Aggregate multiple perf profiles - linux

I'm working on a managed runtime. A code change went in which resulted in a regression in the rate at which the JIT compiler processes compilations. (That is, the act of compiling is slower, the resulting code being generated is unaffected.) This was observed using our standard benchmark.
I'm trying to nail down the mechanics underlying this regression. I have been looking at pairs of profiles created from single runs of the benchmark. For each pair, the first profile is generated with a build without the change, the second is generated with a build with is identical to the first, modulo the regression-causing change.
I'm finding that there aren't enough samples to make useful determinations when using a profile for a single run. I would like to collect multiple profiles for both before and after (generally k for each of before and after), and merge them together to generate a smoother view of what's going on.
Is there a way to do this?


kiba-etl Pattern to split transformations into independent pipelines

Kiba is a very small library, and it is my understanding that most of its value is derived from enforcing a modular architecture of small independent transformations.
However, it seems to me that the model of a series of serial transformations does not fit most of the ETL problems we face. To explain the issue, let me give a contrived example:
A source yields hashes with the following structure
{ spend: 3, cost: 7, people: 8, hours: 2 ... }
Our prefered output is a list of hashes where some of the keys might be the same as those from the source, though the values might differ
{ spend: 8, cost: 10, amount: 2 }
Now, calculating the resulting spend requires a series of transformations: ConvertCurrency, MultiplyByPeople etc. etc. And so does calculating the cost: ConvertCurrencyDifferently, MultiplyByOriginalSpend.. Notice that the cost calculations depend on the original (non transformed) spend value.
The most natural pattern would be to calculate the spend and cost in two independent pipelines, and merge the final output. A map-reduce pattern if you will. We could even benefit from running the pipelines in parallel.
However in my case it is not really a question of performance (as the transformations are very fast). The issue is that since Kiba applies all transforms as a set of serial steps, the cost calculations will be affected by the spend calculations, and we will end up with the wrong result.
Does kiba have a way of solving this issue? The only thing I can think of is to make sure that the destination names are not the same as the source names, e.g. something like 'originSpend' and 'finalSpend'. It still bothers me however that my spend calculation pipeline will have to make sure to pass on the full set of keys for each step, rather than just passing the key relevant to it, and then merging in the Cost keys in the end. Or perhaps one can define two independent kiba jobs, and have a master job call the two and merge their result in the end? What is the most kiba-idiomatic solution to this?
Splitting an ETL pipeline into multiple parallel paths seem to be a key feature of most ETL tools, so I'm surprised that it doesn't seem to be something kiba supports?
I think I lack extra details to be able to properly answer your main question. I will get in touch via email for this round, and will maybe comment here later for public visibility.
Splitting an ETL pipeline into multiple parallel paths seem to be a key feature of most ETL tools, so I'm surprised that it doesn't seem to be something kiba supports?
The main focus of Kiba ETL today is: components reuse, lower maintenance cost, modularity and ability to have a strong data & process quality.
Parallelisation is supported to some extent though, via different patterns.
Using Kiba Pro parallel transform to run sister jobs
If your main input is something that you can manage to "partition" with a low volume of items (e.g. database id ranges, or a list of files), you can use Kiba Pro parallel transform like this:
source ... # something that generate list of work items
parallel_transform(max_threads: 10) do |group_items|
This works well if there is no output at all, or not much output, coming to the destinations of the sister jobs.
This works with threads but one can also "fork" here for extra performance.
Using process partitioning
In a similar fashion, one can structure their jobs in a way where each process will only process a subset of the input data.
This way one can start say 4 processes (via cron jobs, or monitored via a parent tool), and pass a SHARD_NUMBER=1,2,3,4, which is then used by the source for input-load partitioning.
I'm pretty sure your problem, as you said, is more about workflow control & declarations & ability to express what you need to be done, rather than performance.
I'll reach out and we'll discuss that.

Where to get hardware model data?

I have a task which consists of 3 concurrent self-defined (recursive to each other) processes. I need somehow to make it execute on computer, but any attempt to convert a requirement to program code with just my brain fails since first iteration produces 3^3 entities with 27^2 cross-relations, but it needs to implement at least several iterations to try if program even works at all.
So I decided to give up on trying to understand the whole system and formalized the problem and now want to map it to hardware to generate an algorithm and run. Language doesn't matter (maybe even directly to machine/assembly one?).
I never did anything like that before, so all topics I searched through like algorithm synthesis, software and hardware co-design, etc. mention hardware model as the second half (in addition to problem model) of solution generation, but I never seen one. The whole work supposed to look like this:
I don't know yet what level hardware model described at, so can't decide how problem model must be formalized to fit hardware model layer.
For example, target system may contain CPU and GPGPU, let's say target solution having 2 concurrent processes. System must decide which process to run on CPU and which on GPGPU. The highest level solution may come from comparing computational intensity of processes with target hardware, which is ~300 for CPUs and ~50 for GPGPUs.
But a normal model gotta be much more complete with at least cache hierarchy, memory access batch size, etc.
Another example is implementing k-ary trees. A synthesized algorithm could address parents and children with computing k * i + c / ( i - 1 ) / k or store direct pointers - depending on computations per memory latency ratio.
Where can I get a hardware model or data to use? Any hardware would suffice for now - to just see how it can look like - later would be awesome to get models of modern processors, GPGPUs and common heterogeneous clusters.
Do manufacturers supply such kinds of models? Description of how their systems work in any formal language.
I'm not pretty sure if it might be the case for you, but as you're mentioning modeling, I just thought about Modelica. It's used to model physical systems and combined with a simulation environment, you can run some simulations on it.

Given measurements from a event series as input, how do I generate an infinite input series with the same profile?

I'm currently working with a system that makes scheduling decisions based on a series of requests and the state of the system.
I would like to take the stream of real inputs, mock out some of the components, and run simulations against the rest. The idea is to use it for planning with respect to system capacity (i.e. when to scale certain components), tracking down certain failure modes, and analyzing the effects of changes to the codebase (i.e. simulations with version A compared to simulations with version B).
I can do everything related to this, except generate a suitable input stream. Replaying the exact input from production hasn't been very helpful because it's hard to get a long enough data stream to tease out some of the behavior that I'm trying to find. In other words, if production falls over at 300 days of input, I don't have enough data to find out until after it fell over. Repeating the same input set has been considered; but after a few initial tries, the developers all agree that the simulation seems to "need more random".
About this particular system:
The input is a series of irregularly spaced events (i.e. a stochastic process with discrete time and continuous state space).
Properties are not independent of each other.
Even the more independent of the properties are composites of other properties that will always be, by nature, invisible to me (leading to a multi-modal distribution).
Request interval is not independent of other properties (i.e. lots of requests for small amounts of resources come through in a batch, large requests don't).
There are feedback loops in it.
It's provably chaotic.
Given a stream of input events with a certain distribution of various properties (including interval), how do I generate an infinite stream of events with the same distribution across a number of non-independent properties?
Having looked around, I think I need to do a Markov-Chain Monte-Carlo Simulation. My problem is figuring out how to build the Markov-Chain from the existing input data.
Maybe it is possible to model the input with a Copula. There are tools that help you doing so, e.g. see this paper. Apart from this, I would suggest to move the question to, as this is a statistical problem and will likely draw more attention over there.

Generic graphing and charting solutions

I'm looking for a generic charting solution, ideally not a hosted one that provides the following features:
Charting a tuple of values where the values are:
1) A service identifier (e.g. CPU usage)
2) A client identifier within that service (e.g. server IP)
3) A value
4) A timestamp with millisecond/second resolution.
I'd like to also extend the concept of a client identifier further, taking the above example further, I'd like to store statistics for each core separately, so, another identifier would be Core 1/Core 2..
Now, to make sure I'm clearly stating my problem, I don't want a utility that collects these statistics. I'd like something that stores them, but, this is also not mandatory, I can always store them in MySQL, or such.
What I'm looking for is something that takes values such as these, and charts them nicely, in a multitude of ways (timelines, motion, and the usual ones [pie, bar..]). Essentially, a nice visualization package that allows me to make use of all this data. I'd be collecting data from multiple services, multiple applications, and the datapoints will be of varying resolution. Some of the data will include multiple layers of nesting, some none. (For example, CPU would go down to Server IP, CPU#, whereas memory would only be Server IP, but would include a different identifier, i.e free/used/cached as the "secondary' identifier. Something like average request latency might not have a secondary identifier at all, in the case of ping). What I'm trying to get across is that having multiple layers of identifiers would be great. To add one final example of where multiple identifiers would be great: adding an extra identifier on top of ip/cpu#, namely, process name. I think the advantages of that are obvious.
For some applications, we might collect data at a very narrow scope, focusing on every aspect, in other cases, it might be a more general statistic. When stuff goes wrong, both come in useful, the first to quickly say "something just went wrong", and the second to say "why?".
Further, it would be a nice thing if the charting application threw out "bad" values, that is, if for some reason our monitoring program started to throw values of 300% CPU used on a single core for 10 seconds, it'd be nice if the charts themselves didn't reflect it in the long run. Some sort of smoothing, maybe? This could obviously be done at the data-layer though, so its not a requirement at all.
Finally, comparing two points in time, or comparing two different client identifiers of the same service etc without too much effort would be great.
I'm not partial to any specific language, although I'd prefer something in (one of the following) PHP, Python, C/C++, C#, as these are languages I'm familiar with. It doesn't have to be open source, it doesn't have to be a library, I'm open to using whatever fits my purpose the best.
More of a P.S than a requirement: I'd like to have pretty charts that are easy for non-technical people to understand, and act upon too (and like looking at!).
I'm open to clarifying, and, in advance, thanks for your time!
I am pretty sure that protovis meets all your requirements. But it has a bit of a learning curve. You are meant to learn by examples, and there are plenty to work from. It makes some pretty nice graphs by default. Every value can be a function, so you can do things like get rid of your "Bad" values.

How to test a program processing large amounts of data stored in an unpredictable format

What I have to do
I'm trying to manipulate some rather large amounts of data stored in Excel files (one of the workbooks has as much as 150 spreadsheets). The result of these manipulations may yield approximately 800.000 rows in a database table.
The problem
Data stored in the spreadsheets has unpredictable format. The company that generated these spreadsheets had no fixed/documented format for exporting these files, and sometimes erroneous data appear. For example most of the years are represented like "2009" but there are cases where a year is represented as "20". Other example, data is not really normalized in these files, so I use separators to split the values of certain cells. Sometimes these separators change.
There are things like these that I couldn't predict and I only discovered them only after running an already evolved version of my program over a pretty large part of the available data.
The question
How can one test the correctness of a program in such a situation? Or rather, how to achieve a pretty stable version of the product without running it over the whole available data?
Shall I take a defensive approach and throw exceptions whenever some kind of unexpected issue arises? Then the main loop of the program may catch and log them and continue with the available data? This would yield some processed data, but that means that on a subsequent iteration of the program I have to have checks for what's already inside the database from previous iterations (which I don't really like).
What's your opinion? How would you tackle this problem?
If there is no specification for what the format of the data is, then anything is acceptable.
If not, then there is either an explicit or implicit specification of the data. I would try and nail this down right now. If you can't get an explicit enough definition of the data to write your program so that it can be expected to run without error, then I would say you are taking a very large risk in causing some serious damage depending on how this data is being used.
You should write your program so that it either throws an exception or logs an error whenever running across data that does not meet the specification. Then, run the program on PART of the available data until it runs without exception. This can be viewed as a training set for the development of your program. Then, use some of the saved data to use as a TEST set. This will give you an estimate of how many exceptions/errors your program will generate in production.
Overfitting is a common machine learning concept, but it is useful to other tasks such as this - program development. It is surprising to me how developers can write a bunch of unit tests, code their application to perform well on it, and then expect similar or bug-free performance in production.
If you're not willing to take all these steps (i.e. run your code on essentially all of the data -- since the test set is also making use of the data) then I would say the task is too large to do.
As an aside, rather than creating a definition of a format that is very strange and peculiar to account for all the "errors" in the current data, you might want to create a new, normalized (in the sense these things are simplified away) specification for the data, and then write a "faulty document patcher" that can be run on faulty documents to fix the data.
If the application generating the data is still in production, then you might need to go to the developers of this application to get a buy in on the new spec. Once you have that, you can then start logging bugs against their application, so hopefully the faulty document patcher can be retired.
More likely, I'm guessing that the software developers are long gone, no one understands the code anymore, if it is even running at all.
How can one test the correctness of a program in such a situation? Or rather, how to achieve a pretty stable version of the product without running it over the whole available data?
For every single data type I would set reasonable constraints on the values that it is allowed to be.
If a cell violates these constraints then throw an exception containing the piece of data it failed on and its data type. If a piece of data violated its constraints you can modify the source to include the additional constraints required for that piece of data, and a conversion method to make it uniform.
To give an example on the date you gave, initially a date would have the constraint that it could be only four digits. When the program came across the "20" it would throw an exception.
Then you could go and allow two digit dates, and a method to convert the two-digit dates into a four digit one to allow further processing.
One question is, will you run your program more than once? From your question it sounds possible you only want to run it once, and then you will then work with the data in the database.
In which case you can be very defensive - throw exceptions whenever unexpected data appears. Run the program repeatedly on ever-larger sets of the data. Initially, solve any exceptions by altering the code, as it's a good rule of thumb that the exceptions you find first are going to be common. You might want to empty the output database between runs.
Later on, you will be finding rare exceptions that might only occur a couple of times in the input. Just solve these by hand and insert the corresponding rows in the database yourself. Or write another small program that reads your exception information and inserts the new rows, rather than running your whole big program again.
Typically for this sort of thing I do these as #MarkJ suggested, and I encode the whole thing in unit tests.
So I compose a small datafile that at first contains only a few rows of normal data. That's unit test number 1.
Then I take a quick visual scan of some of the data to spot any obvious exceptions. Unit tests 2 through n.
Finally, I write parser code until it passes all unit tests, and throws and logs exceptions for all un-managed data.
I then use these oddball bits of data to make new unit tests, and improve the parser until it can pass those too.
Although sometimes accommodating some really strange bit of data adds more parser complexity than it's worth, and I'll just log the exception, dump it, and move on. This is a matter of professional judgment.
How about processing every piece of data (so you don't have to check for dupes). Those that pass go into the database. The exceptions go into an exception file. The user can open the exception file and make corrections/modifications to the data. Then they can run your program on the exception file.
This will isolate unhandled data for the user to correct and prevent you from processing the same data twice (or more).
