How to change nodejs schema according to my requirement - node.js

I have following data I want put data like below but my schema does not allow me what I do, to send data like below please check. when I put only single {} body it's working fine but I want more then one bodies
//Request body
"title" : "test10",
"sch_start": "2017-04-3",
"title" : "test11",
"sch_start": "2017-04-4",
import mongoose, {Schema} from 'mongoose';
* Model to store Calendar entries of Engineer
var EngineerScheduleSchema = new Schema({
title: { type: String, default: ''},
available: { type: Boolean, default: false },
sch_start: { type:Date, default: },
sch_end: { type:Date, default: }
export default mongoose.model('engineer_schedule', EngineerScheduleSchema);
// Main Model Mongoose Schema
schedule: [EngineerSchedule.schema]
//API Method
export function updateSchedulecalendar(req, res) {
var responseSchedule;
return Engineer.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: }, { $addToSet: { schedule: req.body } }, { new: true, upsert: true, setDefaultsOnInsert: true, runValidators: true }).exec()
.then((entity) => {
if (entity) {
responseSchedule = entity.schedule;
return EngineerEvents.emit(engineerEvents.updatedSchedule, req.user, entity);
else {
return res.status(404).end();
.then(()=> { return res.status(200).json(responseSchedule); })

First, Since you are trying to send many schedules, your request body should look like:
"title" : "test10",
"sch_start": "2017-04-3",
"title" : "test11",
"sch_start": "2017-04-4",
Second, you should take a look at findOneAndUpdate documentation, cause it seems to me that you are sending two schedule objects (test10 and test11 ) to be updated on a single schedule specified by It does not make much sense.
If you are looking to update multiple schedules in a single request, maybe you should implement a bulk update. Take a look at bulk functionality, I would implement something like this:
export function updateSchedulecalendar(req, res) {
var responseSchedule;
var bulk = db.items.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
// Iterate over every schedule sent by client
for(schedule in req.body) {
// Generate a new update statement for that specific document
bulk.find( { title: schedule.title } ).update( { $set: { sch_start: schedule.sch_start, ... } } );
// Execute all updates
bulk.execute().then(function() {
// Validation


mongoose query multiple operations in one request

I'm trying to use the $set, $addToSet and $inc at the same time for my report of sales and
tbh I'm not even sure if I did the right approach since it's not working.
once I send the request, the console gives me the error 404 but when I check the req.body the data was correct. so I was wondering if the problem is my query on mongoose because this was the first time I use multiple operations on mongoose query
export const report_of_sales = async (req, res) => {
const { id } = req.params;
try {
if (!mongoose.Types.ObjectId.isValid(id)) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Invalid ID' });
let i;
for (i = 0; i < req.body.sales_report.length; i++) {
await OwnerModels.findByIdAndUpdate(id, {
$inc: {
total_clients: req.body.total_clients,
total_product_sold: req.body.sales_report[i].qty,
sales_revenue: req.body.sales_report[i].amount
$set: {
"months.$[s].month_digit": req.body.months[i].month_digit,
"months.$[s].targetsales": req.body.months[i].targetsales,
"months.$[s].sales": req.body.months[i].sales,
$addToSet: {
sales_report: {
$each: [{
identifier: req.body.sales_report[i].identifier,
product_name: req.body.sales_report[i].product_name,
generic_name: req.body.sales_report[i].generic_name,
description: req.body.sales_report[i].description,
qty: req.body.sales_report[i].qty,
amount: req.body.sales_report[i].amount,
profit: req.body.sales_report[i].profit
}, {
arrayFilters: [
"s.month_digit": req.body.months[i].month_digit
returnDocument: 'after',
safe: true,
}, { new: true, upsert: true })
} catch (error) {
Well, you are looking at the body, but you are actually using query parameter named id. This is probably undefined, which leads to ObjectId.isValid(id) returning false.
You should decide on whether to pass this data as a query param or in the request body and adjust your code accordingly.

Concurrency problems updating another's collection stats

I'm trying to make a notation system for movies
A user can note a Movie in their List.
Whenever the user clicks on the frontend, the listId, movieId, note are sent to the server to update the note. The note can be set to null, but it does not remove the entry from the list.
But if the user clicks too much times, the movie's totalNote and nbNotes are completely broken. Feels like there is some sort of concurrency problems ?
Is this the correct approach to this problem or am I updating in a wrong way ?
The mongoose schemas related :
// Movie Schema
const movieSchema = new Schema({
// ...
note: { type: Number, default: 0 },
totalNotes: { type: Number, default: 0 },
nbNotes: { type: Number, default: 0 },
movieSchema.statics.updateTotalNote = function (movieId, oldNote, newNote) {
if (!oldNote && !newNote) return
const nbNotes = !newNote ? -1 : (!oldNote ? 1 : 0) // If oldNote is null we +1, if newNote is null we -1
return Movie.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: movieId }, { $inc: { nbNotes: nbNotes, totalNotes: (newNote - oldNote) } }, { new: true }).catch(err => console.error("Couldn't update note from movie", err))
// List Schema
const movieEntry = new Schema({
_id: false, // movie makes an already unique attribute, which is populated on GET
movie: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Movies', required: true },
note: { type: Number, default: null, max: 21 },
const listSchema = new Schema({
user: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Users', required: true },
movies: [movieEntry]
The server update API (add / Remove movieEntry are similar with $push and $pull instead of $set)
exports.updateEntry = (req, res) => {
const { listId, movieId } = req.params
const movieEntry = { movieId: movieId, note: req.body.note }
List.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: listId, '': movieId }, { $set: { 'movies.$[elem]': movieEntry } }, { arrayFilters: [{ '': movieId }] })
.then(list => {
if (!list) return res.sendStatus(404)
const oldNote = list.getMovieEntryById(movieId).note // getMovieEntryById(movieId) = return this.movies.find(movieEntry => == movieId)
Movie.updateTotalNote(movieId, oldNote, movieEntry.note)
let newList = list.movies.find(movieEntry => == movieId) // Because I needed the oldNote and findOneAndUpdate returns the list prior to modification, I change it to return it
newList.note = movieEntry.note
newList.status = movieEntry.status
newList.completedDate = movieEntry.completedDate
return res.status(200).json(list)
.catch(err => {
return res.sendStatus(400)
The entries I needed to update were arrays that could grow indefinitely so I had to first change my models and use virtuals and another model for the the list entries.
Doing so made the work easier and I was able to create, update and delete the entries more easily and without any concurrency problems.
This might also not have been a concurrency problem in the first place, but a transaction problem.

How to grab field value during a MongooseModel.bulkWrite operation?

I am trying to upsert in bulk an array of data, with an additional computed field: 'status'.
Status should be either :
- 'New' for newly inserted docs;
- 'Removed' for docs present in DB, but inexistent in incoming dataset;
- a percentage explaining the evolution for the field price, comparing the value in DB to the one in incoming dataset.
import { Document, model, Model, models, Schema } from 'mongoose';
import { IPertinentData } from './site.model';
const dataSchema: Schema = new Schema({
sourceId: { type: String, required: true },
name: { type: String, required: true },
price: { type: Number, required: true },
reference: { type: String, required: true },
lastModified: { type: Date, required: true },
status: { type: Schema.Types.Mixed, required: true }
export interface IData extends IPertinentData, Document {}
export const Data: Model<IData> = models.Data || model<IData>('Data', dataSchema);
import { Data, IPertinentData } from '../models';
export class DataService {
static async test() {
// await Data.deleteMany({});
const data = [
sourceId: 'Y',
reference: `y0`,
name: 'y0',
price: 30
sourceId: 'Y',
reference: 'y1',
name: 'y1',
price: 30
return Data.bulkWrite( {
let status = '';
// #ts-ignore
console.log('price', this);
// #ts-ignore
if (!this.price) status = 'New';
// #ts-ignore
else if (this.price !== d.price) {
// #ts-ignore
status = (d.price - this.price) / this.price;
return {
updateOne: {
filter: { sourceId: d.sourceId, reference: d.reference },
update: {
$set: {
// Set percentage value when current price is greater/lower than new price
// Set status to nothing when new and current prices match
price: d.price
$currentDate: {
lastModified: true
upsert: true
... then in my backend controller, i just call it with some route :
try {
const results = await DataService.test();
return new HttpResponseOK(results);
} catch (error) {
return new HttpResponseInternalServerError(error);
I've tried lot of implementation syntaxes, but all failed either because of type casting, and unsupported syntax like the $ symbol, and restrictions due to the aggregation...
I feel like the above solution might be closest to a working scenario but i'm missing a way to grab the value of the price field BEFORE the actual computation of status and the replacement with updated value.
Here the value of this is undefined while it is supposed to point to current document.
Am i using correct Mongoose way for a bulk update ?
if yes, how to get the field value ?
NodeJS 13.x
Mongoose 5.8.1
MongoDB 4.2.1
Finally found a working syntax, pfeeeew...
return Data.bulkWrite( => ({
updateOne: {
filter: { sourceId: d.sourceId, reference: d.reference },
update: [
$set: {
status: {
$switch: {
branches: [
// Set status to 'New' for newly inserted docs
case: { $eq: [{ $type: '$price' }, 'missing'] },
then: 'New'
// Set percentage value when current price is greater/lower than new price
case: { $ne: ['$price', d.price] },
then: {
$divide: [{ $subtract: [d.price, '$price'] }, '$price']
// Set status to nothing when new and current prices match
default: ''
$set: { price: d.price }
upsert: true
Several problems were blocking me :
the '$field_value_to_check' instead of this.field with undefined 'this' ...
the syntax with $ symbol seems to work only within an aggregation update, using update: [] even if there is only one single $set inside ...
the first condition used for the inserted docs in the upsert process needs to check for the existence of the field price. Only the syntax with BSON $type worked...
Hope it helps other devs in same scenario.

Mongoose $push keeps adding two entries

Here are my user and product schemas:
const productSchema = new Schema({
addedBy: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "users"
const userSchema = new Schema({
addedItems: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId,
ref: "products"
mongoose.model("products", productSchema);
mongoose.model("users", userSchema);
In my Node back end route I do this query:
{ _id: },
{ $push: { addedItems: newProduct._id } },
{ upsert: true, new: true },
function(err, doc) {
console.log(err, doc);
The console.log prints out this:
addedItems: [ 5ab0223118599214f4dd7803 ]
Everything looks good. I go to actually look at the data using the front-end website for my mongo db; I'm using, and this is what shows:
"addedItems": [
"$oid": "5ab0223118599214f4dd7803"
"$oid": "5ab0223118599214f4dd7803"
Question: What the heck happened? Why does it add an additional entry into addedItems ?! Even though my console.log only showed one.
I tested to see if the backend route was being called more than once. It is not.
It seems to be a problem with $push because if I just have { addedItems: newProduct._id } then only one entry goes in, but it overwrites the entire array.
Made a test project to produce the same results:
Can anyone figure out what's going on?
The problem is caused by your mixed used of promises (via async/await) and callbacks with the findOneAndUpdate call which ends up executing the command twice.
To fix the problem:
const updatedUser = await User.findOneAndUpdate(
{ id: userID },
{ $push: { addedItems: } },
{ upsert: true, new: true }
Future readers note that the use of await isn't shown here in the question, but is in the MCVE.
I am facing similar issue. Just landed to this page. I find that previous answer is not very descriptive. So posting this:
export const updateUserHandler = async (req, res) => {
const request = req.body;
await User.findOneAndUpdate( //<== remove await
{ _id: },
{ $push: { addedItems: newProduct._id } },
{ upsert: true, new: true },
(findErr, findRes) => {
if (findErr) {
message: 'Failed: to update user',
IsSuccess: false,
result: findErr
} else {
message: 'Success: to update user',
IsSuccess: true,
result: findRes
Here there are two async calls one is the async and other is await. Because of this there are two entries in the document. Just remove await from await User.findOneAndUpdate. It will work perfectly.
When you await Query you are using the promise-like, specifically, .then() and .catch(() of Query. Passing a callback as well will result in the behavior you're describing.
If you await Query and .then() of Query simultaneously, would make the query execute twice
await Model.findOneAndUpdate(query, doc, options)
Model.findOneAndUpdate(query, doc, options, callback)
This code $push keeps adding two entries:
const ali={ "_id": "5eaa39a18e7719140e3f4430" };
// return await customerModel.findOneAndUpdate(
// ali,
// {
// "$push": {
// "address": [objAdr],
// },
// },
// function (error: any, success: any) {
// if (error) {
// console.log(error);
// } else {
// console.log(success);
// }
// }
// );
My solutions working true:
return await customerModel
{ _id: ids },
{ $push: { "address": objAdr } }
.catch((err: string | undefined) => new Error(err));

How to update mixed type field in Mongoose without overwriting the current data?

I have the following schema
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var ShopSchema = new Schema({
name: Schema.Types.Mixed,
country: {
type: String,
default: ''
createdAt: {
type: Date,
defaultLanguage: {
type: String
account: {type : Schema.ObjectId, ref : 'Account'},
mongoose.model('Shop', ShopSchema);
"name" field is multilingual. I mean, I will keep the multilingual data like
name: {
"en": "My Shop",
"es": "Mi Tienda"
My problem is, in a controller, I am using this code to update the shop:
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Shop = mongoose.model('Shop')
exports.update = function(req, res) {
Shop.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.shopid, {
$set: {
}, function(err, shop) {
if (err) return res.json(err);
and it is obvious that new data overrides the old data. What I need is to extend the old data with the new one.
Is there any method to do that?
You should to use the method .markModified(). See the doc
Since it is a schema-less type, you can change the value to anything else you like, but Mongoose loses the ability to auto detect and save those changes. To "tell" Mongoose that the value of a Mixed type has changed, call the .markModified(path) method of the document passing the path to the Mixed type you just changed.
person.anything = { x: [3, 4, { y: "changed" }] };
person.markModified('anything');; // anything will now get saved
Use "dot notation" for the specific element:
Shop.findByIdAndUpdate(req.params.shopid, {
"$set": {
}, function(err, shop) {
if (err) return res.json(err);
That wil either only overwrite the "en" element if that is what you want to do or "create" a new element with the data you set it to. So if you used "de" and that did not exist there will be the other elements and a new "de" one with the value.
