How to handle 3rd Party assembly internally calling AutoMapper Initialize -

I make use of a 3rd party DLL which internally uses AutoMapper and initializes it with AutoMapper.Initialize() but then from what I understand, I cannot also call Initialize() as it clear existing maps.
What is the best solution for a 3rd party to use AutoMapper without conflicting with my own code?
Or another way.. how should a shared assembly set itself up with AutoMapper which guarantees it's own profiles are initializes but allows the consumer of that assembly to initialize it's own profiles?
Should the 3rd party assembly just define it's profiles and rely on the calling code to initialize all enabled profiles - manually adding profiles from the 3rd part assembly?
I am using AutoMapper 5.1 at the moment.

The best way to do this is not to use the static instance of Mapper - create your own, and use Dependency Injection to inject an instance of IMapper wherever you need to use AutoMapper. This also makes it a lot easier to test your code.
This is how I do things using autofac as my DI container:
builder.Register<IMapper>(c =>
var profiles = c.Resolve<IEnumerable<Profile>>();
var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
foreach (var profile in profiles)
return config.CreateMapper();
This way, whenever I need to use automapper, I just add it to my constructor:
public class MyClass
private readonly IMapper _mapper;
public MyClass(IMapper mapper)
_mapper = mapper;
public void DoSomething()
var mapped = _mapper.Map<Dto>(....);


HttpClient wrapper with Autofac for Web API

I have inherited a stub project which is a HttpClient wrapper specific to an API enpoint we maintain.
The intention is to distribute this solution as nuget to other .NET teams that would need to consume the API endpoint.
Looking at the Autofac wire-up as a Module below - my question is would the consumer do this:
var client = PlayersAPIHttpClientModule("http:/");
How does this setup facilitate the consumer to pass the base URI and then access the GetPlayerInformation method?
using Autofac;
using AutoMapper;
using Alpha.Domain.Players;
using System.Net.Http;
namespace Alpha.Clients.Players
public class PlayersAPIHttpClientModule : Module
private readonly string _serviceBaseUrl;
public PlayersAPIHttpClientModule(string serviceBaseUrl)
this._serviceBaseUrl = serviceBaseUrl;
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
builder.Register(ctx =>
var serviceClient = new HttpClient
BaseAddress =
new System.Uri(this._serviceBaseUrl)
return new
This is the interface shared with the core domain.
public interface IPlayerDomainManager
IPlayer GetPlayerInformation (string playerId);
And this is the class itself with the exposed method functionality.
internal class PlayerDomainManager : IPlayerDomainManager
private readonly HttpClient _client;
private readonly IMappingEngine _mapper;
public PlayerDomainManager(HttpClient client, IMappingEngine mapper)
this._client = client;
this._mapper = mapper;
public IPlayer GetPlayerInformation(string playerId)
var response = this._client
"/players/" + playerId),
As described in the AutoFac Module documentation:
A module is a small class that can be used to bundle up a set of
related components behind a 'facade' to simplify configuration and
deployment. The module exposes a deliberate, restricted set of
configuration parameters that can vary independently of the components
used to implement the module.
As per the common use cases of Modules as described in the documentation, a common use case is to:
Configure related services that provide a subsystem, e.g. data access
with NHibernate
In the case of your code base, the PlayersAPIHttpClientModule is configuring the PlayerDomainManager as a service that implements the IPlayerDomainManager and configuring its lifetime to act as a singleton. The benefit is that the Module allows the deeply buried configuration requirement of the PlayerDomainManager (the base service url that in turn is required by one of its dependencies) to be surfaced as configuration centralised to the Modules constructor. This benefit would be more obvious if the configuration was more complex.
Modules need to be registered with AutoFac as per any other dependency:
builder.RegisterModule(new PlayersAPIHttpClientModule("base_service_url));
In turn, the services they configure are resolved using standard AutoFac dependency resolution.
So, to answer your question, no you would not use the PlayersAPIHttpClientModule as per your question.
Register the PlayersAPIHttpClientModule with the AutoFac ContainerBuilder
Use the AutoFac Container to resolve the IDomainPlayerManager as required

Using MappingEngine throws exception

I'm maintaining an app which is using AutoMapper like this:
public class UserDomainService
public UserDTO GetUser(int id)
Mapper.CreateMap<User, UserDTO>();
var user = ....;
return Mapper.Map<User, UserDTO>(user);
This domain service is used by web-services.
I think it can be a problem when two web-service requests come in and on separate threads Reset and Map are called.
The Mapper can become in a state where the Map() fails.
I know I should probably setup CreateMap() mappings in Application_Start, but for now I am trying to do this:
public class UserDomainService
public UserDTO GetUser(int id)
var config = new AutoMapper.Configuration(new TypeMapFactory(), MapperRegistry.AllMappers());
config.CreateMap<User, UserDTO>();
var mapper = new MappingEngine(configuration);
var user = ....;
return mapper.Map<User, UserDTO>(user);
Leaving aside performance, is it anything which could potentially make the app crash?
Sometimes I am getting an exception like this:
System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Add(TKey key, TValue value)
at AutoMapper.TypeMapFactory.GetTypeInfo(Type type)
at AutoMapper.TypeMapFactory.CreateTypeMap(Type sourceType, Type destinationType, IMappingOptions options)
at AutoMapper.Configuration.CreateTypeMap(Type source, Type destination, String profileName)
at AutoMapper.Configuration.CreateMap[TSource,TDestination](String profileName)
at AutoMapper.Configuration.CreateMap[TSource,TDestination]()
Note that the above sample mapping is just an example.
I am using AutoMapper v1.1.0.188 in a 3.5 Net app.
There's a specific reason why it's not easy for me to put the configuration in the Application_Start.
I have different mapping requirements depending on the context. For example, for the same User to UserDTO, I need two different types of mapping.
It's the same problem described in this old question:
Where do I configure AutoMapper?
If you're using the static Mapper method, configuration should only happen once per AppDomain. That means the best place to put the configuration code is in application startup, such as the Global.asax file for ASP.NET applications. Typically, the configuration bootstrapper class is in its own class, and this bootstrapper class is called from the startup method.

Servicestack registration crashes with generic types

If I have a base class for my services like
public abstract class BaseService<T,R> : ServiceStack.ServiceInterface.Service
public R Get(T request)
Then service stack crashes with
An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
I think Servicestack should ignore the abstract generic classes when registering services. Is there any way to tell servicestack to ignore some service classes ?
By default, ServiceStack is including all types in the assemblies as candidates for services. It gets that exception when it tries to instantiate the class.
By overriding the CreateServiceManager in the host class, you can inject your own filtering of types so that abstract and unclosed generics are excluded.
protected override ServiceManager CreateServiceManager(params Assembly[] assembliesWithServices)
return new ServiceManager(
new Container(),
new ServiceController(
() =>
assembly => assembly.GetTypes().Where(t => !t.IsAbstract && !t.IsGenericTypeDefinition))));

C# 4, COM interop and UPnP: A trying triumvirate

I'm trying to write a bit of code (just for home use) that uses UPnP for NAT traversal, using C# 4 and Microsoft's COM-based NAT traversal API (Hnetcfg.dll).
Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) the last time I had to do COM interop in .NET was sometime around the last ice age, and I seem to be fundamentally confused about C#'s use of dynamic types for interop and how to write a callback (so that the COM server calls my managed code).
Here's an exciting few lines of code:
// Referencing COM NATUPNPLib ("NATUPnP 1.0 Type Library")
using System;
using NATUPNPLib;
class NATUPnPExample
public delegate void NewNumberOfEntriesDelegate(int lNewNumberOfEntries);
public static void NewNumberOfEntries(int lNewNumberOfEntries)
Console.WriteLine("New number of entries: {0}", lNewNumberOfEntries);
public static void Main(string[] args)
UPnPNAT nat = new UPnPNAT();
NewNumberOfEntriesDelegate numberOfEntriesCallback = NewNumberOfEntries;
nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = numberOfEntriesCallback;
nat.StaticPortMappingCollection.Add(4555, "TCP", 4555, "", true, "UPnPNAT Test");
// Presumably my NewNumberOfEntries() method should be called by the COM component about now
nat.StaticPortMappingCollection.Remove(4555, "TCP");
In the above code, the Add and Remove calls work absolutely fine. Terrific.
The trouble is, I would also like to know when the number of port mapping entries have changed, and to do so I need to register a callback interface (INATEventManager::put_NumberOfEntriesCallback), which must support the INATNumberOfEntriesCallback or IDispatch interfaces. VS2012's object browser describes INATEventManager::put_NumberOfEntriesCallback thusly:
dynamic NumberOfEntriesCallback { set; }
Right, so I was under the impression that in C# 4 I shouldn't have to decorate anything with fancy attributes and that I can register my callback simply by jamming a delegate into INATEventManager::put_NumberOfEntriesCallback in a vulgar manner and leaving .NET to worry about IDispatch and clear up the mess; but it appears that I'm terribly wrong.
So, er... What should I do to ensure my NewNumberOfEntries method is called?
I'm also slightly concerned that I can write nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = 1; or nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = "Sausages"; without an exception being thrown.
It seems that I was able to make it work. Two options - with a custom interface "INATNumberOfEntriesCallback" (which does not seem to be declared in the type library btw, you need to declare it yourself) and using plain dispatch with DispId(0). The conversion to the IDispatch/IUnknown is preformed by the framework automatically. So:
Option 1.
Declare the INATNumberOfEntriesCallback and make a callback class which implements that interface (the tricky part is Guid - it comes from the "Natupnp.h" file, and does not seem to appear to be in the type library).
// declare INATNumberOfEntriesCallback interface
public interface INATNumberOfEntriesCallback
void NewNumberOfEntries(int val);
// implement callback object
public class CallbackNewNumberOfEntries : INATNumberOfEntriesCallback
public void NewNumberOfEntries(int val)
Console.WriteLine("Number of entries changed: {0}", val);
class NATUPnPExample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var nat = new UPnPNAT();
nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = new CallbackNewNumberOfEntries();
nat.StaticPortMappingCollection.Add(4555, "TCP", 4555, "", true, "UPnPNAT Test");
// Presumably my NewNumberOfEntries() method should be called by the COM component about now
nat.StaticPortMappingCollection.Remove(4555, "TCP");
Option 2.
Use plain dispatch. The documentation says that you can use dispid(0) and it should be called, with 4 (!) parameters (see the remarks section in docs). So basically the following construction seems to work in "dispatch" way:
public class CallbackDisp
public void OnChange(string updateType, object obj, object name, object val)
Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1} = {2}", updateType, name, val);
class NATUPnPExample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var nat = new UPnPNAT();
nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = new CallbackDisp();
nat.StaticPortMappingCollection.Add(4555, "TCP", 4555, "", true, "UPnPNAT Test");
// Presumably my NewNumberOfEntries() method should be called by the COM component about now
nat.StaticPortMappingCollection.Remove(4555, "TCP");
I had the same problem you had, and since there isn't much help on the topic your posting helped tremendously! It wouldn't let me comment on your answer because I don't have enough points or whatever but your answer is the best, but doesn't quite work how I thought it would.
nat.NATEventManager.ExternalIPAddressCallback = new CallbackDisp();
Works, using the same dispatch, and will tell you when the external IP changes. HOWEVER,
nat.NATEventManager.NumberOfEntriesCallback = new CallbackDisp();
only reports UPnP map changes from these conditions: A.) It was added/removed by the NATUPnP instance.. In this case:
OR B.) it was already mapped when the instance was created:
var nat = new UPnPNAT();
As an example, if Utorrent was running when you started your program and you you had something to block the program from exiting(Console.WriteLine();) for example.. When you exit Utorrent the callback would fire, and notify you of the map changes. Which is exactly what I wanted in the first place. However, if you re-open Utorrent, or any other app that uses UPnP it will NOT fire the callback, and will not notify you of the change.
Needless to say it has been very frustrating. If you figure it out please share! I know I can easily implement the functionality by polling the StaticPortMappingCollection at a given interval, but it seems a little 'hacky' to me.

How to force the order of Installer Execution

I have been building a new .NET solu­tion with Cas­tle per­form­ing my DI.
Its now at the stage where i would like to con­trol the order in which my installers run. I have built indi­vid­ual classes which implement IWind­sorIn­staller to han­dle my core types — eg IRepos­i­tory, IMap­per and ISer­vice to name a few.
I see that its suggested i implement my own Installer­Fac­tory (guessing i just override Select) in this class.
Then use this new factory in my call to:
FromAssembly.InDirectory(new AssemblyFilter("bin loca­tion"));
My ques­tion — when over­rid­ing the save method — what is the best way to force the order of my installers.
I know its already solved but I couldn't find any example on how to actually implement the InstallerFactory so here's a solution if anyone is googling for it.
How to use:
public class ImportantInstallerToRunFirst : IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, Castle.MicroKernel.SubSystems.Configuration.IConfigurationStore store)
// do registrations
Just add the InstallerPriority attribute with a priority to your "install-order-sensitive" classes. Installers will be sorted by ascending. Installers without priority will default to 100.
How to implement:
public class WindsorBootstrap : InstallerFactory
public override IEnumerable<Type> Select(IEnumerable<Type> installerTypes)
var retval = installerTypes.OrderBy(x => this.GetPriority(x));
return retval;
private int GetPriority(Type type)
var attribute = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(InstallerPriorityAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() as InstallerPriorityAttribute;
return attribute != null ? attribute.Priority : InstallerPriorityAttribute.DefaultPriority;
public sealed class InstallerPriorityAttribute : Attribute
public const int DefaultPriority = 100;
public int Priority { get; private set; }
public InstallerPriorityAttribute(int priority)
this.Priority = priority;
When starting application, global.asax etc:
container.Install(FromAssembly.This(new WindsorBootstrap()));
You can call your installers in the order they need to be instantiated in Global.asax.cs or e.g. in a Bootstrapper class, which is called from Global.asax.cs.
IWindsorContainer container = new WindsorContainer()
new LoggerInstaller() // No dependencies
, new PersistenceInstaller() // --""--
, new RepositoriesInstaller() // Depends on Persistence
, new ServicesInstaller() // Depends on Repositories
, new ControllersInstaller() // Depends on Services
They are instantiated in this order, and you can add a breakpoint after and check the container for "Potentially misconfigured components".
If there are any, check their Status->details, if not, it's the correct order.
This solution is quick and easy, the documentation mentions using a InstallerFactory Class for tighter control over your installers so if you have a ton of installers the other solution may fit better. (Using code as convention should not require tons of installers?)
In the end i had to use InstallerFactory and implement the ordering rules as suggested previously by returning the IEnumerable<Type> with my specific order
