Visual studio saves nuget sources from local config in machine config - visual-studio-2012

So I'm using Artifactory to host my NuGet packages and we have 2 different repos for 2 different solutions.
Each solution has a local Nuget.config file that adds its own source right after running the command (which doesn't seem to work in VS) and disables the standard Nuget feed.
The problem is that if I open the Package Manager Settings in visual studio, choose the package sources sub section and click ok, VS will then save that custom repo in the %appdata%/Nuget/Nuget.config file. So now when I open the other solution it will see both repositories.

Thanks for reporting the issue. Ported it over to codeplex as Thanks.


How to create nuget package for xamarin.ios

I have created a Xamarin.iOS UI component without core project, only a Xamarin.iOS project, and I would like to package it with nuget which I can use across several projects. But I can't handle it.
I'm looking for proper steps for creating a Nuget Package based on my Xamarin solution.
The only thing I found is this command line nuget pack your.nuspec.
Obviously I'm on mac.
Easiest way to make a nuget for ios - Visual studio for Mac.
Open project settings in ios settings page and enable "create package when building the project".
Then go to the Metadata and fill it. After that choose release mode and build, and finally check output directory(yourprojectname/bin/release).

TFS: Get specific directory before automatic build

We have a directory in TFS (a team project) where all our internals and third parties DLL are referenced. It's works great, all our project references these directory.
When I configure an automatic build of my project, I would like that TFS automatically download the latest version of this directory, before TFS do my build. I could configure it?
By the way: We use VS2012 and TFS2012.
Thank you.
In a XAML build, map the TFVC folder where those assemblies are stored under the "Source Settings" tab.

VS2015 Team Explorer showing solutions from node_modules

I just started using the npm package gulp-sass which relies on node-sass.
The node-sass package has a src folder, which includes a .sln file.
This .sln file shows up under my VS2015 Team Explorer Solutions heading. I really don't want that to happen.
Is there a way to exclude solutions placed under "node_modules" from being shown in the Team Explorer?
See attachment for documentation.
For TFVC, when you open the VS, then Visual Studio will scan the local workspace for solution files.
According to your screenshot, you are using GIT as your source control. This should be the same mechanism. VS will scan your local mapping repository. Unless you move the folders in your local repository, the solutions from node_modules will still shown in Team Explorer.
If you really can't stand this feature, you may have to create a "dummy" repository for some folders including sln file on your machine and let Team Explorer scan that one every time you start up, instead.

Create a nuspec from csproj with GUI

I have a C# project which has a 2 Project References from projects within my Solution.
It also has 5 NuGet package references from packages in my NuGet repository.
Given the .csproj, How can I generate or create the nuspec file using NuGet Project Explorer tool?
And how to validate if this nuspec is indeed correct?
You can do this using NuGet.exe with the command line similar to:
NuGet.exe spec Project.csproj
To do this from within Visual Studio you could add a new External Tool (from the Tools menu) which uses NuGet.exe.
NuGet Project Explorer supports NuGet packages but not project files so one of the above techniques would be simpler. For the NuGet Project Explorer you would need to write a custom addin.
For validation, NuGet.exe will generate the .nuspec file so it should be valid. Also when you use NuGet.exe pack YourNuspec.nuspec it will be validated when you create a NuGet package with warnings output to the console.

Manage NuGet Packages For Solution - where is it?

I have just installed VS2012 and have noticed that in the Tools >> Library Package Manager option that Manage NuGet Packages For Solution is missing.
Package Manager Console and Package Manager Settings are available but the option I mentioned is not there.
I attempted to download Nuget and then restart VS2012 but nothing has changed.
Also, when I installed Vistual Studio I included all the libraries available, so I am not sure how I have missed it?
Could anyone tell me how to get the Manage NuGet Packages option onto VS2012?
I don't know if you can without opening a solution. Once you do go to the Solution Explorer, right click on solution and there is the option as Manage NuGet Packages for Solution. Opening the solution also makes appear extra options in the Tools -> Library Package Manager: Manage NuGet Packages for Solution and Package Visualizer.
As #atconway said in the comment, you can't do it while debugging.
You must have it in debug mode, stop the if you are debugging and you will see 'Manage NuGet Package for solution' in the list.
On the Tools menu, click the Extensions and updates.
You might be in the debugging mode(application might be running).
Go to
Debug-> Stop Debugging
Now you will be able to see "Manage NuGet Packages For Solution" under
Tools> NuGet Package Manager> Manage NuGet Packages For Solution
Tools > Extension Manager > Online Gallery;
You will see "Manage NuGet Packages For Solution" and press download.
After finishing download, Save your project first, and restart your Visual Studio, that's all.
