Xamarin studio not updating ios entitlements plist option - xamarin.ios

I have App ID and Provision Profile properly set. But Entitlements.plist file not able to find App ID. When I click on option in entitlements.plist file to enable, Below error displays.
Error is : "An App ID with identifier 'xxxx' is not available. Please enter different string."
I have tried with many different different identifier for iCloud and Data Protection option. but same error always.
Please help me since because of this I am not able to proceed with any entitlement in the Project.
I have latest Xamarin studio and all other component version till today.
Xamarin studio : 6.3 (build 863)
I have installed fastlane and Added Apple accounts to xamarin studio preference.
I have asked question in xamarin forum too. Link : https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/comment/269581

I have the same problem, as I can see the only way to resolve it is change your bundle id string in info plist and recreate provision profiles.


Cannot Deploy Xamarin Forms iOS App on Real device for Debugging on Windows

I am not able to deploy Xamarin iOS app on Real Device.
Here is my Visual Studio Details
Getting the Following Log in Output window
I have gone through every possible solution but no luck.
Creating New Certificate and Provisioning profle
Using Automatic Provisioning profile
Clearing all Cache
Nothing seems working
To build for Xamarin.iOS, you need Xcode, and therefore you need macOS. From Xamarin.iOS Installation guide:
To build for Xamarin.iOS, the following are required:
the latest version of Visual Studio
the latest iOS SDK
the latest version of Xcode
the minimum version of macOS required by Xcode
You can use Automatic Provisioning、Manual Provisioning、Free
Provisioning to deploy to real devices
For more information, please refer to

Xamarin app won't publish to apple store - multiple ERROR ITMS-90045 errors

I have a Xamarin Forms app that was last published using Xamarin Studio in 2017. The app builds error free using Visual Studio 2017 and runs fine when an iPhone is connected to the Mac. When I try to publish it to the Apple store I get numerous
ERROR ITMS-90045: "Invalid Code Signing Entitlements" saying they are
not supported on iOS such as UILaunchStoryboardName,
NSCameraUsageDescription, NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription,
CFBundleIdentified, MinimumOSVersion, etc..
I created new certificates and profiles without success. There are no duplicate keys in Info.plist and the multiple Info.plist files in the IPA are all unique. All the keys that are in error can be found in Info.plist. The iOS Bundle Signing points to the new Provisioning Profile that I created. The certificates in the KeyChain have not expired.
Here are two screen shots of the Info.plist dropdown list of available properties. In my app I don't have the correct list 1. I'm assuming this is why it is erroring out. In a new test app 2, the list is correct.

Q: Creation of Azure Resource Group Project in Visual Studio 2015

I am trying to create a new Azure Resource Group Project for Creating a Logic Apps Solution in Visual Studio 2015 however I am facing the below error mentioned in the Screenshot.
It seems a issue caused by visual studio instead of azure. You may have a corrupt install and depending on the order that dlls are loaded determines whether you see the error or not.
This is a workaround in the similar issue that you could refer to.
The workaround - which does not always work right away - is to Sign out of Visual Studio (This takes 2 attempts to sign out and remove the credentials). Then reboot the PC. Once logged into WIndows, launch Visual Studio - DO NOT SIGN IN. Open the solution, right click on the Deployment project; which may or may not trigger the same dialog error. If the deployment dialog is display, then i can add account and deploy. Otherwise, i must turn off the PC and try again, and again, and again, until it starts working.
I recommend you can try the workaround if necessary.Then you could report the problem and ask the Microsoft visual studio support for help.

Unable to design an Azure Logic App from VS 2015

I am currently developing an Azure Logic App. This is very straight-forward from portal, but I need to use Visual Studio as an IDE for this. I have followed all the steps mentioned in https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/app-service-logic-deploy-from-vs/ article, but when I try to do right-click "<>.json" and say "Open in Logic App Designer", the Visual Studio crashes everytime.
Could anyone please assist on the same?
I has a similar issue, I found I had to install the Azure Logic Apps Tools (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=VinaySinghMSFT.AzureLogicAppsToolsforVisualStudio), restart Visual Studio and then create the Azure Resource Group project for it to work.
The project that I had generated without the tool installed did not work (ever).
I'm using the Azure SDK 2.9.6, Visual Studio 2015 update 3
Are you currently signed into Visual Studio with an account containing valid Azure subscriptions/currently has strong internet connectivity? That is known to cause editing issues before.
If that does not solve your problem, we have enabled logging feature in our most recent update (ver 1.0.0):
a. Open developer command prompt for VS2015
b. Run following command to start VS with activity logging enabled.
devenv.exe /log
c. Repro the issue in this instance and close it.
d. You can find the activity log at location :
e. Please send us this file to us.
If you can share the logs with logicappsbug#microsoft.com, we can further assist you on this specific problem.

Where should i add New code signing identity stuff in xamarin studio?

I am trying to run previously code signed app source code on an iOS device using xamarin studio.
Since I have to code sign it with the new identity for my device.
where should i add the code sign stuff in xamarin studio.
in xcode i could do this under the "build setting->code signing" section.
but xamarin doesn't have this kinda stuff inside, i guess
I have already added my Apple Dev. Account in Xamarin Preferences. and included in in info.plist under the "Team" section.
but nothing seems to work..
When i run the app i.e debug the app on an iPad
it still asks for the previous code sign identity.
what am i missing ?
is it not possible to code sign a previously code signed app with a different identity in xamarin studio. ?
PS. :- i am using xamarin studio version 4.2.2
EDIT in favor of binncheol answer
i don't think there is anything like "Option' > 'iOS Build Setting"
have a look at my screen shot of the tool bar.
if you meant 'Options' by 'preferences'
here is screen shot of my preference window in xamarin.
If you go to the 'Options' > 'iOS Bundle Signing' menu for your iOS project in Xamarin Studio you should be able to select your identity and provisioning profiles.
