Where can I find documentation for Crafter Profile and Crafter Social - crafter-cms

Where can I find documentation for Crafter Profile and Crafter Social for CMS version 2.5.x? I am looking at http://docs.craftercms.org/en/2.5/developers/projects/profile/index.html but there is not much information there

You'll find more documentation in the 3.0 version of the docs, and most of it is applicable to 2.5
Profile: http://docs.craftercms.org/en/3.0/developers/projects/profile/index.html
Social: http://docs.craftercms.org/en/3.0/developers/projects/social/index.html


Configuring Ckan's authentication using Azure b2c OpenID Connect

Im looking into configuring authentication for Azure B2C OIDC authentication on Ckan and was wondering if its possible to do so without modification to the code base or has anyone done it before..
I heard that it might be possible to install extensions for more features on Ckan but I am unsure which extension is for OpenID. I can't really find much documentation regarding this as well.
Any advice?
Yes, it is possible to install extensions to add more features on CKAN.
https://github.com/bcgov/ckanext-sso looks like the most updated extension although the README says it's for CKAN 2.7 and it may need some work to be compatible with newer versions of CKAN.
https://github.com/keitaroinc/ckanext-saml2auth/ is a well maintained extension for SAML2 that can provide some guidance if you need to implement your own extension.
Documentation on how to build custom extensions for CKAN can be found at: https://docs.ckan.org/en/latest/extensions/index.html

where can i find the java documentation for hybris platform APIS

I am searching for hybris APIS java documentation (documentation generated by javadoc tool), unfortunately, I am not found right place.
Can any one help me where can I get java documentation for hybris core platform apis.
If you have access to Hybris Help, look for "JavaDocs and API Documentation". There are different kinds of APIs / JavaDocs available.

What is a plugin project in liferay

I'm new to liferay. And I've some basic question that what is liferay all about. What is a liferay plugin project or service builder project? Is liferay any framework,GUI tool, a content manager or WHAT?
I know that you guys are not engaged with this tool in this BLOG but still somehow it is related to java. So please guys help me.
Have you tried reading the liferay tag-wiki on stackoverflow? Just hover your mouse over it and you will have answers to all your questions. And if you want more just click on the pop-up and you would also find details about how to learn more about Liferay.
Still as per the norms of answering, here are some brief answers to your question:
Is liferay any framework,GUI tool, a content manager or WHAT?
Liferay is an open source JSR 286 compliant web-portal and social platform, written in Java. It includes content-management and more. It has different plugins known as portlets like Blogs, Forums, Document management, Content management etc.
What is a liferay plugin project or service builder project?
Plugin projects are nothing but small components/applications/widgets that run in the portal. Some might have UI and others might run in the backend.
Service Builder is a framework in liferay to ease development of services which might include service to access database, web-services, json web-services.
Everything else is given in the tag-wiki and the wiki also includes links to official resources if you wish to use/develop in liferay.
plugins are features which developers add them to portals like liferay.
for example:
liferay hooks are defined to do some tasks, like user's authentication, adding users, etc .. and we want change (override) that hooks, so we need develop ext plugins to do this for us.

Creating a new web forms project in Alfresco 4.0 Community Edition using Web Quick Start

I want to create a Web project using Alfresco 4.0.
Alfresco Developer Guide -Jeff Potts Book guides me to create a web project using Alfresco 3.x. It uses the Alfresco WCM component. But I can't find the WCM component for Alfresco 4.x (Check this link Alfresco Download )
Instead of WCM component I can find the Web Quick Start component. Is it possible to create a web project using Web Quick Start alone?
Webforms and the whole AVM are outdated technology. WCM Quickstart is a just a sample implementation for web content management and has nothing in common with the AVM based approach in 3.x. It may cover very basic use cases, but I would generally discourage people from using it unless they are very clear about their requirements and what's covered by Quickstart.
That said, the best resources besides source is at http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Web_Quick_Start_Installation_and_Configuration and http://wiki.alfresco.com/wiki/Web_Quick_Start_Developer_Guide. Follow them and you get FormService based forms for the various content types.

How to integrate a Google Docs document in Liferay?

Is there any way that we can integrate Google Docs in Liferay? I found some other 3rd party APIs, like Zoho, but I would like to use Google Docs instead.
You can also write a hook that uses the Google Docs' API.
may be, you cat sync google docs with the server by some tools like here
and then you can sync this desktop folder with liferay
Liferay 7.2 DXP now available with Google Doc(Online Document Editing).
Check this : https://www.liferay.com/products/dxp/new
