Is there a way to convert a Serde Map into a Value? - rust

As per the Serde specification, an Object / Map<String, Value> is a Value:
pub enum Value {
Object(Map<String, Value>),
Yet when I compile this code:
extern crate serde;
extern crate serde_json;
struct Wrapper {
ok: bool,
data: Option<serde_json::Value>,
impl Wrapper {
fn ok() -> Wrapper {
Wrapper {
ok: true,
data: None,
pub fn data(&mut self, data: serde_json::Value) -> &mut Wrapper { = Some(data);
pub fn finalize(self) -> Wrapper {
trait IsValidWrapper {
fn is_valid_wrapper(&self) -> bool;
impl IsValidWrapper for serde_json::Map<std::string::String, serde_json::Value> {
fn is_valid_wrapper(&self) -> bool {
fn main() {
let json = json!({
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 43,
"phones": [
"+44 1234567",
"+44 2345678"
let converted_json: Wrapper = json
|| Err(json),
|obj| {
if obj.is_valid_wrapper() {
} else {
Err(*obj as serde_json::Value)
.unwrap_or_else(|data| Wrapper::ok().data(data.clone()).finalize());
"org json = {:?} => converted json = {:?}",
json, converted_json
I get this error:
error[E0605]: non-primitive cast: `serde_json::Map<std::string::String, serde_json::Value>` as `serde_json::Value`
--> src/
60 | Err(*obj as serde_json::Value)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: an `as` expression can only be used to convert between primitive types. Consider using the `From` trait
Is there a way to downcast a Map into a Value?

an Object / Map<String, Value> is a Value
No, it is not. Value is a type. Map<String, Value> is a type. Value::Object is an enum variant, which is not a separate type. In this case, Value::Object holds another value of type Map<String, Value>. You have to wrap the value in the variant to convert the type:
This will lead you to the problem:
error[E0308]: mismatched types
--> src/
57 | Err(serde_json::Value::Object(obj))
| ^^^ expected struct `serde_json::Map`, found reference
= note: expected type `serde_json::Map<std::string::String, serde_json::Value>`
found type `&serde_json::Map<std::string::String, serde_json::Value>`
as_object returns a reference to the contained object (if it's present), not the value itself. You will need to match on it for now:
let converted_json = match json {
serde_json::Value::Object(obj) => {}
_ => {}
Something like this:
let converted_json = match json {
serde_json::Value::Object(obj) => {
if obj.is_valid_wrapper() {
let mut w = Wrapper::ok();["data"].clone());
} else {
other => Err(other),


How do I extract information about the type in a derive macro?

I am implementing a derive macro to reduce the amount of boilerplate I have to write for similar types.
I want the macro to operate on structs which have the following format:
struct SomeStruct {
records: HashMap<Id, Record>
Calling the macro should generate an implementation like so:
impl MyTrait for SomeStruct {
fn foo(&self, id: Id) -> Record { ... }
So I understand how to generate the code using quote:
pub fn derive_answer_fn(item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let generated = quote!{
impl MyTrait for #struct_name {
fn foo(&self, id: #id_type) -> #record_type { ... }
But what is the best way to get #struct_name, #id_type and #record_type from the input token stream?
One way is to use the venial crate to parse the TokenStream.
use proc_macro2;
use quote::quote;
use venial;
pub fn derive_answer_fn(item: proc_macro::TokenStream) -> proc_macro::TokenStream {
// Ensure it's deriving for a struct.
let s = match venial::parse_declaration(proc_macro2::TokenStream::from(item)) {
Ok(venial::Declaration::Struct(s)) => s,
Ok(_) => panic!("Can only derive this trait on a struct"),
Err(_) => panic!("Error parsing into valid Rust"),
let struct_name =;
// Get the struct's first field.
let fields = s.fields;
let named_fields = match fields {
venial::StructFields::Named(named_fields) => named_fields,
_ => panic!("Expected a named field"),
let inners: Vec<(venial::NamedField, proc_macro2::Punct)> = named_fields.fields.inner;
if inners.len() != 1 {
panic!("Expected exactly one named field");
// Get the name and type of the first field.
let first_field_name = &inners[0];
let first_field_type = &inners[0].0.ty;
// Extract Id and Record from the type HashMap<Id, Record>
if first_field_type.tokens.len() != 6 {
panic!("Expected type T<R, S> for first named field");
let id = first_field_type.tokens[2].clone();
let record = first_field_type.tokens[4].clone();
// Implement MyTrait.
let generated = quote! {
impl MyTrait for #struct_name {
fn foo(&self, id: #id) -> #record { *self.#first_field_name.get(&id).unwrap() }

Is there a way to use internal symbols in a Rust macro?

Suppose my library definespub struct MyStruct { a: i32 }. Then, suppose I define a procedural macro my_macro!. Perhaps I want my_macro!(11) to expand to MyStruct { a: 11 }. This proves that I must have used my_macro! to obtain MyStruct, since the a field is not public.
This is what I want to do:
struct MyStruct {
a: i32,
pub fn my_macro(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let ast: syn::Expr = syn::parse(input).unwrap();
fn impl_my_macro(expr: syn::Expr) -> TokenStream {
let gen = match expr {
syn::Expr::Lit(expr_lit) => match expr_lit.lit {
syn::Lit::Int(lit_int) => {
let value = lit_int.base10_parse::<i32>().unwrap();
if value > 100 {
quote::quote! {
compile_error("Integer literal is too big.");
} else {
quote::quote! {
MyStruct{a: #lit_int}
_ => quote::quote! {
compile_error!("Expected an integer literal.");
_ => quote::quote! {
compile_error!("Expected an integer literal.");
And I would use it like this:
fn test_my_macro() {
let my_struct = secret_macro::my_macro!(10);
But the compiler gives this warning:
error[E0422]: cannot find struct, variant or union type `MyStruct` in this scope
--> tests/
14 | secret_macro::my_macro!(10);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope
Is it possible to achieve this in Rust?

How to dereference Uuid type?

I'm using the Uuid crate to give unique ids to instantiate each new version of a Node struct with a unique identifier. Sometimes I'd like to filter these structs using .contains() to check if a struct's id is inside some array of Vec<Uuid>.
use uuid::Uuid;
struct Node {
id: Uuid,
impl Node {
fn new() -> Self {
let new_obj = Node {
id: Uuid::new_v4()
fn id(&self) -> Uuid {
fn main() {
let my_objs = vec![
let some_ids = vec![my_objs[0].id(), my_objs[3].id()];
fn filter_objs(all_items: &Vec<Node>, to_get: &Vec<Uuid>){
for z in to_get {
let wanted_objs = &all_items.iter().filter(|s| to_get.contains(* == true);
However this gives the error:
error[E0614]: type `Uuid` cannot be dereferenced
--> src/
32 | let wanted_objs = &all_items.iter().filter(|s| to_get.contains(* == true);
| ^^^^^^^
How can I enable dereferencing for the Uuid type to solve this problem?
Uuid doesn't implement the Deref trait so it can't be dereferenced, nor does it need to be since you're trying to pass it as an argument to a function with expects a reference. If you change * to & the code compiles:
fn filter_objs(all_items: &Vec<Node>, to_get: &Vec<Uuid>) {
for z in to_get {
let wanted_objs = &all_items
// changed from `*` to `&` here
.filter(|s| to_get.contains(& == true);

Function local variable doesn't live long enough [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there any way to return a reference to a variable created in a function?
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I'm trying to write a wrapper around serde_json & Rocket's FromData to strongly type some of the JSON I exchange with a server.
I can't compile the following code:
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate rocket;
extern crate serde;
use serde::ser::Error;
use serde_json::Value;
use rocket::data::DataStream;
use rocket::outcome::IntoOutcome;
use std::io::Read;
static NULL: Value = serde_json::Value::Null;
pub struct ResponseJSON<'v> {
success: bool,
http_code: u16,
data: &'v serde_json::Value,
impl<'v> ResponseJSON<'v> {
pub fn ok() -> ResponseJSON<'v> {
ResponseJSON {
success: true,
http_code: 200,
data: &NULL,
pub fn http_code(mut self, code: u16) -> ResponseJSON<'v> {
self.http_code = code;
pub fn data(mut self, ref_data: &'v serde_json::Value) -> ResponseJSON<'v> { = ref_data;
pub fn from_serde_value(json: &'v serde_json::Value) -> ResponseJSON<'v> {
if !json["success"].is_null() {
.http_code(json["http_code"].as_u64().unwrap() as u16)
} else {
impl<'v> rocket::data::FromData for ResponseJSON<'v> {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn from_data(request: &rocket::Request, data: rocket::Data) -> rocket::data::Outcome<Self, serde_json::Error> {
if !request.content_type().map_or(false, |ct| ct.is_json()) {
println!("Content-Type is not JSON.");
return rocket::Outcome::Forward(data);
let data_from_reader =<<20);
let value = serde_json::from_reader(data_from_reader);
let unwraped_value : Value = if value.is_ok() { value.unwrap() } else { Value::Null };
if !unwraped_value.is_null() {
} else {
Err(serde_json::Error::custom("Unable to create JSON from reader")).into_outcome()
fn main() {
println!("it runs!");
The compiler's error:
Compiling tests v0.1.0 (file:///Users/bgbahoue/Projects.nosync/tests)
error: `unwraped_value` does not live long enough
--> src/
64 | Ok(ResponseJSON::from_serde_value(&unwraped_value)).into_outcome()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ does not live long enough
68 | }
| - borrowed value only lives until here
note: borrowed value must be valid for the lifetime 'v as defined on the body at 53:114...
--> src/
53 | fn from_data(request: &rocket::Request, data: rocket::Data) -> rocket::data::Outcome<Self, serde_json::Error> {
| ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________^
54 | | if !request.content_type().map_or(false, |ct| ct.is_json()) {
55 | | println!("Content-Type is not JSON.");
56 | | return rocket::Outcome::Forward(data);
... |
67 | | }
68 | | }
| |_____^
error: aborting due to previous error
Since data_from_reader, value and unwraped_value come from data I thought the compiler could infer that it had the same lifetime but apparently it's not the case. Is there any way I could state that or do something that would work in such a case ?
pub fn from_reader<R, T>(rdr: R) -> Result<T>
R: Read,
T: DeserializeOwned,
fn open(self) -> DataStream
fn take(self, limit: u64) -> Take<Self>
As per #LukasKalbertodt 's comment above, it does work when ResponseJSON owns the serde_json::Value
Revised code (pasted as is, even though there are better ways to chain some parts of the code)
extern crate serde_json;
extern crate rocket;
extern crate serde;
use serde::ser::Error;
use serde_json::Value;
use rocket::outcome::IntoOutcome;
use std::io::Read;
static NULL: Value = serde_json::Value::Null;
pub struct ResponseJSON { // <-- changed to remove the lifetime parameter
success: bool,
http_code: u16,
data: serde_json::Value, // <- changed to remove the '&'
impl ResponseJSON {
pub fn ok() -> ResponseJSON {
ResponseJSON {
success: true,
http_code: 200,
data: Value::Null,
pub fn http_code(mut self, code: u16) -> ResponseJSON {
self.http_code = code;
pub fn data(mut self, data: serde_json::Value) -> ResponseJSON { // <- changed to remove the '&' = data;
pub fn from_serde_value(json: serde_json::Value) -> ResponseJSON { // <- changed to remove the reference & lifetime parameter
if !json["success"].is_null() {
.http_code(json["http_code"].as_u64().unwrap() as u16)
} else {
impl rocket::data::FromData for ResponseJSON {
type Error = serde_json::Error;
fn from_data(request: &rocket::Request, data: rocket::Data) -> rocket::data::Outcome<Self, serde_json::Error> {
if !request.content_type().map_or(false, |ct| ct.is_json()) {
println!("Content-Type is not JSON.");
return rocket::Outcome::Forward(data);
let data_from_reader =<<20);
let value = serde_json::from_reader(data_from_reader);
let unwraped_value : Value = if value.is_ok() { value.unwrap() } else { Value::Null };
if !unwraped_value.is_null() {
Ok(ResponseJSON::from_serde_value(unwraped_value)).into_outcome() // <- changed to remove the '&' in front of `unwraped_value`
} else {
Err(serde_json::Error::custom("Unable to create JSON from reader")).into_outcome()
fn main() {
println!("it compiles & runs");
cargo run output
Compiling tests v0.1.0 (file:///Users/bgbahoue/Projects.nosync/tests)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.28 secs
Running `target/debug/tests`
it compiles & runs
My take is that in that case the ownership (lifetime ?) of the input parameter's data is passed to data_from_reader to value to unwraped_value to the temp ResponseJSON to the returned rocket::data::Outcome; so it seems ok.
With references, the temp ResponseJSON didn't outlive the function end, since it outlived the serde_json::Value from which it was created i.e. unwraped_value lifetime i.e. the function's end; hence the compiler issue.
Not 100% sure of my explaination though, would love your thoughts about that

Use of moved value when pattern matching an enum with multiple values after downcasting

I can use pattern matching on an enum that has one String parameter:
extern crate robots;
use std::any::Any;
use robots::actors::{Actor, ActorCell};
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExampleMessage {
Msg { param_a: String },
pub struct Dummy {}
impl Actor for Dummy {
// Using `Any` is required for actors in RobotS
fn receive(&self, message: Box<Any>, _context: ActorCell) {
if let Ok(message) = Box::<Any>::downcast::<ExampleMessage>(message) {
match *message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a } => println!("got message"),
And yet I am unable to perform pattern matching on an enum with 2 parameters:
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExampleMessage {
Msg { param_a: String, param_b: usize },
impl Actor for Dummy {
// Using `Any` is required for actors in RobotS
fn receive(&self, message: Box<Any>, _context: ActorCell) {
if let Ok(message) = Box::<Any>::downcast::<ExampleMessage>(message) {
match *message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
This results in the error:
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `message`
--> src/
19 | ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => {
| ------- ^^^^^^^ value used here after move
| |
| value moved here
= note: move occurs because `message.param_a` has type `std::string::String`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
I tried pattern matching on the same enum without downcasting before, and this works fine but I am required to downcast.
This just seems like very strange behavior to me and I don't know how to circumvent this error.
I am using Rust 1.19.0-nightly (afa1240e5 2017-04-29)
I tried pattern matching on the same enum without downcasting before, and this works fine
This is a good attempt at reducing the problem. The issue is that you reduced too far. Downcasting a Box<T> to a Foo doesn't return a Foo, it returns a Box<Foo>:
fn downcast<T>(self) -> Result<Box<T>, Box<Any + 'static>>
You can reproduce the problem with:
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExampleMessage {
Msg { param_a: String, param_b: usize },
fn receive2(message: Box<ExampleMessage>) {
match *message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
fn main() {}
The good news
This is a limitation of the current implementation of the borrow checker and your original code will work as-is when non-lexical lifetimes are enabled:
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ExampleMessage {
Msg { param_a: String, param_b: usize },
fn receive2(message: Box<ExampleMessage>) {
match *message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
fn main() {}
The current reality
Non-lexical lifetimes and the MIR-based borrow checker are not yet stable!
When you match against a dereferenced value, the value is not normally moved. This allows you to do something like:
enum Foo {
fn main() {
let f = &Foo::One;
match *f {
Foo::One => {}
Foo::Two => {}
In this case, you wish to take ownership of the thing inside the Box1 in order to take ownership of the fields when destructuring it in the match. You can accomplish this by moving the value out of the box before trying to match on it.
The long way to do this is:
fn receive2(message: Box<ExampleMessage>) {
let message = *message;
match message {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
But you can also force the move by using curly braces:
fn receive2(message: Box<ExampleMessage>) {
match {*message} {
ExampleMessage::Msg { param_a, param_b } => println!("got message"),
I don't fully understand why a single field would work; it's certainly inconsistent. My only guess is that the ownership of the Box is moved to the first param, the param is extracted, then the compiler tries to move it again to the next parameter.
1 — Moving the contained element out via * is a special power that only Box supports. For example, if you try to do this with a reference, you get the "cannot move out of borrowed content" error. You cannot implement the Deref trait to do this either; it's a hard-coded ability inside the compiler.
