Homebrew install of node 8 installs npm v4 instead of v5 - node.js

From what I understand npm v5 should be included with node v8, like mentioned in the node release blog. However, after successfully installing node v8 via homebrew, the npm version is still 4.2.0.
I initially upgraded from node v7, but a clean install yields the same result. Running brew doctor didn't help and I can't find any open issues on either the node or homebrew projects.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The issue is resolved, brew install node now correctly installs npm v5 :)


Error npm is known not to run on Node.js v10.24.1 and how to fix it, don't update to the latest version?

I run : npm run dev
Error : npm is known not to run on Node.js v10.24.1
I have researched and know the command: npm install -g npm#latest and some other commands to fix the problem
But the problem is that my project is using nodejs 10 so it can't use the latest nodejs. So is there any way to fix the above error. Thank you
I use nvm to install and manage versions of nodejs. And my OS is macOs
The problem for me was upgrading my global version of npm while on an incompatible version of Node (8.16.1).
I tried to uninstall npm globally but that also didn't work because I could not use the npm command.
To fix it, I used nvm to switch to a compatible version of Node (nvm use 14.0.0 - this can be any version of Node compatible with the npm version you have installed globally). This allowed me to run npm commands so I ran npm uninstall -g npm first of all to remove my global version of npm and then nvm uninstall 8.16.1 to remove my faulty Node version.
I was then able to reinstall Node 8.16.1 (nvm install 8.16.1), and with it came a fresh install of a compatible npm version.
I happen to work on a project that builds on node 10 as well.
More details would have been helpful to understand the problem better but I suspect it's a compatibility issue.
Try these:
Download and install the latest version of nodejs.
Open you terminal and verify you have the latest version using node -v. Verify your npm version too using npm -v.
Since you have nvm installed, run nvm install 10, then nvm use 10.
Verify your versions again. In my case, node is v10.24.1 & npm is 6.14.12.
Start your app using npm run dev. Please check you package.json to be sure you are using the right startup command.
I was having the same problem, I ran the command and it solved the problem with NPM
sudo n latest
Node: v10.19.0
NPM: 8.9.0
I performed an upgrade of npm by mistake and run into the same issue.
The only way to solve for me was to delete the two following directories:
npm is known not to run on Node.js v10.24.1 comes when normally people upgrade the version of npm to latest or recent ones, but when it comes to node 10 version you can use npm version 6.4.1 or 6 series. Normally npm 6.4.1 will come with node js 10.24.1 but if you have given any npm update cmd you need to go to C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming and delete npm and npm cache folders then delete npm folders in C:\Users\username\AppData\local then check the npm version using npm -v. After doing this install the angular version
Thanks #Oduola Olumide Sunday for the response. I have followed your way but still not solved the problem.
And I fix it by removing the latest nodejs version and using the normal node v10.24.1
enter link description here ->
I removed the latest nodejs version with this
This error happens when your npm version is not what you think it is...
For instance, you download a nodejs pkg and install. Run node -v, npm -v... npm -v provides the error that brought you here.
This means your aren't using the version the nodejs pkg installed, but some remnant somewhere- from other install attempts.
In my case, I had a Homebrew installed version of npm that I didn't realize existed.
You can find the locations, at least on mac, using the 'where' command.
where npm
Which will return path(s) of your npm locations. Find the one that doesn't belong and give it the boot.
Then your npm -v will return the expected version number output.
Now you can execute npm commands.
I had the same problem.
I was using node 12 with nvm
Then, I switched to node 16, uninstalled the version 12 with nvm uninstall 12 and then I installed it again with nvm install 12 and it is working fine
For nvm used under macOS, I solve this issue in this way
First, run nvm ls-remote to get the latest version of v10
-> v10.24.1 (Latest LTS: Dubnium)
Then install the latest version of v10 through
nvm install 10.24.1 --latest-npm
In case anyone here needs to install an npm version (7.24.2) that does support node 10, rather than upgrade node.
Here is what I did:
url=`(curl -qSsL https://registry.npmjs.org/npm/7.24.2; echo "") | sed -e 's/^.*tarball":"//' | sed -e 's/".*$//'`
curl -qSsL -o npm.tgz "$url"
bin/npm-cli.js install -gf ../npm.tgz # in case npm is not installed where "which npm" points to, you might need to add --prefix=$(which npm | sed 's/\/bin\/npm//')
The reference is the installation script of 7.24.2 https://github.com/npm/cli/blob/v7.24.2/scripts/install.sh
In my case I had put ^ in one of the package version in my package.json. Which takes latest version of that library and it was not compatible to older npm version which caused me this error.
Remove all ^ from package versions and try again.
your nodejs version should come with its own npm that it supports.so if your machine has issues finding the npm version go to cdrive C:\Users\Machine name\AppData\Roaming
delete npm and npm cache folders.
Try below command
brew install node
npm install
None of the tips I found here helped.
I had to reinstall nvm.

NG command is displaying incorrect node version

I am getting below error when I tried to use ng command
Node.js version v11.13.0 detected.
The Angular CLI requires a minimum Node.js version of either v10.13 or v12.0.
Please update your Node.js version or visit https://nodejs.org/ for additional instructions.
When I try to see the node version using node -v, I see node version on my machine is v12.18.3
So from where ng is getting v11.13.0? How do I resolve this issue?
I tried below steps
Clear the NPM cache
Uninstall both node versions from the NVM
Uninstall anything that starts with node in Control Panel\Programs and Features
Install required node versions in NVM
Install Angular CLI
and things started working for me.
Had the same issue. It turns out installed Angular CLI was not compatible with the installed node and npm version. I used the https://stackoverflow.com/a/60258560 to check the compatibility. Then performed following steps:
Uninstall Angular cli
Uninstall Node and NVM
Installed Node version I wanted (10.x).
Installed specific Angular version corresponding to Node v10 which was Angular Cli v11 at this time.
I was also facing the same issue in my Windows machine where the node -v version and the version picked up by ng command were different. This was because my node.js command prompt was picking the version from AppData\Roaming\npm folder. Cleaning up this folder fixed the issue for me.
Uninstall node
Empty the contents from C:\Users<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm
Install the required node version

Ionic framework installing issue

I install node js then i put the command on prompt 'npm install -g ionic'
but i am facing issue ionic is not install properly in my system can you please help me?
You are using old version of NodeJS (4.4.6), Ionic needs for proper functioning at least node >= 6.4.0. As stated in log information.
Try installing newer version.
you are using a old node version. Please update Your node version. also make sure you install a LTS version. you can check your node version with this command
node --version

nodejs 4.2.6 not getting updated to latest version

I installed Node and npm as they are required to install angular cli.
Now, if I type this command:
npm install -g angular-cli
I get this message in terminal:
ERROR: npm is known not to run on Node.js v4.2.6 Node.js 4 is supported but the specific version you're running has a bug known to break npm. Please update to at least 4.7.0 to use this version of npm. You can find the latest release of Node.js at https://nodejs.org/
I also followed this link, but still the issue is not resolved.
I tried removing node, npm and then reinstalling, updating node according to all the ways I found on internet, but still the version(4.2.6) is same.
I don't understand what I am doing wrong as I am new to Linux.
Surprisingly, npm is quite complicated in Linux, until you discover Node Version Manager which allows you to easily install new versions and swap between them.
After installing nvm, you can install any node version with nvm install <VERSION_NUMBER> and you can set it as default with nvm alias default <VERSION_NUMBER>
You can swap between versions using nvm use <VERSION_NUMBER>

How to Update node.js from 0.10.xx to 4.6?

I've install node in my Laravel project using yum --enablerepo=epel install nodejs npm.
node -v tells me i'm at version v0.10.36
Now I wanted version 4.6, but not sure how to get it installed.
Then I found these instructions, tried them:
npm cache clean -f
npm install -g n
n stable
and got:
install : node-v6.6.0
mkdir : /usr/local/n/versions/node/6.6.0
fetch : https://nodejs.org/dist/v6.6.0/node-v6.6.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
######################################################################## 100.0%
installed : v6.6.0
When I do node -v, I still get v0.10.36
Should I uninstall node with yum and try something else?
Will uninstalling break something in my Laravel project?
Try removing node first, then do a clean install.
Use nvm https://github.com/creationix/nvm which is the Node Version Manager. It makes it much easier to switch versions. Then you will need to test your code again to see if there are any breaking compatibility issues and review the newer version of the docs.
BTW as of writing, Node v7 is in beta and brings some significant optimizations over the version you are currently upgrading too.
