Syntax highlighting issue in Vim where background is weird - vim

I just added the indentLine plugin for Vim, and I love it apart from this annoying syntax highlighting issue where the background of the dividing character stays black while the rest of the line is highlighted. It's really distracting for me. How can I fix this and make the background the same as the rest of the line, and the dividing character still visible?


VIM highlights space when writing in INSERT mode

when try to work with vim I installed several plugins and started trying to write some java code and during coding found such an annoying space highlights
dont know what is that and how to turn it off
I don't know which plugins you installed, but I'm sure that - although annoying to you - these highlighted areas are pretty useful. (1) You seem to be mixing spaces and tabs for indentation and (2) you have trailing whitespace on some lines. These "problems" are highlighted in some warning color.
First of all it's a very good idea to apply a consistent coding style. This includes using either tabs or spaces for indentation. Just place the cursor on the yellow area and compare the whitespace with those lines without yellow background (move the cursor left or right). There is plenty of documentation about indentation, including the relevant vim settings (e. g. here or here).
The second thing is that apparently the syntax highlighting plugin "complains" about whitespace at the end of a line. You should also avoid that. You could remove trailing whitespace automatically when saving the buffer (see here).

Highlighting and syntax trouble in vim using rmarkdown

I would like to get Vim to stop highlighting list characters (-,*) and heading characters (#) in rmarkdown. You can find a screenshot here:
This is happening when I set the file type to either pandoc or rmd. This is also happening no matter what terminal or colortheme I use.
I have the plugins: vim-pandoc, vim-pandoc-syntax, and vim-rmarkdown installed.
I would like to know a way to make the two characters just appear normally.
I would also like to know if there is a way to make italicized text in tables and headings appear italicized. As far as modifying the appearance of italicized text, I've tried using: hi Italic ctermfg=red cterm=italic in my vimrc, but that does not seem to affect the text in between asterisks (*) in rmd files. I admit I don't know much about the way that syntax works in Vim. Do I need to modify after/ftplugin/rmd.vim or runtime/syntax/rmd.vim? What is the difference between the two?
Any help would be appreciated!
Your syntax highlighter does not seem to recognize the bullet points, but thinks that they mark the beginning of an italic span. Maybe you have a clash of plugins. You could also try another highlighter (e.g. vim-polyglot, supports italics).
vim-pandoc-syntax uses the conceal feature (:h conceal). You can recolor the highlighting group Conceal to change the appearance of the replacement characters.
You can put changes to existing syntax files in .vim/after/syntax/rmd.vim. Files in syntax are executed when they are needed for the first time, but at most once per session. Files in ftplugin are executed every time the file type is changed.

Block highlighting in vim

I tried to do syntax highlighting in vim, but I've got weird color highlighting letters on blocks. On black, it is not much of a problem, but when it's sunny blue, it's not readable, so I would prefer a light background.
~/.vimrc does not seem to respond to set background=light if there is no colorscheme.
I'm not very proficient with vim, and I think I might have turned on a function inadvertently, by accidental key strokes. Is there a way to turn off all kind of search and highlight?
I'm reading readmes, but this makes it difficult. The image below shows my screen.
I've heard about such incomplete screen updates occurring then the value of $TERM isn't right. Especially inside a screen / tmux session, be sure to have set the correct value (screen-256color in that latter case).
You could try GVIM (the non-terminal GUI version of Vim) to get moving with your work; it shouldn't have those issues.
I think I might have turned on a function inadvertently, by accidental key strokes
Fear not, any settings only persist by editing the ~/.vimrc file (or by saving a session). You'll always get a clean new instance by quitting and re-starting Vim.

vim editor error color

I am using Vim 7.3 on Ubuntu. Problem is - whenever I got some error in my code, that error is marked with white color. I can't see anything underneath that color. So if I have typo error (missing one brace) it will mark that brace with white, but I wont be able to see that mistake ( it is covered with color ). Sometimes it marks all line. I am using Molokai color scheme.
I tried to change color scheme, but nothing happens. I suppose that error color is coming from the vim native settings.
Any ideas how to fix this?
command lists all defined highlightings. Find the one with the white color (for errors, this should be Error), and change it (see :help :highlight) in your ~/.vimrc, e.g.:
:hi Error ctermfg=Red guifg=Red
If highlighting is the issue, then you can easily and quickly turn off all highlighting by typing ":noh" (without the quotes) from command mode. This will temporarily turn off highlighting. This also works for getting rid of highlighting after a search (which really annoys me because like your problem here, I can't read the text when it's highlighted).
If you haven't already, you should create a file in your home directory named ".vimrc", so pathing it out would be "~/.vimrc". This is the what #mtk is referring to (just in case you don't know that already. Some people at work use Vim but don't know about the .vimrc file).

vim: highlight Folds change only background color

I have commented out the
"hi Fold …
line in my current vim-colorscheme (xoria256 modified), but when I edit there is still (an even uglier) syntax highlight. I looked in the syntax file for the specific filetype - but there was no Fold highlight too. Now I don't know where to look for a "default syntax highlighting".
In the end I just want to have folds with foreground color as specified by syntax and just the background changed. Maybe I am thinking to much and there is a plain easy way to do that.
ps: i tried to leave off the guifg and ctermfg part to no success.
I'm afraid that doing so is not possible (at least without touching Vim's source code). The text in the fold line is computed and not part of your file, which means that it will not be processed like the rest of the text/code and it will be only applied the Folded highlighting group. That's why you get a single foreground color when you comment out the hi Folded line.
