Ordering in Alloy using util/ordering - alloy

I am trying to learn about how ordering works in Alloy. I have a time signature which I have used to instantiate the ordering module. I want the predicate addPage to add a page to the book at time t' where t' = t.next. (Basically add a page to the Book on the next time) However it is not working as expected and instead Time2 has lesser number of pages than Time1. Can someone explain to me why this is happening? Thanks.
open util/ordering[Page] as P0
open util/ordering[Time] as T0
sig Page {}
sig Time {}
sig Book
pages: Page -> Time
pred addPage(b:Book, p:Page, t: Time)
t != T0/last implies
let t' = t.next |
b.pages.t' = b.pages.t + p
run addPage {} for 3

The problem are the extra curly braces in the run statement.
I think Alloy executes an empty predicate in this case.
run addPage for 3
instead. You will see a visualization where the selected instances for b, t and p are marked.

You're trying to change state which can only be simulated in constraint logic.
Please notice that the expression in addPage is basically ineffective /run your model without it/ and that there's only one Book atom in the solution.
Here's a model you can start with and gradually refine.
open util/ordering[Time]
sig Page {}
sig Time {}
sig Book {
pages : Page lone -> Time // each Time atom is mapped to at most one Page atom
pred addPage(b0, b1 : Book, pg : Page, t0, t1 : Time) {
one pg and // one page at a time (it's likely redundant)
not pg in b0.pages.Time and // it's a 'new' page
b0.pages + pg->t1 = b1.pages and // 'new state' of b0
t1 = t0.next // pg is 'added' with the next time stamp
run addPage for 3 but 2 Book
I used the optional 'and' operators, placed t1 = t0.next at the end of the constraint, positioned b1.pages /representing the 'new state'/ on the right and used quotes in the comments to emphasize that there's no real state change and sequence of operation in the sense imperative programming works.


sig literals in Alloy

How can I write out a literal for a sig in Alloy? Consider the example below.
sig Foo { a: Int }
fact { #Foo = 1 }
If I execute this, I get
| this/Foo | a |
| Foo⁰ | 7 |
In the evaluator, I know I can get a reference to the Foo instance with Foo$0 but how can I write a literal that represents the same value?
I've tried {a: 7}, but this is not equal to Foo$0. This is intentionally a trivial example, but I'm debugging a more complex model and I need to be able to write out literals of sigs with multiple fields.
Ah, this is one of the well hidden secrets! :-) Clearly in your model you cannot refer to atoms since the model is defining all possible values of those atoms. However, quite often you need your hands on some atom to reason about it. That is, you want to be able to name some objects.
The best way to get 'constants' is to create a predicate you call from a run clause. In this predicate, you define names for atoms you want to discuss. You only have to make sure this predicate is true.
pred collision[ car1, car2 : Car, road : Road ] {
// here you can reason about car1 and car2
run collision for 10
Another way is to create a quantification whenever you need to have some named objects:
run {
some car1, car2 : Car, road : Road {
// here you can reason about car1 and car2 and road
} for 10
There was a recent discussion to add these kinds of instances to the language so that Kodkod could take advantage of them. (It would allow faster solving and it is extremely useful for test cases of your model.) However, during a discussion this solution I presented came forward and it does not require any new syntax.
try to put a limitation for 'Integer' in the 'run' command. I mean :
sig Foo {a : Int}
fact{ #Foo = 1}
pred show {}
run show for 1 Foo, 2 Int

how is this sig being added to a relation in Alloy?

I am modeling a Google Docs-like inline commenting system in Alloy. Specifically, I'm modeling the UI interactions that the user can do. The constraints, in English, are that:
users can have any number of comments
users can have any number of comments composing at once
comments can be either composing or editing, not both
(eventually) users can expand one comment at a time to view it—text is truncated otherwise.
so far I have only modeled adding a new comment—or so I think! When I run the model below, I expect to see that Alloy cannot find any counterexamples, but it finds one where a comment is in both the composed and composing relations at a single time.
I think there may be something off in my mental model of how Alloy works in this case. I can't see how a comment would possibly be added to the composed relation here: I think init would set all the drafts to have empty relations there, and that the actions in Traces would preclude a comment ever being added to composed. BUT! I'm clearly wrong, since Alloy finds an example where composed is non-empty. Does anyone know what's actually happening here?
module inlineComments
open util/ordering [Time] as TimeOrdering
sig Time {}
sig Draft {
composing: set Comment -> Time,
composed: set Comment -> Time,
-- expanded: lone Comment -> Time,
sig Comment {}
-- What can we do with these?
pred newComment (t, t': Time, c: Comment, d: Draft) {
-- comment is not already known to us
c not in d.composing.t
c not in d.composed.t
-- start composing the comment
d.composing.t' = d.composing.t + c
pred init (t: Time) {
all d: Draft, c: Comment | c not in d.composing.t
all d: Draft, c: Comment | c not in d.composed.t
fact Traces {
all t: Time - TimeOrdering/last |
let t' = TimeOrdering/next[t] |
some d: Draft, c: Comment |
newComment [t, t', c, d]
-- Is the world how we expect it to be?
assert validState {
-- comments cannot be composing and composed at the same time
all t: Time, d: Draft | d.composing.t & d.composed.t = none
check validState for 3 but 1 Draft
This is known as the "frame problem": you've specified that new comments can be put into composing, but not that nothing else happens! You have to make it explicit that the only way the system may change is via newComment. Here's one way you could do that:
fact Traces {
all t: Time - TimeOrdering/last |
let t' = TimeOrdering/next[t] |
some d: Draft, c: Comment {
newComment [t, t', c, d]
d.composed.t = d.composed.t' -- d.composed doesn't change
Note this only works because you've exlicitly scoped to a maximum of 1 draft. If you test with two drafts, you also have to show that none of the drafts change in any way. If that will always be the case that there's only one Draft, you can write one sig Draft to enforce that.

Constructing a relation in Alloy

In the dining philosophers problem we have a table with Philosophers and Forks.
sig P {}
sig F {}
For this problem I want the following relation that represents the table:
P1 -> F1
F1 -> P2
P2 -> F2
F2 -> P3
P3 -> F3
F3 -> P1
I.e. each P would point to an F and each F to a P, and this would form a circle. I would like to call a function to get this relation:
fun table : (P+F) one -> one (P+F) { ... }
I've been trying hard to make this work but it feels like I am missing something fundamental that also is relevant for other problems I am having. Somehow I miss a 'constructor'.
Any pointers?
#Hovercouch gave an working solution with a helper sig. However, this required a non-natural extension to the P and F and introduced a new sig. This can also be solved by:
sig P, F {}
one sig Table {
setting : (P+F) one -> one (P+F)
} {
# P = # F
all p : P, f : F | P in p.^setting and F in f.^setting
run {} for 6
Which addresses the non-natural inheritance concerns.
However, it still seems very global and a lot of work for an imho very simple problem. Still keeping the question open to see if there are other solutions.
If you're willing to add a helper object, we can do this by making an abstract sig Thing and then making both P and F instances of Thing:
abstract sig Thing {
next: Thing
} {
Thing = this.^#next
sig F extends Thing {} {
next in P
sig P extends Thing {} {
next in F
fact SameNumberOfThings {
#P = #F
run {} for 6
There may be a design tradeoff involved here, between expressive power and tractability.
There is certainly an issue of what counts as clean or intuitive; you say that the 'next'-ness of P and F is "an aspect of the table setting" and not "an aspect of P or F". I think I understand your thinking, but I don't think you are likely to have any more success defining a principled way to distinguish between "aspects" of P and F and relations in whose domain or range they appear, any more than any of the philosophers who have tried, over the last couple thousand years, to distinguish reliably between essence and accidence.
And if we accept that the distinction is unreliable, but we nevertheless find it useful, then the question becomes "who made the rule that a relation defined as part of a signature must relate to an (intrinsic) aspect of the individuals involved, and not to an extrinsic relation which is not an aspect of the individuals?" The answer is: you did, not [the creators of] Alloy. If one insists too strongly on one's intuitions about the constructs one wants to use to express something, there is a certain risk of insisting not just that the thing should be expressible but that we should be able to express it using a particular construct. That kind of insistence can teach us a lot about a notation, but sometimes it's easier to accept that the designers of the notation also had intuitions.
This general topic is discussed in Daniel Jackson's Software Abstractions under the questions Does Alloy allow freestanding declarations? (in discussion following section 3.5.3 on higher-order quantification) and Must all relations be declared as fields? (in discussion following section 4.2.2 on basic field declarations). The nut of the discussion is "If you want to declare some relations that don't belong naturally to any existing signatures, you can simply declare them as fields of a singleton signature." Mutatis mutandis, the example given looks a lot the Table sig in your addendum.
TL;DR yes, you may find it a bit cumbersome, but the singleton sig to contain a relation you don't want to define on its first member really is as close to an established idiom as there is, for this sort of thing.

Alloy - Count atoms used by other atoms

I'm trying to notice a change in atom relations to other atoms. Using the below signatures :
sig Word, Definition{}
sig Dictionary {
def: Word -> lone Definition
I then use a predicate to show what happens when you add a new relation to a Dictionary by having another Dictionarywhich is the same but with one more relation.
pred addRelation [d,d':Dictionary,w:Word,f:Definition] {
d'.word = d.word + w -> f
To see if the number of Word atoms used by the first Dictionary increase I can show only the instances where this occurs using:
#d'.def.Definition > #d.def.Definition
However, is there a way to see if the number of Definition atoms used by the second Dictionary atom has increased? I've been using trial and error in the Alloy Evaluator to try and find a value for this but have come up short.
Like this?
sig Word, Definition{}
sig Dictionary {
def: Word -> lone Definition
pred addRelation [d,d':Dictionary,w:Word,f:Definition] {
d'.def = d.def + w -> f
#d'.def[Word] > #d.def[Word]
run addRelation

Alloy Analyzer: how to define "run" until a condition holds?

I have a model to specify tasks and relations between tasks. Actually I have different kinds of relations, but to make it simpler let's suppose only one kind. The simpler code is the following:
open util/ordering[Time]
sig Time {}
abstract sig State {}
lone sig Enabled extends State {}
lone sig Disabled extends State {}
sig Task {
state : State one -> Time
sig Relation {
relation : Task one -> Task,
fact noLoop {
no a : Task | a not in a.^(Relation.relation)
fact trace {
all t : Time - last[] |
let t' = t.next[] |
some a : Task |
execute[a, t, t']
pred init [t : Time] {
Task.state.t = Enabled
pred execute[exec : Task, t, t' : Time] {
exec.state.t = Enabled
disabledTasks =
+ {a : Task | let r = Relation | a in exec.(r.relation)}
+ {a : Task | a.state.t = Disabled},
otherTasks = {a : Task | a not in disabledTasks}
disabledTasks.state.t' = Disabled
otherTasks.state.t' = Enabled
Initially, all tasks are in the enabled state. When executed, the task goes to the disabled state as well as all the related tasks.
I know I can find instances of the model running, for example:
run execute for 6
This will show me instances with 6 time steps only. Sometimes, at the end of the 6th time step, there will be enabled tasks. I would like to know if there exists a way of asking the Alloy Analyzer to run the execute predicate until all the tasks are disabled. Actually, what I want to show is that this model can always achieve the state where all the tasks are disabled (even if I need to define a limited scope).
Thanks for all the help.
The only arguments to run are the name of the predicate to be run and a scope.
So no, it cannot be done in the way you describe. The problem, however, is not the syntactic restriction of run to two arguments; the problem is that unlike you, Alloy has no intrinsic notion of time, so "until" is not a useful concept in describing things to Alloy.
On the other hand, if you want to run a simulation until some state of affairs is reached, all you have to do is describe that state of affairs in a named predicate, and run that predicate. So: define a predicate that means "all tasks are disabled"; call it all_done. Then define the predicate
pred interesting {
execute and all_done
run interesting for ...
Good luck.
