I need to load some modules but load module doesn't work in my environment unless I change the bash profile. How do I do this in tcsh? - linux

. ~/.bashrc is what I'm use to source the bash script in bash shell. But I have quite a few scripts that I want to run from tcsh.But this command doesn't work for tcsh. Why doesn't this work? Is there a different file similar to bash profile when I work on t shell?
Any links to look up?

The tcsh equivalent to the bash and posix shell . is source.
That said, bash and tcsh are entirely different shells. You will not be able to source ~/.bashrc from tcsh, if that was your intent.
You can run a shell script of any type as long as that shell script has the appropriate shebang in its first line, but it'll run in its own process, and not in the context of your interactive tcsh instance.
If, for example, you have a directory: ~/.tcshrc.d, and you want to include all the files in that directory in your login shell, you might include the following in your .tcshrc file:
foreach i ( ~/.tcshrc.d/* )
source $i
Note that this is tcsh code, and is not compatible with bash.


How to reload /etc/environment from shell script

So I have this shell script that checks and then concats an environmental variable to /etc/environment, then reloads the file without having to logout/login:
echo $portvar
grep -q $portvar /etc/environment && echo "EV already in" || echo $portvar >> /etc/environment
set -a; source /etc/environment; set +a;
When I run it, I get the error ./test.sh: 5: ./test.sh: source: not found. However, if I run set -a; source /etc/environment; set +a; directly in the terminal it updates the environmental variable just fine. I have no idea what the set command does, I just found it in another stack overflow question.
Any idea why it runs in the terminal directly but not in the .sh file?
/bin/sh on your system is likely some shell that isn't bash and doesn't implement the source command. On my Ubuntu 20.04 system /bin/sh is actually dash.
The source command is not defined by POSIX as part of the shell command language nor is it one of the required special built-in utilities. It's a non-standard feature provided by bash. However, the . command, which does the same thing, is specified by POSIX.
So you can use . instead, e.g. . /etc/environment. Or if you want to keep using source, then you need to have your script run by bash or some other shell that supports it, by changing the shebang line to #!/bin/bash.
There is a tool called checkbashisms that can help you find unintentional uses of bash-specific features in your scripts. When run on your script, it flags this:
possible bashism in foo.sh line 5 (should be '.', not 'source'):

How to run a tsch script from a bash shell system?

So I have a few tcsh scripts associated with an expensive software that I have to run them on a bash shell system. Is that even possible? This software needs these scripts frequently and is based on tcsh. Is it possible to run 2 shells at the same time? Or just call tcsh shell at the beginning of the script? or is there any compiler to translate the shell scripts? What are my options? Thank you.
Simply put a proper shebang at the top of the script.
Assuming your tcsh is installed as /bin/tcsh, each tcsh script should have this as its first line:
#!/bin/tcsh -f
(The -f tells the shell not to load your startup scripts such as .login or .tcshrc. Any script shouldn't depend on your user environment, so you don't need to invoke your startup scripts -- and it will make your scripts load faster. Note that -f has a different meaning for Bourne-derived shells; use -f only for csh and tcsh scripts.)
If you can't portably assume where tcsh is installed, an alternative is:
#!/usr/bin/env tcsh
But that doesn't let you use the -f option, and it could have other disadvantages; see this answer for details.
Note that there really isn't such a thing as a "bash shell system". Both bash and tcsh are just programs that you can run. One or the other might happen to be the default interactive shell for newly created user accounts, but that doesn't affect being able to run either of them.

How do i make my own created shell work with .sh files

My teacher gave us this assignment to create our own shell. Our shell is supposed be called rshell and is supposed to work like the regular shell.
I created my own shell using C++. If you type a command like ls in my created shell it gives you a list just like how if you typed ls in the regular shell.
The problem I am facing is how do I get the .sh files or script files to work with my created shell. I noticed when I run a .sh file using my shell it does not run the .sh file through my shell. It runs it through the regular shell. How do I make .sh files run through my shell?
Change the hash-bang line of the scripts to point at your shell. For instance,
Or wherever your shell executable is.
As John already said, change the shebang to point to your shell. The kernel will invoke the command in the shebang with the file itself as an argument. To demonstrate, try a file with a shebang of #!/bin/cat.
hello world
It pretty much behaves the same as if you typed /bin/cat /path/to/file.
The shebang does not have PATH lookup capabilities, so #!yourshell would not work as a shebang. However, you can use env to do the PATH lookup as in #!/usr/bin/env yourshell. (This approach is preferred for commands that are at different paths on different systems, like python.)

How to change Example.bat to Example.pl?

I have read other threads enter link description herethat discuss .bat to L/unix conversions, but none has been satisfactory. I have also tried a lot of hack type approach in writing my own scripts.
I have the following example.bat script that is representative of the kind of script I want to run on unix.
echo "Example.bat"
perl script1 param.in newParam.in
perl script2 newParam.in stuff.D2D stuff.D2C
program.exe stuff.D2C
perl script3 stuff.DIS results.out
My problem is I don't know how to handle the perl and program.exe in the unix bash shell. I have tried putting them in a system(), but that did not work. Can someone please help me?
Thank you!
Provided that you have an executable file named program.exe somewhere in your $PATH (which you well might — Unix executables don't have to end in .exe, but nothing says they can't), the code you've pasted is a valid shell script. If you save it in a file named, say, example.bat, you can run it by typing
sh example.bat
into the shell prompt.
Of course, Unix shell scripts are usually given the suffix .sh — or no suffix at all — rather than .bat. Also, if you want your script to be executable directly, by typing just
rather than sh example.sh, you need to do three things:
Start the script with a "shebang" line: a line that begins with #! and the full path to the shell interpreter you want to use to run it (e.g. /bin/sh for the basic Bourne shell), like this:
echo "This is a shell script."
# ... more commands here ...
Mark your script as executable using the chmod command, e.g.
chmod a+rx example.sh
Put your script somewhere along your $PATH. On Unix, the default path will not normally contain the current directory ., so you can't execute programs from the current directory just by typing their name. You can, however, run them by specifying an explicit path, e.g.
./example.sh # runs example.sh from the current directory
To find out what your $PATH is, just type echo $PATH into the shell.

Setting Enviroment Variables Dynamically on Linux

I am currently looking for a way to set enviroment variables in Linux via a simple shell script. Within the script I am currently using the 'export' command, however this only has scope within the script where system-wide scope is needed.
Is there anyway I can do this via a shell script, or will another method need to be used?
When you run a shell script, it executes in a sub-shell. What you need is to execute it in the context of the current shell, by sourcing it with:
source myshell.sh
. myshell.sh
The latter is my preferred approach since I'm inherently lazy.
If you're talking about system-wide scope inasmuch as you want to affect everybody, you'll need to put your commands in a place where they're sourced at login time (or shell creation time), /etc/profile for example. Where you put your commands depends on the shell being used.
You can find out what scripts get executed by examining the man page for your shell:
man bash
The bash shell, when invoked as a login shell (including as a non-login shell but with the --login parameter), will use /etc/profile and the first of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile.
Non-login bash shells will use. unless invoked with --norc or --rcfile <filename>, the files /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc.
I'm pretty certain it's even more convoluted than that depending on how the shell is run, but that's as far as my memory stretches. The man page should detail it all.
You could have your script check for the existence of something like /var/myprog/env-vars-to-load and 'source' it then unlink it if it exists, perhaps using trap and a signal. Its hard to say, I'm not familiar with your program.
There is no way to 'inject' environmental variables into another process' address space, so you'll have to find some method of IPC which will can instruct the process on what to set.
A fundamental aspect of environment variables is that you cannot affect the environment for any process but your own and child processes that you spawn. You can't create a script that sets "system wide" environment variables that somehow become usable by other processes.
On the shell prompt:
$ source script.sh
And set the env vars in script.sh
echo "export MY_VAR=STACK_OVERFLOW" >> $HOME/.bashrc
. $HOME/.bashrc
sh task.sh
echo $MY_VAR
Add executable rights:
chmod +x test.sh task.sh
And lauch test.sh
