, it is Event. There is a GitHub issue for that. And I also tested it myself, the default ExcludedType is Event indeed.
For core, the default ExcludedType should be same as, you can take a look at this section of the article you provided. I'll try to go through the code to find out what's in the code for core and will update you later.

Installing Application Insights as an Azure App Service Extension or via NuGet?

It's possible to install Application Insights via the extensions section in Azure App Services, but it's also possible to just install the packages via NuGet and define the APPINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY application setting. You can also do both.
What is the difference?
I have found what the differences are between installing the extension or the NuGet packages:
You can configure monitoring by instrumenting the app in either of two ways:
Run-time - You can select a performance monitoring extension when your web app is already live. It isn't necessary to rebuild or re-install your app. You get a standard set of packages that monitor response times, success rates, exceptions, dependencies, and so on.
Build time - You can install a package in your app in development. This option is more versatile. In addition to the same standard packages, you can write code to customize the telemetry or to send your own telemetry. You can log specific activities or record events according to the semantics of your app domain.
But what if you do both? Will there be anything beneficial about it?
But what if you do both? Will there be anything beneficial about it?
The extension detects that your app has already brought Application Insights with it and won't do anything, except dropping a profiler, which helps collect full SQL Statement in Dependencies. Without the profiler full SQL Statement won't be collected but everything else should just work fine.
(If you are using 2.3.0 or earlier of SDK or if you application is targeting old .NET Framework like 4.0, then profiler does better correlation of dependencies as well.
In short, Starting with 2.4.0 of SDK, the only advantage of installing extension on top on nuget installation is to get full SQL Statements in Dependency Telemetry.
But what if you do both? Will there be anything beneficial about it?
As you know we could install the packages via NuGet to use Application Insights .For this way, we could add custom telemetry data in my code,and monitor the telemetry data in application insights tools in Visual Studio. This will be very convenient. You could also refer to this article to add custom telemetry data.
Code in MVC Porject:
public ActionResult Index()
Trace.TraceInformation("my trace info Home/Index");
var telemetry = new Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.TelemetryClient();
RequestTelemetry requestTelemetry = new RequestTelemetry();
telemetry.TrackTrace("Home/Index Main");
return View();
The telemetry data in Application insight tool:
The application insights in App Service,you can only see limited data and trends in past 24 hours. This is very convenient for you to view the main telemetry data in the app service directly. But if you want to know more details, that is not a good choose.
The most comprehensive monitor data and services are in application insight service. You could click 'View more in application insights' in App Service monitor extension to go. Or you could go to application insight service directly.
Time Range in application insight service(include custom time range).

Azure: Application Insights. Are the ai.x.xx.x-buildxxxxx.js file required?

After enabling Application Insights on my MVC web app I see that a file called ai.0.22.8-build00154.js was added to the /Scripts folder (however, it was not included to the .csproj).
In addition I do not see this file referenced anywhere in the project.
When I run the web app I do see data being sent to my Application Insights instance on Azure.
* Question *
Is this javascript file even required?
Note that I do have the script snippet at the end of the section (per App. Insights documentation).
This file is not required. It is included in case you decide to host Application Insights JS SDK yourself and not use the hosted version on CDN ( The snippet is referencing this version, so in case you decide to host AI JS SDK script yourself, you also need to update the snippet.
It is recommended that you are referencing the version on the CDN as this is the way to get all the latest updates automatically.
Yes I believe it is required, it's the Nuget package. The filename you have up there seems to match up with the package.
