IIS server access issue over WWW - iis

I have installed IIS server on Windows 7 professional.
I am able to access the server using IP lets say but when I try to ping the site outside of company network I get a network error (tcp_error)
Any one knows what needs to happen in order to access it over WWW?

Make sure that you have a static IP adresse,and then authorize incoming http request on port 80 from your router or your firewall.But the ip adresse should be accessible by internet


Why sometimes I can't browse a website by directly using it's ip from ping?

The website I want to go is pixiv.net, and after I ping it I found out it's ip, which is, but if I directly putting this ip as address in a browser, I got a access forbidden. But I can visit pixiv.net. And then I tried to bind this ip with pixiv.net in my host file. I can still get access to pixiv.net.
The web server at that location is probably configured to respond to a fully qualified domain name that it routes to a directory of HTML pages and other assets. It’s likely there is no configuration for requests to its root IP address.
It is likely one of the following two,
The nginx web server at that IP could be configured only to allow access via the domain name. prevent access via IP on nginx
The nginx server could be a reverse proxy which re-routes requests to the true web server. nginx as a reverse proxy server

How to allow extern access with node.js

How can I allow other users to access my application that is running on localhost? Is there any package in the npm that facilitates this access?
To access your localhost (on a home network) from the internet, you need to provide a couple things.
You need a way for your clients to contact your server. This can either be via an IP address http://xxx.yyy.xxx or a domain name http://somedomain.com/whatever. If it's an IP address, then it needs to be a public IP address (not a local network address). For a home network, you would typically use the public IP address of your router that is how you connect to the internet.
If you are going to use a domain name, then you need to actually choose a domain name, register it with a registrar and configure it to point to your router's public IP address.
If your router does not have a static IP address, then you will likely need to use a dynamic DNS service that will automatically update your DNS entry to point to your dynamic IP address whenever (or if ever) it changes. There are lots of dynamic DNS services.
Then, you need to create a "hole" in your router's firewall so that incoming connections to port 80 are port forwarded to the computer where your server is running. This will typically be done in the router's configuration/security administration UI. You will "port forward" and incoming request on port 80 to whatever IP and port your server process is running on your local network.
For a more durable server installation, you would do the following:
Buy a hosting package at a hosting site that hosts the type of application you are running at the scale you expect to run it at (storage, CPUs, bandwidth). In your case, you'd be looking for a hosting service for node.js apps.
Then, you'd buy a domain name and configure it to point to the public IP address that your hosting provider gave you for your server.
Then, you'd install your server app at the hosting site and run it according to the hosting provider's instructions.
Then, a user can access your server via an URL using your public domain http://somedomain.com/whatever.
You can do so by using ngrok. In your command prompt type npm install ngrok. Once installation finished restart your command prompt and type ngrok http 3000, here 3000 is the port on which your server is running. You will get something like http://ee309.ngrok.io which is your temporary domain. You can use it until you shut your system down or close command prompt.

Making my windows 10 IIS server as a hosting server, test purpose

I have a REAL IP. XXX.XXX.XX.XXX, with that, i have DNS, Subnetmask, gateway and secondary dns from my ISP provider.
I have connected my PC (windows 10) with that setting in TCP/IP v4. And network is fine for outgoing.
Now I build a simple html web site and created a site in IIS 10. in Binding, I used the REAL IP, with port 80. From that pc, after hitting the IP Address, I am getting into the site. But from outside the network, via internet, If I hit the IP, nothing comes except Problem loading page with respond timeout.
How can I access the IP from outside internet?

Host a site in local IIS with domain

I want to host a site on local IIS 7.5 for internal testing. But I want people can access over the internet.
For this on my rackspace server, I have created an "A" record with subdomain.domainName.com and pointed my static IP address to it.
In IIS I have created a self-signed certificated with *.domainname.com that it can be used to multiple sites.
Now, i have published a site to a local directory and in IIS I have created a site with host name the same domain for which I have created an "A" record.
I have added http and https bindings with port 80 and 443 with the same host name.
But still my site is not working.
The error I am getting is "This webpage is not available"
Can any one help me?
Resolved it my self.
I was missing Port Forwarding in my router software for HTTPS.
In my web-application, each HTTP request is automatically be converted to HTTPS. And I forgot to forward Port 443's request to the machine to which I have set the static IP Address and DNS.
After adding that port forwarding record to the router's software my application is working fine over internet.

Can't access my IIS site online

I created a IIS site in my windows server 2012 virtual machine. I want to be able to access it online on my android phone. I can access it locally on the server. The ip address of the server is and for the IIS site its Also the server is a dynamic ip. I have tried using an online site called noip.com to make a domain. I created a domain
mydomain.no-ip.biz and gave it the ip address I even installed the client program so it keeps my ip up to date. However when I visit mydomain.no-ip.biz. it says it cannot be found.
Does anyone know what is wrong here?
Thanks. is your local IP address on your network. is your external IP address that your IPS assigned to your server (until it expires). I'm assuming you are doing this at home so you would need to make sure if you have a router, you need to configure it to set it up to port forward to your local IP address.
Set your 'mydomain.no-ip.biz' ip address to and make sure your router (if you have one) is forwarding to
