Is nesting async calls inside async calls desirable? (Node.js) - node.js

I am playing with Node.js and I have created a simple script that uploads files from a directory to a server:
var request = require('request');
var file = require('file');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
VERSION = '0.1'
CONFIG_FILE = path.join(__dirname, 'etc', 'sender.conf.json');
var config = JSON.parse(
var DATA_DIR = __dirname
config['data_dir'].forEach(function(dir) {
DATA_DIR = path.join(DATA_DIR, dir)
console.log('sending data from root directory: ' + DATA_DIR);
function(err, dir_path, dirs, files) {
if(err) {
return console.error(err);
sendFiles(dir_path, files);
function sendFiles(dir_path, files)
.filter(function(file) {
return file.substr(-5) === '.meta';
.forEach(function(file) {
var name = path.basename(file.slice(0, -5));
sendFile(dir_path, name);
function sendFile(dir_path, name)
console.log("reading file start: " + dir_path + "/" + name);
path.join(dir_path, name + '.meta'),
function(err, raw_meta) {
if(err) {
return console.error(err);
console.log("reading file done: " + dir_path + "/" + name);
fs.createReadStream(path.join(dir_path, name + '.data'))
console.log("reading file async: " + dir_path + "/" + name);
function sendData(name, meta, data_stream)
meta['source'] = config['data_source'];
var req =
function(err, res, body) {
if(err) {
else {
var form = req.form();
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
It works fine, when run with only a few files. But when I run it on directory with lots of files, it chokes. This is because it keeps creating huge amounts of tasks for reading from a file, but never gets to actually doing the reading (because there is too many files). This can be observed on output:
sending data from root directory: .../data
reading file start: .../data/ac/ad/acigisu-adruire-sabeveab-ozaniaru-fugeef-wemathu-lubesoraf-lojoepe
reading file async: .../data/ac/ad/acigisu-adruire-sabeveab-ozaniaru-fugeef-wemathu-lubesoraf-lojoepe
reading file start: .../data/ac/ab/acodug-abueba-alizacod-ugvut-nucom
reading file async: .../data/ac/ab/acodug-abueba-alizacod-ugvut-nucom
reading file start: .../data/ac/as/acigisu-asetufvub-liwi-ru-mitdawej-vekof
reading file async: .../data/ac/as/acigisu-asetufvub-liwi-ru-mitdawej-vekof
reading file start: .../data/ac/av/ace-avhad-bop-rujan-pehwopa
reading file async: .../data/ac/av/ace-avhad-bop-rujan-pehwopa
For each file, there is console output "reading file start" produced immediately before call to fs.readFile, and "reading file async" that is produced immediately after the async reading has been scheduled. But there is no "reading file done" message even when I let it run for a long time, which means that reading of any file has probably never been even scheduled (those files are on order of 100s of bytes, so once scheduled, those reads would probably finish in single go).
This leads me to the following thought process. Async calls in Node.js are done because the event loop itself is single-threaded and we do not want to block it. However, once this requirement is satisfied, does it make any sense to nest further async calls into async calls that are themselves nested in async calls, etc.? Would it serve any particular purpose? Moreover, would not it be actual pessimisation of the code due to scheduling overhead that is not really needed and can be completely avoided if complete handling of single file have consisted of synchronous calls only?
Given the thought process above, my course of action would be to use solution from this question:
asynchronously push names of all files to async.queue
limit number of parallel tasks by setting queue.concurrency
provide file-upload handler that is completely synchronous, i.e. it synchronously reads contents of the file and after that is finished, it synchronously sends POST request to the server
This is my very first try to use Node.js and/or JavaScript, therefore it is quite possible I am completely wrong (note that e.g. sync-request package makes it very clear that synchronous calls are not desirable, which is in contradiction with my thought process above - the question is why). Any comments on validity of the above thought process as well as viability of the proposed solution and eventual alternatives to it would be very much appreciated.

== Update ==
There is very good article explaining all this in great detail directly in documentation of Node.js.
As for the particular problem at hand, it is indeed in the choice of file-system-walker-module. The solution is to use e.g. walk instead of file:
## -4,7 +4,7 ##
var request = require('request');
-var file = require('file');
+var walk = require('walk');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
## -24,13 +24,19 ## config['data_dir'].forEach(function(dir) {
console.log('sending data from root directory: ' + DATA_DIR);
- function(err, dir_path, dirs, files) {
- if(err) {
- return console.error(err);
- }
- sendFiles(dir_path, files);
+var walker = walk.walk(DATA_DIR)
+ 'files',
+ function(dir_path, files, next) {
+ sendFiles(dir_path, { return; }));
+ next();
+ }
+ 'errors',
+ function(dir_path, node_stats, next) {
+ console.error('file walker:', node_stats);
+ next();
== Original Post ==
After a bit more study, I will attempt to answer my own question. This answer is still only a partial solution (more complete answer from someone who has actual experience with Node.js would be very much appreciated).
The short answer to the main question above is that it indeed is not only desirable, but also almost always necessary to schedule more asynchronous functions from already asynchronous functions. The long explanation follows.
It is because of how Node.js scheduling works: "Everything runs on a different thread except our code.". There are two very important comments in the discussion below the linked blog post:
"Javascript always finishes the currently executing function first. An event will never interrupt a function." [Twitchard]
"Also note it won't just finish the current function, it will run to completion of all synchronous functions and I believe anything queued with process.nextTick... before the request callback is handled." [Tim Oxley]
There is also a note mentioning this in the documentatoin of the process.nextTick: "The next tick queue is completely drained on each pass of the event loop before additional I/O is processed. As a result, recursively setting nextTick callbacks will block any I/O from happening, just like a while(true); loop."
So, to summarize, all code of the script itself is running on single thread and single thread only. The asynchronous callbacks scheduled to be run are executed on that very same single thread and they are executed only after whole current next tick queue has been drained. Use of asynchronous callbacks provide the only point, when some other function can be scheduled to be run. If the file-upload handler would not schedule any additional asynchronous tasks as described in the question, its execution would block everything else until that whole file-upload handler will have been finished. That is not desirable.
This also explains why the actual reading of the input file never occurs ("recursively setting nextTick callbacks will block any I/O from happening" - see above). It eventually would occur after all the tasks for whole directory hierarchy traversed will have been scheduled. However, without further study, I am not able to answer the question how to limit the number of file-upload tasks scheduled (effectively size of the task queue) and block the scheduling loop until some of those tasks will have been processed (some room on the task queue has been freed). Hence this answer is still incomplete.


How to write incrementally to a text file and flush output

My Node.js program - which is an ordinary command line program that by and large doesn't do anything operationally unusual, nothing system-specific or asynchronous or anything like that - needs to write messages to a file from time to time, and then it will be interrupted with ^C and it needs the contents of the file to still be there.
I've tried using fs.createWriteStream but that just ends up with a 0-byte file. (The file does contain text if the program ends by running off the end of the main file, but that's not the scenario I have.)
I've tried using winston but that ends up not creating the file at all. (The file does contain text if the program ends by running off the end of the main file, but that's not the scenario I have.)
And fs.writeFile works perfectly when you have all the text you want to write up front, but doesn't seem to support appending a line at a time.
What is the recommended way to do this?
Edit: specific code I've tried:
var fs = require('fs')
var log = fs.createWriteStream('test.log')
for (var i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
log.write(i + '\n')
Run for a few seconds, hit ^C, leaves a 0-byte file.
Turns out Node provides a lower level file I/O API that seems to work fine!
var fs = require('fs')
var log = fs.openSync('test.log', 'w')
for (var i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {
fs.writeSync(log, i + '\n')
NodeJS doesn't work in the traditional way. It uses a single thread, so by running a large loop and doing I/O inside, you aren't giving it a chance (i.e. releasing the CPU) to do other async operations for eg: flushing memory buffer to actual file.
The logic must be - do one write, then pass your function (which invokes the write) as a callback to process.nextTick or as callback to the write stream's drain event (if buffer was full during last write).
Here's a quick and dirty version which does what you need. Notice that there are no long-running loops or other CPU blockage, instead I schedule my subsequent writes for future and return quickly, momentarily freeing up the CPU for other things.
var fs = require('fs')
var log = fs.createWriteStream('test.log');
var i = 0;
function my_write() {
if (i++ < 1000000)
var res = log.write("" + i + "\r\n");
if (!res) {
} else {
console.log("Done" + i + " " + res + "\r\n");
This function might also be helpful.
* Write `data` to a `stream`. if the buffer is full will block
* until it's flushed and ready to be written again.
* [see](
export function write(data, stream) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (stream.write(data)) {
} else {
stream.once("drain", () => {"error", reject);
stream.once("error", reject);
You are writing into file using for loop which is bad but that's other case. First of all createWriteStream doesn't close the file automatically you should call close.
If you call close immediately after for loop it will close without writing because it's async.
For more info read here:
Problem is async function inside for loop.

How to manage a queue in nodejs?

I have written a script in Nodejs that takes a screenshot of websites(using slimerJs), this script takes around 10-20 seconds to complete, the problem here is the server is stalled until this script has is finished.
app.get('/screenshot', function (req, res, next) {
var url = req.query.url;
assert(url, "query param 'url' needed");
// actual saving happens here
var fileName = URL.parse(url).hostname + '_' + + '.png';
var command = 'xvfb-run -a -n 5 node slimerScript.js '+ url + ' '+ fileName;
exec(command, function (err, stdout, stderror) {
if(err){ return next(err); }
if(stderror && (stderror.indexOf('error')!= -1) ){ return next(new Error('Error occurred!')); }
return res.send({
status: true,
data: {
fileName: fileName,
url: "http://"+path.join(,'screenshots', fileName)
Since the script spawns a firefox browser in memory and loads the website, the ram usage can spike upto 600-700mb, and thus i cannot execute this command asynchronously as ram is expensive on servers.
may i know if its possible to queue the incoming requests and executing them in FIFO fashion?
i tried checking packages like kue, bull and bee-queues, but i think these all assume the job list is already known before the queue is started, where as my job list depends on users using the site, and i wanna also tell people that they are in queue and need to wait for their turn. is this possible with the above mentioned packages?
If I were doing the similar thing, I would try these steps.
1.An array(a queue) to store requested info, when any request come, store those info in the array, and send back a msg to users, telling them they are in the queue, or the server is busy if there are already too many requests.
2.Doing the screen shot job, async, but not all in the same time. You could start the job if you find the queue is empty when a new request comes, and start another recursively when you finish the last one.
function doSceenShot(){
if(a.length > 1){
//after finishing the job;
3.Notify the user you've finished the job, via polling or other ways.

Is making sequential HTTP requests a blocking operation in node?

Note that irrelevant information to my question will be 'quoted'
like so (feel free to skip these).
I am using node to make in-order HTTP requests on behalf of multiple clients. This way, what originally took the client(s) several different page loads to get the desired result, now only takes a single request via my server. I am currently using the ‘async’ module for flow control and ‘request’ module for making the HTTP requests. There are approximately 5 callbacks which, using console.time, takes about ~2 seconds from start to finish (sketch code included below).
Now I am rather inexperienced with node, but I am aware of the
single-threaded nature of node. While I have read many times that node
isn’t built for CPU-bound tasks, I didn’t really understand what that
meant until now. If I have a correct understanding of what’s going on,
this means that what I currently have (in development) is in no way
going to scale to even more than 10 clients.
Since I am not an expert at node, I ask this question (in the title) to get a confirmation that making several sequential HTTP requests is indeed blocking.
If that is the case, I expect I will ask a different SO question (after doing the appropriate research) discussing various possible solutions, should I choose to continue approaching this problem in node (which itself may not be suitable for what I'm trying to do).
Other closing thoughts
I am truly sorry if this question was not detailed enough, too noobish, or had particularly flowery language (I try to be concise).
Thanks and all the upvotes to anyone who can help me with my problem!
The code I mentioned earlier:
var async = require('async');
var request = require('request');
function(cb) {
request(someUrl1, function(err, res, body) {
// load and parse the given web page.
// make a callback with data parsed from the web page
function(someParameters, cb) {
request({url: someUrl2, method: 'POST', form: {/* data */}}, function(err, res, body) {
// more computation
// make a callback with a session cookie given by the visited url
function(jar, cb) {
request({url: someUrl3, method: 'GET', jar: jar /* cookie from the previous callback */}, function(err, res, body) {
// do more parsing + computation
// make another callback with the results
function(moreParameters, cb) {
request({url: someUrl4, method: 'POST', jar: jar, form : {/*data*/}}, function(err, res, body) {
// make final callback after some more computation.
//This part takes about ~1s to complete
], function (err, result) {
console.timeEnd('4'); //
Normally, I/O in node.js are non-blocking. You can test this out by making several requests simultaneously to your server. For example, if each request takes 1 second to process, a blocking server would take 2 seconds to process 2 simultaneous requests but a non-blocking server would take just a bit more than 1 second to process both requests.
However, you can deliberately make requests blocking by using the sync-request module instead of request. Obviously, that's not recommended for servers.
Here's a bit of code to demonstrate the difference between blocking and non-blocking I/O:
var req = require('request');
var sync = require('sync-request');
// Load N times (yes, it's a real website):
var N = 10;
console.log('BLOCKING test ==========');
var start = new Date().valueOf();
for (var i=0;i<N;i++) {
var res = sync('GET','')
console.log('Downloaded ' + res.getBody().length + ' bytes');
var end = new Date().valueOf();
console.log('Total time: ' + (end-start) + 'ms');
console.log('NON-BLOCKING test ======');
var loaded = 0;
var start = new Date().valueOf();
for (var i=0;i<N;i++) {
req('',function( err, response, body ) {
console.log('Downloaded ' + body.length + ' bytes');
if (loaded == N) {
var end = new Date().valueOf();
console.log('Total time: ' + (end-start) + 'ms');
Running the code above you'll see the non-blocking test takes roughly the same amount of time to process all requests as it does for a single request (for example, if you set N = 10, the non-blocking code executes 10 times faster than the blocking code). This clearly illustrates that the requests are non-blocking.
Additional answer:
You also mentioned that you're worried about your process being CPU intensive. But in your code, you're not benchmarking CPU utility. You're mixing both network request time (I/O, which we know is non-blocking) and CPU process time. To measure how much time the request is in blocking mode, change your code to this:
function(cb) {
request(someUrl1, function(err, res, body) {
// load and parse the given web page.
// make a callback with data parsed from the web page
function(someParameters, cb) {
request({url: someUrl2, method: 'POST', form: {/* data */}}, function(err, res, body) {
// more computation
// make a callback with a session cookie given by the visited url
function(jar, cb) {
request({url: someUrl3, method: 'GET', jar: jar /* cookie from the previous callback */}, function(err, res, body) {
// do more parsing + computation
// make another callback with the results
function(moreParameters, cb) {
request({url: someUrl4, method: 'POST', jar: jar, form : {/*data*/}}, function(err, res, body) {
// some more computation.
// make final callback
], function (err, result) {
Your code only blocks in the "more computation" parts. So you can completely ignore any time spent waiting for the other parts to execute. In fact, that's exactly how node can serve multiple requests concurrently. While waiting for the other parts to call the respective callbacks (you mention that it may take up to 1 second) node can execute other javascript code and handle other requests.
Your code is non-blocking because it uses non-blocking I/O with the request() function. This means that node.js is free to service other requests while your series of http requests is being fetched.
What async.waterfall() does it to order your requests to be sequential and pass the results of one on to the next. The requests themselves are non-blocking and async.waterfall() does not change or influence that. The series you have just means that you have multiple non-blocking requests in a row.
What you have is analogous to a series of nested setTimeout() calls. For example, this sequence of code takes 5 seconds to get to the inner callback (like your async.waterfall() takes n seconds to get to the last callback):
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
setTimeout(function() {
// it takes 5 seconds to get here
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
}, 1000);
But, this uses basically zero CPU because it's just 5 consecutive asynchronous operations. The actual node.js process is involved for probably no more than 1ms to schedule the next setTimeout() and then the node.js process literally could be doing lots of other things until the system posts an event to fire the next timer.
You can read more about how the node.js event queue works in these references:
Run Arbitrary Code While Waiting For Callback in Node?
blocking code in non-blocking http server
Hidden threads in Javascript/Node that never execute user code: is it possible, and if so could it lead to an arcane possibility for a race condition?
How does JavaScript handle AJAX responses in the background? (written about the browser, but concept is the same)
If I have a correct understanding of what’s going on, this means that
what I currently have (in development) is in no way going to scale to
even more than 10 clients.
This is not a correct understanding. A node.js process can easily have thousands of non-blocking requests in flight at the same time. Your sequentially measured time is only a start to finish time - it has nothing to do with CPU resources or other OS resources consumed (see comments below on non-blocking resource consumption).
I still have concerns about using node for this particular
application then. I'm worried about how it will scale considering that
the work it is doing is not simple I/O but computationally intensive.
I feel as though I should switch to a platform that enables
multi-threading. Does what I'm asking/the concern I'm expressing make
sense? I could just be spitting total BS and have no idea what I'm
talking about.
Non-blocking I/O consumes almost no CPU (only a little when the request is originally sent and then a little when the result arrives back), but while the compmuter is waiting for the remove result, no CPU is consumed at all and no OS thread is consumed. This is one of the reasons that node.js scales well for non-blocking I/O as no resources are used when the computer is waiting for a response from a remove site.
If your processing of the request is computationally intensive (e.g. takes a measurable amount of pure blocking CPU time to process), then yes you would want to explore getting multiple processes involved in running the computations. There are multiple ways to do this. You can use clustering (so you simply have multiple identical node.js processes each working on requests from different clients) with the nodejs clustering module. Or, you can create a work queue of computationally intensive work to do and have a set of child processes that do the computationally intensive work. Or, there are several other options too. This not the type of problem that one needs to switch away from node.js to solve - it can be solved using node.js just fine.
You can use queue to process concurrent http calls in nodeJs
var cq = require('concurrent-queue');
test_queue = cq();
// request action method
testQueue: function(req, res) {
// queuing each request to process sequentially
test_queue(req.user, function (err, user) {
console.log(' done');
res.json(200, user)
// Queue will be processed one by one.
test_queue.limit({ concurrency: 1 }).process(function (user, cb) {
console.log( + ' started')
// async calls will go there
setTimeout(function () {
// on callback of async, call cb and return response.
cb(null, user)
}, 1000);
Please remember that it needs to implement for sensitive business calls where the resource needs to be accessed or update at a time by one user only.
This will block your I/O and make your users to wait and response time will be slow.
You can make it faster and optimize it by creating resource dependent queue. So that the there is a separate queue for each shared resource and synchronous calls for same resource can only be execute for same resource and for different resources the calls will be executed asynchronously
Let suppose that you want to implement that on the base of current user. So that for the same user http calls can only execute synchronously and for different users the https calls will be asynchronous
testQueue: function(req, res) {
// if queue not exist for current user.
if(! (test_queue.hasOwnProperty( ){
// initialize queue for current user
test_queue[] = cq();
// initialize queue processing for current user
// Queue will be processed one by one.
test_queue[].limit({ concurrency: 1 }).process(function (task, cb) {
console.log( + ' started')
// async functionality will go there
setTimeout(function () {
cb(null, task)
}, 1000)
// queuing each request in user specific queue to process sequentially
test_queue[](req.user, function (err, user) {
res.json(200, user)
console.log(' done');
This will be fast and block I/O for only that resource for which you want.

NodeJS fs API: Detect Asynchronous Completion

I have a NodeJS application which uses the fs API to read files from a directory tree. I'm using the fs-walk module to walk the tree. For every sub directory encountered, the same function executes again to handle it. (I don't think this is recursion; rather, the same function is bound to an event which is fired each time a directory is handled.) Files are handled by a different function, which does stuff to them.
I'd like to execute arbitrary code once all files have been read without using synchronous or blocking code. I couldn't find any way to keep track of the number of files in a directory (to count down, for instance), nor could I find any attribute in fs.stat to indicate that the entire operation has completed.
Had anyone found a way to do this yet? I could find nothing in the node docs or on stack overflow.
After reviewing the fs-walk library a little closer, it looks like the third argument to the walk() method is actually a final callback. Internally they are using the async library, specifically async.whilst() and async.waterfall() methods which will execute the final callback when everything is complete.
I think the intention of the library creator is for that final callback to be executed when all async actions are completed. If that isn't working, you may want to file an issue in Github for it:
According to the code, you should be able to do:
var walk = require('fs-walk';
walk('/some/dir', someFileOrDirHandler, function(err) {
// This should be a final callback, if the first argument is present,
// then there was an error
if (err) {
/* handle it */
// Getting here indicates success
As a compromise in performance, I ended up doing a total file count using a recursive function that accessed the file system synchronously. Using the total, I then accessed all the files asynchronously, decrementing the total each time. Once the total reached zero, I executed a function to handle all of the completed data.
var countAllFiles = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var total = 0,
count = function (path) {
var contents = fs.readdirSync(path), file, name;
for (file in contents) {
if (!contents.hasOwnProperty(file)) continue;
name = path + '/' + contents[file];
if (fs.statSync(name).isDirectory())
}).then(function (total) {
walk.dirs('/path/to/tree/', handlerFunction, errorHandler);
// for every file, decrement total. Then, if it's zero, execute the code that
// depends on all the read/write operations being complete

Nodejs asynchronous confusion

I can't seem to grasp how to maintain async control flow with NodeJs. All of the nesting makes the code very hard to read in my opinion. I'm a novice, so I'm probably missing the big picture.
What is wrong with simply coding something like this...
function first() {
var object = {
aProperty: 'stuff',
anArray: ['html', 'html'];
function second(object) {
for (var i = 0; i < object.anArray.length; i++) {
function third(html) {
// Parse html
The "big picture" is that any I/O is non-blocking and is performed asynchronously in your JavaScript; so if you do any database lookups, read data from a socket (e.g. in an HTTP server), read or write files to the disk, etc., you have to use asynchronous code. This is necessary as the event loop is a single thread, and if I/O wasn't non-blocking, your program would pause while performing it.
You can structure your code such that there is less nesting; for example:
var fs = require('fs');
var mysql = require('some_mysql_library');
fs.readFile('/my/file.txt', 'utf8', processFile);
function processFile(err, data) {
mysql.query("INSERT INTO tbl SET txt = '" + data + "'", doneWithSql);
function doneWithSql(err, results) {
if(err) {
console.log("There was a problem with your query");
} else {
console.log("The query was successful.");
There are also flow control libraries like async (my personal choice) to help avoid lots of nested callbacks.
You may be interested in this screencast I created on the subject.
As #BrandonTilley said, I/O is asynchronous, so you need callbacks in Node.js to handle them. This is why Node.js can do so much with just a single thread (it's not actually doing more in a single thread, but rather than having the thread wait around for the data, it just starts processing the next task and when the I/O comes back, then it'll jump back to that task with the callback function you gave it).
But, nested callbacks can be taken care of with a good library like the venerable async or my new little library: queue-flow. They handle the callback issues and let you keep your code un-nested and looking very similar to blocking, synchronous code. :)
