I use Python3/pywinauto/and tested app - all are 64.
I got a error when I trying to expend a tree
tree_item = systreeview.GetItem([current_menu_item, u'xxxxxx'])
everything worked with 32 app.
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\pywinauto\controls\common_controls.py", line 1523, in get_item
texts = [r.text() for r in roots]
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\pywinauto\controls\common_controls.py", line 1523, in <listcomp>
texts = [r.text() for r in roots]
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\pywinauto\controls\common_controls.py", line 960, in text
return self._readitem()[1]
File "C:\Python36\lib\site-packages\pywinauto\controls\common_controls.py", line 1383, in _readitem
ctypes.ArgumentError: argument 4: <class 'OverflowError'>: int too long to convert*
It was a bug. Fixed now. Thank you everyone.
Fixed another way in pull request #373. pywinauto 0.6.3 is out with the fix.
Just replaced 2 remaining win32functions.SendMessage calls with self.send_message everywhere.
I'm trying to make this version work on my CPU (Linux):
And it works fine without any initial image. But when I try to pass an initial image, I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ideruga/workspace/stable_diffusion.openvino/demo.py", line 79, in <module>
File "/home/ideruga/workspace/stable_diffusion.openvino/demo.py", line 39, in main
image = engine(
File "/home/ideruga/workspace/stable_diffusion.openvino/stable_diffusion_engine.py", line 188, in __call__
noise_pred = result(self.unet.infer_new_request({
File "/home/ideruga/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/openvino/runtime/ie_api.py", line 266, in infer_new_request
return self.create_infer_request().infer(inputs)
File "/home/ideruga/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/openvino/runtime/ie_api.py", line 31, in set_scalar_tensor
request.set_tensor(key, tensor)
RuntimeError: [ PARAMETER_MISMATCH ] Failed to set input blob with precision: I64, if CNNNetwork input blob precision is: FP64
It's bizarre, because I am not messing with any parameters. It's as if model that it downloads is not compatible with parsed input image.
I've actually found a bug in the linked repository, I'll submit a fix later today. The used model expects f64 but is fed with i64 value. I'll post a comment with the PR when it's submitted.
I am resampling a few instruments with [pyalogtrade][1].
I have a base barfeed for 1-minute data, which is working fine
I have added a resampler to resample for 2 minutes, as follows:
class Strategy(strategy.BaseStrategy):
def __init__(self, instruments,feed, brk):
strategy.BaseStrategy.__init__(self, feed, brk)
self.__position = None
self.__instrument = instruments
self._resampledBF = self.resampleBarFeed(2 * bar.Frequency.MINUTE, self.resampledOnBar_2minute)
self.info ("initialised strategy")
I got this error:
2022-09-08 12:36:00,396 strategy [INFO] 1-MIN: INSTRUMENT1: Date: 2022-09-08 12:35:00+05:30 Open: 17765.55 High: 17774.5 Low: 17765.35 Close: 1777 myStrategy.run()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\strategy\__init__.py", line 514, in run
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\dispatcher.py", line 109, in run
eof, eventsDispatched = self.__dispatch()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\dispatcher.py", line 97, in __dispatch
if self.__dispatchSubject(subject, smallestDateTime):
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\dispatcher.py", line 75, in __dispatchSubject ret = subject.dispatch() is True
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\feed\__init__.py", line 106, in dispatch
dateTime, values = self.getNextValuesAndUpdateDS()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\feed\__init__.py", line 81, in getNextValuesAndUpdateDS
dateTime, values = self.getNextValues()
File "pyalgotrade\pyalgotrade\barfeed\__init__.py", line 101, in getNextValues
raise Exception(
Exception: Bar date times are not in order. Previous datetime was 2022-09-08 12:34:00+05:30 and current datetime is 2022-09-08 12:34:00+05:30
However, the error does not occur if the self._resampledBF = self.resampleBarFeed is commented out.
Also, on searching online, I found a similar report/ possible fix reported earlier on Google groups: https://groups.google.com/g/pyalgotrade/c/v9ht1Bfz5Ds/m/ojF8uH8sFwAJ
The solution recommended was:
Sorry never mind, I fixed it. Using current timestamp instead of the one from IB and that fixed it.
Not sure if this is has been resolved.
Would like to know how to resolve the error while resampling.
This was working not too long ago (probably inadvertently upgraded a library somewhere.) All of my libraries are up to date.
Here is the stack trace:
File "C:\Users\jorda\Documents\projects\python\poolBoy\flaskApp.py", line 422, in about
html += markdown.markdown(text, extensions=['md_mermaid', 'fenced_code', 'tables'])
File "C:\Users\jorda\Documents\projects\python\poolBoy\venv\lib\site-packages\markdown\core.py", line 386, in markdown
md = Markdown(**kwargs)
File "C:\Users\jorda\Documents\projects\python\poolBoy\venv\lib\site-packages\markdown\core.py", line 96, in __init__
self.registerExtensions(extensions=kwargs.get('extensions', []),
File "C:\Users\jorda\Documents\projects\python\poolBoy\venv\lib\site-packages\markdown\core.py", line 125, in registerExtensions
TypeError: MermaidExtension.extendMarkdown() missing 1 required positional argument: 'md_globals'
Any suggestions would be most appreciated!
Must have upgraded Markdown inadvertently. I added the following to my requirements and it is working fine now:
I see that several Python-package related files have gibberish at their end.
Due to this, I am unable to do several pip operations (even basic ones like "pip list").
(Usually, I use conda by the way)
For example. When I pressed pip list. I get the following error.
ERROR: Exception:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\shan_jaffry\Miniconda3\envs\SQL_version\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\cli\base_command.py", line 173, in _main
status = self.run(options, args)
File "C:\Users\shan_jaffry\Miniconda3\envs\SQL_version\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\commands\list.py", line 179, in run
self.output_package_listing(packages, options)
File "C:\Users\shan_jaffry\Miniconda3\envs\SQL_version\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\commands\list.py", line 255, in output_package_listing
data, header = format_for_columns(packages, options)
File "C:\Users\shan_jaffry\Miniconda3\envs\SQL_version\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\commands\list.py", line 307, in format_for_columns
row = [proj.raw_name, str(proj.version)]
File "C:\Users\shan_jaffry\Miniconda3\envs\SQL_version\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\metadata\base.py", line 163, in raw_name
return self.metadata.get("Name", self.canonical_name)
File "C:\Users\shan_jaffry\Miniconda3\envs\SQL_version\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\metadata\pkg_resources.py", line 96, in metadata
return get_metadata(self._dist)
File "C:\Users\shan_jaffry\Miniconda3\envs\SQL_version\lib\site-packages\pip\_internal\utils\packaging.py", line 48, in get_metadata
metadata = dist.get_metadata(metadata_name)
File "C:\Users\shan_jaffry\Miniconda3\envs\SQL_version\lib\site-packages\pip\_vendor\pkg_resources\__init__.py", line 1424, in get_metadata
return value.decode('utf-8')
UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xfd in position 14097: invalid start byte in METADATA file at path: c:\users\shan_jaffry\miniconda3\envs\sql_version\lib\site-packages\hupper-1.10.2.dist-info\METADATA
I went into the file META and found the following gibberish at the end. This (I found) has been done in several other files i.e. end of files are appended with gibberish and the actual thin is removed. Any help?
> 0.1 (2016-10-21)
> ================
> -
> - Initial rele9ýl·øA
I found that the by manually going to the site-packages folder, and removing the two folders, :: hupper and hupper-1.10.2.dist-info and then installing hupper again using "pip install hupper", problem was solved.
The issue was that the hupper package (and hupper-1.10.2.dist-info) were corrupted. Hence uninstall and re-install helped.
I can get SIFT keypoints and descriptors from two, seperate, large images (~2GB) when I run sift.detectAndCompute from the command line. I run it on one image, wait a very long time, but eventually get the keypoints and descriptors. Then I repeat for the second image, and again it takes a long time, but I DO eventually get my keypoints and descriptors. Here are the two lines I run from the IPython console in Spyder, which I am running on my machine with 32 GB of RAM. (MAX_MATCHES = 50000 in the code below):
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create(MAX_MATCHES)
keypoints, descriptors = sift.detectAndCompute(imgGray, None)
This takes 10 minutes to finish, but it does finish. Next, I run this:
keypoints2, descriptors2 = sift.detectAndCompute(refimgGray, None)
When done, keypoints and keypoints2 DO contain 50000 keypoint objects.
However, if I run my script, which calls a function that uses sift.detectAndCompute and returns keypoints and descriptors, the process takes a long time, uses 100% of my memory and ~95% of my disk BW and then fails with this traceback:
runfile('C:/AV GIS/python scripts/img_align_w_geo_w_mask_refactor_ret_1.py', wdir='C:/AV GIS/python scripts')
Reading reference image : C:\Users\kellett\Downloads\3074_transparent_mosaic_group1.tif
xfrm for image = (584505.1165100001, 0.027370000000000002, 0.0, 4559649.608440001, 0.0, -0.027370000000000002)
Reading image to align : C:\Users\kellett\Downloads\3071_transparent_mosaic_group1.tif
xfrm for image = (584499.92168, 0.02791, 0.0, 4559648.80372, 0.0, -0.02791)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<ipython-input-75-571660ddab7f>", line 1, in <module>
runfile('C:/AV GIS/python scripts/img_align_w_geo_w_mask_refactor_ret_1.py', wdir='C:/AV GIS/python scripts')
File "C:\Users\kellett\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\testgdal\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\spydercustomize.py", line 668, in runfile
execfile(filename, namespace)
File "C:\Users\kellett\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\envs\testgdal\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\customize\spydercustomize.py", line 108, in execfile
exec(compile(f.read(), filename, 'exec'), namespace)
File "C:/AV GIS/python scripts/img_align_w_geo_w_mask_refactor_ret_1.py", line 445, in <module>
matches = find_matches(refKP, refDesc, imgKP, imgDesc)
File "C:/AV GIS/python scripts/img_align_w_geo_w_mask_refactor_ret_1.py", line 301, in find_matches
matches = matcher.match(dsc1, dsc2)
error: C:\ci\opencv_1512688052760\work\modules\core\src\stat.cpp:4024: error: (-215) (type == 0 && dtype == 4) || dtype == 5 in function cv::batchDistance
The function is simply called once for each image thusly:
print("Reading image to align : ", imFilename);
img, imgGray, imgEdgmask, imgXfrm, imgGeoInfo = read_ortho4align(imFilename)
refKP, refDesc = extractKeypoints(refimgGray, refEdgmask)
imgKP, imgDesc = extractKeypoints(imgGray, imgEdgmask)
HERE IS MY QUESTION (sorry for shouting): Do you think Python tries to run the two lines above concurrently in some way? If so, how can I force it to run serially? If not, do you have any idea why the two keypoint detections would work individually, but not when they come one after another in a script?
One more clue - I put in a statement to see if the script proceeds to the second detectAndCompute statement before it fails, and it does. (I just put a print statement in between the two.)
My error was coming later in my script where I was finding matches.
I have no reason to believe the two SIFT keypoint finding processes are occurring at the same time.
I downsampled the images I was searching for SIFT keypoints and was able to iterate my troubleshooting more quickly and found my error.
I will look at my error more closely next time before asking a question.