paypal get phone number - paypal-rest-sdk

I'm using Paypal rest-api-sdk-php (this example)
This is the payment execution:
In their printed response object, I can see phone is already present there
but when I want to access $result->payer->payer_info->phone it doesn't return anything.
not even when I print_r the payment execution $result
do you see anything I'm not noticing? can you please point me in the right direction?
there must be something I'm not getting here.
I've spent 1 hour with this.


Walmart MWS API not returning nextCursor

After checking the Walmart Markeptlace API to retrieve all the items in the catalog, you can see that it will return:
errors (array of objects)
itemResponse (array of objects)
additionalAttributes (object)
totalItems (integer)
nextCursor (string)
In my case I have over 2000 items in the catalog, but by default it will just return 20 items with a nextCursor so I can retrieve the next items. Unfortunately, i'm not getting my nextCursor in the response. I tried contacting walmart and been waiting for a reply over 2 weeks, but never got a single reply.
This is what my response looks like:
Is there anybody running into the same issue as me? I really don't know what to do in order to retrieve the nextCursor.
Walmart's documentation is unclear, and contradictory. They could use some good examples. I was having the same problems as you were.
What worked for me was explicitly passing nextCursor=* for the first page.
I know the documentation says that's the default, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
The response will have the nextCursor value for the next page.

How to undo receive payment for invoice in quickbook desktop edition using qbfc sdk

I use QBFC v13 and with c#. I have create one invoice and paid some amount for this invoice, problem is that now i want to undo payment for this invoice.I try this but not working.
ITxnDel txnDelRq = RecPayrequestMsgSet.AppendTxnDelRq();
So if you look at the Exception, you can see that you're getting a response from QuickBooks, and it's an error:
Object 339-1507104811 specified in the request cannot be found.
What QuickBooks is telling you here is that, in your request, you referred to a specific object (the object with TxnID = 339-1507104811) and QuickBooks can not find this object.
That means one of two things. Either:
Somebody else already deleted the object
You're using an incorrect TxnID value
Did somebody else already delete the payment? You? Your program on a previous run?
Are you 100% positive you have the correct TxnID value? It should be from the ReceivePaymentAdd request you initially used to create the payment.

Alexa skill have user confirm slot values

I'm building Alexa skills using Node.js in a lambda function and can't find any tutorials on the best way to confirm the data I have in the slots. I got to the point that all slots now have data but would like to have Alexa read back the request and get a confirmation from the user before proceeding. What's the best & proper way to do this?
At first I thought to use an emit with :elicitSlot but then I would need a new slot to do this and it looks very hackish.
for example:
if(all slots have a valid value){
this.emit(':elicitSlot','confirm',"You're request is .... with data .... is this correct?");
if(user confirmed data is valid){
// do something
// the data was not correct get the right data
For the whole intent confirmation, check here. For only slot confirmation, check here.
Also, for your followup question,
can the confirmation for the skill and slots be fine tuned for example if one of the slots is something like a name and alexa knows 100% what name I said can it skip the confirmation?
Short answer - of course you can if you do not maintain the dialog. However, it's strongly discouraged to rely on that.
In order to maintain a dialog, you have to monitor dialogState attribute of the intent request, and as long as it's not in state COMPLETED send response with attribute directives as [{'type': 'Dialog.Delegate'}] to keep it flowing. You can maintain finer control of the dialog - consult this doc. Moreover, you are strongly suggested to omit outputSpeech and reprompt in those responses, otherwise Alexa gets upset. Once dialog status is COMPLETED, you get confirmationStatus (for both Intent and slots) - SUCCESS(?)/DENIED/NONE. If the confirmation is not successful. I have seen multiple matches being sent as reply. However, when successful, only the matched slot value is returned.
P.S. I have had this weird issue. When Alexa is asking for confirmation for one slot value, if I deliberately decline twice in a row, it gives up and does nothing! Although, pretty much 99% of the time Alexa was spot on.
P.P.S. Turns out 2 attempts was a hard limitation from Alexa. This is supposed to be improved in next iterations.

Foursquare api doesn't return correct checkins information

I was tested foursquare api to use it in future projects and faced a strange problem.
I will explain it in example.
You check in via Swarm app to the place 1 and call venue here now endpoint<token>
you receive correct data, your user is displayed in items array field
Then you check in to place 2 and call same endpoint. The check in data is correct, your user is in items array.
But when you check in back to place 1, your user are not included in items array
Instead foursquare thoughts that you are still checked in to place 2.
Also when you check in recent endpoint it will return that your recent check in is to place 1
"response":{"recent":[{"id":"583ee16ed8b0ed757138ec10","createdAt":1480515950,"type":"checkin","timeZoneOffset":120,"user":{"id":"355625527","firstName":"Dima","gender":"male","relationship":"self","photo":{"prefix":"https:\/\/\/img\/user\/","suffix":"\/blank_boy.png","default":true}},"venue":{"id":"559bac8f498effd9368131f6","name":"Львiвськi пляцки","contact":{"phone":"0936567878","formattedPhone":"093 656 7878","facebook":"288574604603052","facebookUsername":"lvivskipljacky","facebookName":"Львівські пляцки"},"location":{"address":"вул. Богдана Хмельницького, 10","lat":50.44546701910413,"lng":30.51702892776601,"labeledLatLngs":[{"label":"display","lat":50.44546701910413,"lng":30.51702892776601}],"postalCode":"01001","cc":"UA","city":"Kyiv","state":"Kyiv City","country":"Ukraine","formattedAddress":["вул. Богдана Хмельницького, 10","Kyiv, 01001"]},"categories":[{"id":"4bf58dd8d48988d16a941735","name":"Bakery","pluralName":"Bakeries","shortName":"Bakery","icon":{"prefix":"https:\/\/\/img\/categories_v2\/food\/bakery_","suffix":".png"},"primary":true}],"verified":false,"stats":{"checkinsCount":2782,"usersCount":1890,"tipCount":75},"url":"http:\/\/\/uk\/restaurants\/lvivskipljacky\/","allowMenuUrlEdit":true,"beenHere":{"unconfirmedCount":0,"marked":false,"lastCheckinExpiredAt":0},"specials":{"count":0}},"source":{"name":"Swarm for Android","url":"https:\/\/"},"photos":{"count":0,"items":[]},"posts":{"count":0,"textCount":0},"likes":{"count":0,"groups":[]},"like":false,"comments":{"count":0},"isMayor":false}]}
Did anyone also face this problem too? Or does foursquare api have some limitation for check-ins? I searched though web about it, but cannot find any useful information
A user will show in the venue "Here Now" for 3 hours after they checkin OR until they checkin at another venue. In your example, a user will not appear in Place 1s "here now" if their checkin pattern is Place 1 -> Place 2 -> Place 1. I'm not sure if this is a bug or done intentionally as a quality control.

eBay API in Sandbox returns response as a continuous string

Just started using the eBay API.
I created some products and purchased it with another Sandbox account.
In the Sellers account, I can see 2 products under the 'Sold' section.
I am using the GetOrders API call to fetch the orders/sales.
And in the response I am getting a continuous string.
2013-04-20T07:28:55.919ZSuccess819E819_CORE_API_15993720_R111false260765010Completed0.038.00.0NoPaymentFailure2013-04-09T07:15:25.000ZPayPalCompletefalse0.0false0.0StandardShippingFromOutsideUS4.01false510103falseBuyer2013-04-09T07:15:25.000ZPayPalTest UseraddresscityWAUSUnited States1 800 111 1111981026806769eBayStandardShippingFromOutsideUS4.034.038.0xxx.yyy#gmail.com1012013-04-06T11:32:41.000Z110115066261US1000New1None023.0112.51USeBay2.00.0110115066261-0xxx.yyy#gmail.com1022013-04-09T07:13:20.000Z110115066411US1000Brand New1None2705398200111.078.41USeBay2.00.0110115066411-27053982001testuser_xxxyyy252013-04-09T07:15:25.000ZfalsenY+sHZ2PrBmdj6wVnY+sEZ2PrA2dj6wFk4GhCpKBpwidj6x9nY+seQ==None10011
I don't see any labels associated with the values, like date = 2013-04-09T07:15:25.000Z
And why is it not formatted?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
as i thought your problem is when you echo the answer, your browser will automatically set header as html and that cause your view. so just add xml header at the top of the file (rember to not echo anything else but one xml otherwise you will get header error).
header ("Content-Type:text/xml");
About your question about filter by time your response i would definitly go for NumberOfDays as i saw you used. Otherwise you can either add ModTimeFrom and ModTimeTo for last x time modified orders or CreateTimeFrom and CreateTimeTo to check new orders entered.
