Visualising Audio - How to do it - audio

I want to know how this: was done.
Any ideas​ how this was created?

In really high level terms, I think it could happen like this:
The entire song is divided up into windows of some fraction of a second.
For each window, a Fourier transform or some equivalent transform the audio signal from the time to frequency domain.
The transformed signal is mirrored radially around the origin, where the "fatness" of each circle could correspond to "how tall the respective hump is" in the frequency graph.
So, to make the animation "smooth" one would probably have at least 10 windows a second. Hope that helps. All images are own work.


Object tracking for velocity measurement

I am looking for a real time image processing to measure the velocity and output it to another control system.
I have attached an image of a yellow stripe. This has markings on the surface that I would like to automatically detect and use for calculation. In the first step the material moves only in one direction. Here for example to the right. For me only the horizontal part of the movement is of interest, so quasi only the velocity along an x-axis. But the material moves relatively fast. At maximum speed in 28 ms the current mark (spike) is at the position of the one in front of it.
The idea is to use a Raspberry Pi 4 with a camera at the maximum of 120 fps. So every 8.3 ms a picture is generated and should make it possible to clearly detect the movement of the marks.
My questions are:
Is it possible to process the images and detaction that fast to get the velocity in nearly real time? And which algorithem should I use for this configuration? Because it would be best if I could use two or three markers per image and average the velocity of them.
And I would like to use the velocity as an input signal for another system. What is the easiest and fastest way to send the information directly to another control system?

Changing frequency amplitude with RealFFT, flickering sound

i have been trying to modify the amplitude for specific frequencies. Here is what i have done:
I get the data 2048 as float array which have a value range of [-1,1]. It's raw data.
I use this RealFFT algorithm
I divide the raw data into left and right channel (this works great).
I perform RealFFT (forward enable) on both left and right and i use this equation to find which index is the right frequency that i want: freq/(samplerate/sizeOfBuffer/2.0)
I modify the frequency that i want.
I perform RealFFT (forward disable) to go back to frequency domain.
Now when i play back, i hear the change tat i did to the frequency but there is a flickering noise ( kinda the same flickering when you play an old vinyl song).
Any idea what i might do wrong?
It was a while ago i took my signal processing course at my university so i might have forgot something.
Thanks in advance!
The comments may be confusing. Here are some clarifications.
The imaginary part is not the phase. The real and imaginary parts form a vector, think of a 2-d plot where real is on the x axis and imaginary on the y. The amplitude of a frequency is the length of the line formed from the origin to the point. So, the phase is the arctan of the real and imaginary parts divided. The magnitude is the square root of the sum of squares of the real and imaginary parts.
So. The first step is that you want to change the magnitude of the vector, you must scale both the real and imaginary parts.
That's easy. The second part is much more complicated. The Fourier transform's "view" of the world is that it is infinitely periodic - that is, it looks like the signal wraps from the end, back to the beginning. If you put a perfect sine tone into your algorithm, and say that the period of the sine tone is 4096 samples. The first sample into the FFT is +1, then the last sample into the FFT is -1. If you look at the spectrum in the FFT, it will appear as if there are lots of high frequencies, which are the harmonics of transforming a signal that has a jump from -1 to 1. The longer and longer the FFT, the closer that the FFT shows you the "real" view of the signal.
Techniques to smooth out the transitions between FFT blocks have been developed, by windowing and overlapping the FFT blocks, so that the transitions between the blocks are not so "discontinuous". A fairly common technique is to use a Hann window and overlap by a factor of 4. That is, for every 2048 samples, you actually do 4 FFTs, and every FFT overlaps the previous block by 1536. The Hann window gets mathy, but basically it has nice properties so that you can do overlaps like this and everything sums up nicely.
I found this pretty fun blog showing exactly the same learning pains that you're going through:
This technique is different from another commenter who mentions Overlap-Save. This is a a method developed to use FFTs to do FIR filtering. However, designing the FIR filter will typically be done in a mathematical package like Matlab/Octave.
If you use a series of shorter FFTs to modify a longer signal, then one should zero-pad each window so that it uses a longer FFT (longer by the impulse response of the modification's spectrum), and combine the series of longer FFTs by overlap-add or overlap-save. Otherwise, waveform changes that should ripple past the end of each FFT/IFFT modification will , due to circular convolution, ripple around to the beginning of each window, and cause that periodic flickering distortion you hear.

Finding the frequency per second from an audio file

I am currently making a game, similar to Audiosurf. I am trying to find the frequency of an audio file(like .mpg3 or .wav) at every second. Based on the value I will build the level. I have been doing a lot of research on this topic. I have a way to get the samples within the audio file, i am using the unity engine to make this game. I am thinking about breaking the samples into samples per second(using the transfer rate), then do an FFT on each of those and then find the highest frequency within each. Am I on the right path? Can anyone ofter any suggestions or if I am not on the right path, can anyone one correct me? Any help would be appreciated.
You are on the right path with the FFT part and splitting your samples into bins. Here is a library for that:
Where it gets hairy is with picking your frequency, let me tell you off the bat just throw away the highest frequency in the spectrum, it's part of the static. Maybe you could use the lowest frequency to catch the bassline, but likely the bass drums and even atmospheric sound effects will interfere there.
Now provided you do find some heuristic that allows you to pick the "frequency" at a given moment in the song, this most likely doesn't have correlation to the music itself. You are really better off re-working your idea to use frequency spectrum at each moment, not just a single frequency.
EDIT: The fourier transform will provide you with an array of complex numbers, each represents the amplitude as the real component and phase as the imaginary component for its bin.

Theory behind Autotune/vocoder

I've been hunting all over the web for material about vocoder or autotune, but haven't got any satisfactory answers. Could someone in a simple way please explain how do you autotune a given sound file using a carrier sound file?
(I'm familiar with ffts, windowing, overlap etc., I just don't get the what do we do when we have the ffts of the carrier and the original sound file which has to be modulated)
EDIT: After looking around a bit more, I finally got to know exactly what I was looking for -- a channel vocoder. The way it works is, it takes two inputs, one a voice signal and the other a musical signal rich in frequency. The musical signal is modulated by the envelope of the voice signal, and the output signal sounds like the voice singing in the musical tone.
Thanks for your help!
Using a phase vocoder to adjust pitch is basically pitch estimation plus interpolation in the frequency domain.
A phase vocoder reconstruction method might resample the frequency spectrum at, potentially, a new FFT bin spacing to shift all the frequencies up or down by some ratio. The phase vocoder algorithm additionally uses information shared between adjacent FFT frames to make sure this interpolation result can create continuous waveforms across frame boundaries. e.g. it adjusts the phases of the interpolation results to make sure that successive sinewave reconstructions are continuous rather than having breaks or discontinuities or phase cancellations between frames.
How much to shift the spectrum up or down is determined by pitch estimation, and calculating the ratio between the estimated pitch of the source and that of the target pitch. Again, phase vocoders use information about any phase differences between FFT frames to help better estimate pitch. This is possible by using more a bit more global information than is available from a single local FFT frame.
Of course, this frequency and phase changing can smear out transient detail and cause various other distortions, so actual phase vocoder products may additionally do all kinds of custom (often proprietary) special case tricks to try and fix some of these problems.
The first step is pitch detection. There are a number of pitch detection algorithms, introduced briefly in wikipedia:
Pitch detection can be implemented in either frequency domain or time domain. Various techniques in both domains exist with various properties (latency, quality, etc.) In the F domain, it is important to realize that a naive approach is very limiting because of the time/frequency trade-off. You can get around this limitation, but it takes work.
Once you've identified the pitch, you compare it with a desired pitch and determine how much you need to actually pitch shift.
Last step is pitch shifting, which, like pitch detection, can be done in the T or F domain. The "phase vocoder" method other folks mentioned is the F domain method. T domain methods include (in increasing order of quality) OLA, SOLA and PSOLA, some of which you can read about here:
Basically you do an FFT, then in the frequency domain you move the signals to the nearest perfect semitone pitch.

Note Onset Detection using Spectral Difference

Im fairly new to onset detection. I read some papers about it and know that when working only with the time-domain, it is possible that there will be a large number of false-positives/negatives, and that it is generally advisable to work with either both the time-domain and frequency-domain or the frequency domain.
Regarding this, I am a bit confused because, I am having trouble on how the spectral energy or the results from the FFT bin can be used to determine note onsets. Because, aren't note onsets represented by sharp peaks in amplitude?
Can someone enlighten me on this? Thank you!
This is the easiest way to think about note onset:
think of a music signal as a flat constant signal. When and onset occurs you look at it as a large rapid CHANGE in signal (a positive or negative peak)
What this means in the frequency domain:
the FT of a constant signal is, well, CONSTANT! and flat
When the onset event occurs there is a rapid increase in spectrial content.
While you may think "Well you're actually talking about the peak of the onset right?" not at all. We are not actually interested in the peak of the onset, but rather the rising edge of the signal. When there is a sharp increase in the signal, the high frequency content increases.
one way to do this is using the spectrial difference function:
take your time domain signal and cut it up into overlaping strips (typically 50% overlap)
apply a hamming/hann window (this is to reduce spectrial smudging) (remember cutting up the signal into windows is like multiplying it by a pulse, in the frequency domain its like convolving the signal with a sinc function)
Apply the FFT algorithm on two sucessive windows
For each DFT bin, calculate the difference between the Xn and Xn-1 bins if it is negative set it to zero
square the results and sum all th bins together
repeat till end of signal.
look for peaks in signal using median thresholding and there are your onset times!
You can look at sharp differences in amplitude at a specific frequency as suspected sound onsets. For instance if a flute switches from playing a G5 to playing a C, there will be a sharp drop in amplitude of the spectrum at around 784 Hz.
If you don't know what frequency to examine, the magnitude of an FFT vector will give you the amplitude of every frequency over some window in time (with a resolution dependent on the length of the time window). Pick your frequency, or a bunch of frequencies, and diff two FFTs of two different time windows. That might give you something that can be used as part of a likelihood estimate for a sound onset or change somewhere between the two time windows. Sliding the windows or successive approximation of their location in time might help narrow down the time of a suspected note onset or other significant change in the sound.
"Because, aren't note onsets represented by sharp peaks in amplitude?"
A: Not always. On percussive instruments (including piano) this is true, but for violin, flute, etc. notes often "slide" into each other as frequency changes without sharp amplitude increases.
If you stick to a single instrument like the piano onset detection is do-able. Generalized onset detection is a much more difficult problem. There are about a dozen primitive features that have been used for onset detection. Once you code them, you still have to decide how best to use them.
