Using Android Studio on different computers - android-studio

I use Android Studio on my PC and my Laptop. My projects are stored in Google Drive, but Google Drive is in different places on the PC and laptop.
I just edited a project on my laptop, now I try and run the emulator on my PC for this project and I get an error as it's looking for some things in the location they were on the laptop.
04/23 10:34:51: Launching app
$ adb install-multiple -r S:\Google Drive\AndroidProjects\Connect3\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_0.apk S:\Google Drive\AndroidProjects\Connect3\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_5.apk C:\Users\AndyC\Google Drive\AndroidProjects\Connect3\app\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_2.apk...
$ adb shell pm uninstall com.androidandyuk.connect3
Unknown failure (at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
Error while Installing APKs
The S drive is where they are on PC and C is on the laptop.
How can I fix this?

Whilst I thought adding in Github would only help me going forward, it must reformat the code to work independent of your own file system as I was able to edit it again.


Buildozer, WSL adb not finding device, adb in Powershell works

I have a python program using PySimpleGUI. It works on Windows, a pure Linux machine and it also works on the WSL. I'd like to use it on my phone(Pixel 7 pro). Buildozer makes the apk file but during the process 'buildozer android deploy run logcat' it runs the adb devices cmd and finds nothing. The adb devices from a PowerShell works fine. It probably has something to do with the virtual machine WSL provides. I've queried google and read pages of information and suggestions and nothing so far works.
Please let me know if I can provide anymore info that will help solve this.
I've tried running the adb in the build environment manually, outside build script of buildozer, with the same results, no devices found.
I'd like to move on the next step of trying or troubleshooting the app on my phone.
Thanks in advance, Craig

xcodebuild issues when linux is mounted on mac (Since /var/root comes into picture when using this way)

Use case is something like this. We need to use the Bluez BT stack on linux. There is also dependency of an iOS app that controls BT testing on iOS (On mac). The execution flow triggers mounting of the file system from linux onto mac and tries to build the xcode project and use the .app file that gets generated after the build is successful
If the xcode build command is run manually on Mac directly, there is no problem
xcodebuild test-without-building -project ios_bluetooth/ios_bluetooth.xcodeproj/ -scheme
ios_bluetooth -destination id=uuid -only-
testing:ios_bluetoothUITests CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR=./Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos -
derivedDataPath ./ios_bluetooth/DerivedData/ arguments=TESTS_STA_BLUETOOTH_ON
From Linux, after the mount, by default it mounts to /var/root/ProjectFolder/Dependencies. Running the xcodebuild command results in issues in terms of permission. Issue can be see even if logged in as root on mac. Is there a way to circumvent this issue and get the xcode project to build? Any help in this regard is appreciated.

App crashing in Android Studio when I run the debugger

I have a Samsung Galaxy S8 and whenever I try to debug an app in Android Studio the app crashes and disconnects the phone from the PC.
I don't know if it's the drivers for the phone that I need to re-install or if there is a bug in the operating system or maybe something else.
I'm running Android Studio 3.1 under Linux Mint 18.3 Sylvia edition, and I'm running KDE.
Yes, there is a driver for Linux. You can get it from here:
try following these steps to set it up correctly (I have it from
Extract the ZIP to an easily-accessible location (like the Desktop for example).
Open a Terminal window.
Enter the following command: cd /path/to/extracted/folder/
This will change the directory to where you extracted the ADB files.
So for example:cd /Users/Doug/Desktop/platform-tools/
Connect your device to your Linux machine with your USB cable. Change the connection mode to “file transfer (MTP)” mode. This is not always necessary for every device, but it’s recommended so you don’t run into any issues.
Once the Terminal is in the same folder your ADB tools are in, you can execute the following command to launch the ADB daemon: adb devices
Back on your smartphone or tablet device, you’ll see a prompt asking you to allow USB debugging. Go ahead and grant it.install adb
Finally, re-enter the command from step #7. If everything was successful, you should now see your device’s serial number in the Terminal window output.

I stopped the installation of package abruptly in sdk manager in Linux. Thereafter the window does not open

I am using Android Studio in Ubuntu 14.4 lts. While installing certain packages through Sdk Manager, i stopped them, as i realized i didn't need them. After which i could not open the sdk manager altogether.
I tried running it from Android-Studio,
I tried running it from the terminal by entering the installed android folder then Sdk/tools and executing ./android as well as ./android sdk
I tried separately downloading stand-alone sdk tools and tried running it , but that didn't help too
I found such problems already dealt but in Windows, there the path is edited or the java_exe is set.
But i dint find any useful suggestion in case of Linux.
I am finding things really helpless by now. Please help!

Building AOSP and launching the emulator

I am trying to launch the emulator after building the Android source.
Right now, the setup is like, I am running a windows machine connecting through putty to my linux machine. I have downloaded my source in the linux machine and I have successfully built it.
When I am running the emulator using the command in
the emulator is launching but only the android image is coming. From there on the emulator is not completely booting. Its not going to launcher.
The logs are
emulator: WARNING: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, using software renderer.
Failed to create Context 0x3005
There are many posts with this error, they say that check if the graphics driver is installed. I have checked it and its installed.
What might be the problem ?
Putty is just terminal console, it has no graphics/windows it cant possibly display emulator. Emulator is application like Browser or GEdit. If you login to you linux machine directly using Ubuntu then it can show emulator application.
