Ubuntu 10.04 Update Manager freezes - ubuntu-10.04

So I have a lot of VM's with ubuntu 10.04 which recently went off of support.
I don't really care that it went off of support but the window that Ubuntu is showing to tell me this fact is freezing up, and it keeps launching more and more copies of Update manager to tell me this fact.
Including a screenshot of the message. When I click close it just freezes and I have to manually kill the process, but then it comes back later. Any suggestion on how I remove the warning?

So I should have googled better.
The solution to this is from https://askubuntu.com/questions/122165/10-10-irritating-updater-message
Just open software sources and set Release Upgrade to Never under the Updates tab.This stops the message from recurring. Thats it.


pygame running very slowly 12fps - Upgraded laptop

I'm relatively new to using python have used pygame as a place to better understand how everything comes together.
I recently upgraded my laptop form a 2012 Macbook to the 2019.
Just wondering why the games I made on my 2012 are running soo much slower on my 2019 macbook. Managing packages with conda.
I don't know much but I suspect it may have to do with either
The comp resolution upgrade (which I'm doubtful)
method of installation of pygame
Initially, I Downloaded python3 with homebrew and then installed pygame (pygame would show a blank screen)
I then installed conda and managed packages through it.
I doubt it has to do with the way I have written it, I'm sure it's quite inefficient but I was achieving fps's of 60 for the same code.
If someone could guide me to where to find out more information It would be greatly appreciated.
This seems to be a problem with how MacOS run Pygame. While your game is running, right-click it's icon in the Dock and select Show in Finder. Then in the Folder that shows up, you will see the Python Interpreter executable. Right-click it and click Get Info, and under General check the Open in Low Resolution.
Now your game should run fine. And no, Pygame's resolution will not be "Low".
I resolved this issue by launching pygame in fullscreen. More of a workaround but a solution nonetheless.
Also if you do choose to do this be sure to create a key to exit the screen otherwise you'll need to restart your computer.

MARS MIPS Simulator freezes when trying to open a file on Linux

I am running MARS 4.5 on Linux Mint with OpenJDK 8 and the program starts up fine and I can create a file. However, if I try to save or open another file, the program freezes and I have to kill the process.
The strange thing is that it worked one time, but after restarting the program, it was back to freezing whenever trying to access the filesystem.
I apologize if this is the wrong place for this kind of question, but I'm not sure where else to post it. If this is the wrong place, let me know and I will remove the question. Thanks for any help.
Switching to the official jdk from Oracle seems to have fixed the problem. I followed these instructions to uninstall OpenJDK and install the official one.

Eclipse - Can't set preferences

I've installed eclipse Mars.1 Release (4.5.1), and than i've installed spring plugin as i always do with a new linux installation (by the way i am running Manjaro Linux 15.09 fully updated with KDE) but this time i am facing a problem i have never seen before!
Everytime i go to the preferences window, the right pane won't update according to the selected option.
Ex: when i open the preferences window, if i try to drill down the "General" option, the right pane won't update, no matter what i choose in the left pane!
Can anyone help?
I had the same problem. The reason was because Eclipse didn't set up completely - there was some background tasks running (freezing actually).
Try to run Eclipse with another JRE version. I have this problem with 8u60, but everything is fine (as fine as it can be with Eclipse) when I use 8u45.
Off topic - I strongly recommend everyone to stop using Eclipse and go to Intellij IDEA. Your life will become much more happy.
UPD I faced that problem again with the new workspace, so maybe this isn't about JRE version. Try to wait a few minutes, reopen workspace again, this worked out for me.

Eclipse locks up PC on first launch

I've just downloaded Eclipse on elementary OS and attempted to launch it. After doing so, I saw the loading screen for a few seconds before it disappeared and left me with the desktop. Since then, my computer (an old Dell with 4GB of RAM and an Intel Core Duo) has been very unresponsive and the disk activity indicator is almost constantly lit up. I've been looking at the desktop for around 30 minutes now! How can I solve this problem and launch Eclipse?
EDIT: Running eclipse -clean from the command line produces the following error: The org.eclipse.m2e.logback.configuration bundle was activated before the state location was initialized. Will retry after the state location is initialized.
First, you might review your installation steps. If nothing is obviously wrong, check the following:
check for any error logs
check that you're using the proper Java version
make sure that there's enough memory allocated for Eclipse (see the eclipse.ini file)
as a last resort, try reinstalling it
See also the following guide for installing on Elementary OS: how to install
If that's not working submit more details of your specific problems.
NOTE: You may have to find the right Java and install it "by hand" rather than relying upon the distribution's package manager. You can "point" Eclipse at the right Java by editing the .ini file.
Some related links are as follows:
a similar symptom related to multiple screens and/or corrupt workspace
General trouble-shooting related to your issue and symptoms

Git Extensions stopped working after forced restart

Git extensions stopped working on my computer after I performed a forced restart. I need help getting it back on line.
My computer runs on windows 8.1. Leading up to the error, my computer ran out of memory (RAM) and froze. after about 5 minutes of no response, I powered down the machine by holding down the power button. I then started my machine up again and Git-Extensions would no longer launch. clicking on the git-extensions Icon would prompt no error. Rather, the computer would acknowledge that I had clicked on something, but fail to launch the program. The same result came from navigating into the file where the executable is located and clicking on it directly.
My efforts to fix the problem are as follows. I restarted my machine. Git extensions still didn't launch. I went to the download site for Git-extensions and selected to have my local installation repaired. Afterwards, Git extensions still would not launch. I uninstalled and re-installed Git-Extensions. Still, Git extensions is not launching.
Any Ideas as to why Git-Extensions would suddenly stop working and how to fix the problem? Thanks.
Downgraded to Git-extensions 2.4.
