Mongoose - Modle.update() updates wrong document - Cast Error - node.js

I need some help to clear some things up.
I have a Model:
var Event = new Schema({
event_code: String
, segments: [Segment]
The creation of new documents work very well like perfect. When it comes to update certain documents I ran into some troubles.
When I do this (code below): = it only updates the first document, even if the id does not match
function edit_event (id, new_name, callback) {
Event.update(id, {$set:{event_code: new_name}}, function(err, doc) {
if (err) throw err;
When I do this (code below): = it gives me an Error (see below)
function edit_event (id, new_name, callback) {
Event.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {$set:{event_code: new_name}}, function(err, doc) {
if (err) throw err;
Error when using findByIdAndUpdate: Cast to ObjectId failed for value ""58fdbde31bff83141b376508"" at path "_id" for model "Event"
Please, i'm desperate :! :/
I figured out that the id that i'm trying to pass get stored with "" around it, so when i am looking for document with matching ID it puts an extra pair of "" around it so it ends up like ""id""
When I am listing all my documents, it returns:
{ _id: 58fdbde31bff83141b376508,
event_code: 'TestABC',
__v: 0,
segments: [] }
Then when i store the id in an HTML form it adds extra pair of "" around it ... that's not the case with event_code. Why is that ?

Looks like you performed unneeded JSON.stringify and that's why you get quotes around the id. Calling JSON.parse should solve the issue:
Event.findByIdAndUpdate(JSON.parse(id), {$set:{event_code: new_name}}, ...


Node.js & MongoDB not reading variable correctly

Recently, I changed key of object in MongoDB.
links: {
changed: 'value',
notchanged: 'value'
This is what I get from my MongoDB collection. Data which key is not changed is still readable by links.notchanged but data which key is changed like links.changed is not readable and only outputs undefined. Node.js gets and reads the whole links data correctly but when it comes to links.changed it doesn't. How do I solve this problem? Code below:
scheme.findOne({}, (err, data) => {
if (err) res.send('ERR')
else {
console.log(data) // prints full data, same as JSON above
console.log(data.links.changed) // undefined
You are matching {class:'210'}.. Is it available in document. Probably Your query returns empty object in data . Confirm the match query... Otherwise your code seems ok.
await db1.findOne({class: "210"}, (err, data) => {
console.log(data.links.changed) // returns value
Or Try the code like this
await db1.find({ class: "210" }).toArray()
.then(data => {
console.log(data[0].links.changed) //"value"
You should make a variable instead of an object for this. For example: Use changed and assign it value as true or false

get Data from a collection in MongoDB using NodeJS

I am trying to get data from Mongo DB by filtering a nested object.
the collection structure is :
I am trying to get data by repo id.
my code is :
collection.find({'':id}).toArray(function(err, docs) {
assert.equal(err, null);
console.log("Found the following records");
but I am getting empty array, would be grateful is someone can point me to the right direction
MongoDB compares types before values. If your id comes from req.params it's probably passed as string while seems to be a number. Try to convert your value to number:
const id = +req.params.repoId

How to update the childs value of an object present in the mongod using mongoose with node.js?

i want to update particular child's value which is actually present inside the object and wants all my rest value be the same.
i want to use mongoose npm package.
for example:
name: "ABC",
mobile: 1234567890,
age: 20
pincode: 123456,
email: ""
My Code
{ "": 1234567890 },
basic:{ name: "CDE"}
(err, doc) => {
if (err) return res.send({ error: err });
it works but it override the previous basic data and create a new one which i provided. it should update but also rest value should be there.
how can i do this?
Your question contains the answer. For Filter you are referring a single field using dot operator properly that is
"": 1234567890
You should do similar thing for update as well, that is the second argument of your function call, the way you have defined is wrong becuase it is a new object - that should be used when you want replace whole basic object in DB. If you want to just update the name field then you should use dot operator like below.
So the whole function would look like below.
{ "": 1234567890 },
{ "": "CDE"},
(err, doc) => {
if (err) return res.send({ error: err });

Loopback Find then update attribute or delete by id

Been trying to find samples usage for some of the static methods for a persistedModel in Loopback.
it just says:
persistedModel.updateAttributes(data, callback)
But how you I choose the which record I want to update? this is not working for me.
var order = Order.setId('whateverrecordId');
order.updateAttributes({name:'new name'},callback)
Loving loopback.. but their doc, sucks.. :(
You can use those on event listener like AfterSave
Model.observe('after save', function(ctx, next) {
ctx.instance.updateAttribute(fieldname:'new value');
1- What you did was right but i do not advise this method it's used for instance methods and generally to update fields like date for all the collection that you have so you don't need an id for it.
But you can try to make an array containing data to update containing also the ids and then make a comparison to fill in data for the ids that you have. (in #dosomething)
order.find().then(function(orders) {
orders.forEach(function(element) {
order.updateAttribute({new: data}, function(err, instance) {
2- You can use updateAll to update one or many attribute.
PersistedModel.updateAll([where], data, callback)
var Updates = [{id : 1, name: name1}, ...]
Updates.forEach(function(element) {
order.updateAll({id :}, {name}, function(err, count) {
if (err) {
console.log(count); // number of data updated

MongoDB, Updates and Controlling Document Expiration

I'm working on a node.js project. I'm trying to understand how MongoDB works. I'm obtaining data hourly via a cron file. I'd like for there to be unique data, so I'm using update instead of insert. That works fine. I'd like to add the option that the data expires after three days. Its not clear to me how to do that.
In pseudo code:
Setup Vars, URL's, a couple of global variables, lineNr=1, end_index=# including databaseUrl.
MongoClient.connect(databaseUrl, function(err, db) {
assert.equal(null, err, "Database Connection Troubles: " + err);
**** db.collection('XYZ_Collection').createIndex({"createdAt": 1},
{expireAfterSeconds: 120}, function() {}); **** (update)
s = fs.createReadStream(text_file_directory + 'master_index.txt')
.pipe(es.mapSync(function(line) {
s.pause(); // pause the readstream
lineNr += 1;
getContentFunction(line, s);
if (lineNr > end_index) {
.on('error', function() {
console.log('Error while reading file.');
.on('end', function() {
console.log('All done!');
function getContentFunction(line, stream){
(get content, format it, store it as flat JSON CleanedUpContent)
var go = InsertContentToDB(db, CleanedUpContent, function() {
function InsertContentToDB(db, data, callback)
(expiration TTL code if placed here generates errors too..)
'DEF': data.def)
}, {
"createdAt": new Date(),
'DEF': data.def,
'Content': data.blah_blah
}, {
upsert: true
function(err, results) {
assert.equal(null, err, "MongoDB Troubles: " + err);
So the db.collection('').update() with two fields forms a compound index to ensure the data is unique. upsert = true allows for insertion or updates as appropriate. My data varies greatly. Some content is unique, other content is an update of prior submission. I think I have this unique insert or update function working correctly. Info from... and here
What I'd really like to add is an automatic expiration to the documents within the collection. I see lots of content, but I'm at a loss as to how to implement it.
If I try
.ensureIndex( { "createdAt": 1 },
{ expireAfterSeconds: 259200 } ); // three days
throw err
Error: Cannot use a writeConcern without a provided callback
at Db.ensureIndex (/opt/rh/nodejs010/root/usr/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/db.js:1237:11)
at Collection.ensureIndex (/opt/rh/nodejs010/root/usr/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/collection.js:1037:11)
at tempPrice (/var/lib/openshift/56d567467628e1717b000023/app-root/runtime/repo/get_options_prices.js:57:37)
at /opt/rh/nodejs010/root/usr/lib/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/mongo_client.js:387:15
at process._tickCallback (node.js:442:13)
If I try to use createIndex I get this error...
`TypeError: Cannot call method 'createIndex' of undefined`
Note the database is totally empty, via db.XYZ_collection.drop() So yeah, I'm new to the Mongo stuff. Anybody understand what I need to do? One note, I'm very confused by something I read: in regards to you can't create TTL index if indexed field is already in use by another index. I think I'm okay, but its not clear to me.
There are some restrictions on choosing TTL Index: you can't create
TTL index if indexed field is already used in another index. index
can't have multiple fields. indexed field should be a Date bson type
As always, many thanks for your help.
Update: I've added the createIndex code above. With an empty callback, it runs without error, but the TTL system fails to remove entries at all, sigh.
