UML Designer opens additional activity explorer when eclipse is started - uml-designer

UML designer 7.1:
Every time I start eclipse and there are models open, including an already open activity explorer, it opens a new activity explorer. so in the end i have 2, 3, 4 etc activity explorers open if i do not close them.
anyway to stop that?

This is a bug can you add an issue in the bug tracker in order that we could have a look on it since the next 8.0 release for july:


Microsoft Project not opening

I have a client who is asking me to fix an issue they are having with Microsoft Project.
The issue is that they are attempting to open a task list on SharePoint Online via the 'Open with Project' button in the ribbon, but after the alert asking them if they would like to open it in Project 2016 pops up nothing happens.
I have set up a fresh SharePoint environment and tried it at my end, but I get the same problem. There is no error message (as an alert or in the console) and I have wracked my brain and come up dry.
What I have tried:
New SharePoint instance.
Fresh Microsoft Project install.
Looked at the site/site collection features
Multiple browsers (specifically Chrome, IE and Firefox)
The issue is the same no matter what I do.
Has anyone else come across this problem before and, if so, how did you solve it?
Are you using 2016 Click-to-run (C2R) or MSI version? Can you share the build number from winproj.exe?
If you are on C2R version, can you try making the following registry edits (save the following as a .reg file and run it) and see if it helps?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Source Control Explorer Keeps refreshing and flickering with every change

We have TFS 2012 update 3 on premises, I'm using VS 2012 update 3, the only extensions I have are TFS Power tools 2012.2 and VS Productivity Tools 11.0.60403.0.
With every change (check out for edit, delete, check-in) the Folders section (Treview on the left) of Source Control Explorer keeps refreshing and flickering.
I have 89572 files on my workspace and I always have more than one instance of VS open, so after reading this page I changed my workspace to server, but the problem did not stop.
In short, Source Control Explorer is driving me crazy, with every little change I have to wait something like 10 seconds until the flickering stops.
Does anybody has any suggestions on how to fix it?
MS is apparently aware of the issue and claims to be working on a fix.
I found a workaround that in my case worked.
After adding a new working folder to my workspace through File > Source Control > Advanced > Worspaces... > Edit... the problem was gone.
Maybe opening the workspace and press OK is enough.

TFS 2012-based reports and settings open in separate browser window instead of tab in VS 2012 IDE

In the process of switching my folks over to TFS 2012, I was evaluating the team project reports I moved over. When I double-clicked on a report to open it, instead of seeing it in a tab within my VS 2012 IDE, it opens in a separate web browser window.
This behavior exhibits in migrated team projects (from 2010 to 2012), as well as newly created team projects. I'm inclined to think it's a configuration issue missed on my part, but I can't seem to nail it down.
[Migration details: upgrade performed by detaching 2010 collection, reattaching to running instance of TFS2012 on new hardware. ReportServer database was moved separately. Hardware is all WinSrv2008R2, SQL2012 Standard.]
UPDATE: altered title as this is happening to any/all settings and controls, as well, for any given team project (Security, Group Membership, Work Item Areas, etc). Anything that is URL-based. So, at least it's misbehaving consistently.
If I'm understanding you correctly, this is the expected behavior for TFS 2012. All of the controls you mentioned are part of Web Access and should be viewed/altered in a browser and not VS.

Dynamic/automatic updated history in TFS/VS

Is it possible to make the History window in Visual Studio to track the active selected item in the Source Control Explorer window?
Other source control software I have used have this option, and it makes it very easy to iterate through the files in a folder and see what has changed.
It doesn't do it out of the box, and I'm not aware of a plug-in that does that. In VS 2012 the team moved the History view to be in the editor document well rather than a tool window making this mode of working even less likely I'm afraid.
That said, I'll pass the feedback along to the team who make the TFVC provider. Being an Eclipse guy myself I am familiar with that mode of working and certainly find it useful at times.

Facility to allow user view the job in Window Explorer folder

I am developing a CAD software using C++/CLI .Net framework 3.5. The files are saved using serializing the objects. How do I provide facility to allow user view the jobs in Window Explorer folder (Like done by AutoCad), where by user gets a chance to look inside the file in explorer itself without opening the file in the software.
You need to create a preview handler. This MSDN sample shows how to build one. But this requires Windows XP or newer OS.
