Blogger mobile dynamic views .mobile custom class breaks web template - web

I work on a few blogger dynamic views sites. In order to use the mobile class you used to replace with : in the html. This allows for css customization. However now when you make this change, it allows my mobile site to use the styling I've set (like it always did) but it breaks my magazine web template changing it to the 'sidebar' template, which is completely trash for my purposes.
Anyone else notice this or find a work around. I know they're making changes periodically but this seems like a crazy glitch. I've let blogger know, but that doesn't help me in the mean time. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.


Adding onBlur and onFocus events

My company is currently looking into making our website "Web Accessible". I'm very rough when it comes to using Kentico (v8.2.50), but that's the CMS that is driving our site.
Running the front page through a Web Accessibility Checker, we encountered this warning on our main menu strip:
script not keyboard accessible - onmouseout missing onblur
onmouseover event handler missing onfocus event handler.
The fix sounds simple, but I'm not sure where to add these events. Has anyone had any experience with this?
It really depends on how your site has been put together. If the site has been built using the portal engine, you're probably able to find the markup that you're looking for in one of the transformations. There is a possibility that you're using the CMSListMenu control which for restricted flexibility in terms of markup. Without a little more information or a page to look at it is hard to tell.
As for looking through transformations, I can highly recommend Search for Kentico to help find things within the CMS, it's been invaluable on a number of occasions when looking for specific markup. What it can do is help you locate things within Kentico by very quickly looking through the templates and transformations etc.

Create website which has usefull information like videos, third party API for live information on education

I want to create a website which consists of videos which will be uploaded by the admin and many useful information which all will be uploaded by an admin.
I have got the domain name, remote LAMP server.
I have gone through many tutorials and I tired creating using Drupal 8. Website was fine but while creating a new existing module the whole thing got crashed and I don't want to goback and recover it since it is a big mess.
So I want to try from first keeping it very simple.
Kindly guide me to achieve this. I will put all my effort to learn it.
Any help any documents which will help me to create will be greatly accepted.
I am beginner in C++, html. Can you guys let me know how can I achieve in creating a website.
You can find your answer here on your own:
So there are various languages that are being used in the web that perform various purposed and hence you can choose what functionality do you need in your website and according to that you can write the code in that language.
Lets take a quick look at some of the most widely used languages of the web:
This is a Markup Language which can be used basically just for writing the content and displaying on your webpage. You can create too many pages and link them to form a website.
2: CSS
This language helps you design your webpage and thus makes your webpage look way too better. A site only written in html in not preferrable.
3: JavaScript
This language is a scripting language that helps you do various cool stuff like handling input events (like click, hover,etc), change the content of your webpage dynamically, bring popups , etc.
4: PHP
This scripting language is also being widely used as this lets you work with the forms and submit to a database. In fact, if you learn this language you can write the logic behind your own facebook and you can give it a face using HTML, CSS.
Once you are done learning all these languages, you can now learn some of the cool libraries like:
Bootstrap (for css, js)
Jquery (Javascript)

Adding a dynamically generated page as a partial view in an AngularJS app

I'm currently learning Node.js and AngularJS. To learn how to develop with these technologies, I've been playing with the Phone Catalog sample app found here.
The thing I can't figure out is, how to include a server-generated page in my views. Everything I see with Angular seems to be related to static .html. However, I would like a dynamic page that includes some code that's generated on the server. In other words, I would like to add something like
Is this even possible? For the life of me, I can't figure out how to add a server-side page as a partial.
Thank you
AngularJS don't differentiate between server-generated pages, and static pages. From browser's perspective it's all the same.
Just use your /app/partials/dynamicPhone as you would use a static template - only remember you can't use any query parameters with it (because it's supposed to be "static" ie. not changing)

use iframe or template

In our application,there are so many sub pages and menus,for example:
the main menu for the whole site:
Index/Document/News/SysConfig and etc.
And inside the Sysconfig page,there are also other menus like :
user managment,roles,logs... and etc.
Now we use the iframe to make the layout of the site,we change the related iframe's src attribute according to user's choice. but I wonder if this is a good idea?
I thought use the tempalte,for example the apache tiles in jsp and the masterpage in
I wonder which is the best pratice?
Best Practice would be to go the templated route ...
I haven't really looked into web accessibility for a long time ... but in the past when I used to work on externally facing sites, using frames of any sort was a big no-no. Screen readers would have problems with frames including iframes. I'm not sure if the current generation of screen-readers handle them better.
There's also the search result/deep linking issues to consider. For example, will your google result link point directly to the page in the iframe? do you have to do a hack to redirect the user to the main page?
Also going the templated route may not be that difficult as long as you don't have a lot of content to migrate. There are fantastic content management solutions out there like Wordpress, or Drupal and Joomla if you have more complex needs.

CMS for already-built site

I redesigned a website that was using CMS Made Simple. It's a relatively small site and I'm learning as I go along, so I first built the redesign using just HTML but I'm now going to use PHP includes.
But I don't know how to integrate what I'm building into the CMS. I searched around the server and I can't find any traces of the pages built with CMSMS, so I assume that everything is contained somewhere within the CMS.
But I want something that will allow pages to be built and edited both inside and outside the CMS. If it's done outside, I want to be able to just FTP the new or changed content to the server.
Is this possible, and if so, what would be the best free CMS?
Thank you.
I don't know if I understood yout question, but I think you don't understand the concept of a CMS.
The redesign you made should only change the Theme/Style files, the content itself should be changed only in the administration of the CMS. What you may change from outside and FTP is only the theme files.
Things work this way so the person that put content in the site doesn't have do be a designer/developer.
BUT, there are some kind of CMS that may allow you to do what you want, but they are not completely free. Give it a look at CushyCMS and PageLime.
Since they intend to be a CMS for editing already made static sites, you may use it and if needed you can pull some page from FTP, edit it and then push it back.
You can try Template Externalizer, which will give you FTP Access to Edit different content blocks, all templates, css and some content. I'm sure it will make your life easier when developing or integrating HTML into the page.
Template Externalizer, "watches" a FTP folder. and when you upload files onto the server, it saves the changes into the database making your change visible right away.
The files willl be located here: CMSROOT-INSTALLATION-PLACE/tmp/externalizer/
I hope this helps a bit.
