Setting Enviroment Variables Dynamically on Linux - linux

I am currently looking for a way to set enviroment variables in Linux via a simple shell script. Within the script I am currently using the 'export' command, however this only has scope within the script where system-wide scope is needed.
Is there anyway I can do this via a shell script, or will another method need to be used?

When you run a shell script, it executes in a sub-shell. What you need is to execute it in the context of the current shell, by sourcing it with:
The latter is my preferred approach since I'm inherently lazy.
If you're talking about system-wide scope inasmuch as you want to affect everybody, you'll need to put your commands in a place where they're sourced at login time (or shell creation time), /etc/profile for example. Where you put your commands depends on the shell being used.
You can find out what scripts get executed by examining the man page for your shell:
man bash
The bash shell, when invoked as a login shell (including as a non-login shell but with the --login parameter), will use /etc/profile and the first of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile.
Non-login bash shells will use. unless invoked with --norc or --rcfile <filename>, the files /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc.
I'm pretty certain it's even more convoluted than that depending on how the shell is run, but that's as far as my memory stretches. The man page should detail it all.

You could have your script check for the existence of something like /var/myprog/env-vars-to-load and 'source' it then unlink it if it exists, perhaps using trap and a signal. Its hard to say, I'm not familiar with your program.
There is no way to 'inject' environmental variables into another process' address space, so you'll have to find some method of IPC which will can instruct the process on what to set.

A fundamental aspect of environment variables is that you cannot affect the environment for any process but your own and child processes that you spawn. You can't create a script that sets "system wide" environment variables that somehow become usable by other processes.

On the shell prompt:
$ source
And set the env vars in
echo "export MY_VAR=STACK_OVERFLOW" >> $HOME/.bashrc
. $HOME/.bashrc
echo $MY_VAR
Add executable rights:
chmod +x
And lauch


I need to load some modules but load module doesn't work in my environment unless I change the bash profile. How do I do this in tcsh?

. ~/.bashrc is what I'm use to source the bash script in bash shell. But I have quite a few scripts that I want to run from tcsh.But this command doesn't work for tcsh. Why doesn't this work? Is there a different file similar to bash profile when I work on t shell?
Any links to look up?
The tcsh equivalent to the bash and posix shell . is source.
That said, bash and tcsh are entirely different shells. You will not be able to source ~/.bashrc from tcsh, if that was your intent.
You can run a shell script of any type as long as that shell script has the appropriate shebang in its first line, but it'll run in its own process, and not in the context of your interactive tcsh instance.
If, for example, you have a directory: ~/.tcshrc.d, and you want to include all the files in that directory in your login shell, you might include the following in your .tcshrc file:
foreach i ( ~/.tcshrc.d/* )
source $i
Note that this is tcsh code, and is not compatible with bash.

Is there an alternative for .bashrc for /bin/sh?

I need a script which is run on startup of /bin/sh, similar to .bashrc for /bin/bash. Is there any way to do this?
I tried both /etc/profile and ~/.profile, I wrote echo 'hello world' to both files. None of these are working. When I type sh into the console, nothing pops up.
I am using ArchLinux.
In Arch, /bin/sh is a symlink to /bin/bash, which has quite a few rules about startup scripts, with special cases when called sh :
If bash is invoked with the name sh, it tries to mimic the startup
behavior of historical versions of sh as closely as possible, ...
If you start it from the console, without any command, i.e. as an interactive, non-login shell, you should use the ENV variable :
export ENV=~/.profile
ENV=~/.profile sh
When invoked as an interactive [non login] shell with the name sh, bash looks for the variable ENV, expands its value if it is defined, and uses the expanded value as the name of a file to read and execute.
Alternatively you can use the --login option to make it behave like a login shell, and read the .profile file.
sh --login
When invoked as an interactive login shell [with the name sh], or a
non-interactive shell with the --login option, it first attempts to
read and execute commands from /etc/profile and ~/.profile, in that
I will assume, as is true on debian-ubuntu-like systems, that your /bin/sh is dash.
For dash, set the environment variable ENV to have the path to the initialization file of your choice. This would be dash's analog to ~/.bashrc.
If you are interested in login shells, dash reads ~/.profile.
As an example, one could add to ~/.profile:
ENV=$HOME/.shinit; export ENV
This would cause dash to read ~/.shinit when an interactive shell starts.
"I tried both /etc/profile and ~/.profile, I wrote echo 'hello world'
to both files. None of these are working. When I type sh into the
console, nothing pops up."
Those files are only read for login shells. If you just run sh at the command prompt, you are starting an interactive shell.
From man dash:
Invocation If no args are present and if the standard input of
the shell is connected to a terminal (or if the -i flag is set), and
the -c option is not present, the shell is considered an interactive
shell. An interactive shell generally prompts before each command and
handles programming and command errors
differently (as described below). When first starting, the shell inspects argument 0, and if it begins with a dash ‘-’, the shell is
also considered a
login shell. This is normally done automatically by the system when the user first logs in. A login shell first reads commands from
the files /etc/profile and .profile if they exist. If the
environment variable ENV is set on entry to an interactive shell, or
is set in the .profile of a login shell, the shell next reads
commands from the file named in ENV. Therefore, a user should place
commands that are to be executed only at login time in the .profile
file, and commands that are executed for every interactive shell
inside the ENV file. To set the ENV variable to some file, place the
following line in your .profile of your home directory
ENV=$HOME/.shinit; export ENV
substituting for “.shinit” any filename you wish.
If command line arguments besides the options have been specified,
then the shell treats the first argument as the name of a file from
which to read commands (a shell script), and the remaining arguments
are set as the positional parameters of the shell ($1, $2, etc).
Otherwise, the shell reads commands from its standard input. [Emphasis added.]
From the POSIX standard (hat tip: chepner):
ENV This variable, when and only when an interactive shell is
invoked, shall be subjected to parameter expansion (see Parameter
Expansion) by the shell, and the resulting value shall be used as a
pathname of a file containing shell commands to execute in the current
environment. The file need not be executable. If the expanded value of
ENV is not an absolute pathname, the results are unspecified. ENV
shall be ignored if the real and effective user IDs or real and
effective group IDs of the process are different.

Getting bash script to update parent shell's Environment

I am attempting to write a bash command line tool that is usable immediately after installation, i.e. in the same shell as its installation script was called. Lets say (designed for Ubuntu) looks like:
# Get the script's absolute path:
pushd `dirname $0` > /dev/null
popd > /dev/null
# Add lines to bash.bashrc to export the environment variable:
echo "SCRIPT_HOME=${SCRIPTPATH}" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
echo "export SCRIPT_HOME" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
# Create a new command:
cp ${SCRIPTPATH}/newcomm /usr/bin
chmod a+x /usr/bin/newcomm
The idea is that the new command newcomm uses the SCRIPT_HOME environment variable to reference the main script - which is also in SCRIPTPATH:
exec "${SCRIPT_HOME}/"
Now, the updated bash.bashrc hasn't been loaded into the parent shell yet. Worse, I cannot source it from within the script - which is running in a child shell. Using export to change SCRIPT_HOME in the parent shell would at best be duct-taping the issue, but even this is impossible. Also note that the installation script needs to be run using sudo so it cannot be called from the parent shell using source.
It should be possible since package managers like apt do it. Is there a robust way to patch up my approach? How is this usually done, and is there a good guide to writing bash installers?
You can't. Neither can apt.
A package manager will instead just write required data/variables to a file, which are read either by the program itself, by a patch to the program, or by a wrapper.
Good examples can be found in /etc/default/*. These are files with variable definitions, and some even helpfully describe where they're sourced from:
$ cat /etc/default/ssh
# Default settings for openssh-server. This file is sourced by /bin/sh from
# /etc/init.d/ssh.
# Options to pass to sshd
You'll notice that none of the options are set in your current shell after installing a package, since programs get them straight from the files in one way or another.
The only way to modify the current shell is to source a script. That's unavoidable, so start there. Write a script that is sourced. That script will in turn call your current script.
Your current script will need to communicate with the sourced one to tell it what to change. A common way is to echo variable assignments that can be directly executed by the caller. For instance:
printf 'export SCRIPT_HOME=%q\n' "$SCRIPTPATH"
Using printf with %q ensures any special characters will be escaped properly.
Then have the sourced script eval the inner script.
eval "$(sudo"
If you want to hide the sourceing of the top script you could hide it behind an alias or shell function.

How to run a csh script from a sh script

I was wondering if there is a way to source a csh script from a sh script. Below is an example of what is trying to be implemented:
source script2
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv TEST 1234
set path = /home/user/sandbox
When I run sh, I get syntax errors generated from script2 (expected since we are using a different Shebang). Is there a way I can run script2 through script1?
Instead of source script2 run it as:
csh -f script2
Since your use case depends on retaining environment variables set by the csh script, try adding this to the beginning of script1:
if [ "$csh_executed" -ne 1 ]; then
csh_executed=1 exec csh -c "source script2;
exec /bin/sh \"$0\" \"\$argv\"" "$#"
# rest of script1
If the csh_executed variable is not set to 1 in the environment, run a csh script that sources script2 then executes an instance of sh, which will retain the changes to the environment made in script2. exec is used to avoid creating new processes for each shell instance, instead just "switching" from one shell to the next. Setting csh_executed in the environment of the csh command ensures that we don't get stuck in a loop when script1 is re-executed by the csh instance.
Unfortunately, there is one drawback that I don't think can be fixed, at least not with my limited knowledge of csh: the second invocation of script1 receives all the original arguments as a single string, rather than a sequence of distinct arguments.
You don't want source there; it runs the given script inside your existing shell, without spawning a subprocess. Obviously, your sh process can't run something like that which isn't a sh script.
Just call the script directly, assuming it is executable:
The closest you can come to sourcing a script with a different executor than your original script is to use exec. exec will replace the running process space with the new process. Unlike source, however, when your exec-ed program ends, the entire process ends. So you can do this:
exec /path/to/csh/script
but you can't do this:
exec /path/to/csh/script
However, are you sure you really want to source the script? Maybe you just want to run it in a subprocess:
csh -f /path/to/csh/script
You want the settings in your csh script to apply to the sh script that invokes it.
Basically, you can't do that, though there are some (rather ugly) ways you could make it work. If you execute your csh script, it will set those variables in the context of the process running the script; they'll vanish as soon as it returns to the caller.
Your best bet is simply to write a new version of your csh script as an sh script, and source or . it from the calling sh script.
You could translate your csh script:
#!/bin/csh -f
setenv TEST 1234
set path = /home/user/sandbox
to this:
export TEST=1234
export PATH=/home/user/sandbox
(csh treats the shell array variable $path specially, tying it to the environment variable $PATH. sh and its derivatives don't do that, they deal with $PATH itself directly.)
Note that a script intended to be sourced should not have a #! line at the top, since it doesn't make sense to execute it in its own process; you need to execute its contents in the context of the caller.
If maintaining two copies of the script, one to be sourced from csh or tcsh scripts and another to be sourced or .ed from sh/ksh/bash/zsh script, is not practical, there are other solutions. For example, your script can print a series of sh commands to be executed; you can then do something like
eval `./foo.csh`
(line endings will pose some issues here).
Or you can modify the csh script so it sets the required environment variables and then invokes some specified command, which could be a new interactive shell; this is inconvenient, since it doesn't set those variables in the interactive shell you're running.
If a software package requires some special environment variables to be set, it's common practice to provide scripts called, for example, and setup.csh, so that sh/ksh/bash/zsh users can do:
. /path/to/package/
and csh/tcsh users can do:
source /path/to/package/setup.csh
Incidentally, this command:
set path = /home/user/sandbox
in your sample script is probably not a good idea. It replaces your entire $PATH with just a single directory, which means you won't be able to execute simple commands like ls unless you specify their full paths. You'd usually want something like:
set path = ( $path /home/user/sandbox )
or, in sh:

Setting an environment variable through a Perl script [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to Share ENV Variables Among Perl Scripts
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am trying to set an environment variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, through a Perl script in the following way:
I have created .profile under /root
.profile has an export command say:
My Perl script is and it has:
system(". /root/.profile");
When I execute ./, LD_LIBRARY_PATH doesn't change.
What am I doing wrong?
Your current script doesn't even change an environment variable in the Perl script itself. Rather, it invokes a shell as a subprocess; that shell process executes . /root/.profile, which updates $LD_LIBRARY_PATH only in that shell process.
You can change an environment variable in a Perl script (more precisely, in the process running the Perl script) by updating %ENV:
$ENV{LD_LIBRARY_PATH} = '/'; # or some more reasonable value
As perldoc -v %ENV says:
%ENV The hash %ENV contains your current environment. Setting a value in "ENV" changes the environment for any child processes you subsequently "fork()" off.
But that probably still won't do what you want; it won't (and can't) affect the environment of the process that invokes the Perl script (your interactive shell), only the Perl process itself and anything it invokes.
I'll assume you want to update $LD_LIBRARY_PATH in your current interactive shell process. To do that, you can have you Perl script print a shell command that will update $LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Then, rather than simply running your Perl script, you can execute it and then evaluate its output. For example:
$ cat
use strict;
use warnings;
print "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/\n";
$ ./ # just prints the command without executing it
$ eval $(./ # executes the command in the current shell
This assumes that your current shell is bash or something similar.
Another option: After modifying %ENV, your Perl script can invoke another command, even a new interactive shell. The new process will inherit its environment from the Perl script. This can be a bit cumbersome, though; for example, if the new process is an interactive shell, it won't inherit unexported variables or history from the parent shell.
(One note, not directly related to your question: The fact that you're messing with /root/.profile implies that you're doing things as root (superuser). This can be dangerous. Use the root account (either by logging into it or via sudo only for things that actually need root privileges. For anything else, use a personal user account.
To change the environment in a Perl script, assign to the %ENV hash:
If you want to write a program that's used by a shell to change its environment, the way this is generally done is to have the script write shell commands to stdout. The shell then executes this with command substitution and uses eval to execute the resulting commands:
Perl script:
print 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\n';
Shell script:
eval "$(/path/to/perlscript)"
For examples of commands that work like this, see tset and ssh-agent.
system starts a new process, and changing the environment there won't affect the environment in the process of your script (usually—there are generally os-dependent means of changing other processes' environments).
The environment in a perl program is associated with %ENV, which is kind of like (it isn't actually) a tied hash to the environment: changing it will change the environment. Thus:
This can now be done with the Env::Modify module:
use Env::Modify 'source';
... env settings of .profile are now available to Perl ...
You can't do it.
This is from the Perl FAQ:
In the strictest sense, it can't be done--the script executes as a different process from the shell it was started from. Changes to a process are not reflected in its parent--only in any children created after the change. There is shell magic that may allow you to fake it by eval()ing the script's output in your shell; check out the comp.unix.questions FAQ for details.
