HowTo define soname in Code::Blocks - linux

I have created a shared library with Code::Blocks under Linux and now I need to update it to a newer version and I want/need to increment its version.
If I were to use command line I would use a parameter like -Wl soname but cannot find how to do it under Code:Blocks IDE
Any ideas/help?

In your project Build options -> Linker settings -> Other linker options
enter, e.g.
Then OK out and build.


How do I build a newlib RISC-V toolchain with a modified linker script?

I'm trying to build a GCC/newlib cross compilation toolchain targeting an embedded OS on RISC-V. For this purpose, I need to modify the virtual addresses that binaries are linked at.
One way to achieve this is to modify the default linker script that ships with the toolchain.
I'm trying to find the best location in the involved components (newlib, binutils, gcc) where I can tweak the default linker script that is shipped with the toolchain.
For some platforms, newlib already provides partial or complete linker scripts. It seems for RISC-V the default linker script produced by binutils is used.
I'm fine with patching binutils, but I can't find how the RISC-V linker script is actually built or how I would modify anything in it. Any pointers are appreciated!
The different linker scripts for riscv are build from :
You will need to modifiy these files or create your own and modify the Makefiles.

CMake: Don't set rpath for a single library used in link

What I'd like to do is configure my CMakeLists file so that while building my project the linker uses a copy of a shared library (.so) that resides in my build tree to link the executable against but then does not set the rpath in the linked executable so that the system must provide the library when the loader requests it.
Specifically, I want to link against during build time on a build farm that doesn't have installed as a system library. To do this, is in the project build tree and referenced using an absolute path in the CMakeLists file. This absolute path is to ensure that if the system does happen to have installed then it is not used.
However, when running the final executable, CMake has added the absolute path to the rpath which stops the system version of being picked up by the library loader and used.
Seems simple but I can't quite figure it out.
I know this answer is super late. I faced the same requirement as yours.
Either we need is whitelist approach where we set CMAKE_BUILD_RPATH explicitly with what we need. Or we need a blacklist approach where we tell cmake, which RPATHs we don't want in the executable. Way to remove RPath from build tree is not documented yet:
The solution I took is:
Set RUNPATH instead of RPATH. You can achieve this by the statement:
SET(CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--enable-new-dtags")
When RUNPATH is present, RPATH is ignored.
RUNPATH - same as RPATH, but searched after LD_LIBRARY_PATH, supported only on most recent UNIX
Then I can achieve the overriding the library using the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
According to the CMake Wiki this should not be a problem:
By default if you don't change any RPATH related settings, CMake will link the executables and shared libraries with full RPATH to all used libraries in the build tree. When installing, it will clear the RPATH of these targets so they are installed with an empty RPATH.
So you might try to simply install it?

Boost 1.48 compilation in Linux - get the compiler name in the output files with Bjam?

I am trying to compile the Boost 1.48 in CentOS 5.6. I need the files to be in this format:
I am compiling with this bjam flags:
./b2 -q --toolset=gcc --layout=tagged --without-mpi install
but it still don't add the gcc prefix to the name.
How can I fix this?
For me (although I use darwin toolset instead of plain gcc) Bjam creates files with names, like:
Create the site-config.jam or user-config.jam file, which defines your custom version of GCC toolset, as described in 'Configuration' section of the Boost.Build documentation.
Additionally, there is an example, which suggests, that standard GCC toolset has version names defined as numbers only, without the gcc prefix.
Boost output filenames are generated, by the tag rule in boostcpp.jam. You can check there, if the above solution would be insufficient

How to install boost on Linux with custom location of gcc?

My gcc compiler is at a custom location /my/path/hpgcc
I've downloaded the boost sources. Executed, but it fails because it runs with the default gcc.
Looking into it, I see that it fails at the first thing it does: building the Boost.Build engine:
gcc -o bootstrap/jam0 command.c compile.c debug.c expand.c glob.c hash.c hdrmacro.c headers.c jam.c jambase.c jamgram.c lists.c make.c make1.c newstr.c option.c output.c parse.c pathunix.c pathvms.c regexp.c rules.c scan.c search.c subst.c timestamp.c variable.c modules.c strings.c filesys.c builtins.c pwd.c class.c native.c md5.c w32_getreg.c modules/set.c modules/path.c modules/regex.c modules/property-set.c modules/sequence.c modules/order.c execunix.c fileunix.c
(fails because executed with the default gcc, and not my gcc version).
I've tried to change the gcc path in the user-config.jam file, but it doesn't help. Probably because the Boost.Build's build script boost_1_47_0/tools/build/v2/engine/ doesn't use user-config.jam, and just uses the default locations.
Any solution?
Add the line:
using gcc : : /my/path/hpgcc ;
to user-config.jam. user-config.jam will usually be in /path/to/boost/tools/build/v2/, but you can put a custom user-config.jam or site-config.jam in any of the places listed here.
/my/path/hpgcc should be the full path to the g++ executable.
EDIT (Igor Oks) : What eventually solved the problem is that I edited boost_1_47_0/tools/build/v2/engine/ to make it use my custom gcc.
We do this in our build environment by simply defining the PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables to pickup our desired GCC first.

Linking against a specific shared library version in linux

My build process consists of Qt's qmake Makefile generator and the typical make utility bundled with linux.
My application consists of a few shared libraries and the main application is linked against them.
How can I apply the typical linux versioning scheme on my libraries? (Use version 2 -> link against that points to with an ldconfig generated link).
The answer doesn't have to be specific for my build process.
Your library should be named, with symlinks of and both pointing to that. The library should be created using -soname in the linker command line (or -Wl,-soname, on the gcc command line).
Hope that helps!
