Unable to design an Azure Logic App from VS 2015 - azure

I am currently developing an Azure Logic App. This is very straight-forward from portal, but I need to use Visual Studio as an IDE for this. I have followed all the steps mentioned in https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/app-service-logic-deploy-from-vs/ article, but when I try to do right-click "<>.json" and say "Open in Logic App Designer", the Visual Studio crashes everytime.
Could anyone please assist on the same?

I has a similar issue, I found I had to install the Azure Logic Apps Tools (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=VinaySinghMSFT.AzureLogicAppsToolsforVisualStudio), restart Visual Studio and then create the Azure Resource Group project for it to work.
The project that I had generated without the tool installed did not work (ever).
I'm using the Azure SDK 2.9.6, Visual Studio 2015 update 3

Are you currently signed into Visual Studio with an account containing valid Azure subscriptions/currently has strong internet connectivity? That is known to cause editing issues before.
If that does not solve your problem, we have enabled logging feature in our most recent update (ver 1.0.0):
a. Open developer command prompt for VS2015
b. Run following command to start VS with activity logging enabled.
devenv.exe /log
c. Repro the issue in this instance and close it.
d. You can find the activity log at location :
e. Please send us this file to us.
If you can share the logs with logicappsbug#microsoft.com, we can further assist you on this specific problem.


Move Android.Xamarin project from local mchine to Microsoft Azure

I have a project that i've been working on since last year. I am using Visual Studio as my IDE for developing this project. It is a Xamarin.Android project.
Since my project is becoming really big and my local machine is not that powerful, I created a Microsoft Azure account and want to continue the developing process using a VM. I have created the Visual Studio VM inside Microsoft Azure, and now I want to bring my source code of the project to that VM
Can anyone help with how to do this, please?
I found a solution. So for everyone that havve this question, here is a usefull resource : http://geekswithblogs.net/hroggero/archive/2015/03/10/copy-files-from-you-local-computer-to-an-azure-vm.aspx

Q: Creation of Azure Resource Group Project in Visual Studio 2015

I am trying to create a new Azure Resource Group Project for Creating a Logic Apps Solution in Visual Studio 2015 however I am facing the below error mentioned in the Screenshot.
It seems a issue caused by visual studio instead of azure. You may have a corrupt install and depending on the order that dlls are loaded determines whether you see the error or not.
This is a workaround in the similar issue that you could refer to.
The workaround - which does not always work right away - is to Sign out of Visual Studio (This takes 2 attempts to sign out and remove the credentials). Then reboot the PC. Once logged into WIndows, launch Visual Studio - DO NOT SIGN IN. Open the solution, right click on the Deployment project; which may or may not trigger the same dialog error. If the deployment dialog is display, then i can add account and deploy. Otherwise, i must turn off the PC and try again, and again, and again, until it starts working.
I recommend you can try the workaround if necessary.Then you could report the problem and ask the Microsoft visual studio support for help.

Visual Studio publish to azure existing apps error

Getting this error when I select a "publish target" in VS 2015 update 3. Had a look for a while online but didn't see anything, so any help would be appreciated if you could point me in the right direction.
An error has occurred while processing the request: Method 'StopRemoteProfiler' in type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.WindowsAzure.AzureWebSite' from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.WindowsAzure.Impl, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' does not have implementation
I updated to the to Azure sdk 2.9.6 last night because of a different issue but related where there was no error, but no existing apps were listed.
I can confirm that this works on my work computer and I have existing apps on Azure, but not working on my home computer.
I am a bit loath to uninstall and reinstall VS, so any help would be appreciated. Of course, if the only solution is to reset, then so be it.
I faced the same problem. This is what worked for me.
I updated the "Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2" by going to Menu -> Tools -> Extensions and Updates -> Updates -> Visual Studio Gallery. It shows all the available updates for your version of studio. Select the component to update. It should download a file named "DotNetCore.1.0.1-VS2015Tools.Preview2.0.3.exe" or something similar. When you run this file, if you have the software already installed then select the repair option. It will ask you to close any running instances of Visual Studio, also make sure you have internet connection.
Also if you are using Web Deploy to publish your app make sure you have Microsoft Web Deploy v3 or higher installed or you will get error. You can do it using Microsoft Web Platform Installer.
Hope it helps.

Azure Continuous Deployment with Visual Studio Online and node.js

I was flamed for my last post being too vague, so I shall be as precise and accurate as I can today.
I am a .NET developer now learning node.js. I am trying to set up continuous deployment of my node.js project within Visual Studio to Azure from Visual Studio Online. I have downloaded and installed the node.js tools for Visual Studio 2015 here. I have successfully checked in my code to Visual Studio Online using Git from within Visual Studio 2015.
I have read lots of web articles on the subject but in each I come across a seemingly insurmountable problem. For example, this article gets me quite close to a solution, but falls over trying to Visual Studio Online. It can't find the repository.
No matter, I move on. I have now managed to get my Visual Studio Online code associated with my web app through manage.windowsazure.com (rather than portal.azure.com, which I find very confusing. Why are there two? They seem to expose the same functionality).
Now I am getting a "Deployment Failed" message in Azure, and the log in VSO reveals "Exception Message: Deploying to Azure Cloud Service requires a Visual Studio Solution (.sln) that contains either a ccproj or a lsxproj. (type DeploymentException)".
What can I do about this? I have seen lots of articles that describe publishing node.js project types to Azure with no problem. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
Thanks, M

Application Insight stopped sending data to portal

We already use Application Insight for diagnostics our cloud service project.
Today I added AppInsight Telemetry to project from Visual studio.
It added some lines to web config and nuget packages.
But after deployed it stopped sending data to Visual Studio Portal. No telemetry data and diagnostic data.
Now I rollback changes.
How can I add AppInsight Telemetry to out project?
In Visual Studio 2013 open Tools, Extensions and Updates,
Select Installed on the left and look for Application Insight Tools for Visual Studio and check its version. If it is version 2, uninstall it. This one sends the telemetry data to Azure instead of VS Online (portal that you mentioned above).
Now select Online and search for Application Insight Tools for Visual Studio, you will see 1.3.2 version. Install it, restart the Visual Studio and Add Application Insights Telemetry to the project..., it will show you VS Online account that it will use and the Application Insight component under which data will be captured. Run the app and after few minutes data will appear in the VS Online portal.
You can add Application Insight in Visual Studio 2012 as well. However, it is a manual process and involves below steps:
Create Application Insight application in VS Online portal
Add Nuget package to the project in VS
Finally, add few lines of code in Global.asax.cs
