TFS: Get specific directory before automatic build - visual-studio-2012

We have a directory in TFS (a team project) where all our internals and third parties DLL are referenced. It's works great, all our project references these directory.
When I configure an automatic build of my project, I would like that TFS automatically download the latest version of this directory, before TFS do my build. I could configure it?
By the way: We use VS2012 and TFS2012.
Thank you.

In a XAML build, map the TFVC folder where those assemblies are stored under the "Source Settings" tab.


VS2015 Team Explorer showing solutions from node_modules

I just started using the npm package gulp-sass which relies on node-sass.
The node-sass package has a src folder, which includes a .sln file.
This .sln file shows up under my VS2015 Team Explorer Solutions heading. I really don't want that to happen.
Is there a way to exclude solutions placed under "node_modules" from being shown in the Team Explorer?
See attachment for documentation.
For TFVC, when you open the VS, then Visual Studio will scan the local workspace for solution files.
According to your screenshot, you are using GIT as your source control. This should be the same mechanism. VS will scan your local mapping repository. Unless you move the folders in your local repository, the solutions from node_modules will still shown in Team Explorer.
If you really can't stand this feature, you may have to create a "dummy" repository for some folders including sln file on your machine and let Team Explorer scan that one every time you start up, instead.

TFS 2012 build copy console application to _PublishedWebsites

I am using TFS 2012 build option to build my web application. I have couple of console application in the solution. I want the console application output to be copied to the bin folder. In visual studio, I am doing this by using the copy command in the Post build event command option. But this does not work in TFS builds. The generated exe is not copied to the _PublishedWebsites folder in the BuildAgent directory
Possibility duplicate to Problems with MSBuild OutputPath and OutDir in TFS2010 .
Also give a try wiht this NuGet package, you can install it which will do this.
With TFS 2012 build process template, you need to custom build process template to run the script after building, like the post-build scripts feature in TFS 2013 build process template.
You can refer to this article to custom build process template to achieve your requirement.

Using Visual Studio 2015 for existing node-js client-side web projects

I have a team working on a client-side node.js application. The sources are stored in a source control. I'd like to modify and debug this application in Visual Studio 2015. They use other IDEs, and I would not like to add additional VS-specific files such as .sln to source control.
I'm able to clone the repository, create a separate empty solution and add the repository as an "Existing Web Site". However, Visual Studio do not recognize package.json, and do not install dependencies as it would for MVC6 projects. Consequently gruntfile.js would not work either.
Is there any way to make Visual Studio see and process package.json, or I'm on a wrong track here?
Instead of using the "Existing Web Site" option, create a new solution and add items to it. Web Site Projects types are a different, legacy project type.

Visual Studio - InstallShield setup in a project with System.Data.SQLite

I have a C# class library that references System.Data.SQLite (from nuget). This is the structure of my bin folder after build:
System.Data.SQLite needs the SQLite.Interop to run and the correct dll is found at run time. However, when I generate a setup with InstallShield that includes the project primary output, the x86 and x64 folders are not copied and my application fails to run.
There is any way to force Visual Studio to include x86 and x64 folders in the primary output?
There is any way to include the folders manually in the InstallShield with relative path?
My environment:
Visual Studio 2012 Professional
Install Shield 2013 Limited Edition (Free)
System.Data.SQLite 1.0.96
Yes, there is a way to add/deploy folders through InstallShield. Under the Files tabs you can add the files/folder. While adding these files you can set relative path as well in this. Just set a property with the path and use that property in your relative path. So where do want to copy these files (reference locations for DLL), you can add that folder structure through InstallShield and you can add files in that.
I just ran across the same problem using VS2013 / Installshield LE; I ended up opting for changing the NuGet package on my machine to NOT create the x86 folder for the SQLite.interop.dll under the build folder.
To do that, look in the "packages\System.Data.SQLite.Core.\build" folder under your project directory. Then pick the subfolder pertinent to the version of .NET you're targeting, and open the "System.Data.SQLite.Core.targets" file in a text editor. You'll want to delete all references to "%(RecursiveDir)" EXCEPT in the "SQLite Interop Library Content Items" section. Save, clean, and rebuild - the interop dll should now be in the same folder as the main executable/etc, and Installshield should be able to automatically include it as a dependency.
If it doesn't show up in the right place, try editing a different .NET version's .target file until you hit the right one.

Visual studio saves nuget sources from local config in machine config

So I'm using Artifactory to host my NuGet packages and we have 2 different repos for 2 different solutions.
Each solution has a local Nuget.config file that adds its own source right after running the command (which doesn't seem to work in VS) and disables the standard Nuget feed.
The problem is that if I open the Package Manager Settings in visual studio, choose the package sources sub section and click ok, VS will then save that custom repo in the %appdata%/Nuget/Nuget.config file. So now when I open the other solution it will see both repositories.
Thanks for reporting the issue. Ported it over to codeplex as Thanks.
