Verilog simulation errors - verilog

In the simulation, 'a' won't be change its value and I can't seem to know why.
'carry out(co)' always comes out as HiZ, and the 'sum' creates a bit weird values. 'of(overflow)' value as well
Can anybody help me out with this?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance.
`timescale 100ps/1ps
module RCA_tb;
reg [7:0] a;
reg [7:0] b;
reg ci;
wire [7:0] sum;
wire co;
wire of; //overflow
integer i;
RippleCA RCA(a,b,ci,sum,co,of);
initial begin
initial begin // all possible cases
for(i=0; i<256; i=i+1)
#10 {a, b, ci} = i;
module RippleCA(a,b,ci,sum,co,of);
input [7:0] a;
input [7:0] b;
input ci;
output [7:0] sum;
output co;
output of;
wire[6:0] c;
FullAdder a1(a[0],b[0],ci,sum[0],c[0]);
FullAdder a2(a[1],b[1],c[0],sum[1],c[1]);
FullAdder a3(a[2],b[2],c[1],sum[2],c[2]);
FullAdder a4(a[3],b[3],c[2],sum[3],c[3]);
FullAdder a5(a[4],b[4],c[3],sum[4],c[4]);
FullAdder a6(a[5],b[5],c[4],sum[5],c[5]);
FullAdder a7(a[6],b[6],c[5],sum[6],c[6]);
FullAdder a8(a[7],b[7],c[6],sum[7],cout);
xor x2(of,c[6],co); //overflow detection
module FullAdder (
input a,b,ci;
output sum,co;
wire w1, w2, w3;
xor x1(sum, a, b, ci);
and a1(w1,a,b);
and a2(w2,b,ci);
and a3(w3,ci,a);
or o1(co,w1,w2,w3);
This is my Verilog code.
enter image description here
enter image description here

You declared
reg [7:0] a;
reg [7:0] b;
reg ci;
And assigned
{a, b, ci} = i;
{a,b,ci} is 17 bits wide but you are counting i to up to 255 which is 8 bits wide, in this case a will always be zero. If you increase your for loop to for(i=0; i<262144; i=i+1) you should be able to test it.


Facing Some problem is FSM design and datapath [duplicate]

The output waveform shows no change in the sum, dif, burrow, and out. Even after increasing delay time, still the output shows no change. This should work like the mod adder like add 10 and 2 and with mod 3 give output zero.
module Mod_adder(a,b,p,out);
input [3:0] a;
input [3:0] b;
input [3:0] p;
output [3:0] out;
wire [3:0] sum;
wire cout;
wire burrow;
wire [3:0] dif;
ripple_carry_adder r1(a,b,sum,cout,1'b0);
ripple_carry_adder r2(sum,~p,dif,burrow,1'b1);
repeat_sum rs1(dif,burrow,sum);
outval o1(sum,burrow,out);
module full_adder(in0, in1, cin, out, cout);
input in0, in1, cin;
output out, cout;
assign out = in0 ^ in1 ^ cin;
assign cout = ((in0 ^ in1) & cin) | (in0 & in1);
module ripple_carry_adder(in0, in1, out, cout,cin);
input [3:0] in0;
input [3:0] in1;
output [3:0] out;
output cout;
input cin;
wire c1, c2, c3;
full_adder fa0(in0[0], in1[0], cin, out[0], c1);
full_adder fa1(in0[1], in1[1], c1, out[1], c2);
full_adder fa2(in0[2], in1[2], c2, out[2], c3);
full_adder fa3(in0[3], in1[3], c3, out[3], cout);
module repeat_sum(dif,burrow,sum);
input [3:0] dif;
input burrow;
output [3:0] sum;
assign sum = (burrow == 1'b0) ? dif:sum;
module outval(sum,burrow,out);
input [3:0] sum;
input burrow;
output [3:0] out;
assign out = (burrow == 1'b1) ? sum:out;
` include "MOD_ADDER.V"
module Mod_adder_tb;
reg [3:0] a;
reg [3:0] b;
reg [3:0] p;
wire [3:0] out; // wires
// Instantiate the module to be tested
Mod_adder MA1(a,b,p,out);
initial begin // initial block
$dumpvars(1, MA1);
end // end of initial block
I see 2 major problems.
Your out testbench signal is unknown (X) because of driver contention. For example, the sum signal in Mod_adder has multiple drivers: from the r1 instance and from the rs1 instance. The out output of r1 and the sum output of rs1 are both driving the sum wire. You should not drive the same signal from 2 different module instances. You could rename one of the sum signals to something unique, like sum_rs1 and declare a new wire.
wire [3:0] sum, sum_rs1;
Also, you have combinational feed back loops. For example:
assign out = (burrow == 1'b1) ? sum:out;
The out signal should not be on both the LHS and RHS of a continuous assignment.

Modulo adder output shows no change

The output waveform shows no change in the sum, dif, burrow, and out. Even after increasing delay time, still the output shows no change. This should work like the mod adder like add 10 and 2 and with mod 3 give output zero.
module Mod_adder(a,b,p,out);
input [3:0] a;
input [3:0] b;
input [3:0] p;
output [3:0] out;
wire [3:0] sum;
wire cout;
wire burrow;
wire [3:0] dif;
ripple_carry_adder r1(a,b,sum,cout,1'b0);
ripple_carry_adder r2(sum,~p,dif,burrow,1'b1);
repeat_sum rs1(dif,burrow,sum);
outval o1(sum,burrow,out);
module full_adder(in0, in1, cin, out, cout);
input in0, in1, cin;
output out, cout;
assign out = in0 ^ in1 ^ cin;
assign cout = ((in0 ^ in1) & cin) | (in0 & in1);
module ripple_carry_adder(in0, in1, out, cout,cin);
input [3:0] in0;
input [3:0] in1;
output [3:0] out;
output cout;
input cin;
wire c1, c2, c3;
full_adder fa0(in0[0], in1[0], cin, out[0], c1);
full_adder fa1(in0[1], in1[1], c1, out[1], c2);
full_adder fa2(in0[2], in1[2], c2, out[2], c3);
full_adder fa3(in0[3], in1[3], c3, out[3], cout);
module repeat_sum(dif,burrow,sum);
input [3:0] dif;
input burrow;
output [3:0] sum;
assign sum = (burrow == 1'b0) ? dif:sum;
module outval(sum,burrow,out);
input [3:0] sum;
input burrow;
output [3:0] out;
assign out = (burrow == 1'b1) ? sum:out;
` include "MOD_ADDER.V"
module Mod_adder_tb;
reg [3:0] a;
reg [3:0] b;
reg [3:0] p;
wire [3:0] out; // wires
// Instantiate the module to be tested
Mod_adder MA1(a,b,p,out);
initial begin // initial block
$dumpvars(1, MA1);
end // end of initial block
I see 2 major problems.
Your out testbench signal is unknown (X) because of driver contention. For example, the sum signal in Mod_adder has multiple drivers: from the r1 instance and from the rs1 instance. The out output of r1 and the sum output of rs1 are both driving the sum wire. You should not drive the same signal from 2 different module instances. You could rename one of the sum signals to something unique, like sum_rs1 and declare a new wire.
wire [3:0] sum, sum_rs1;
Also, you have combinational feed back loops. For example:
assign out = (burrow == 1'b1) ? sum:out;
The out signal should not be on both the LHS and RHS of a continuous assignment.

Arithmetic right shift not working in Verilog HDL

I am building a shift-unit that is capable of arithmetic and logical right shift, and logical left shift depending on the control signals given to it. However, the arithmetic right shift operator output generates output similar to that logical right shift operator, i.e. sign extension does not occur.
Main code
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module shift_unit(
input [15:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
input clk,
input isLSL,
input isLSR,
input isASR,
output reg [15:0] result
wire [15:0] LSL_result, LSR_result, ASR_result;
LSL lsl(a, b, clk, isLSL, LSL_result);
LSR lsr(a, b, clk, isLSR, LSR_result);
ASR asr(a, b, clk, isASR, ASR_result);
always#(posedge clk) begin
case({isLSL, isLSR, isASR})
3'b001: result <= ASR_result;
3'b010: result <= LSR_result;
3'b100: result <= LSL_result;
LSL code:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module LSL(
input [15:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
input clk,
input isLSL,
output [15:0] out
reg [15:0] result;
always#(posedge clk) begin
if(isLSL) result = a << b;
assign out = result;
LSR code:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module LSR(
input [15:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
input clk,
input isLSR,
output [15:0] out
reg [15:0] result;
always#(posedge clk) begin
if(isLSR) result = a >> b;
assign out = result;
ASR code:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module ASR(
input [15:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
input clk,
input isASR,
output [15:0] out
reg [15:0] result;
always#(posedge clk) begin
if(isASR) result = a >>> b;
assign out = result;
And finally, the testbench:
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module shift_unit_test;
reg [15:0] a;
reg [3:0] b;
reg clk;
reg isLSL;
reg isLSR;
reg isASR;
wire [15:0] result;
shift_unit uut (
always #5 clk = ~clk;
initial begin
clk = 1'b0;
a = 16'b1100101011001010;
b = 4;
{isLSL, isLSR, isASR} = 3'b100; #100;
{isLSL, isLSR, isASR} = 3'b010; #100;
{isLSL, isLSR, isASR} = 3'b001; #100;
The above code has been modelled using Xilinx ISE 14.7.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You need to be working with signed signals to get sign extension.
module ASR(
input wire signed [15:0] a,
input [3:0] b,
input clk,
input isASR,
output reg signed [15:0] out
always#(posedge clk) begin
if(isASR) out = a >>> b;

Red outputs lines - Verilog simulation

I try to simulate in Modelsim my code on Verilog. When I'm simulating it, it shows me X(red) outputs lines. This is my code and testbench:
module alu64bit (
input wire [63:0] a, // Input bit a
input wire [63:0] b, // Input bit b
input wire cin, // Carry in
input wire [1:0] op, // Operation
output wire [63:0] s, // Output S
output wire cout // Carry out
wire [63:0] cin_out;
assign cout = cin_out[63];
assign cin = cin_out[0];
genvar i;
for(i=0; i <= 63; i = i + 1) begin
alu1bit alu (.s(s[i]),.cout(cin_out[i+1]),.a(a[i]),.b(b[i]),.cin(cin_out[i]),.op(op));
// End of your code
module alu64bit_test;
reg [63:0] a;
reg [63:0] b;
reg [1:0] op;
reg cin;
wire [63:0] s;
wire cout;
alu64bit uut (
initial begin
a = 64'hffffffffffffffff;
b = 64'h0000000000000000;
cin = 0;
op[1] = 1;
op[0] = 0;
enter image description here
Can somebody help me with this problem? Thank You!

Verilog carry lookahead adder

`timescale 100ns/1ps
module CarryLAS_tb;
reg [7:0] a;
reg [7:0] b;
reg ci;
wire [7:0] sum;
wire of; //overflow
wire co;
integer i;
CarryLAS_8 CLA(a,b,ci,sum,co,of);
initial begin
initial begin // all possible cases
for(i=0; i<262144; i=i+1) // 2^18
#10 {a, b, ci} = i;
module CarryLAS_8(a,b,ci,sum,co,of);
input [7:0] a,b;
input ci; // 0; Add 1: Subtract
output [7:0] sum;
output co;
output of;
wire[7:0] c;
wire[7:0] xb;
CarryLA_8 CLAS(a,xb,ci,sum,co);
module CarryLA_8(a,b,ci,sum,co);
input [7:0] a,b;
input ci;
output [7:0] sum;
output co;
wire [7:0] sum;
wire cm,co;
CarryLA_4 CLA0(a[3:0],b[3:0],ci,sum[3:0],cm);
CarryLA_4 CLA1(a[7:4],b[7:4],cm,sum[7:4],cm);
module CarryLA_4(a,b,ci,sum,co);
input [3:0] a,b;
input ci; // 0; Add 1: Subtract
output [3:0] sum;
output co;
wire[3:0] g,p,cout;
wire G0,P0;
wire[9:0] w;
and a0(g[0],a[0],b[0]);
and a1(g[1],a[1],b[1]);
and a2(g[2],a[2],b[2]);
and a3(g[3],a[3],b[3]);
xor x0(p[0],a[0],b[0]);
xor x1(p[1],a[1],b[1]);
xor x2(p[2],a[2],b[2]);
xor x3(p[3],a[3],b[3]);
and and0(w[0],p[0],ci);
or or0(cout[0],g[0],w[0]);
and and1(w[1],p[1],p[0],ci);
and and2(w[2],p[1],g[0]);
or or1(cout[1],g[1],w[2],w[1]);
and and3(w[3],p[2],p[1],p[0],ci);
and and4(w[4],p[2],p[1],g[0]);
and and5(w[5],p[2],g[1]);
or or2(cout[2],g[2],w[5],w[4],w[3]);
and and6(w[6],p[3],p[2],p[1],g[0]);
and and7(w[7],p[3],p[2],g[1]);
and and8(g[2],a[2],b[2]);
or or3(G0,g[3],w[8],w[7],w[6]);
and and9(P0,p[3],p[2],p[1],p[0]);
and and10(w[9],P0,ci);
or or4(cout[3],G0,w[9]);
and and11(co,cout[3],1);
xor xor0(sum[0],p[0],ci);
xor xor1(sum[1],p[1],cout[0]);
xor xor2(sum[2],p[2],cout[1]);
xor xor3(sum[3],p[3],cout[2]);
This is my Verilog code. simulated well, but the result kinda sucks.
'sum' produces values with some Xs, and 'co', 'of'(overflow detection) are also Xs. I couldn't find out what the problem is. It might be about carry I think.
Could anyone help me with this?
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Captured waveform is attached
enter image description here
enter image description here
You have multiple drivers on wire [8:0] c. In your generate you have:
or o1 (c[i+1],g[i],q[i]);
and then you have the FullAdder instances that drive c:
FullAdder a0(a[0],b[0],ci,sum[0],c[0]);
I can't be certain that this is the reason that it won't simulate, but it certainly will make it not function correctly.
you should change "initial" part of your testbench like this:
assign ci =0;
assign a=8'b00000001;
assign b=8'b00000001;
assign a=8'b00010010;
assign b=8'b00110111;
assign a=8'b01011100;
assign b=8'b10010001;
and little wrong in module CarryLA_4 :
module CarryLA_4(a,b,ci,sum,co);
input [3:0] a,b;
input ci;
output [3:0] sum;
output co;
wire[3:0] g,p,cout;
wire G0,P0;
wire[9:0] w;
and a0(g[0],a[0],b[0]);
and a1(g[1],a[1],b[1]);
and a2(g[2],a[2],b[2]);
and a3(g[3],a[3],b[3]);
xor x0(p[0],a[0],b[0]);
xor x1(p[1],a[1],b[1]);
xor x2(p[2],a[2],b[2]);
xor x3(p[3],a[3],b[3]);
and and0(w[0],p[0],ci);
or or0(cout[0],g[0],w[0]);
and and1(w[1],p[1],p[0],ci);
and and2(w[2],p[1],g[0]);
or or1(cout[1],g[1],w[2],w[1]);
and and3(w[3],p[2],p[1],p[0],ci);
and and4(w[4],p[2],p[1],g[0]);
and and5(w[5],p[2],g[1]);
or or2(cout[2],g[2],w[5],w[4],w[3]);
and and6(w[6],p[3],p[2],p[1],g[0]);
and and7(w[7],p[3],p[2],g[1]);
and and8(w[8],p[3],p[2],p[1],p[0],ci);
and and9(w[9],p[3],g[2]);
or or3(cout[3],g[3],w[9],w[8],w[7],w[6]);
and and10(co,cout[3],1);
xor xor0(sum[0],p[0],ci);
xor xor1(sum[1],p[1],cout[0]);
xor xor2(sum[2],p[2],cout[1]);
xor xor3(sum[3],p[3],cout[2]);
