kendo-ui-angular2 panelbar expande only on arrow click - kendo-ui-angular2

Is it possible to select an item without expanding/collapsing it, then expand/collapse it only when the arrow is clicked?
<kendo-panelbar [items]="myItems" [selectable]="true (stateChange)="stateChange($event)">


Keyboard accessibility ( WCAG) in panels with list of elements that has assigned button role

Hi :) I would like to ask you about how to treat elements that compose a list, but whom have assiged a button role and are put in side panel ( so it is not a menu or dropdown). My main problem is how to decide is to where ARROWS should works and where TAB.
Moreover I have a differ types of list items that consist of:
checkbox/ radiobutton only
checkbox/ radiobutton with a link to another panel
two icons/ buttons that has defined an activities etc.
Please look at pictures and help me please :)
PINK - "arrows"
BLUE - "TAB"key
You should hardly decide which component will use TAB key or Arrow Keys. Keyboard accessibility for a large number of components is already defined in WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
Adding a different behavior could create issues to both sighted, and non-sighted users because they'll already be knowing which key to use based on the component or they'll know intuitively because of standard roles or they'll know as they use keyboard more to browse.
Offer List
Listbox will work. Arrow Keys to navigate and Enter key to perform the action.
List of Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
I would recommend to keep Checkboxes and Radio Buttons to their default keyboard behavior. Since your cases are more of a list, you can convert the list of checkboxes and radio buttons to Single Select and Multi Select Listboxes and use Checkbox and Radio Button as a font icon or graphic to show the selection, similar to how tick is shown in this Listbox example. When you convert to a Listbox, you'll meet the Arrow Keys requirement.
Selected Fruits List
There are some issues in the required keyboard behavior: How will user know if Arrow-Left or Arrow-Right need to be presed, think about non-sighted users.
Fruit Name and i icon button
In your need, you want both Fruit Name and i icon button to open a panel, suggest to NOT use Arrow-Right to i icon button and only use the Enter key to open the panel. May be you don't need i icon button at all.
Delete icon button
Suggest to use DEL key to delete the item
Remove i icon button. If you can't just keep it as graphic element without any events
Use Enter key to open the panel
Use DEL key to delete the item
I think the whole list will then become a listbox, navigable using Arrow Keys and Enter to invoke an operation
Vegetables List
Neither Accordion nor Nested List works here because you have two actions to do: Make a selection, and Expand and Collapse. I haven't tried TreeView but you can check.

I need macro for editing Menu in Quick Access Toolbar

I have questions about QAT.
How do I add my tooltip to a button. How do I add a tooltip to any button?
How to change the icon of the button White Arrow?
How to insert my own icons?
Is it possible to add more Submenus. For example Submenus_1; Submenus_2; Submenus_3; Submenus_4; Submenus_5.

How do I change format on ActiveX Control Option Button when selected?

When I select the ActiveX Control Option Button the entire border (box) becomes highlighted. Is there a way to fix this, perhaps change something in Properties, so when I select the button nothing is highlighted?
It is not clear what you mean by "select the button".
If you mean to click on it, have you tried setting the "TakeFocusOnClick" property to False?
Once you've set the property, click the DesignMode button to get out of Design Mode.
The original question is about a "control option button" which is presumably the Option Button. While the 'Command Button' has a TakeFocusOnClick attribute, the Option Button surprisingly does not. Neither does the Check Box.
This property does not appear on the Properties list on the worksheet in Design Mode or on the auto-complete list in the VBA editor, even though they will both take focus on click.
NOTE: ActiveX buttons are far more flexible than the stock "form controls" that appear at the top of the 'Insert' dropdown panel.

Menu items when you press on right click is not working

I am using SharePoint on Office 365. I have a problem when i select a document and press on right clic the menu items doesn't appear.
for example here when i go to Documents and select any document and make right click it shows me the menu items which contains share, rename, delete, properties...
But here when i go to Engineering Projects and choose any documents and press right click so it doesn't show me that menu items like on the previous view.
how to resolve this problem please ? thank you very much.
The right click menu will only display if you have the Tabular View - Allow individual item checkboxes ticked.

PrimeFaces splitbutton removal

My splitButton should not have any text on the button but I have menu items. I have to remove the button instead leaving blank except menu option.
Use Menu Button.If you dont have any text on the menu button, Its shows only down arrow icon for menu options.
