Facing error in npm install on aws ubuntu - node.js

I'm trying to deploy my angular 2 application on aws ubuntu.
I have successfully install npm on ubuntu. but by the time I'm trying to build my application on using "npm install", I'm facing "extract:typescript → gunz" error and process getting killed as shown in the attachment. Can someone please help me.?

You need to add swap on your Ubuntu
This will fix this error and npm will install all angular data successfully
follow this instructions
From here


Strapi: Warning an error occurred while requesting the API

I've been struggling for hours trying to install Strapi on my Ubuntu server.
Ubuntu: 20.04
nodejs: v14.19.0
npm: 6.14.16
strapi: 4
npx create-strapi-app#latest my-project --quickinstall
All the installation process goes seamlessly but when I go to http://mydomain:1337/admin in order to create a first user I get this warning:
an error occurred while requesting the API.
I know this problem has been encountered several times but none of the suggested solutions have helped me so far.
I also found this error in the Chrome console but I'm not not sure it's related to the my problem:
main.815f1087.js:2 Refused to connect to
'http://localhost:1337/admin/project-type' because it violates the
following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self'
Any idea ?
You need to build the app. Read this github issue
Run: npm run build or yarn build or strapi build depending on what you are using
First Build your Application by using npm run build then run npm start.
If you are running strapi CMS on docker, and using docker composer to build, then maintain the default port 1337 when binding the container port to your system port.
Do this: -1337:1337
Not this: -8000:13337
I had this error after upgrading to latest Strapi and all dependencies, what helped me, is to rebuild the Strapi admin interface:
yarn build
npm run build
then start develop
yarn develop
npm run develop
Got the same problem, a simple restart of the server did it for me.
First of all, need to Build the admin panel and then Start the application.
To build the admin panel,
npm run build
# or
yarn build
To start the application with auto-reload,
npm run develop
# or
yarn develop
when you change the port of your strapi app, you must run npm run build or yarn build or strapi build. because strapi admin templates use default port 1337 and for using on another port you must build the project again.
What I did is to change the host address from to in server.js and then ran npm run build and that fixed my issue. I know it sounds strange but it worked.

Installed module not found in electron js

I want to contribute to an open source project called Joplin. But I am not able to setup the development environment.
I have followed the setup instructions as said here . Everything get installed but and when I launch the application in packages/app-desktop by running npm run start(it's build with electron.js) , the application get started but logs this error in the console, due to this error UI is not loaded:
I have checked that module #joplin/fork-htmlparser2 has correctly installed by running npm list #joplin/fork-htmlparser2 command
I do not understand why the error logs say cannot find module #joplin/fork-htmlparser2 since the npm command is saying it's installed.
My OS: Ubuntu 20.04,
Node: v16.0.0,

Getting error wihle settng enviroment for ReactJS in my ubuntu 18.04

I am trying to set environment for ReactJS in my Ubuntu 18.04 and I followed this link instructions. After installation used command 'start npm' (as instructed in the link) in terminal to start but getting this error(see the img). After this I updated node.js and npm even after this I'm getting the same error. I'm beginner in UI Development.
error I am getting
Probably you have to cd into the project folder created and then run the command npm start. if the error prevails then check the package.json file for start command
"scripts": {
"start": ""

Getting an odd error while creating angular app with angular CLI

I've just installed nodejs and angular CLI successfully, but when I tried to create(with ng new, running the git bash with admin privileges) my first(and then second) app I got an error(same error twice: one for each new app):
Image with the error
Using windows 10, 64bit
Ok you are doing it with npm, I had faced the same error. It is due to the privileges in your system. you can run npm cache clean and try.
If that still doesnt work I suggest you try it with yarn.

I can't install react native cli?

I'm using Window. I ran the following command in a node.js command prompt
npm install -g react-native-cli
It shows what is in the image.
Node.js command prompt
Anyone can tell me what's wrong? Have I downloaded the react native cli?
Please follow this link for installation and comment the error message you receive
