are socket io rooms automaticaly destroyed if empty? - node.js

Im starting out with node.js and
I have 2 questions:
- When a room is empty, is it automatically destoyed unbtil recreated?
and if it is not destroyed automaticaly, does it take up much ressources on the server?
on the server side. is it the io server or the connected socket that should transmit the data?

The room is automatically removed from the array and the nodeJSs' V8 Garbage Collector finishes the job of completely removing the room from ram. You don't have to worry about any of that. Remember that all users are automatically put on a room on joining the server ( the named room ). io.emit should be used when you want to send a message from the server to anyone and socket.emit should be used when you want to send a message only to the sender. More information can be found on this answer:


Is there any way for a socket io client to reuse an old socket that was previously closed?

Everytime a mobile user that is connected to my node.js, server leaves their browser (maybe checks instagram or something) the socket disconnects due to "transport close".
When they return I want them to reconnect using their old socket so they can receive buffered packets and have access to their old data stored in said socket.
What actually happens is that they reconnect and a new socket is created when the "connection" event is emitted in the server. The old socket is deleted too, unless I store it somewhere.
Are there any simple ways (config or something) to just reuse an old socket when a reconnection happens?
This post helped me a bit: reuse socket id on reconnect,, node.js. However it doesn't show me how to reuse the actual old socket.
Unfortunately after such event "transport close", by design the socket is destroyed.
So at this point you should look to other alternatives.
My suggestion is to introduce a new data structure which will store the messages in a list.
My proposal involves:
A map where the key is the user id and value is a list which contains all user messages.
You can store an offset to the structure which holds the list which marks the messages sent before the connection problem
On reconnect you lookup the map with the userid and retrieve the user messages

How to avoid users see data from other user socket?

I have a dasboard that is making socket request every five seconds, sometimes, some users start getting data from other user socket request, but at the begging everything is working fine.
I have tried with sticky-session, diferrent socket instance, personalized socket event names.
if someone unsderstand my problem and i have a solution, i would be grateful.
Sockets are, by definition, separate from each other. I suspect the issue is that you're emitting to a namespace rather than to a particular socket.
io.of('someNamespace').on('connection', (socket) => {
In the first example we're sending data to all sockets in the namespace. In the second we're only sending data to a particular socket. The difference is in where you're emitting the data.

why is my server assigning new socket ids to clients or losing track of existing socket ids?

I'm developing a simple website, where the client and server communicate over web sockets. I'm using nodejs and the library for the socket communication
Specifically, my server works as a middleware between an mqtt broker and my client. So on one hand, my server connects with the mqtt broker to consume messages and on the other hand delivers these messages to the connected clients over web sockets. I'm using the node mqtt library for the mqtt communication.
My codebase is fairly large, so to give you a feeling of how my code looks like, I will show this example, which should be straightforward to understand:
const io = require("")(port);
handleRequests(io) {
io.on("connection", (socket) => {`New client connected: ${}`);
this.clients[] = { // track clients and subscribed topics
topic: '',
io.sockets.emit("onUser", this.numberOfUsers);
This is my "main" function, where as you can see, I'm initializing an io object and using it later by passing it to the handleRequests function. Each time a new client connects, I'm calling the callback function where I call the five other functions and passing the socket object as a parameter, which should be fine I guess. I'm passing the socket object as a parameter because I need it to later call socket.emit in order to send back message to a specific client, since the socket object is unique for each client.
This works great until more than ~ 30 clients are connected. I'm trying to debug this for 2 weeks now and can't figure out why this is happening. I'm testing this by opening multiple tabs in my browser. I start with one client and then increase the number of clients/tabs. At some points, I notice that some clients receive no values from the server but other clients still do, which is incorrect since all clients should receive the values in real time.
I noticed that the clients, which are not receiving values have other ids than the ones stored on the server. I tested this with a simple console.log() on both clients and server. How this is happening? I'm very positive that I'm sending the ids correctly since there are other clients, which still receive values from the server. My guess is that the server is somehow disconnecting some clients automatically, because if a client reconnects then a new id will be assigned to it automatically.
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening? and why it works fine with the first ~30 clients and starts to occur when many clients are connected? This issue is very hard to debug since the code works fine for a small number of clients and no errors are thrown when the bug occurs, so I'm hoping that someone had this before.
Now I just found that i can print a reason for socket disconnection. When I do that, ping timeout is printed, which I don't understand because when I have one single or few clients connected then this error does not happen.

Socket io creates rooms when a socket connects

Every time a socket joins a room is created in my application. Is this normal behavior?
I am not creating these rooms, as you can tell the room name is called the ID of the socket, which I find weird. Is this normal behavior?
This is normal behavior. creates a room with the name of the connection's and automatically places only that socket in the room. This allows you to do things like:
because the is also a room name. Since values are unique and random and because all room participation is controlled by the server only, it's really just a server housekeeping thing that doesn't affect anything else.
If you have some reason to want to be able to discern which rooms are ones you created and which ones are the automatic form, you can put a unique prefix on the ones that you create such as an underscore and then you can tell which ones are yours and which ones are created by the system.
When the connection disconnects, that room will also go away. Different Client IDs

I'm trying to make a simple multiplayer game using websockets and
We've got most features working, and our problem now is finding out who the winning player is.
So the solution we're trying to implement right now is by getting sockets on run time, and when a player dies, they send a message to the server. The server on receiving this message adds a property 'dead' to the socket. So socket.dead = true is set when the player dies.
We then check a list of connected sockets (obtained dynamically) to see if there is only one remaining player alive (by checking if socket.dead is defined). One thing we realised is that the socket.ids of connected sockets actually change - and this is prooving to be a problem for us...
The question is where and when does the socket ids change, and how can we detect these changes so that we update our game data?
You shouldn't check for the socket id, instead you should authenticate the user each time he connects to Socket.IO (socket.user = username).
Then instead of checking for the id of the players that are "alive", you can check for their usernames.
More on handling sessions with Express & Socket.IO here:
