Multiple Search URLS and Google Analytics - search

I'm wondering if anyone has any insight for capturing statistics for an embedded search box and button. We have several website search urls we have programmed into a drop-down menu where a user selects which index they want to search.
Now, I'm needing to find out the number of searches that took place from our website.
I thought an easy way to determine the number of searches would be to capture the number of clicks on the button. But I haven't been able to figure out if there is another way to capture that for the different search urls.
Another layer of complicity is, I'm using Drupal's customized search module for creating the search drop-down, box, and button.
Does anyone have any insight they could provide or resources I could check out?


Seadragon(seajax) open specific filterbox after search

In my website i use the seajax pivot viewer to view a large amount of images. So to not search endlessly long for the picture i need i usually use the search box in the view to filter on a specific property of my collection. Now when i press enter it works perfectly and it filters my collection. I could however be possible that multiple properties have the same value so to further filter my search i use the filters beneath the search box. This also works fine.
Now for my question: Is it possible to open such a filterbox after i press enter, so that the specific values for a certain property are shown?
I already took a look at it and i belief that i need to do it in the pivot viewer js, however i cannot find the right way to do it. I could not find anything on stackoverflow about it.
Thank you in advance.

Google Form input validation via script before submission?

I have a form currently set up and I am wanting to link validation between 2 options. For example, we ask for a phone number. If they mistype their number, we don't know which one to dial or use. I was wondering if there was a script that will read their responses and check that they entered the same data into 2 certain boxes, so that if the boxes don't match, they get an error when they click submit to go back and check that their data matches.
It's not possible to add scripting behavior to a Google Form that runs when the form is being filled out. It's only possible to add scripting when the form is being created/edited or after it's been submitted.

Google custom search with ability to search specific section

I want to use google custom search for my wordpress setup. I need the custom search to be able to search the whole site or if a checkbox is ticked, only search within a certain category of the site.
Can anyone point me in the right direction with this?
You can have 2 custom search engines- one searching your whole site and another one searching the specific categories you mentioned. Based on whether the checkbox is checked or not, you can display the appropriate search box in your page. A demo of how to select specific sites or whole domains is shown in

sharepoint 2010 dataformwebpart drop down list filter

I have two connected DataFormWebparts on a site page, with one web part filtering the data in the other, and this works fine as long as the design style allows the options to be clicked on i.e. the information is laid out in text format.
However If I change the style to be a drop down list then the filtering no longer works. I'm assuming this is because there is no longer a hyperlink to trigger off the event, but is there a way to make it work in this format?
jquery to the rescue. hide the links. show the dropdown and with jquery or javascript, trigger the link click on dropdown index change. try to google out. hope these hints help
faced same issue. i did this as i had less time

Does comma seperated list in a search box indicate ALL or ANY?

We have a reporting web site and in the search screen most of the fields are comboboxes. We then AND all the fields together to get a filtered list of records. For example if i chose NY in the City dropdown and priority 1 in the priority dropdown and sales in the team dropdown, it would general something that looked like this (pseudo SQL)
Show me all record where City = 'NY' AND Priotity = '1' AND Team = 'Sales'
We now just added tagging to our records so to support searching by tag(s), we added an additional textbox to search by TAG where you can entered a comma seperated list.
Right now this is an autocomplete textbox which supports multiple entries.(similar to the Multiple Cities (local) example on this page.
When we rolled it out people had different expectation on how search would work when you entered multiple items in the text box. Would it:
Do an AND and only return records that had ALL of the tags listed.
Do an OR and return records that has ANY of the tags listed.
It turns out that we rolled out #1 but many people expected #2. Is this just basically preference or is there a default standard here in this example. Our only solution right now is to add a radio button next to the textbox to say ALL or ANY
If your users expect it to work one way then that's the way it should work.
This is a great example of why you should test early and often with actual users.
I'd say it is not basically preference, but expectations based on what users experience in other types of searches. The "OR" was probably expected by your users as use of tagging gets pretty close to being like a search engine searching on any word in a text and most search engines do an "OR" and then order the results according to how many terms (tags) were "hit".
If going all the way supporting AND and OR operators is not feasible right now, then I would indeed offer an "All" versus "Any" radio button and default it to "Any".
