Find() Method MongoDB with Nodejs - node.js

I'm currently trying to find all the documents that have a certain value of 'bar' in the key 'foo'. Using mongodb and nodejs.
When I try to run this I get:
"TypeError: Cannot read property 'find' of undefined" error return.
If I try using findOne() it'll just return the first document that has the document with the value "bar" for the key "foo", however there are 3.
module.exports = function(app, db) {
app.get('/foo', (req, res)=>{
db.collection('barCollection').find({foo: {$all: ['bar']}}
,(err, item)=>{
if (err) {
res.send({'error':'An error has occurred'});
} else {

Paul is right, there is some issue in your code which is why it's returning null.
Here try this snippet. I'm using 2 files for demo.
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
var barSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
// your schema
module.exports = mongoose.model('Bar', barSchema);
var BarCollection = require('./models'); // assuming both files are in same directory.
BarCollection.find({foo: {$all: ['bar']}}
,(err, item)=>{
if (err) {
res.send({'error':'An error has occurred'});
} else {
Basically what I am trying here is:
separate MongoDB model code in separate files
Import mongo collection in API files for CRUD operations

db.collection('barCollection') is returning null for some reason. You'll need to figure out why, it's probably somewhere else in your code since you don't have the setup logic here.
I'd look at whether mongodb was connected properly (i.e. is the db instance you're passing that function actually connected to the database), is mongodb running and available on the port you configured it with, etc.


CastError when open link to static file in Jade, Nodejs [duplicate]

When sending a request to /customers/41224d776a326fb40f000001 and a document with _id 41224d776a326fb40f000001 does not exist, doc is null and I'm returning a 404: = function(id, res) {
this.model.findById(id, function(err, doc) {
if (err) {
throw err;
if (!doc) {
return res.send(doc);
However, when _id does not match what Mongoose expects as "format" (I suppose) for example with GET /customers/foo a strange error is returned:
CastError: Cast to ObjectId failed for value "foo" at path "_id".
So what's this error?
Mongoose's findById method casts the id parameter to the type of the model's _id field so that it can properly query for the matching doc. This is an ObjectId but "foo" is not a valid ObjectId so the cast fails.
This doesn't happen with 41224d776a326fb40f000001 because that string is a valid ObjectId.
One way to resolve this is to add a check prior to your findById call to see if id is a valid ObjectId or not like so:
if (id.match(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/)) {
// Yes, it's a valid ObjectId, proceed with `findById` call.
Use existing functions for checking ObjectID.
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid('your id here');
I had to move my routes on top of other routes that are catching the route parameters:
// require express and express router
const express = require("express");
const router = express.Router();
// move this `/post/like` route on top
router.put("/post/like", requireSignin, like);
// keep the route with route parameter `/:postId` below regular routes
router.get("/post/:postId", singlePost);
I have the same issue I add
_id: String .in schema then it start work
This might be a case of routes mismatch if you have two different routes like this
router.route("/order/me") //should come before the route which has been passed with params
then you have to be careful putting the route that is using a param after the regular route that worked for me
Are you parsing that string as ObjectId?
Here in my application, what I do is:
ObjectId.fromString( myObjectIdString );
it happens when you pass an invalid id to mongoose. so first check it before proceeding, using mongoose isValid function
import mongoose from "mongoose";
// add this inside your route
if( !mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id) ) return false;
In my case, I had to add _id: Object into my Schema, and then everything worked fine.
As of Nov 19, 2019
You can use isValidObjectId(id) from mongoose version 5.7.12
if(mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid( {
User.findById(,function (err, doc) {
if(err) {
} else if(doc) {
} else {
reject({success:false,data:"no data exist for this id"})
} else {
reject({success:"false",data:"Please provide correct id"});
best is to check validity
You can also use ObjectId.isValid like the following :
if (!ObjectId.isValid(userId)) return Error({ status: 422 })
If above solutions do not work for you.
Check if you are sending a GET request to a POST route.
It was that simple and stupid for me.
All you have to do is change the parameter name "id" to "_id"
//Use following to check if the id is a valid ObjectId?
var valid = mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(;
//process your code here
} else {
//the id is not a valid ObjectId
I was faced with something similar recently and solved it by catching the error to find out if it's a Mongoose ObjectId error.
app.get("/:userId", (req, res, next) => {
try {
// query and other code here
} catch (err) {
if (err.kind === "ObjectId") {
return res.status(404).json({
errors: [
msg: "User not found",
status: "404",
You could either validate every ID before using it in your queries (which I think is the best practice),
// Assuming you are using Express, this can return 404 automatically.'/resource/:id([0-9a-f]{24})', function(req, res){
const id =;
// ...
... or you could monkey patch Mongoose to ignore those casting errors and instead use a string representation to carry on the query. Your query will of course not find anything, but that is probably what you want to have happened anyway.
import { SchemaType } from 'mongoose';
let patched = false;
export const queryObjectIdCastErrorHandler = {
* Monkey patches `mongoose.SchemaType.prototype.castForQueryWrapper` to catch
* ObjectId cast errors and return string instead so that the query can continue
* the execution. Since failed casts will now use a string instead of ObjectId
* your queries will not find what they are looking for and may actually find
* something else if you happen to have a document with this id using string
* representation. I think this is more or less how MySQL would behave if you
* queried a document by id and sent a string instead of a number for example.
function install() {
if (patched) {
patched = true;
function patch() {
// #ts-ignore using private api.
const original = SchemaType.prototype.castForQueryWrapper;
// #ts-ignore using private api.
SchemaType.prototype.castForQueryWrapper = function () {
try {
return original.apply(this, arguments);
} catch (e) {
if ((e.message as string).startsWith('Cast to ObjectId failed')) {
return arguments[0].val;
throw e;
I went with an adaptation of the #gustavohenke solution, implementing cast ObjectId in a try-catch wrapped around the original code to leverage the failure of ObjectId casting as a validation method. = function(id, res) {
try {
var _id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId.fromString(id);
// the original code stays the same, with _id instead of id:
this.model.findById(_id, function(err, doc) {
if (err) {
throw err;
if (!doc) {
return res.send(doc);
} catch (err) {
res.json(404, err);
This is an old question but you can also use express-validator package to check request params
express-validator version 4 (latest):
validator = require('express-validator/check');
app.get('/show/:id', [
], function(req, res) {
// validation result
var errors = validator.validationResult(req);
// check if there are errors
if ( !errors.isEmpty() ) {
return res.send('404');
// else
model.findById(, function(err, doc) {
return res.send(doc);
express-validator version 3:
var expressValidator = require('express-validator');
app.get('/show/:id', function(req, res, next) {
// validation result
req.getValidationResult().then(function(result) {
// check if there are errors
if ( !result.isEmpty() ) {
return res.send('404');
// else
model.findById(, function(err, doc) {
return res.send(doc);
Always use mongoose.Types.ObjectId('your id')for conditions in your query it will validate the id field before running your query as a result your app will not crash.
I was having problems with this and fixed doing mongoose.ObjectId(id) without Types
ObjectId is composed of following things.
a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch
a 5-byte random value (Machine ID 3 bytes and Processor id 2 bytes)
a 3-byte counter, starting with a random
Correct way to validate if the objectId is valid is by using static method from ObjectId class itself.
In my case, similar routes caused this problem.
Router.get("/:id", getUserById);
In above code, whenever a get request to route "/myBookings" is made, it goes to the first route where is equals to "myBookings" which is not a valid ObjectId.
It can be corrected by making path of both routes different.
Something like this
Router.get("/user/:id", getUserById);
You are having the castError because the next route you called after the id route could not be attached to the id route.
You have to declare the id route as one last route.
The way I fix this problem is by transforming the id into a string
I like it fancy with the backtick:
this should fix the problem with no overhead
it would be best if you now used the :
{id: id} // if you have an id property defined
{_id: new ObjectId(id)} // and search for the default mongodb _id
OR you can do this
var ObjectId = require('mongoose').Types.ObjectId;
var objId = new ObjectId( (param.length < 12) ? "123456789012" : param );
as mentioned here Mongoose's find method with $or condition does not work properly
Cast string to ObjectId
import mongoose from "mongoose"; // ES6 or above
const mongoose = require('mongoose'); // ES5 or below
let userid = _id
console.log(mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userid)) //5c516fae4e6a1c1cfce18d77
Detecting and Correcting the ObjectID Error
I stumbled into this problem when trying to delete an item using mongoose and got the same error. After looking over the return string, I found there were some extra spaces inside the returned string which caused the error for me. So, I applied a few of the answers provided here to detect the erroneous id then remove the extra spaces from the string. Here is the code that worked for me to finally resolve the issue.
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
mongoose.set('useFindAndModify', false); //was set due to DeprecationWarning: Mongoose: `findOneAndUpdate()` and `findOneAndDelete()` without the `useFindAndModify`"/delete", function(req, res){
let checkedItem = req.body.deleteItem;
if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(checkedItem)) {
checkedItem = checkedItem.replace(/\s/g, '');
Item.findByIdAndRemove(checkedItem, function(err) {
if (!err) {
console.log("Successfully Deleted " + checkedItem);
This worked for me and I assume if other items start to appear in the return string they can be removed in a similar way.
I hope this helps.
I had the same error, but in a different situation than in the question, but maybe it will be useful to someone.
The problem was adding buckles:
const gamesArray = [myId];
const player = await Player.findByIdAndUpdate(req.player._id, {
gamesId: [gamesArray]
}, { new: true }
const gamesArray = [myId];
const player = await Player.findByIdAndUpdate(req.player._id, {
gamesId: gamesArray
}, { new: true }
In my case the parameter id length was 25, So I trimmed first character of parameter id and tried. It worked.
const paramId =;
if(paramId.length === 25){
const _id = paramId.substring(1, 25);
To change the string object to ObjectId instance fromString() method is not exist anymore. There is a new method createFromHexString().
const _id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId.fromString(id); // old method not available
const _id = mongoose.Types.ObjectId.createFromHexString(id); // new method.
could happen if you are sending less or more then 24 characters string as id

Unable to extract collection names from mongodb

I have a mongodb (simple_demo) with an employee collection inside.
I am trying to connect to node JS and list the collections inside the simple_demo db.
I tried doing this but nothing came back. it just shows [].
Am wondering if I did anything wrong?
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var db = mongoose.connection;
db.on('open', function () {
console.log("connection ok");
db.db.listCollections().toArray(function (err, names) {
console.log(names); // [{ name: 'dbname.myCollection' }]
module.exports.Collection = names;
Good day
Your code works. Check your database.

Node js adding new property to a array of objects when returning from mongoose collection

I am creating app using nodejs, express, mongoose. And mongodb.user is the mongoose schema model and I am trying to fetch user array of objects, that query is perfect and my problem is I want to add new property for each user. I have tried as follows. But it does not add to the collection.
exports.memberlist = function(req, res) {
user.find({}).exec(function(err, collection) {
collection.forEach(function(member){ = 'Colombo';
you can do like this
in Schema level create create virtual property
userSchema.virtual('city').get(function () {
return 'Colombo';
in controller level
exports.memberlist = function(req, res,next)
user.find({}).exec(function(err, users)
res.json(200, users.toObject({virtual: true}));
By default, Mongoose doesn't allow to add a property to an object extracted from MongoDB DB. To do so, you have two alternatives :
1/ before exec statement you add a lean() method :
user.find({}).lean().exec(function(err, collection) {do whatever you want with collection}
2/ collection = collection.toObject();

Mongoose Returned Model can't be updated

I'm pretty new to Mongoose/Mongo and node.js, so I suspect this is just a misunderstanding on my side, but...
The code sample below is the smallest failing example, not specifically my use case.
var User = app.db.model('User');
User.find({email: ''}, function (err, models) {
models[0].update(function(err, mod) {
This results in the following error: After applying the update to the document {_id: ObjectId('54647402cb955748153ea782') , ...}, the (immutable) field '_id' was found to have been altered to _id: ObjectId('546d9e0e539ed9ec102348f9')
Why is this happening? I would have thought calling update on the model returned from the initial find would have been fine.
Please note: in my use case there are things happening in between the find and the update. Specifically, I'm doing something similar to:
Which I then want to commit via the update.
I'm sure this is a straight-forward issue, but I can't see anywhere in the docs I may be getting it wrong.
All help appreciated.
What I actually needed to do was:
var User = app.db.model('User');
User.find({email: ''}, function (err, models) {
models[0].save(function(err, mod) {
Using 'save' rather than 'update'
I don't know if I understood
Find and Update ( for example using express )
var email =;
User.find({email:email}, req.body, function(err,user){
throw err;
//you do stuff like this
var obj = {
password:'new pass',
//use save if you want validate
User.update(user[0],obj,function(err, mod) {
Only Update: ( for example using express )
User.update({email:email}, req.body, {}, function(err,user){
throw err;
res.send(200, {
message : 'User updated ' + user
Remember that:
A model is a compiled version of the schema.
I hope this can help you

mongo on nodejs collection not found

I connect to a database and receive a client.
The next step is to create a collection (table).
db.createCollection("test", function(err, collection){ //I also tried db.collection(...
collection.insert({"test":"value"}, function(error, model){console.log(model)});
else if(err!=null)
Now I would have created a collection "test" as well as a document(row) "test" in it.
Next is to get the content of the collection:
db.test.find({}); //An empty query document ({}) selects all documents in the collection
Here I get the error: Cannot call "find" of undefined . So, what did I do wrong?
Edit: I connect to the database this way:
var mongoClient = new MongoClient(new Server("localhost", 27017, {native_parser:true}));,mongoclient){
var db = mongoclient.db("box_tests");
else if(err!=null)
In the mongo command line you can use db.test.find({}) but in javascript there is no way to replicate that interface so far (maybe with harmonies proxies some day).
So it throws an error Cannot call "find" of undefined because there is no test in db.
The api for the node.js driver of mongodb is like this:
db.collection('test').find({}).toArray(function (err, docs) {
//you have all the docs here.
Another complete example:
//this how you get a reference to the collection object:
var testColl = db.collection('test');
testColl.insert({ foo: 'bar' }, function (err, inserted) {
//the document is inserted at this point.
//Let's try to query
testColl.find({}).toArray(function (err, docs) {
//you have all the docs in the collection at this point
Also remember that mongodb is schema-less and you don't need to create the collections ahead of time. There are few specific cases like creating a capped collection and few others.
If you call db.test.find "next" after the db.createCollection block it ends up being immediately next before db.createCollection succeeds. So at that point, db.test is undefined.
Remember that node is async.
To get the results I believe you are expecting, db.test.find would have to be in the collection.insert callback where you're calling console.log(model).
db.createCollection("test", function(err, collection){
// only at this point does db.test exist
collection.insert({"test":"value"}, function(error, model){
// collection and inserted data available here
else if(err!=null)
// code here executes immediately after you call createCollection but before it finishes
Checkout the node async.js module. Good writeup here:
