UML Designer, how to generate Java classes from UML Diagram - uml-designer

I am using Obeo UML Designer v. 8.0.0 (latest version downloaded from here), to design an UML data model, and I would like to generate the Java classes corresponding to the model. How can I generate the classes?

As you can see the 8.0.0 is still in beta status, you downloaded a nightly version. The generation is a new feature in UML Designer. At the moment I know that we have a packaging issue and so the generation menus are not visible. This will be fixed soon and before the official 8.0.0 release in july.


MPS-based IDE: what are the best practices for embedding JRE/JDK?

MPS enables me to build standalone IDEs (see, however Windows builds would definitely need a JDK/JRE. The users get confused with installing Java, etc.
Are there "pre-built" JDKs compatible with MPS (IntelliJ platform)?
What are the approaches to update the bundled Java? IntelliJ platform does have an updater, however does it support updating the Java runtime? The updater is Java-based, so I wonder how does it update Java runtime when using the same runtime.
Can something like JetBrains Toolbox to manage updates of the "third-party" MPS-based IDEs?
PS. I'm using for MPS 2017.3, mbeddr if that matters.
I'm not exactly sure if the are publicly available but you can check JBs teamcity at where all their open source stuff is available.
The updater for intellij performs incremental updates to the jar files. It is not open source and it usually only used to do small updates. If there is a major update like new platform with a bunch of API updates it is not used and the user has to download complete new installer. In MPS the incremental updater is not used. So each MPS updates is complete new IDE to be downloaded by the end user (or JB toolbox).
I don't know how the JB toolbox works but you can use MPS/IntelliJs normal update mechanics to notify users about updates to your custom IDE. In the branding you create for your custom IDE there is field where you can point it to a update location. Which then serves a xml file with the update information. The format is pretty straight forward. Here is a sample. Your IDE will check on start up or at least once a day if an update is available.

Best build target for ActionBarSherlock library?

The docs on the ABS website seem slightly inconsistent.
On it says
"Due to its use of the native action bar and its related classes on Ice Cream Sandwich, the library requires that both it and your project are compiled with Android 4.0 or newer."
This implies to me that it is okay to build both project and library with API 16.
However, on it says "The library itself must be built against Android 4.0 (API level 14). Your project should be built using the latest version of the SDK as possible as long as it is 4.0 or newer."
This implies to me that API 16 is okay for the project, but the library should be built with API 14.
So, then, my question is, 16 or 14 for the library?
Thanks in advance, and thanks to Jake for writing and supporting ABS.
ActionBarSherlock is designed to make a decision on launch time:
Use the system's built-in ActionBar, etc. widgets and classes
Use ABS's compatibility ActionBar, etc. widgets and classes
It uses your build target to make that decision. If you target 4.0, then devices with 4.0 will use their built-in widgets and classes in your app. Devices with 4.1 and higher will do the same. Devices with any version below 4.0 (so, 3.2 and below) will use the compatibility ABS stuff.
Changing the target to 4.1 will make 4.0 use the compatibility ABS stuff, which is kind of unnecessary but not really harmful. But it's almost always better to just use what's on the device. So I'd recommend keeping it at 4.0.
Side note: 3.0 - 3.2 also have an ActionBar class, but it's missing a lot of features added in 4.0, so it's best to use ABS for those versions.

Export DSL from MagicDraw

I made an UML profile (with stereotypes) in MagicDraw. I also made a special diagram type for my profile as well as some new buttons.
But when I open my project on another PC, everything is gone - I can't see my diagram or my buttons any more.
How can I export/save my DSL settings?
On their website MagicDraw UML states that models generated in ver 1.7 of java might have issues with working on java 1.6.
I think this is true for the latest ver of MagicDraw UML.
Maybe your first PC is running 1.7 and the other 1.6.

uml plugin for netbeans 6.5.1

i looked for uml plugin for netbeans 6.5.1 but i can not find the link,
where can i download UML plugin for 'Netbeans 6.5.1' ide ?
and is there any tutorial on how to use it?
Read this. The UML plugin can be found in this version of NetBeans by default.
The plugin was not moved from the main installer to the update center and can be installed via the Tools > Plugins menu in the IDE.
Five diagram types are supported: activity, class, sequence, state and use case diagrams.

How can I create a class diagram from my J2ME project? (NetBeans used to do this)

I have created a game and would like to automatically create a class diagram from my J2ME code. NetBeans (pre 6.5 I think) used to have UML plugin to do this, but as I am using the latest 6.8 version of NetBeans I can't use this old UML plugin anymore!
Does anyone know how I can automatically create a class diagram from my J2ME project?
Unfortunately, I try to find any free reverse engineering uml tool and find nothing good except netbeans uml editor.
EclipseUML Omondo Free Edition is quite good, but on free edition do not support reverse engineering As far as I know. But if you need a one time diagram - you can try trial EclipseUML Omondo Studio Edition. But in this case you need port project to eclipse - not so hard as it looks. Good luck!
umbrello seems to do the job! link text
Although I do have to manually drag and drop classes to get them to display! but thats better than making the whole thing manually I suppose!
