Upgrade to the official environment and receive the following error "The client id provided is not registered with DocuSign" - docusignapi

I have applied the integrated key as a live key in the sandbox environment of docusign, and the status is: review passed,
However, I used the domain name of the official environment to obtain the authorization code. When logging into the official account, I received the following error: The client id provided is not registered with DocuSign
Does anyone know what I am missing?
enter image description here

Congrats on passing the review for the DocuSign eSignature API Go-Live process.
However, you still need to take one more step after that. Which is, you need to go to your developer sandbox (demo) env Admin, find your integration key and click "Review Status" where you see it passed, and then click "next" to log into the production (what you called "official" env to get that key activated in there. You would need to have a production account to proceed.
Important: You need administrator privileges to the production account to promote a key into it. If you do not have any valid account memberships, an error will be returned. Also note that certain account types, such as 30-day Free Trials and Freemium accounts, are not eligible for key promotion.


You cannot change `company[tax_id]` via API if an account is verified. Stripe

We have created a connect account using the API in Stripe. We followed the documentation here. The custom connected account can either be a "company" or an "individual" or "non-profit". We would also like to enable the user to change the tax_id (EIN) programatically. We use the following code
custom_account_rep = stripe.Account.modify(
company = {'tax_id' : center_ein} )
The following error is displayed.
stripe error : InvalidRequestError(message='You cannot change `company[tax_id]` via API if an account is verified.
It is clear that we cannot enable the user to modify the account once it is verified. How do we get the "status" that the account is "verified"?
The account object does not have any field called "status". Not sure if this is relevant, but we also have an external bank account linked to this custom connect account. The external bank account has a status (and its value is "new"). Please help.
At the moment there isn't just one field that you can check for the status of company verification for a Custom Connect account. For your specific use case, you can check a few fields on the Account object to see whether company.tax_id has been verified or not.
Check requirements.currently_due and requirements.past_due. If company.tax_id is in either of these arrays, that means the tax ID needs to be set for the Account (because it was either never provided, or was provided and failed verification).
Check requirements.pending_verification. If company.tax_id is in this array, that means it is currently going through verification and can still be updated.
You can read more about business verification here: https://stripe.com/docs/connect/identity-verification-api#determining-if-identity-or-business-verification-is-needed

Docusign - eNotary in Sandbox

I am using the sandbox account and trying to setup an eNotary Profile. Being that its a sandbox area, I would assume that I don't need a valid notary ID to create one.
Can someone help me setup a Notary Profile on my sandbox account?
QA Question Newly Added: Will ALL test users have to go through this same process? or is it just the main account needs it setup. Reason being, we have a client that will be using the system. For our teams, and their teams, we will need accounts to test this.
Added Image
I assume you are talking about IDV which is a special kind of recipient authentication that require them to use an ID before they can sign a document.
This feature is not available in the sandbox normally because there's cost associated with each transaction.
We may be able to assist you on a case-by-case basis if you have a legitimate need to test this functionality in the developer sandbox.
see https://developers.docusign.com/esign-rest-api/guides/concepts/recipient-authentication for more information about recipient authentication.
Setting up eNotary requires some back-end switches to be flipped on your account. Please open a Support Case requesting that be enabled and provide your Demo account ID.

Docusign promote integrator key from demo to live

I am currently trying to promote an integrator key from the demo environment to a live environment. I have read all of the documentation regarding this process and have had no issues up until this point. Currently, I have an integrator key in my demo environment which has passed review and I am trying to promote this key to my live environment. To do so, I am logging into my demo environment, selecting new admin experience, selecting APIs and Keys, selecting the "Actions" dropdown next to my key which has passed review, and then selecting "go live". After doing this, a terms and conditions popup comes up which I accept and then I am redirected to a login page. I understand from the documentation that my live environment login credentials are used here however I am unable to log in. I can use the same login credentials at na2.docusign.net/Member/MemberLogin.aspx and I am logged into my live admin account error just fine. I have also tried using the forgot password link on this popup in which I am successfully able to reset my password via a secret question. I then go back through the same process to get to the login popup after selecting my key to go live and again, I am unable to login. How can I overcome this as it is a time sensitive issue? I have also sent an e-mail, per the documentation, to go-live#docusign.com outlining this issue and have not yet received a response.
Note that my live account is a member of the administrator group. Are there other permissions that need to be set up that may be preventing me from completing this?
Please resend your email to go-live#docusign.com
Please include the integration key, the account id for your demo account, and the account id for your production na2.docusign.net account.
Your account ids are shown in the drop-down by your name in the web tool's upper right hand corner, by your picture or glyph.
Please accept my apologies for these problems with the new Go-Live system.
There was an issue with the DocuSign go live process. It has now been resolved. Please try again.

Integrator key not showing/working in production

I have created application that sends docusign document to emails i specify in form.
It's working fine in demo mode, without any error.
I have also signed the integrator key to make it work in production(Live) account (However its not showing any integrator in admin area here).
It gives error this error in live mode "The specified Integrator Key was not found or is disabled"
I have signed up using different email id for demo account then that is for production, but I have got approved my integrator key for production(Live) account. is this might be a problem?
So what's the problem, do i need to do any thing more to the live account (Like adding the demo user, or something like that)?
How do i verify that they have made my integrator key available for production?
Please help.
To make an integration key work in production you have to apply for it to be live. The Go-Live process was automated after this question was asked. https://www.docusign.com/blog/dsdev-docusign-go-live-process-now-automated/ talks about these changes.

SOAP API- This Account lacks sufficient permissions

I am getting below error while accessing DocuSign SOAP service using SOAP UI tool. I also tried using integration key in username [Integration Key]userguid format I got same exception.
Can you please help me to resolve this issue.
Ok I've found out which option it is, and have enabled this option on your account. You should be able to export authoritative copies from this account now. For reference sake, the option I enabled was a member setting called
Can Export Authoritative Copies?
Please note, though, that since this is a setting that we have to enable on DocuSign's side, that means that it might be an enterprise or workgroup level feature. On your demo account we enable whatever you like so you can test things out, however when you are ready to move to production and purchase a corresponding production account that uses the API, you'll need to make sure you purchase an account that allows this feature. You can find out more from your Account Manager.
