Charm++ State_Space_searchengine Compiling error - charm++

I am trying to compile and run TSP problem in charm++ framework. The Code is mentioned in the State_Space_SearchEngine directory inside TSP_SE folder. I have compiled it as per the README file mentioned in the directory. As it says to run 'make OPTS=-O3' command in //tmp/libs/ck-libs/state_space_searchengine/ that I have done. And after doing this when I run the TSP_SE application using 'make OPTS=-O3' command I am getting these errors.
Please help me out.Compilation Error

To fix the error all you need to do is make the mainchare class (Main) inherit from CBase_Main in file main.C of the TSP_SE directory.
This fix has been incorporated into the mainline development version of Charm++ and will be a part of the Charm++ v6.8.0 release. Thanks for pointing it out.


How to fix InvalidAbsFile error from stack build

I seem to be getting a peculiar problem which is hard to even search up online.
I'm using stack and have already created a project from my professor but when I try to run it with stack build or stack run
I get this error:
InvalidAbsFile "C:\\Programs\\Projects\\bimaru2\\\"C:\\Windows\\system32\\ghc-9.0.2.exe"
The error is mentioned here: but this description is not telling me anything.
I found someone with a similar problem: InvalidAbsFile error when running "stack" on windows in an existing project. I removed Java but the problem still persists. I tried changing directories and all, so the first path is printed according to where the project is. My version of ghc was 8.10.7 and I reinstalled 9.2.4, so I have no idea where 9.0.2 comes from (nor do I have it in C:\Windows\system32\ directory).
This is the second project I get this error with, but the first one I solved by setting system-ghc in stack.yaml file from true to false (although the professor mentioned that then it did not compile for him until he changed it back when we turned in the assignment).
- .
resolver: lts-18.28
compiler: ghc-8.10.7
compiler-check: match-exact
system-ghc: false
install-ghc: false
I tried the same with this one, but it did not work.
If needed, I will provide a link to the github repo where the project is located.
I'd be really grateful if you could help me get the project running. Thanks in advance!

Executing VLC for unity

I am facing similar issue like this mentioned in the post:
Triying to run VLC for unity plugin demo
Build platform is WIN 10 x64 (build 2004).
I am using LibVLC from the nightly build:
LibVLCSharp gets built successfully (
I was trying to build "VLCUnityPlugin.dll" but failing (have installed (LLVM MinGW)), using MSYS64 to run ./ and it was coming up with this error:
MSYS error while building VLCUnity plugin dll
I thought maybe since "VLCUnityPlugin.dll" is NOT present, Unity x64 (v 2019.4.8f1) keeps on complaining with the following errors:
UNITY errors
But after, I hacked "common" make file as shown below:
make file changes to build VLCUnityPlugin.dll
I successfully built VLCUnityPlugin.dll and my plugin file structure looks like this now:
Plugin directory structure
Still, I do see UNITY Errors:
"Assets\VLCUnity\Demos\Scripts\MinimalPlayback.cs(99,39): error CS1061: 'MediaPlayer' does not contain a definition for 'GetTexture' and no accessible extension method 'GetTexture' accepting a first argument of type 'MediaPlayer' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
The free trial version is available for download here
That being said, if you want to build it yourself, you should follow what the CI does
The libvlcsharp build is a special one, you need to define UNITY when you build it. It has the added GetTexture method.
For VLCPlugin.dll, you should crosscompile from Linux, where you install llvm-mingw and run it from bash (for example). MSYS not needed.

Swagger 3.0.1 server generator

When I generate a nodejs-server with swagger 3.0.1 in the online tool and try to npm start the project I always get the following error:
Error: Cannot find module './middleware/swagger.router'
Short-term fix: you can get it to run until the maintainer of oas3-tools and Smartbear (for this server generator) fixes their respective parts.
PROBLEM A: oas3-tools build script isn't copying the 'middleware' over to the 'dist' directory.
To fix this:
Start your generated server (this will run npm install and create the dist folder in node_modules/oas3-tools)
Go into ./node_modules/oas3-tools and manually copy the missing src/middleware to the dist folder.
Now that you have a middleware folder in your dist folder, run the following typescript compile command against it: tsc dist/middleware/
The next issue is a typo on the path to the swagger document is incorrect.
To fix this:
In the index.js file of your generated server, change the string 'api/openapi.yaml' to 'api/swagger.yaml'
You may need to manually transpile your .ts files. Please see #Alex's comment below if you also run into this (i.e. error TS6053: File 'dist/middleware/.ts' not found. Found 1 error)
Swagger Editor bug posted here:
Oas3-tools bug posted here:
The latest version of oas3-tools is 2.1.2 is screwed up. Use 2.0.2 for now.
oas3-tools : "2.0.2"

npm pkg compiled executable error to run other executable file

After compiling a basic code to open a default browser, there's a warning.
After running , it product this error.
I am searching on pkg issues about this problem, an currently no solution binding with pkg compiler.
I am sharing my solution to this problem, so may be others save their time.
To solve the problem, after compiling a js code.
let's say you output the executable file to /folder_name/ .
copy node_modules/opn/xdg-open to /folder_name
and run it like on *nix: /folder_name $ ./execfile .

Intellij Idea run configuration with ember.js on ubuntu

I am having a problem with the run configuration of ember on intellij idea on ubuntu 14.
I have installed ember using npm and I have followed a tutorial on my teacher's site on how to correctly configure intellij to use both maven and ember. I had no problem configuring the first part (maven), however at the second part, which was basically the same, I couldn't find the file he was refering to. Here is the picture:
And here is the error:
Error: No ember-cli-build.js found. Please see the transition guide:
at CoreObject.module.exports.Task.extend.setupBroccoliBuilder (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/builder.js:56:13)
at CoreObject.module.exports.Task.extend.init (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/models/builder.js:89:10)
at CoreObject.superWrapper [as init] (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/core-object/lib/assign-properties.js:32:18)
at CoreObject.Class (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/core-object/core-object.js:32:33)
at (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/tasks/build.js:15:19)
at /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/lib/commands/build.js:32:24
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$tryCatch (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1036:16)
at lib$rsvp$$internal$$invokeCallback (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1048:17)
at /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:331:11
at lib$rsvp$asap$$flush (/home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v5.0.0/lib/node_modules/ember-cli/node_modules/rsvp/dist/rsvp.js:1198:9)
Could you please help me find the file he was referring to in the tutorial (since "usr/bin" doesn't have any "ember" files)?
New error about permissions:
Do you have a brocfile.js in your project? If so, rename it to ember-cli-build... Apparently you installed a newer version of ember... You might want to re-run ember init
Have a look at as well for more information.
Depending on how you installed ember/ember-cli it would lie under (if you don't use nvm):
in your project structure:
<project_dir>/node_modules and <project_dir>/bower_components
Maybe you didn't initialize ember project. Run ember init in webapp directory
