React-native Google Cast Library - google-cast

(this is probably a stupid question, but here goes..)
I've been trying for some days now at having a go at creating a integrated cast that works with react-native, but can't get it working.
Is there any easy way of integrating the cast library with react-native, any go-to examples like the CastHelloText-Android for example?

You may check this react-native-google-cast library that unifies both android and iOS chromecast sdk.
For iOS
This library requires Cocoapods to manage Chromecast SDK.
Add pod google-cast-sdk to your Podfile. This is the easier way to have the SDK up to date.
For Android
This library requires Google Play Services, Media Router and Google Cast dependencies to manage Chromecast SDK.
You need to add compile '' and compile '' into your your app's build.gradle dependencies. mediarouterversion must match with your appcompat version.
Refer to the example folder to find an implementation of this project. Use pod install and react-native link react-native-google-cast to try it.


Using flutter mobile packages in flutter web

I am using flutter web and I want to use some packages that are available for the mobile in the web version of flutter. The pubspec of flutter web look a bit different from that of flutter mobile but this is not the real problem. What I am concerned about is that is it possible to add the packages availble for mobile into that of the web. If yes, what is the proper way to do so?
This is not currently possible (as of June 2019) for any package which is dependent on the mobile OS. The reason for this is that the plugins on mobile use platform channels to communicate with platform-dependent code implementations for Android and iOS written in java/kotlin for android or objc/swift for iOS.
The only way those packages would ever work on the web is if a web-specific implementation were written for them which I assume would either use an emscripten-compiled library or more likely some sort of javascript bridge to call the relevant browser APIs.
From the flutter for web readme:
flutter_web does not have a plugin system yet. Temporarily, we provide access to dart:html, dart:js, dart:svg, dart:indexed_db and other web libraries that give you access to the vast majority of browser APIs. However, expect that these libraries will be replaced by a different plugin API.
For any plugin that is 100% dart code, you should be able to just include it in your pubspec.yaml the same way you would in flutter - under dependencies.
yes you can by take source code packages from github and take codes inside lib file inside package and put it in your project and fix errors may happen inside files by change path import to:
import 'package:flutter_web/material.dart';
and some more changes may need to do it.
it will work 100% and so easy :)

Use of npm package within Flutter

I come from an Android native background and have recently started using Flutter more frequently, but I have no ReactNative experience whatsoever.
Is it at all possible to port an existing RN (npm-package) for use with a Flutter application? My understanding is that a RN compliant package exposes a JS API. Is there any way to implement a form of JS interop to achieve this, or is it not possible, and it would be better to ask the package vendor for Android and iOS specific native library / SDK releases (which were probably used to create the npm-package initially)?
My initial outlook was that it was not possible, but then I saw this article;
I would say it is better to use only dart packages, you don't have support for dart in npm, in some months you would have very big problems with that because of the lack of support, take that in mind...

xamarin.forms integration of zendesk chat

I am new to Xamarin development. And, currently I want to integrate the zendesk chat.
As per my RnD and after contacting Zendesk support center they are not supporting the xamarin yet.
Currently they have sdk for native android and ios respectively.
I need you expertize people's guidelines for the development regarding what scenario i should follow to achieve the same using xamarin.forms :
Integrate the both platforms native sdk's for xamarin in each platform and later call it from Xamarin.Forms by adding platform dependency using Device.OnPlatforms . ( I am not sure about this scenario, please suggest)
Create a jar/aar of Zendesk SDK and use it using binding library concept.( I am not sure it will be accessible into ios platform)
Kindly, suggest me the best approach for this.
Any sample reference for suggestions will be grateful.
Thanks in advance.
I think it's a mix of number 1 and number 2 (and a little extra).
You will need to create the Binding libraries for both iOS and Android. Xamarin has a good documentation of how to do this: Android/Java and IOS/Objective-C
Then you can go either with Xamarin Native (Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android projects) adding the binding to each project. Or you can go with Xamarin.Forms but this will require a little more work as you will need to create an interface of the methods you want to use from the SDKs (most likely all off them) and create the implementations for each platform.
Let's say your interface is called: ISendeskSdkService you will need at least two implementations: ISendeskSdkServiceiOS and ISendeskSdkServiceDroid. These implementations will be on the Platform project and they will be calling the binding libraries you just created and added to each of these projects.
You will be developing your app on top of your interface and which implementation to use will be set on the application load when you are configuring your IoC.
Hope this gives you an idea.

Using Zxing Library in my aplication

I have seriously tried to find a method to integrate zxing library for my barcode scanning application and found some examples and tutorials, but they mostly concentrate on the code of integrating the project library. I have understood how to use it but my only issue is I cant seem to find a correct way to copy the new zxing library. Please can anyone guide me through which files to copy where or how to bind the project in Android Studio.
I believe you want to 'add' the zxing library in your Android Studio project.
If you are comfortable with using Gradle, just add the below line in your app's build.gradle file under dependencies.
compile ''
Build your project and then start integrating zxing by importing the required classes.
I hope this answers your question and solves your problem.

Unable to use #Entity ,#Id annotations in android studio

I am a newbie in using google loud endpoints in m android app.
I followed several tutorials on developing a GAE back-end for my android app in android studio.
I made an android app and then auto-generated back-end for it.
In back-end module I created a bean and auto-generated end point class for it. But when I try to add annotations like #Entity,#Id etc then they are not recogniZed.
I have added objectify-4.0b1 jar to WEB-INF/lib in api project.
What am I missing?
Please advise.
The IDE needs to know about the objectify library. Did you use the Google Cloud Module generation built into Android Studio to create your endpoint? If so you should have your backend configured through Gradle. This would give you two options:
option 1) is add the following line to your dependencies clause in your backend build.gradle:
compile 'com.googlecode.objectify:objectify:4.0b1'
Although the latest version is 5.1.4 so if you can you should just use that.
option 2) is to go to file -> project structure, then select your backend module and add a library dependency. That will popup a search dialog where you can search for the objectify dependency and automatically add it to your module. This will update your build.gradle for you.
