Adding a dynamically generated page as a partial view in an AngularJS app - node.js

I'm currently learning Node.js and AngularJS. To learn how to develop with these technologies, I've been playing with the Phone Catalog sample app found here.
The thing I can't figure out is, how to include a server-generated page in my views. Everything I see with Angular seems to be related to static .html. However, I would like a dynamic page that includes some code that's generated on the server. In other words, I would like to add something like
Is this even possible? For the life of me, I can't figure out how to add a server-side page as a partial.
Thank you

AngularJS don't differentiate between server-generated pages, and static pages. From browser's perspective it's all the same.
Just use your /app/partials/dynamicPhone as you would use a static template - only remember you can't use any query parameters with it (because it's supposed to be "static" ie. not changing)


I built a NodeJS/Express app with dynamic content but realized I need SSR

I've made an app where almost all the content is dynamically loaded. It displays users posts, categories, search results, etc.
The problem is that the content doesn't get indexed. I assumed search engines had a way of indexing this since a lot of website load content this way. I used the tools in google search console to find out it only renders the template but it doesn't account for anything dynamically loaded.
Is there any way to fix a flaw like this without a complete SSR rewrite? Or if there isn't can I get a suggestion of good SSR tools for javascript?

Blogger mobile dynamic views .mobile custom class breaks web template

I work on a few blogger dynamic views sites. In order to use the mobile class you used to replace with : in the html. This allows for css customization. However now when you make this change, it allows my mobile site to use the styling I've set (like it always did) but it breaks my magazine web template changing it to the 'sidebar' template, which is completely trash for my purposes.
Anyone else notice this or find a work around. I know they're making changes periodically but this seems like a crazy glitch. I've let blogger know, but that doesn't help me in the mean time. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.

How to optimize SEO for SPA using React-Helmet?

My project is a single page application using react js. I have heard that Google can crawl javascript pages including react js single page applications, without the need of server side rendering (even though it's generally better for SEO).
However, when I used webmaster tool: fetch and render as google, both what google bots are seeing and what visitors to my page are seeing are blank.
Even though I can add specific urls to google indexing, google only uses the title and description tag that I have put in my static index.html file, it doesn't get the nested react helmet component's title and description. Does anyone have experience in this? Appreciate it much!
To answer your question, ensure that you have polyfilled the necessary es6 features, google crawler's javascript feature can be quite limited, it does not have Array.find for example. You can read more about that here
As for tips for improving SEO, you can use these tips:
You can prerender your pages on build time to static html by using react-snapshot This works great if your app does not have many dynamic content.
You can use pre rendering service like / use static hosting with prerendering feature like netlify or As for, you can even host it yourself!

Actual use of Jade template and angularjs

I am building a website using nodejs and express. How to make divisions in a page dynamic? Is Jade used for that? if not how to do it?what is angularjs used for? Please help i searched a lot on google and i couldn't get a clarity in the usage of them.
Jade creates the html used in the browser on the server-side. The browser executes a request to the web-server, the web-server executes Jade, which will generate the html that will be sent to the browser. This server-side content generation has been very common in the last ~20 years, but it has quite some cons when building rich internet application. Mostly this has to do with performance and client state tracking.
AngularJS is a client-side MVC/MVVM like framework to build so called Single Page Applications (SPA), which allows you to have the complete user interface flow, all content generation and state tracking to be done at the client side. It even allows you to build offline applications. From the developer point of view this feels much more like building a desktop application where the client knows the state of the user interface. From the user point of the view the website will respond much smoother and snappier because the UI is all generated locally.
Note: SPA does not mean that you can only have one page in your website.
It's a technical term where the browser downloads one page (~/index.html), which contains the complete or partial web application. The user technically never leaves this page, but the content (pages) is dynamically swapped in and out from this placeholder page.
To most common way to provide data to a SPA is via RESTful web services. AngularJS comes with builtin support for REST.
Some developers combine server-side content generation techniques with AngularJS, but there's actually no real need for this.
Jade is used as a template engine on both server-side and client-side. Yes, it can update a page dynamically, you just have to compile your jade templates to a javascript functions (using jade -c or something similar).
Yes, you can use angular.js with it, but I see no real need to use two template engines in your project. Suggesting to just stick with jade, unless you know what are you doing.

AngularJS with Express Templates or pure HTML? Pros and Cons?

Express JS uses templates for generating HTML and then server sends them to client in response. There may be several other templates from which HTML can be generated. The ones I was able to discover are:
Jade (
In my app, I need to use both ExpressJS and AngularJs. I am new to both technologies. While learning angular, I had to use it in pure HTML. After learning ExpressJs, I realized, in order to use angularjs, I need to use them in any of the above templates which will be converted to HTML while sending to client.
Now, I want to use expressjs as my server and angularjs as my client side app. For this, I think I have two options.
Option 1
I can stop using templates altogether and use our NodeJS server to respond by sending simple HTML files. These HTML files will then contain AngularJS coding within them. AngularJS then, on client side, will act as our application. It will demand other HTML documents from the server. Or it can also be used like AJAX, where we can only request the piece of information to update just part of the page rather refreshing the whole page for a minor change.
Option 2
I can use angularjs inside expressjs templates (jade or ejs).
Kindly, help me in understanding the pros and cons of both options. Which one will be your choice in such case.
This is very much an opinion question and Stack Overflow admins hate anything that smacks of opinion, but here's my experience and opinion nevertheless.
I've done a couple of apps now using purely static files (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) with those calling a service on the back-end to deliver the data. It reduces the back-end, whatever it is (I've used both Java and Node.js), to just being a set of service URLs but it works very very well.
You've got a fantastic hard line between the responsibilities of the
two systems
It's very easy to work on and test each one independently
Bugs are usually very clearly in the front-end or the back-end (all
you have to do is look at the data transferred to know)
The back-end services are ready to be reused to support alternative UIs from the
command line or something mobile specific if you want
You can use one technology for the back-end to start with (say Node.js or Ruby on Rails) and then switch to something else later if you need to. As long as the API stays the same the front-end never knows.
I personally use AngularJS with Express/Jade. The setup is actually pretty simple and I find writing Jade much more enjoyable than writing HTML. I've also adopted writing my Angular code in CoffeeScript as, again, it makes for quicker development. If you are looking to save keystrokes then Jade is a great solution and its integration with Express makes it a no brainer. If you aren't worried about producing code more quickly then there is absolutely no problem with using HTML.
I will point out that one of the greatest benefits I have found to using Jade over HTML is the ability to develop a single page in multiple files, then use include to have them concated before compiling into HTML. This allows you to take larger pages and break them into more manageable chunks. Together with Angular's templating, this can relieve much frustration.
Really it is all a matter of opinion, but since I decided to give Jade a shot, I have not regretted it and I have never ran into a situation where my HTML was rendered incorrectly when using Angular.
I went with option 1 because I didn't want to deal with any potential issues with jade or ejs converting the template incorrectly and interfering with Angular. My app essentially has the index page (which is really just the basic page template with my css and js includes) come out of Express as jade and then angular takes it come there and all my angular templates are in a separate location than my jade template.
