How to understand the case args of in the following code?
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
case args of
[dir, mbytes] | [(bytes ,"")] <- reads mbytes
, bytes >= 1 -> findDuplicates dir bytes
(_) -> do
name <- getProgName
printf "Something went wrong - please use ./%s <dir> <bytes>\n" name
The guards in this case expression are making use of the PatternGuards extension, part of Haskell 2010 but not Haskell 98. The idea is that with this extension, your guards can do pattern-matching of their own, not just evaluate Bool expressions.
So your case expression has two patterns:
[dir, mbytes]
and the wildcard pattern. If [dir, mbytes] does match with args, the pattern match still might not succeed: its guards need to apply. It has two guards:
[(bytes ,"")] <- reads mbytes
which means that calling reads mbytes must match with [(bytes, "")], and
bytes >= 1
which is an ordinary boolean expression.
If all of those pattern matches and guards succeed, then the first clause of the case is the one that is used; otherwise, we fall through to the default clause and print an error message.
I have a 'QuasiQuoter' which is useful in source code in Haskell, but also as a standalone application. So, I need to be able to run QuasiQuoter
During the compile time in Haskell - [myGrammar|someCommand|]
In runtime (runtime compilation) in shell - mygrammar 'someCommand'
The first part is easy but the second part might be a little clumsy if solved as calling the compiler with some generated code from the runtime.
I would like to solve a second part of the problem using some nice method in Haskell which doesn't accept only the source code, but accepts QuasyQuoter datatype instead so the code is less clumsy. But I can't find any compilation method like that.
Do you know any? Thanks.
Example of usage
The function takes tuple [(a,b,c,d,e)] and returns a list of the strings with the products.
function = [lsql| {1..5}, r=[ a.* |> (*) ], "Product of a.1 * a.2 * ... * a.5 is &a.r"|]
The command reads from stdin csv with at least 5 numerical columns and returns a list of their products (one per line).
lsql-csv '-, r=[ a.* |> (*) ], "Product of a.1 * a.2 * ... * a.5 is &a.r"'
I think the question is how to parse and process a string in a uniform way between a quasiquoter and some other chunk of code. If this interpretation is right, then you just... do that. For example:
-- implementation of these is left to the reader, but can use standard Haskell
-- programming techniques and libraries, like parsec and ADTs and stuff
command :: Parser Command
interpret :: Command -> IO ()
jit :: Command -> Exp -- or Q Exp
Then, in your lsql-csv.hs, you would write something like
main = do
[s] <- getArgs
case parse command s of
Left err -> die (show err)
Right com -> interpret com
and in your LSql/CSV/QQ.hs, you would write something like
lsql = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = \s -> case parse command s of
Left err -> qReport True (show err) >> fail ""
Right com -> return (jit com) -- or just jit com if that's already a Q Exp
I've seen many OCaml programs that have all their functions at the top and then a unit definition at the end, like:
let rec factorial num =
if num = 0 then 1
else num * factorial (num-1)
let () =
let num2 = read_int () in
print_int (factorial num2)
Why is this? Does it act like a main function? If so, you shouldn't be able to use several of them right?
What is the best way to handle several input for example? Writing several unit definitions?
Yes, a unit expression at the top level of a module acts like the main function of the module. I.e., it gets executed at the time the program is started.
You can have many unit expressions anywhere you can have one unit expression. The ; operator is specifically intended for such cases:
let () =
Printf.printf "hello\n";
Printf.printf "world\n"
As a side comment, I often write a main function in my main module:
let main () =
(* main calculation of program *)
let () = main ()
This is possibly a holdover from all the years I wrote C code.
I have also seen this in other people's code (possibly there are a lot of us who used to write C code).
I really like Jeffrey's answer, but in case if you want extra details and what to know what let () = foo means here is some extracurricular reading.
Abstractly speaking the operation of OCaml programs could be defined as a machine that reduces expressions until they become irreducible. And an irreducible expression is called a value. For example, 5 + 3 is reduced to 8 and there is no other way to reduce 8 so 8 is a value. A more complex example of a value is (fun x -> x + 1). And a more complex example of expression would be
(fun x -> x + 1) 5
Which is reduced to 6.
The whole semantics of the language is defined as a set of such reduction rules. And a program in OCaml is an ordered list of definitions of the form,
let <pattern> = <expression>
So that when an OCaml program is evaluated (executed) it reduces the part of each definition and assigns it to the pattern on the left-hand side, e.g.,
let 5 = 2 + 3
is a valid definition in OCaml. It will reduce the 2 + 3 expression to 5 and then try to match the resulting value with the left-hand side. If it matches, then the next definition is evaluated, and so on. If it doesn't the program is terminated.
Here 5 is a very simple value that matches only with 5 and, in general, your values will be more complex. However, there is a value that is even more primitive than 5. It is a value of type unit that has only one inhabitant, denoted as (). And this is also the value, to which colloquially expressions with side effects are reduced. Since in OCaml every expression must reduce to a value, we need a value that represents no value, and that is unit. For example print_endline "foo" reduces to () with a side effect of emitting string foo to the standard output.
Therefore, when we write
let foo () = print_endline "foo"
let () = foo ()
We evaluate (reduce) the function foo until it reaches the () value that indicates that we fully reduced foo ().
We could also use a wildcard matcher and write
let _ = foo ()
or bind the result to a variable, e.g.,
let bar = foo ()
But it is considered a good style to use () on the left-hand side of an expression that evaluates to () to indicate that the right-hand side doesn't produce any interesting value. It also prevents common errors, e.g.,
let () = foo
will yield an error saying that unit -> unit and can't be matched with unit and even provide a hint: Did you forget to provide ()' as argument?`
I'm currently working my way through Learn You a Haskell for Great Good, and I'm trying to modify one of the code snippets in chapter nine, "Input and Output" to handle errors correctly:
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
let result = lookup command dispatch
if result == Nothing
let (Just action) = result
action args
dispatch :: [(String, [String] -> IO ())]
is an association list
errorExit :: IO ()
is some function that prints an error message.
Compiling this with GHC gives the error message
todo.hs:20:13: parse error in let binding: missing required 'in'
which (to my understanding), seems to be saying that the "let" here doesn't realise it's in a "do" block.
Adding "do" on lines five and seven (after "then" and "else" respectively), changes the error message to
The last statement in a 'do' block must be an expression
let (Just action) = result
todo.hs:21:5: Not in scope: `action'.
and now, whilst I agree with the first error message, I also have that one of my variables has jumped out of scope? I've double checked my alignment, and nothing seems to be out of place.
What is the appropriate way to assign a varaible within an if clause that is within a do block?
My suggestion is to not use if in the first place, use case. By using case you get to test the value and bind the result to a variable all in one go. Like this:
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
case lookup command dispatch of
Nothing -> errorExit
Just action -> action args
For a more in-depth discussion on why we should prefer case over if see boolean blindness.
#svenningsson suggested the right fix. The reason your original fails is because let clauses can only appear at the top level of a do block - they're simple syntactic sugar that doesn't look into inner expressions:
do let x = 1
desugars to the let expression
let x = 1 in y
Alas, in a do block, an expression clause like if ... then ... else ... has no way to declare variables in the rest of the do block at all.
There are at least two possible ways to get around this.
Absorb the remainder of the do block into the expression:
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
let result = lookup command dispatch
if result == Nothing
else do
let (Just action) = result
action args
(This is essentially the method #svenningsson uses in his better case version too.)
This can however get a bit awkward if the remainder of the do expression needs to be duplicated into more than one branch.
("Secret" trick: GHC (unlike standard Haskell) doesn't actually require a final, inner do block to be indented more than the outer one, which can help if the amount of indentation starts getting annoying.)
Pull the variable declaration outside the expression:
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
let result = lookup command dispatch
action <- if result == Nothing
else do
let (Just action') = result
return action'
action args
Here that requires making up a new variable name, since the pattern in the let clause isn't just a simple variable.
Finally, action was always out of scope in the last line of your code, but GHC works in several stages, and if it aborts in the parsing stage, it won't check for scope errors. (For some reason it does the The last statement in a 'do' block must be an expression check at a later stage than parsing.)
Addendum: After I understood what #Sibi meant, I see that result == Nothing isn't going to work, so you cannot use if ... then ... else ... with that even with the above workarounds.
You are getting an error because you are trying to compare values of function type. When you perform the check if result == Nothing, it tries to check the equality of Nothing with the value of result which is a type of Maybe ([String] -> IO ()).
So, if you want it to properly typecheck, you have to define Eq instances for -> and that wouldn't make any sense as you are trying to compare two functions for equality.
You can also use fmap to write your code:
main = do
(command:args) <- getArgs
let result = lookup command dispatch
print $ fmap (const args) result
** old**
Suppose we have a pattern ex. "1101000111001110".
Now I have a pattern to be searched ex. "1101". I am new to Haskell world, I am trying it at my end. I am able to do it in c but need to do it in Haskell.
Given Pattern := "1101000111001110"
Pattern To Be Searched :- "110
Desired Output:-"Pattern Found"`
** New**
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
main = do x <- readFile "read.txt"
putStr x
isSubb :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Bool
isSubb sub str = isInfixOf sub str
This code reads a file named "read", which contains the following string 110100001101. Using isInfixOf you can check the pattern "1101" in the string and result will be True.
But the problem is i am not able to search "1101" in the string present in "read.txt".
I need to compare the "read.txt" string with the user provided string. i.e
one string is their in the file "read.txt"
and second string user will provid (user defined) and we will perform search and find whether user defined string is present in the string present in "read.txt"
Answer to new:
To achieve this, you have to use readLn:
sub <- readLn
readLn accepts input until a \n is encountered and <- binds the result to sub. Watch out that if the input should be a string you have to explicitly type the "s around your string.
Alternatively if you do not feel like typing the quotation marks every time, you can use getLine in place of readLn which has the type IO String which becomes String after being bound to sub
For further information on all functions included in the standard libraries of Haskell see Hoogle. Using Hoogle you can search functions by various criteria and will often find functions which suit your needs.
Answer to old:
Use the isInfixOf function from Data.List to search for the pattern:
import Data.List (isInfixOf)
isInfixOf "1101" "1101000111001110" -- outputs true
It returns true if the first sequence exists in the second and false otherwise.
To read a file and get its contents use readFile:
contents <- readFile "filename.txt"
You will get the whole file as one string, which you can now perform standard functions on.
Outputting "Pattern found" should be trivial then.
I'm currently writing a parser for a simple programming language. It's getting there however I'm unable to parse a boolean logic statement such as "i == 0 AND j == 0". All I get back is "non exhaustive patterns in case"
When I parse a boolean expression on its own it works fine e.g. "i == 0". Note "i == 0 a" will also return a boolean statement but "i == 0 AND" does not return anything.
Can anyone help please?
Whilst the above works correctly for input such as run parseBoolean "i == 0"
As #hammar points out, you should use Text.Parsec.Expr for this kind of thing. However, since this is homework, maybe you have to do it the hard way!
The problem is in parseArithmetic, you allow anyChar to be an operator, but then in the case statement, you only allow for +, -, *, /, %, and ^. When parseArithmetic tries to parse i == 0, it uses the first = as the operator, but can't parse an intExp2 from the second =, and fails in the monad, and backtracks, before getting to the case statement. However, when you try to parse i == 0 AND j == 0, it gets the i == part, but then it thinks that there's an arithmetic expression of 0 A ND, where A is an operator, and ND is the name of some variable, so it gets to the case, and boom.
Incidentally, instead of using the parser to match a string, and then using a case statement to match it a second time, you can have your parser return a function instead of a string, and then apply the function directly:
parseOp :: String -> a -> Parser a
parseOp op a = string op >> spaces >> return a
parseLogic :: Parser BoolExp
parseLogic = do
boolExp1 <- parseBoolExp
operator <- choice [ try $ parseOp "AND" And
, parseOp "OR" Or
, parseOp "XOR" XOr
boolExp2 <- parseBoolExp
return $ operator boolExp1 boolExp2
parseBoolean :: Parser BoolExp
parseBoolean = do
intExp1 <- parseIntExp
operator <- choice [ try $ parseOp "==" Main.EQ
, parseOp "=>" GTorEQ
, parseOp "<=" LTorEQ
intExp2 <- parseIntExp
return $ operator intExp1 intExp2