"Permission denied" reading from a process-substitution FIFO in an unprivileged child process - linux

Consider the following, observed with bash 4.4 on a Linux 3.19 kernel:
# in reality, this may access files "nobody" isn't allowed
get_a_secret() { printf '%s\n' "This is a secret"; }
# attach a process substitution reading the secret to FD 10
exec 10< <(get_a_secret)
# run a less-privileged program that needs the secret, passing it the file descriptor.
chpst -u nobody:nobody -- cat /dev/fd/10
...or the shorter/simpler:
chpst -u nobody:nobody -- cat <(get_a_secret)
Either fails in a manner akin to the following:
cat: /proc/self/fd/10: Permission denied
So, two branches to this question:
What's going on here?
Is there a way to get the desired behavior (passing the ability to read the secret through to the single child process being invoked in a way that doesn't persistently expose that secret to other processes running as "nobody") without exposing the FIFO's output to other processes?
(Yes, I'm well aware that I need to lock down ptrace and /proc/*/mem to prevent another process running as "nobody" from pulling the secret out of the client as it's being read; that said, that's (1) something I can do, and (2) when the process is only run before any potentially-attacker-controlled executables are invoked, less exposure than allowing any process running as nobody to pull the secret out of /proc/*/environ for the full duration of that process).

The following workaround avoids this issue:
exec 10< <(get_a_secret)
chpst -u nobody:nobody -- sh -c 'cat <&10'
Note the redirection being written as <&10 -- not </dev/fd/10 or </proc/self/fd/10 (on platforms which provide /dev/fd -- on platforms without this facility, bash rewrites it into a fdup2() call).
An answer with an explanation of the behavior (and perhaps a workaround that allows programs that don't accept a FD number as input to act on the read side?) would be in a position to supercede this one. :)


Is it possible to pass input to a running service or daemon?

I want to create a Java console application that runs as a daemon on Linux, I have created the application and the script to run the application as a background daemon. The application runs and waits for command line input.
My question:
Is it possible to pass command line input to a running daemon?
On Linux, all running processes have a special directory under /proc containing information and hooks into the process. Each subdirectory of /proc is the PID of a running process. So if you know the PID of a particular process you can get information about it. E.g.:
$ sleep 100 & ls /proc/$!
Of note is the fd directory, which contains all the file descriptors associated with the process. 0, 1, and 2 exist for (almost?) all processes, and 0 is the default stdin. So writing to /proc/$PID/fd/0 will write to that process' stdin.
A more robust alternative is to set up a named pipe connected to your process' stdin; then you can write to that pipe and the process will read it without needing to rely on the /proc file system.
See also Writing to stdin of background process on ServerFault.
The accepted answer above didn't quite work for me, so here's my implementation.
For context I'm running a Minecraft server on a Linux daemon managed with systemctl. I wanted to be able to send commands to stdin (StandardInput).
First, use mkfifo /home/user/server_input to create a FIFO file somewhere (also known as the 'named pipe' solution mentioned above).
Then, in your daemon *.service file, execute the bash script that runs your server or background program and set the StandardInput directive to the FIFO file we just created.
In minecraft.sh, the following is the key command that runs the server and gets input piped into the console of the running service.
tail -f /home/user/server_input| java -Xms1024M -Xmx4096M -jar /path/to/server.jar nogui
Finally, run systemctl start your_daemon_service and to pass input commands simply use:
echo "command" > /home/user/server_input
Creds to the answers given on ServerFault

How Can I Intercept Exec Calls in Linux?

tl;dr: I'm hoping to wrap all application executions with something that checks Caps Lock, and depending on its state, either let's the application pass through as normal, or pass the executable (and its env and args) to another app.
Long Story: I have an Optimus laptop and want a trivial way, that involves the least amount of work from a UX standpoint, to tell an application to use either the Intel graphics, or the Nvidia GPU.
I actually have a (very rough) working prototype here:
if [[ -z `xset q | grep -o 'Caps Lock: on'` ]]; then
notify-send -u low -t 5000 -a 'Steam' -i 'steam' -c game 'Steam' 'GPU: intel'
notify-send -u low -t 5000 -a 'Steam' -i 'steam' -c game 'Steam' 'GPU: nvidia'
primusrun steam
But, even if I generalized this by using $0, symlinks, and other fun shell magic, this isn't sufficient for all scenarios. Some apps appear to fork in ways that prevent primusrun (and what it puts in the env) from following the entire execution chain. I currently get around this by executing a shell primusrun xfce4-terminal, and then executing those apps from there. (Even this, though, fails when an app uses a daemon process to execute apps, separate from whatever I'm executing. In these cases, I have to restart those daemon's with primusrun... which I really dislike doing.)
If I were to do it without help, I would use LD_PRELOAD to hijack low-level calls to exec* to inject my wrapper. Which sounds like a lot of work for something that you clever people probably know of better ways of doing. ;)

Alias <cmd> to "do X then <cmd>" transparently

The title sucks but I'm not sure of the correct term for what I'm trying to do, if I knew that I'd probably have found the answer by now!
The problem:
Due to an over-zealous port scanner (customer's network monitor) and an overly simplistic telnet daemon (busybox linux) every time port 23 gets scanned, telnetd launches another instance of /bin/login waiting for user input via telnet.
As the port scanner doesn't actually try to login, there is no session, so there can be no session timeout, so we quickly end up with a squillion zombie copies of /bin/login running.
What I'm trying to do about it:
telnetd gives us the option (-l) of launching some other thing rather than /bin/login so I thought we could replace /bin/login with a bash script that kills old login processes then runs /bin/login as normal:
# First kill off any existing dangling logins
# /bin/login disappears on successful login so
# there should only ever be one
killall -q login
# now run login
But this seems to return immediately (no error, but no login prompt). I also tried just chaining the commands in telnetd's arguments:
telnetd -- -l "killall -q login;/bin/login"
But this doesn't seem to work either (again - no error, but no login prompt). I'm sure there's some obvious wrinkle I'm missing here.
System is embedded Linux 2.6.x running Busybox so keeping it simple is the greatly preferred option.
EDIT: OK I'm a prat for not making the script executable, with that done I get the login: prompt but after entering the username I get nothing further.
Check that your script has the execute bit set. Permissions should be the same as for the original binary including ownership.
As for -l: My guess is that it tries to execute the command killall -q login;/bin/login (that's one word).
Since this is an embedded system, it might not write logs. But you should check /var/log anyway for error messages. If there are none, you should be able to configure it using the documentation: http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/howto/log.overview
Right, I fixed it, as I suspected there was a wrinkle I was missing:
exec /bin/login
I needed exec to hand control over to /bin/login rather than just call it.
So the telnet daemon is started thusly:
/usr/sbin/telnetd -l /usr/sbin/not_really_login
The contents of the not-really-login script are:
echo -n "Killing old logins..."
killall -q login
echo "...done"
exec /bin/login
And all works as it should, on telnet connect we get this:
**MOTD Etc...**
Killing old logins......done
login: zero_cool
And we can login as usual.
The only thing I haven't figured out is if we can detect the exit-status of /bin/login (if we killed it) and print a message saying Too slow, sucker! or similar. TBH though, that's a nicety that can wait for a rainy day, I'm just happy our stuff can't be DDOS'ed over Telnet anymore!

strace entire operating system to get strace logs of all processes simultaneously

Currently, I am taking up the long method of doing this by getting a list of processes using the following command
sudo ps -eo pid,command | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}' > pids.txt
And then iterating through the process ids and executing in background the strace of each process and generating logs for each process with the process id in the log's extension
while read -r line
chmod +x straceProgram.sh
./straceProgram.sh $line &
done < "$filename"
sudo strace -p $pid -o log.$pid
However, the problem with this approach is that if there is any new process which gets started, it will not be straced since the strace is on the process ids stored in the pids.txt during the first run.
The list of pids.txt can be updated with new process ids, however, I was inquisitive on running a strace at an operating system level which would strace all the activities being performed.
Could there be a better way to do this?
If your resulting filesystem is going to be a kernel filesystem driver, I would recommend using tracefs to gather the information you require. I would recommend against making this a kernel filesystem unless you have a lot of time and a lot of testing resources. It is not trivial.
If you want an easier, safer alternative, write your filesystem using fuse. The downside is that performance is not quite as good and there are a few places where it cannot be used, but it is often acceptable. Note that there is already an implementation of a logging filesystem under fuse.
use the strace -f (fork) option, also I suggest the -s 9999 for more details

linux: suspend process at startup

I would like to spawn a process suspended, possibly in the context of another user (e.g. via sudo -u ...), set up some iptables rules for the spawned process, continue running the process, and remove the iptable rules when the process exists.
Is there any standart means (bash, corutils, etc.) that allows me to achieve the above? In particular, how can I spawn a process in a suspended state and get its pid?
Write a wrapper script start-stopped.sh like this:
kill -STOP $$ # suspend myself
# ... until I receive SIGCONT
exec $# # exec argument list
And then call it like:
sudo -u $SOME_USER start-stopped.sh mycommand & # start mycommand in stopped state
setup_iptables $MYCOMMAND_PID # use its PID to setup iptables
sudo -u $SOME_USER kill -CONT $MYCOMMAND_PID # make mycommand continue
wait $MYCOMMAND_PID # wait for its termination
teardown_iptables # remove iptables rules
report $MYCOMMAND_EXIT_STATUS # report errors, if necessary
All this is overkill, however. You don't need to spawn your process in a suspended state to get the job done. Just make a wrapper script setup_iptables_and_start:
setup_iptables $$ # use my own PID to setup iptables
exec sudo -u $SOME_USER $# # exec'ed command will have same PID
And then call it like
setup_iptables_and_start mycommand || report errors
You can write a C wrapper for your program that will do something like this :
fork and print child pid.
In the child, wait for user to press Enter. This puts the child in sleep and you can add the rules with the pid.
Once rules are added, user presses enter. The child runs your original program, either using exec or system.
Will this work?
Actually you can do above procedure with a shell script. Try following bash script:
echo "Pid is $$"
echo -n "Press Enter.."
exec $#
You can run this as /bin/bash ./run.sh <your command>
One way to do it is to enlist gdb to pause the program at the start of its main function (using the command "break main"). This will guarantee that the process is suspended fast enough (although some initialisation routines can run before main, they probably won't do anything relevant). However, for this you will need debugging information for the program you want to start suspended.
I suggest you try this manually first, see how it works, and then work out how to script what you've done.
Alternatively, it may be possible to constrain the process (if indeed that is what you're trying to do!) without using iptables, using SELinux or a ptrace-based tool like sydbox instead.
I suppose you could write a util yourself that forks, and wherein the child of the fork suspends itself just before doing an exec. Otherwise, consider using an LD_PRELOAD lib to do your 'custom' business.
If you care about making that secure, you should probably look at bigger guns (with chroot, perhaps paravirtualization, user mode linux etc. etc);
Last tip: if you don't mind doing some more coding, the ptrace interface should allow you to do what you describe (since it is used to implement debuggers with)
You probably need the PID of a program you're starting, before that program actually starts running. You could do it like this.
Start a plain script
Force the script to wait
You can probably use suspend which is a bash builitin but in the worst case you can make it stop itself with a signal
Use the PID of the bash process in every way you want
Restart the stopped bash process (SIGCONT) and do an exec - another builtin - starting your real process (it will inherit the PID)
