Coded UI Test Builder - "Last mouse action was not recorded" happened since windows update - coded-ui-tests

I was recording tests yesterday with no problems. As there was a windows update, I did an Update and Restart of my machine. Now I can't record any tests with the Coded UI Test Builder now. This is in a Coded UI Test project. I have tried to record actions that I recorded no problem yesterday and I can't record them.
After I click on anything, it will hang, the mouse action will happen about 20 seconds later and the Coded UI Test Builder will say "Last mouse action was not recorded". Whilst I am recording mouse movement is slow too, at best the cursor catches up a few seconds after the mouse was moved and at worst it does nothing then jumps about a minute after you moved the mouse.
It's all very bizarre and nothing else has changed, only the windows update. I am also not making any basic mistakes because I did have this working before the updated.
I have restarted my machine 3 times and there are no more windows updates.
Any suggestions?

There's an update from Microsoft ...
"The windows team has acknowledged that this is a bug in the new WIndows 10 creators update. This would be fixed as a part of the next update."
The thread is
This is the best answer we'll get I think so don't update and do stop any updates until the next windows 10 update or Downdate if you have updated and then don't update until the next win 10 update from MS. Personally, if downdating I am doing so on a machine with no internet connection as there can be security updates in any windows update.

'Downdating' Windows will work.
I had the same issue after Windows 10 Creators update, downdated it to previous version and problem solved


Android Studio installs old code / doesn't restart application despite instant run is OFF

I'm using the new Android Studio 2.0 (Beta 6) and I'm facing a serious problem. After updating, I noticed that there were some problems with the Instant Run feature, where it was quite hard to ensure that the application was actually running new code. I disabled the Instant Run feature immediately.
Despite this, I am noticing that Android Studio does not always deploy new code anyway!
I have tested my theory by adding a print when my Activity is created and it doesn't get called. If I close the application (for example by pressing the back button) and then running the code - it works as expected.
I have also verified that it's actually a problem, since old code is run after pressing the run button.
What the F is going on and does anyone know a fix? (Except reinstalling AS 1.5)
Notes and summary:
There is no lightning bolt on the Run Button
Activity onCreate Print is not called after pressing run
Changed code is not updated after pressing run
Instant Run is turned off in Preferences (And restart activities on code change is on)
It doesn't happen every time - roughly 50 % of runs

Windows store app 8.1 shows black screen on windows 10 devices

We are developing windows store app targeting both Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. This application works fine on windows 8.1 surface/PC. When we install it on a Windows 10 device, it does not. Though it installs without any issue. Once launched it shows the splash screen, but then it shows blank, black screen.
Please guide me to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.
Windows 10 should execute the same as Windows 8. I assume you have upgraded your app to be a UWP app? If not, it should still work. Next, be sure you are running the final release (build 10240) of Windows 10, prior to that build Windows 8 apps did not always work. Finally, have you put a breakpoint in the constructor of your first page? If this breakpoint is being hit, then your page is loading and just not showing. My next step would be to ensure the Frame is property getting set to Windows.Current.Content properly. Since it works in Windows 8 this is unlikely, but it would be my next step. If all of those check out, I would likely determine that the Frame is being hidden, occluded or replaced somehow in my code.
Then, I would check this:
The compilation conditional statements of #IF are common in Windows 8 apps. I would make sure that I don't have an #IF/#ELIF and don't have an #ELSE condition would handle UWP. I realize this is esoteric, but you only gave me a concept to go on, not real code. Given that, those would be my steps. The code in Windows 10 is causing your page either 1) not to load or 2) to be hidden. Even though the code is the "same" the execution is clearly not.
Best of luck!
I've had the same problem, I've found that if you fullscreen or resize the app while on the splash screen is displayed the MainPage loads.
I've run the app in Visual Studio on a Windows 10 machine and it seems we never hit async void MainPage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e).

Ubuntu 10.04 Update Manager freezes

So I have a lot of VM's with ubuntu 10.04 which recently went off of support.
I don't really care that it went off of support but the window that Ubuntu is showing to tell me this fact is freezing up, and it keeps launching more and more copies of Update manager to tell me this fact.
Including a screenshot of the message. When I click close it just freezes and I have to manually kill the process, but then it comes back later. Any suggestion on how I remove the warning?
So I should have googled better.
The solution to this is from
Just open software sources and set Release Upgrade to Never under the Updates tab.This stops the message from recurring. Thats it.

My MonoTouch App won't run on 6.1.3, runs on 6.0.x and before... WTF?

I just pushed my app to the App Store after building release/AppStore build using xamarin's Studio...
Everything was green lighted and ready to go, I only had one person who had not installed the release version.... They installed it and it takes 17 seconds to try to start and is killed (I presume). it does NOT create a crash log on the device.
In the Settings there is a "Debug Settings" section under the app - that I didn't put there, including an option for Xamarin Studio Host which is set to automatic but appears to be able to be set to some other string.. (Another message on what the heck this is, and how come it shows up in the first place, and how to get rid of it)
I'm at a loss how to debug this. I just downloaded and upgraded XCode to the latest, in hopes that will help.. (Although, I'm not using the XCode interface to build, but I expect that under the hood it is using that for parts of this, maybe the libraries or something.) Still, unless the iOS writers are nuts, it should be backward compatible with apps written for iOS 4.0 and later... (Mine is a 4.0 targeted app)
Also, on her phone (which has always been 6.x for all the testing she has done), my app has always taken a LONG time to start up.. but on 5.1 it is very fast.. (I.E. 1-2 seconds vs 10+ seconds on her phone)
Anyone got a clue, I sure could use one right now.. I expect that I'll have to reject the binary, and submit another one...
Figured it out.... The issue was with the TestFlightApp SDK...
I removed it and now the app starts up OK... Resubmitted to App Store for approval.

The Debugger cannot continue running the process. Unable to start debugger

I have a Lightswitch 2012 application. It's been working fine for weeks. I made some changes and F5 stopped working. When I click on Start (toolbar) it gives this error message and does nothing.
"The Debugger cannot continue running the process. Unable to start debugging"
Note: It does compile file, it just doesn't run.
If I rollback to an earlier version then it works fine - i.e. it is solution specific.
Here is a video of the current version of my solution with the problem:
and here is the previous version of the solution from earlier today (and no, I don't know what I changed). As you can see, at least it does something with F5 or Start:
Rebooting doesn't help... ;)
Maybe you should select start up project which can be started.
Solution Explorer -> On your startable project right mouse click -> Set as Start up Project.
I had this situation when i unloaded my main lightswitch project and other project which is dll has been selected automatically and when i reloaded my main project "The Debugger cannot continue running the process. Unable to start debugging" exception was shown, because debuger was trying to load DLL.
Sometimes you need to start up a project which is compiled as a dll, for instance when testing WCF services.
To do so:
Projects -> 'Set Startup Projects...' -> Select 'Multiple Startup Projects' and set action to 'Start' for each one.
It's a pity you didn't recorded the whole screen, so I can't confirm, but I had the same error a few times...
When this happens, my "output panel" isn't visible and even I try to go on Menu -> View -> Output the panel don't appear.
I need to restart my Visual Studio 2013.
Then my output panel is visible again and everything works fine.
I discovered the cause was an extension which I installed on my Visual Studio.
I encountered this problem after removing some projects from the solution. I wasn't able to pinpoint the exact cause, but closing the solution, deleting the solution file, then opening the project and re-adding supporting projects solved the issue for me. Kind of a sledge hammer, but only takes a minute to do if you don't have a lot of projects.
Also, there are some people that uses a "One Click" Certification in your settings that you'll want to make sure its set up right, re-install or unchecked in-which this case was my problem. I finally got it working myself, but check that too just in case. Again this would be for most Visual Studio Versions only. Im 2013 Ult.
