Docusign promote integrator key from demo to live - docusignapi

I am currently trying to promote an integrator key from the demo environment to a live environment. I have read all of the documentation regarding this process and have had no issues up until this point. Currently, I have an integrator key in my demo environment which has passed review and I am trying to promote this key to my live environment. To do so, I am logging into my demo environment, selecting new admin experience, selecting APIs and Keys, selecting the "Actions" dropdown next to my key which has passed review, and then selecting "go live". After doing this, a terms and conditions popup comes up which I accept and then I am redirected to a login page. I understand from the documentation that my live environment login credentials are used here however I am unable to log in. I can use the same login credentials at and I am logged into my live admin account error just fine. I have also tried using the forgot password link on this popup in which I am successfully able to reset my password via a secret question. I then go back through the same process to get to the login popup after selecting my key to go live and again, I am unable to login. How can I overcome this as it is a time sensitive issue? I have also sent an e-mail, per the documentation, to outlining this issue and have not yet received a response.
Note that my live account is a member of the administrator group. Are there other permissions that need to be set up that may be preventing me from completing this?

Please resend your email to
Please include the integration key, the account id for your demo account, and the account id for your production account.
Your account ids are shown in the drop-down by your name in the web tool's upper right hand corner, by your picture or glyph.
Please accept my apologies for these problems with the new Go-Live system.

There was an issue with the DocuSign go live process. It has now been resolved. Please try again.


Not able to see anything in the when set as a reply url in Azure SignupSignin user workflow

I am trying the Azure ADB2C based on articles and videos. Followed the steps and I have configured the properties for user flows as well. When I click on the Run user flow, it opens up the sign up sign dialog, I add a user with the details. Once the user is added, it goes to my reply url
Based on the url in the browser, I felt it should have worked. But for some reason, the boxes are shown empty.
The url that I see is...
Could some one help me understand why the token is not being shown in the browser?
Please Note: The user is created with No issues. its just the reply of token that I see as issue.
Found the cause of the issue.
I had to enable the Implicit grant for both Access tokens and ID Tokens for the app I created.

Upgrade to the official environment and receive the following error "The client id provided is not registered with DocuSign"

I have applied the integrated key as a live key in the sandbox environment of docusign, and the status is: review passed,
However, I used the domain name of the official environment to obtain the authorization code. When logging into the official account, I received the following error: The client id provided is not registered with DocuSign
Does anyone know what I am missing?
enter image description here
Congrats on passing the review for the DocuSign eSignature API Go-Live process.
However, you still need to take one more step after that. Which is, you need to go to your developer sandbox (demo) env Admin, find your integration key and click "Review Status" where you see it passed, and then click "next" to log into the production (what you called "official" env to get that key activated in there. You would need to have a production account to proceed.
Important: You need administrator privileges to the production account to promote a key into it. If you do not have any valid account memberships, an error will be returned. Also note that certain account types, such as 30-day Free Trials and Freemium accounts, are not eligible for key promotion.

Sending envelopes from one dedicated user

I have been trying to implement JWT Auth grant for our back end application which will be creating URLs for signing operations for our end users.
What I want to active is that there will be no login/granting consent operations while sending the envelopes and creating signing URL. I want to dedicate one user for creating envelopes and sending them for signature.
Firstly, I've created a demo account and an organization. I also created an integration key and a RSA key. I needed to choose Implicit Grant or Authorization Code Grant while creating the integration key and I chose Implicit Grant. Lastly, I gave signature impersonation permissions to the integration key.
I have checked and made experiments with jwt example project after configuring with the required info of the user that I want to dedicate. It asked for the consent. After I gave consent, it worked finely. Then I configured the back end with the same integration key and the guid of the user, again it was working with our back end application that I was able to send automated envelopes.
I created another demo account in DS and this time I directly put it to our back end, I am getting consent_required error which I understand that I couldn't give the admin consent properly and it was just working with previous demo account because I gave the consent to that.
I want to know that how long that consent would last. or Is it the correct way to achieve what I want? because I think, ideally, I need to give admin consent to this dedicated user to have it able to send automated envelopes.
Thank you a lot in advance.
I see two questions:
How long consent would last? - forever. Or if you go and explicitly remove it.
Is it the correct way to achieve what I want? I don't know what you want, but the title says "Sending envelopes from one dedicated user" so, in theory that is correct. However, keep in mind that that user will be different when you move to production ("go live") when your application is ready for real usage.

Integrator key not showing/working in production

I have created application that sends docusign document to emails i specify in form.
It's working fine in demo mode, without any error.
I have also signed the integrator key to make it work in production(Live) account (However its not showing any integrator in admin area here).
It gives error this error in live mode "The specified Integrator Key was not found or is disabled"
I have signed up using different email id for demo account then that is for production, but I have got approved my integrator key for production(Live) account. is this might be a problem?
So what's the problem, do i need to do any thing more to the live account (Like adding the demo user, or something like that)?
How do i verify that they have made my integrator key available for production?
Please help.
To make an integration key work in production you have to apply for it to be live. The Go-Live process was automated after this question was asked. talks about these changes.

Do not have "Go to admin" menu when creating docusign account using REST API

We are using DocuSign REST API (DocuSign C# Client) to create a DocuSign account for our clients. An account is created successfully, but when the user login that account on DocuSign Web (New UI) then they do not get "Go to Admin" menu in admin preferences. Is there any settings that we need to apply while creating DocuSign account. We are using DocuSign C# Client to create an account and applying only email and user name.
Also, we want to update some DocuSign account settings using REST API. But some parameters are not getting updated. When I checked the API log and found that parameter which we want to modify its read only. Below what i found from API log.
See my answer below on another thread, I would try to explicitly call canManageAccount and see if the permission gets set. It may still need to be done in SOAP.
Fail to update user's "Manage Account" permission through "Modify User Account Settings" API
Are you creating new accounts through the API or just adding new users to an account?
There's actually a bug in the platform currently that will be fixed soon - the bug is that for single user accounts the Go To Admin link in the menu drop menu is not available. I believe this might be causing your issue. Starting tomorrow you should be able to access the Admin menu directly through - - and I think next week the actual menu item should be enabled and bug fixed.
-- By Ergin
It has been fixed Now.. Thanks.
