Jump Start My VS 2015 Community Experience - visual-c++

My last experience with visual programming was with VB 6.0. So it's been awhile. Now I need a C code developement environment to interface with another tool. It would be nice to work in a visual programming and event driven IDE similar to my VB experience. The other tool vendor suggested installing the free VS 2015 Community package. What is the best way to download, install and get me up and running in this C code environment?

Download Visual Studio Community 2017 here:
You don't need to install the full blown thing anymore, just pick the blocks your want to use. If you need more later on you can simply add more blocks.
It is free, and there are boatloads of samples around (check https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/ for instance) to get you started.

Probably "microsoft official site" but i'd not recommended "comunity edition" just for one reason : [it's a bit overloaded], i know it may feels good to have space for growing up, but in fact (probably) you'll barely try a quarter stuffs they present for you. Before you become a "GURU" they will be just spotted your eyes and (a bit) slow down progress.
If you'll want do your codding on Windows 7 or earlier, you'd better try a (minimalistic) "Visual studio express 2013" (Same stuff, but more strict functionality). And... if you would try Visual studio express, it better to choose a version "x86", i cant say that does matters on "C", but if you'll start programming openGL, it's saves you a lot of nerves (64x has a several big errors)


Visual Studio very slow with C++

I am new to C++ programming and have been setting up Unreal Engine 4 with Visual Studio 2019.
The problem I am facing is that VS seems very slow to recognize my code in C++.
For example, it can take more than 10 seconds to recognize that I wrote a method declaration and apply the proper color and give me intellisense (intellicode?) or show me any error. Same problem with variables and such. Code completion is pretty much never happening.
It's unusable right now and I would appreciate if somebody have an idea of what's going on.
I never have this problem in C#.
I tried activate / deactivate extensions (just got a couple of them). I have ran a VS repair.
I have a recent computer (i7 9k, 16gb RAM) running windows 10.
Thanks in advance.

How to manage developing former Visual Studio solution in Linux?

In my third try to introducing Linux to my everyday life I'm still bouncing hard on programming.
I have solution for my major thesis' program created in Visual Studio (five projects in one solution; 4 static libs, one executable), and managed with it since it's beginning. It's posted on Git, so I thought, that I'll try changing it and compiling on my laptop with Ubuntu 18.4. While changing it was no-effort task (Linux text editors are neat; as opposed to almost non-existent IDEs), compiling in the other hand was the point I doubted in all my skills.
First problem I've encountered is that I have no idea how to manage multiple projects outside VS. I mean, there are .vcxproj files with data, but not very useful for what I saw.
Second problem are references - I have no idea how to link #include directories to specific point in files without going ../MainFolder/subfolder/file.h which is extremely unesthetic.
I expect, that those are just iceberg's peaks, and I will encounter massive amount of problems in future, but as for now - can anybody give me idea of how to manage such project in Linux?

Visual Studio 2013 creates larger exe's - no MFC

I'm a little late with this question, but better late than never. I've been using Visual Studio 6.0 since it came out, but recently switched to VS 2013 on a new PC.
I've gotten my projects to build under 2013, but the resulting executables it produces are consistently bigger than VS6.0 produced. I've seen a similar thread on here about that happening in the transition from VS2008 to VS2010, and the comments and suggestions there all seem to attribute the change to changes in MFC libraries that are statically linked in. But my projects are straight C code. No C++, let alone MFC. And the 'Use of MFC' option on my project is set to "Use Standard Windows Libraries" (presumably set by the import tool that generated the 2013-compatible project). The only non-stadard library it uses is wsock32.lib.
The extra size isn't a killer, but it's a significant relative to the size of the whole app. My biggest .exe goes from 980Kb to 1.3Mb - about a 35% increase in size to an app whose small size was a selling point (i.e. install this tiny app and you have access to all of our goodies). That's without debugging info - the increase on the debug version is even more - but I don't really care about that.
Any ideas how to strip out the new cruft - or even to know what it is?
This is a good manual how to make your binaries smaller.
Basic ideas are the following:
Don't forget about Release mode
Declare #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
Dynamically link to the C++ runtime
Compile the executable without debugging information
Compile with /O1, an 'optimize for size' flag
Remove iostream and fstream headers, use low level instead if possible
Typically you generate a MAP file on both systems, and figure out the sections that cause the largest contributions.
Anton's answer reminds me: first check if they are both linked the same way (both static or both dynamic, otherwise it is apples and oranges)

InstallShield 10 vs 11 - is there a reason to migrate

Currently we are wondering whether we should move to IS 11 or stay for longer time with IS 10. It will incorporate upgrade of a few crucial boxes so I would like whether, from your point of view, there are some break through technologies in IS 11 so you must have it or we can easily skip it and wait for the next version.
It is used to installation of server application and stand alone client - msi projects.
Here's the IS2011 Release Notes.
There is now DRM on the standalone build. ( BOOO )
The standlone build can now be purchased ala cart ( YEAH )
There's some Unicode improvements but I don't do localization or use InstallScript anymore.
It says there is improved TFS support but I know IS2010 already registers with VS2010 so I'm not sure what's different there.
Sounds like there have been some improvements in supporting SQL 2008 R2.
More prereqs but you can always write those yourself or download them and use with 2010 if you really need to.
The InstallScript/VBScript editor is improved but I use C#/DTF/WiX anyways.
Improved App-V if you are into that ( I'm not ).
Setup Prereqs finally support using Path Variables to isolate your dependencies for your build. That would be nice to have since I typically edit these using Notepad++ today.
Ability to author a HyperLink control ( dependency on MSI 5.0 which makes this useless )
Custom Setup.exe icons and resources if you care. ( Sounds like your stuff is internal )
Prebuild/PostCompression/PostBuild events. Pre and Post I don't care about the PostCompression has some very interesting use cases for people who need to make MSI's do things IS can't do and have a compressed setup.exe
Expiring setup.exe's ( if you care )
Import VDPROJ - thought this one had been around for awhile. Maybe it works now? :-)
Unicode support in SQL scripts. That could be important ( not to me currently )
64bit and .NET 4.0 improvements. Always welcomed.
IIS improvements ( always welcomed )
And more.....
OK, now for the part when I give my opinion. If what you have is working, stick with it. If you tend to work on alot of projects, have a little money to spend and don't like hitting brick walls on new problems then take a chance, upgrade and hopefully you'll never see the problems in the first place.
Put it simpler, we own 2010 and 2011 but are currently only using 2010.

C++ coverage tool that WORKS?

Been searching for a good coverage tool for a while now.
I'm with VC++ 2008.
Tried already:
NCover, PureCoverage, PartCover and a few others I can't remember their names.
None works!
Not even with a very basic console application that does almost nothing.
Tried to get an evaluation copy from BullsEye and few more others - not only that they require you to ask for it (no automatic process), they don't even answer after you request AND after you ask what's going on, through the support mail.
So the question is: Is there any tool, which I can immediately download an evaluation for it, that actually works on VC 2008 projects? Something that will get me going within 10 minutes? It's funny but it seems to be a very non-trivial request in the area of this kind of software.
Well, you have to ask for it... but it does work:
SD C++ Test Coverage
EDIT May 2011: Downloads available for since late 2010.
