Power Pivot "dynamic" joins - excel

I have a situation where I kind of need a many-to-many join - which I know isn't possible.
I have one fact table and two dimension tables.
The fact table contains account numbers (as in GL accounts) and amounts. Plus a date field, so the account numbers are not unique.
The first dimension table has just one column listing the reports that can be created by combining the accounts in different ways.
The second dimension table could be called a "roll-up" table. It has 3 columns: report, account, and a line item description field. The latter defines which line on the respective report that the account should be mapped to.
So I want to have a pivot table that has the line item description in the row area and the amount in the values area. With a mechanism for the user to specify which report they want to view. But the join on the account field between the roll-up table and the fact table is many-to-many. If the roll-up table were somehow filtered based on the specific report that the user has selected, THEN it would become one-to-many. Hence the "dynamic" joins in my title.
I've been trying to come up with a connecting table of some kind, but without any luck so far. If anybody has any suggestions/pointers, that would be much appreciated.

I figured out a way to do it using a DAX formula that calculates the field to be placed in the Values area. It uses FILTER and CROSSJOIN combinations to effect the dynamic joins. Note that in order to use a CROSSJOIN I added prefix letters to a couple of the field names (to make them unique). Also, I made it that the Report table (the first dimension table I described) has only one row - containing the report that the user wishes to view.
The DAX formula is as follows:
), dRollup[Report] = dReport[uReport]
), fBalances[fAccount] = dRollUp[Account]
), fBalances[Amount]
Subsequent update: I moved it into Power BI where I added a parameter (called myReport) for the user to specify the report. Consequently I deleted the dReport table.
So the Power BI DAX formula becomes:
), dRollup[Report] = FIRSTNONBLANK ( myReport[myReport], TRUE() )
), fBalances[fAccount] = dRollUp[Account]
), fBalances[Amount]


Add unique values to a column retrieved from multiple tables in PowerBI

I currently have two tables (Excel sheets) related to each other in PowerBI:
Inventory; columns (Article number, description, quantity, sumOfQuantityReceived)
MaterialsReceived; columns (Article number, quantityReceived, DateReceived)
The tables are related to each other with an one (Inventory) to many (materialsReceived) relationship, as shown below.
However, the Inventory table currently only shows the Article numbers that are present in the Inventory table and will not automatically add a new row with article number if there is a new one present in the MaterialsReceived table.
For example: The inventory list currently contains the following information
While there is a new article number present in the MaterialsReceived table (article number: 969686)
So my question is now: How can I create a new table in PowerBI that retrieves the unique article numbers from both tables and adds them to a new column.
In this situation, the new table would contain one column with 4 rows (456982, 456987, 556987 & 969686)
You can try below code
Uniq_Article_Number_Table =
VALUES ( inventory[article number] ),
VALUES ( 'Material Received'[article number] )
[article number] <> BLANK ()

calculate sum with criteria from many columns of another filtered table DAX PowerBi

Hello i want to sum a column but i need to filter the table based on data from another table.
So i have table1 where i want to sum points and i want to sum only the record that for the dates and the names and the classes i find in table 2
I am using measure like this:
Measure 3 = CALCULATE(sum(Table1[points]);Table1[name] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[name]));Table1[date] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[date]));Table1[class] in (ALLSELECTED(Table2[class])))
but it does not filter properly,
is there any better way to do this?
One way would be, you create a relationship between the two tables. I think Power BI doesnt support multi relationships between two tables, so you have to add a custom column on both tables with your key <> foreign key. In your case like you mentioned it woulb be the name, date and class (in the query editor):
Key = [name] & [date] & [class]
In my sample here I just use the name as key column.
If the relationship is set you can use the following measure:
You can use TREATAS to filter Table1 based on Table2. No relationship is needed.
Total Points Filtered By Table2 =
SUM ( Table1[point] ),
SUMMARIZE ( Table2, Table2[name], Table2[date], Table2[class] ),
Table1[name], Table1[date], Table1[class]

Sum in pivot hierachy

I have the following DAX-formula to retrieve the opening and closing balance for a list of products.
transactions[ID] = MAX(transactions[ID])
This works on row level in my Pivot but when I group this och Product category level I only get one value and not the sum of all the product rows.
My data contains of rows for each transaction and each row have a columns with current balance.
How do I sum each row to get the group sum for the above category "00-01" 26784 and 283500?
One way to do this is to leverage an iterative function like a SUMX.
Assuming that your EndValue is the measure that you defined.
SUMX_Example := SUMX( VALUES ( transactions[ID] ) , [EndValue] )
Which will do the following:
Though VALUES ( transactions[ID] ) it will generate a list of your IDs
For each ID it will run your already created [EndValue] measure
Sum the result of each ID's end value
This is of course assuming [ID] does not cover categories. If ID does cross categories, then you would first do a SUMX using category, with another SUMX that does ID

How to compare one row to others in DAX in Excel

I have this table which has foreign keys from several other keys:
Basically, this table shows which students registered in which module run by which teacher in what term.
I want to query the following:
How many students have registered for more than one module run by a given tutor?
It will look something like this:
For example, Vasiliy Kuznetsov runs two modules: FunPro and NO. If one student registers for both of them, he is counted as one.
My sql oriented mind is telling me this: Count all the rows in which student_id and tutor_id are the same. For example, in one row student_id is 5 and tutor_id is 10, and the same is true for the third row. Then, I count it as one.
How can I do that with DAX formulas?
COUNTROWS( ModuleRegistration )
VALUES( ModuleRegistration[Student_ID] )
,[RowCount] >= 2
I refer to arguments positionally, thus the first argument to a function is (1), the second (2), and so on.
So, [RowCount] is trivial.
[StudentsWithTwoOrMoreRegistrations] is a bit more involved. DAX, being a functional language, is best understood inside-out.
FILTER() takes a table expression in (1) and evaluates a boolean predicate, (2), for each row in (1). It returns all rows from (1) for which (2) evaluates to true.
Our FILTER()'s (1) is VALUES( ModuleRegistration[Student_ID] ). VALUES() returns the unique rows from a field based on current filter context (it respects slicers and filters in the pivot table). Thus, we will return some subset of the unique list of [Student_ID]s.
Our FILTER()'s (2) is [RowCount] >= 2. For each [Student_ID] in (1), we'll evaluate [RowCount], checking how many times that student appears in ModuleRegistration. [RowCount] is evaluated in the combination of filter context from the pivot table (the [Faculty Name] field in your sample pivot provides filter context) and row context from FILTER()'s (1). Thus it counts how many times the student appears in ModuleRegistration for the [Faculty Name] on the pivot table row.
We check that [RowCount] is >= 2.
You've not indicated if your measure needs to handle grand totals, or how you might want to see that. If you need more help for the grand total to get it to behave the way you like, let me know.
Edit for grand total
There are a few ways you might want to handle grand totals. I'm gong to assume that you want a unique count of students.
,[RowCount] >= 2
WTF happened to our measure?
Let's examine:
Starting with the innermost SUMMARIZE(). SUMMARIZE() navigates relationships outward from the table in (1) and groups by the columns listed in (2)-(N) (these don't have to be from the table in (1), but must be reachable by navigating relationships).
This is equivalent to the following in SQL:
FROM ModuleRegistration mr
We use FILTER() on this table like earlier. [RowCount] is evaluated in the combination of filter context from the pivot table and the row in the table, defined by our SUMMARIZE() above.
Now our row context is instead of just a student, a student-tutor pair. This pair will have a [RowCount] >= 2 when the student has taken more than one module from a tutor.
Our FILTER() returns the pairs which have a [RowCount] >= 2. This output table has two fields, [Tutor_ID] and [Student_ID], but we want to count distinct [Student_ID]s out of this.
Thus, we use the table from FILTER() as our (1) in the outer SUMMARIZE(). We group only by the values of [Student_ID]. We then count the rows of this table.
When only one [Faculty_Name] is in context, e.g. on a pivot table row, then our inner SUMMARIZE() is grouping by a single value of [Tutor_ID] and whatever [Student_ID]s are associated with it. This is identical to our earlier measure.
When we have many [Tutor_ID]s in context, like in the grand total, then we'll see the appropriate behavior of only counting each [Student_ID] once.

Calculated measure MDX through Pivot Table Excel

I am connected to OLAP cube, I created a pivottable.
I would like to know if with the OLAP tool of excel is possible to calculate the number of distinct invoice number taking acount the current filters like year, country and region of the pivot table ?
I tried with Countdistinct it gives me the same result for each country.
DistinctCount([PO TYPE].[PO NUMBER].[PO NUMBER])
Try using COUNT instead:
You need to replace "MeasureGroupName" with a measure group name in your cube
