Writing small amount of data to cassandra table in Spark - apache-spark

I need to write some small amount of data to a cassandra table in a spark application. The data is not an RDD, and it is just a double value. How to do this in a Spark application using Java API?
Thanks for any hint.

As a quick solution you can use sc.parallelize and save RDD to Cassandra as usual.
If you need to run a query you can use CassandraConnector pool like in doc:
val connector = CassandraConnector(sc.getConf)
connector.withSessionDo(session => ...)


What is best approach to join data in spark streaming application?

Question : Essentially it means , rather than running a join of C* table for each streaming records , is there anyway to run a join for each micro-batch ( micro-batching ) of records in spark streaming ?
We are almost finalized to use spark-sql 2.4.x version , datastax-spark-cassandra-connector for Cassandra-3.x version.
But have one fundamental question regarding the efficiency in the below scenario.
For the streaming data records(i.e. streamingDataSet ) , I need to look up for existing records( i.e. cassandraDataset) from Cassandra(C*) table.
Dataset<Row> streamingDataSet = //kafka read dataset
Dataset<Row> cassandraDataset= //loaded from C* table those records loaded earlier from above.
To look up data i need to join above datasets
Dataset<Row> joinDataSet = cassandraDataset.join(cassandraDataset).where(//somelogic)
process further the joinDataSet to implement the business logic ...
In the above scenario, my understanding is ,for each record received
from kafka stream it would query the C* table i.e. data base call.
Does not it take huge time and network bandwidth if C* table consists
billions of records? What should be the approach/procedure to be
followed to improve look up C* table ?
What is the best solution in this scenario ? I CAN NOT load once from
C* table and look up as the data keep on adding to C* table ... i.e.
new look ups might need newly persisted data.
How to handle this kind of scenario? any advices plzz..
If you're using Apache Cassandra, then you have only one possibility for effective join with data in Cassandra - via RDD API's joinWithCassandraTable. The open source version of the Spark Cassandra Connector (SCC) supports only it, while in version for DSE, there is a code that allows to perform effective join against Cassandra also for Spark SQL - so-called DSE Direct Join. If you'll use join in Spark SQL against Cassandra table, Spark will need to read all data from Cassandra, and then perform join - that's very slow.
I don't have an example for OSS SCC for doing the join for Spark Structured Streaming, but I have some examples for "normal" join, like this:
CassandraJavaPairRDD<Tuple1<Integer>, Tuple2<Integer, String>> joinedRDD =
trdd.joinWithCassandraTable("test", "jtest",
someColumns("id", "v"), someColumns("id"),
mapRowToTuple(Integer.class, String.class), mapTupleToRow(Integer.class));

Ignite Spark Dataframe slow performance

I was trying to improve the performance of some existing spark dataframe by adding ignite on top of it. Following code is how we currently read dataframe
val df = sparksession.read.parquet(path).cache()
I managed to save and load spark dataframe from ignite by the example here: https://apacheignite-fs.readme.io/docs/ignite-data-frame. Following code is how I do it now with ignite
val df = spark.read()
.format(IgniteDataFrameSettings.FORMAT_IGNITE()) //Data source
.option(IgniteDataFrameSettings.OPTION_TABLE(), "person") //Table to read.
.option(IgniteDataFrameSettings.OPTION_CONFIG_FILE(), CONFIG) //Ignite config.
SQL Query(like select a, b, c from table where x) on ignite dataframe is working but the performance is much slower than spark alone(i.e without ignite, query spark DF directly), an SQL query often take 5 to 30 seconds, and it's common to be 2 or 3 times slower spark alone. I noticed many data(100MB+) are exchanged between ignite container and spark container for every query. Query with same "where" but smaller result is processed faster. Overall I feel ignite dataframe support seems to be a simple wrapper on top of spark. Hence most of the case it is slower than spark alone. Is my understanding correct?
Also by following the code example when the cache is created in ignite it automatically has a name like "SQL_PUBLIC_name_of_table_in_spark". So I could't change any cache configuration in xml (Because I need to specify cache name in xml/code to configure it and ignite will complain it already exists) Is this expected?
First of all, it doesn't seem that your test is fair. In the first case you prefetch Parquet data, cache it locally in Spark, and only then execute the query. In case of Ignite DF you don't use caching, so data is fetched during query execution. Typically you will not be able to cache all your data, so performance with Parquet will go down significantly once some of the data needs to be fetched during execution.
However, with Ignite you can use indexing to improve the performance. For this particular case, you should create index on the x field to avoid scanning all the data every time query is executed. Here is the information on how to create an index: https://apacheignite-sql.readme.io/docs/create-index

Spark HiveContext vs HbaseContext?

I have a data-set of size 10 Petabytes. My current data is in HBase where I am using Spark HbaseContext but it is not performing well.
Will it be useful to move data from HbaseContext to HiveContext on Spark?
HiveContext is used to read data from Hive. so, if you switch to HiveContext the data has to be in Hive. I don't think what you are trying will work.
In my use case, I use mapPartition with a HBase connection inside. The key is just to know how to split.
For scan, you can create your own scanner, with prefix, etc...
For get it's even easier.
For puts, you can create a list of puts to do then batch insertion.
I don't use any HBaseContext and I have quite good performances on database of 1,2 billion rows.

How to paralellize RDD work when using cassandra spark connector for data aggration?

Here is the sample senario, we have real time data record in cassandra, and we want to aggregate the data in different time ranges. What I write code like below:
val timeRanges = getTimeRanges(report)
timeRanges.foreach { timeRange =>
val (timestampStart, timestampEnd) = timeRange
val query = _sc.get.cassandraTable(report.keyspace, utilities.Helper.makeStringValid(report.scope)).
where(s"TIMESTAMP > ?", timestampStart).
where(s"VALID_TIMESTAMP <= ?", timestampEnd)
......do the aggregation work....
what the issue of the code is that for every time range, the aggregation work is running not in parallized. My question is how can I parallized the aggregation work? Since RDD can't run in another RDD or Future? Is there any way to parallize the work, or we can't using spark connector here?
Use the joinWithCassandraTable function. This allows you to use the data from one RDD to access C* and pull records just like in your example.
joinWithCassandraTable utilizes the java driver to execute a single
query for every partition required by the source RDD so no un-needed
data will be requested or serialized. This means a join between any
RDD and a Cassandra Table can be preformed without doing a full table
scan. When preformed between two Cassandra Tables which share the
same partition key this will not require movement of data between
machines. In all cases this method will use the source RDD's
partitioning and placement for data locality.
Finally , we using union to join each RDD and makes them parallized.

Spark Cassandra Iterative Query

I am applying the following through the Spark Cassandra Connector:
val links = sc.textFile("linksIDs.txt")
links.map( link_id =>
val link_speed_records = sc.cassandraTable[Double]("freeway","records").select("speed").where("link_id=?",link_id)
average = link_speed_records.mean().toDouble
I would like to ask if there is way to apply the above sequence of queries more efficiently given that the only parameter I always change is the 'link_id'.
The 'link_id' value is the only Partition Key of my Cassandra 'records' table.
I am using Cassandra v.2.0.13, Spark v.1.2.1 and Spark-Cassandra Connector v.1.2.1
I was thinking if it is possible to open a Cassandra Session in order to apply those queries and still get the 'link_speed_records' as a SparkRDD.
Use the joinWithCassandra Method to use an RDD of keys to pull data out of a Cassandra Table. The method given in the question will be extremely expensive comparatively and also not function well as a parallelizable request.
