How can I use four time equal (ex. ====) in excel formula - excel

I'm unable to use below formula in excel
Do this in calculator:
Now press four times the equal button. Answer is 10936.17. But I'm unable to do this in Excel. I hope someone may help me.

You don't need to write ====, just one = is enough. Also, use * and not x, use / and not ÷.
If you want the result to be 10226.25, you need some math predecessors using brackets ().
Enter this equation in a cell:
This gives the expected outcome:

Whenever you press = in the calculator you are multiplying the result by the operation before it
400+9.05=409.05 you will get the result without =in the calculator if you only press ÷
409.05 ÷ 400 = 1.022625 this is the number that each time you press = will multiply the result in the calculator
you write X 10000 and first = 10266.25 first result
second = is 1.022625 X 10266.25 second result 10457.62
third = is 1.022625 X 10457.62 third result 10694.22
fourth = is 1.022625 X 10694.22 fourth result 10936.18 your outcome
In Excel you have to write:
=(((400+9.05)/400)^4)*10000 to have the same outcome

It's true that Excel can be used as a Calculator up to certain extent,, but it's not created to act like a Calc,, always remember ever calculation begins with = sign followed either by Function or data.
So finally you should write your Formula like this,
=(400+9.05) /(400×10000)

You might find a parameterised version useful:
The inputs are shown in blue, the output in F2 where the formula is:
D2 is effectively the number of equals signs depressed on your calculator.


How to calculate with the Poisson-Distribution in Matlab?

I’ve used Excel in the past but the calculations including the Poisson-Distribution took a while, that’s why I switched to SQL. Soon I’ve recognized that SQL might not be a proper solution to deal with statistical issues. Finally I’ve decided to switch to Matlab but I’m not used to it at all, my problem Is the following:
I’ve imported a .csv-table and have two columns with values, let’s say A and B (110 x 1 double)
These values both are the input values for my Poisson-calculations. Since I wanna calculate for at least the first 20 events, I’ve created a variable z=1:20.
When I now calculated let’s say
New = Poisspdf(z,A),
it says something like non-scalar arguments must match in size.
Z only has 20 records but A and l both have 110 records. So I’ve expanded Z= 1:110 and transposed it:
Znew = Z.
When I now try to execute the actual calculation:
Results = Poisspdf(Znew,A).*Poisspdf(Znew,B)
I always get only a 100x1 Vector but what I want is a matrix that is 20x20 for each record of A and B (based on my actual choice of z=1:20, I only changed to z=1:110 because Matlab told that they need to match in size).
So in this 20x20 Matrix there should always be in each cell the result of a slightly different calculation (Poisspdf(Znew,A).*Poisspdf(Znew,B)).
For example in the first cell (1,1) I want to have the result of
Poisspdf(0,value of A).*Poisspdf(0,value of B),
in cell(1,2): Poisspdf(0,value of A).*Poisspdf(1,value of B),
in cell(2,1): Poisspdf(1,value of A).*Poisspdf(0,value of B),
and so on...assuming that it’s in the Format cell(row, column)
Finally I want to sum up certain parts of each 20x20 matrix and show the result of the summed up parts in new columns.
Is there anybody able to help? Many thanks!
Poisson Matrix in Excel
In Excel there is Poisson-function: POISSON(x, μ, FALSE) = probability density function value f(x) at the value x for the Poisson distribution with mean μ.
In e.g. cell AD313 in the table above there is the following calculation:
=POISSON(0;first value of A;FALSE)*POISSON(0;first value of B;FALSE)
, in cell AD314
=POISSON(1;first value of A;FALSE)*POISSON(0;first value of B;FALSE)
, in cell AE313
=POISSON(0;first value of A;FALSE)*POISSON(1;first value of B;FALSE)
, and so on.
I am not sure if I completely understand your question. I wrote this code that might help you:
clear; clc
% These are the lambdas parameters for the Poisson distribution
lambdaA = 100;
lambdaB = 200;
% Generating Poisson data here
A = poissrnd(lambdaA,110,1);
B = poissrnd(lambdaB,110,1);
% Get the first 20 samples
zA = A(1:20);
zB = B(1:20);
% Perform the calculation
results = repmat(poisspdf(zA,lambdaA),1,20) .* repmat(poisspdf(zB,lambdaB)',20,1);
% Sum
sumFinal = sum(results,2);
Let me know if this is what you were trying to do.

Calculation is wrong, Rounding wrong

For some reasons Excel doesn't calculate correctly:
Calculation = 4642,83 * (60,13-60,08) / 66,84 = 3,47...
Excel = 3,40.
It is really important that I calculate directly because it will be rounded. The first one is rounded to 4, the second one is rounded to 3 which is a big difference in my calculation.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
EDIT: Calculation in my excel sheet
=ABS(K2*(K11-K10)/K13) ==> gives me 3,40
K2 = 4642,83
K11 = 60,08
K10 = 60,13
K13 = 66,84
Other sheet:
=ABS(A1*(A2-A3)/A4) ==> gives me 3,47
A1 = 4642,83
A2 = 60,13
A3 = 60,08
A4 = 66,84
The problem is that the numbers are being calculated to a higher precision. Try,
=ABS(ROUND(K2, 2)*(ROUND(K11, 2)-ROUND(K10, 2))/ROUND(K13, 2))
Look into the 'Precision as displayed' option but be sure to understand all of the caveats before deciding to do it.
1- Check out Format Cells for result Cell.
the category should be General or Number with appropriated Decimal Places.
2- Make sure the above formula is:
It returns: 3.473840515
If you set about two, the true result is returns.
Thanks for edition details, thus the precision is in this matter, is related two above.
Pic1: Calculating your original question expression.
And bellow one as your above question edition:

excel formula for working handling two different tax brackets

I'm making a spreadsheet in excel to help me understand how starting a part-time business on top of my full time job might affect my tax. I need to do this because I'm very close to my next UK tax bracket and I want to know exactly how it might affect my finances.
As part of this I'm trying to write an excel formula that will add two numbers then check if this new number is greater than a third number. I will refer to the two numbers added together as A and the third number as B. If A is not greater than B then I will multiply by 20% to find out how much of it is owed in tax. If A is greater than B I will subtract B from A to create number C and multiply B by 20% and C by 40% and add the two together to produce the final number I need. Can someone please xplain to me how to script this in Excel? I've looked for online examples but I'm not finding the language very penetrable. If I was using a scripting language I was more familiar with the code would look like this:
float taxThreshold = 42011.00;
int income = foo;
if(taxThreshold < income)
float higherRate = income-taxThreshold;
float standardTaxOwed = taxThreshold * 20%;
float higherRateOwed = higherRate * 40%;
float finalTaxOwed = standardTaxOwed+higherTaxOwed;
float finalTaxOwed = income * 20%;
I'm sure this is very simple to do, I just don't get the excel syntax. Can someone show me how this should be done? You'd not only be solving this problem but also giving me a means of translating from my current scripting knowledge into excel.
The easiest way is to store your 4 input parameters in some cells - and then name them. To do so, select the cell and type a meaningful name into the field that shows the address (i.e. left of the formula bar).
Once you have done this, you can simply use this formula:
Without the naming, the formula would be something like this:
Both formulas will calculate you the tax you'd need to pay. If you want it more explicit, I'd recommend a layout such as this:
The formulas would read:
C7: =IF(B2>B1,B1,B2)
C8: =IF(B2>B1,B2-B1,0)
D7: =B7*C7
D8: =B8*C8

Case Function Equivalent in Excel

I have an interesting challenge - I need to run a check on the following data in Excel:
| A - B - C - D |
| 36 | 0 | 0 | x |
| 0 | 600 | 700 | x |
You'll have to excuse my wonderfully bad ASCII art. So I need the D column (x) to run a check against the adjacent cells, then convert the values if necessary. Here's the criteria:
If column B is greater than 0, everything works great and I can get coffee. If it doesn't meet that requirement, then I need to convert A1 according to a table - for example, 32 = 1420 and place into D. Unfortunately, there is no relationship between A and what it needs to convert to, so creating a calculation is out of the question.
A case or switch statement would be perfect in this scenario, but I don't think it is a native function in Excel. I also think it would be kind of crazy to chain a bunch of =IF() statements together, which I did about four times before deciding it was a bad idea (story of my life).
Sounds like a job for VLOOKUP!
You can put your 32 -> 1420 type mappings in a couple of columns somewhere, then use the VLOOKUP function to perform the lookup.
Without reference to the original problem (which I suspect is long since solved), I very recently discovered a neat trick that makes the Choose function work exactly like a select case statement without any need to modify data. There's only one catch: only one of your choose conditions can be true at any one time.
The syntax is as follows:
(1 * (CONDITION_1)) + (2 * (CONDITION_2)) + ... + (N * (CONDITION_N)),
On the assumption that only one of the conditions 1 to N will be true, everything else is 0, meaning the numeric value will correspond to the appropriate result.
If you are not 100% certain that all conditions are mutually exclusive, you might prefer something like:
(1 * TEST1) + (2 * TEST2) + (4 * TEST3) + (8 * TEST4) ... (2^N * TESTN)
OUT1, OUT2, , OUT3, , , , OUT4 , , <LOTS OF COMMAS> , OUT5
That said, if Excel has an upper limit on the number of arguments a function can take, you'd hit it pretty quickly.
Honestly, can't believe it's taken me years to work it out, but I haven't seen it before, so figured I'd leave it here to help others.
EDIT: Per comment below from #aTrusty:
Silly numbers of commas can be eliminated (and as a result, the choose statement would work for up to 254 cases) by using a formula of the following form:
1 + LOG(1 + (2*TEST1) + (4*TEST2) + (8*TEST3) + (16*TEST4),2),
Note the second argument to the LOG clause, which puts it in base 2 and makes the whole thing work.
Edit: Per David's answer, there's now an actual switch statement if you're lucky enough to be working on office 2016. Aside from difficulty in reading, this also means you get the efficiency of switch, not just the behaviour!
The Switch function is now available, in Excel 2016 / Office 365
SWITCH(expression, value1, result1, [default or value2, result2],…[default or value3, result3])
Microsoft -Office Support
Note: MS has updated that page to only document the behavior of Excel 2019. Eventually, they will probably remove references to 2019 as well... To see what the page looked like in 2016, use the wayback machine:
Try this;
=IF(B1>=0, B1, OFFSET($X$1, MATCH(B1, $X:$X, Z) - 1, Y)
X = The columns you are indexing into
Y = The number of columns to the left (-Y) or right (Y) of the indexed column to get the value you are looking for
Z = 0 if exact-match (if you want to handle errors)
I used this solution to convert single letter color codes into their descriptions:
You basically look up the element you're trying to decode in the array, then use CHOOSE() to pick the associated item. It's a little more compact than building a table for VLOOKUP().
I know it a little late to answer but I think this short video will help you a lot.
Essentially it is using the choose function. He explains it very well in the video so I'll let do it instead of typing 20 pages.
Another video of his explains how to use data validation to populate a drop down which you can select from a limited range.
You could combine the two and use the value in the drop down as your index to the choose function. While he did not show how to combine them, I'm sure you could figure it out as his videos are good. If you have trouble, let me know and I'll update my answer to show you.
I understand that this is a response to an old post-
I like the If() function combined with Index()/Match():
The if function compare what is in column b and if it is greater than 0, it returns x, if not it uses the array (table of information) identified by the Index() function and selected by Match() to return the value that a corresponds to.
The Index array has the absolute location set $H$2:$I$9 (the dollar signs) so that the place it points to will not change as the formula is copied. The row with the value that you want returned is identified by the Match() function. Match() has the added value of not needing a sorted list to look through that Vlookup() requires. Match() can find the value with a value: 1 less than, 0 exact, -1 greater than. I put a zero in after the absolute Match() array $H$2:$H$9 to find the exact match. For the column that value of the Index() array that one would like returned is entered. I entered a 2 because in my array the return value was in the second column. Below my index array looked like this:
32 1420
36 1650
40 1790
44 1860
55 2010
The value in your 'a' column to search for in the list is in the first column in my example and the corresponding value that is to be return is to the right. The look up/reference table can be on any tab in the work book - or even in another file. -Book2 is the file name, and Sheet2 is the 'other tab' name.
If you do not want x return when the value of b is greater than zero delete the x for a 'blank'/null equivalent or maybe put a 0 - not sure what you would want there.
Below is beginning of the function with the x deleted.
If you don't have a SWITCH statement in your Excel version (pre-Excel-2016), here's a VBA implementation for it:
Public Function SWITCH(ParamArray args() As Variant) As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim val As Variant
Dim tmp As Variant
If ((UBound(args) - LBound(args)) = 0) Or (((UBound(args) - LBound(args)) Mod 2 = 0)) Then
Error 450 'Invalid arguments
val = args(LBound(args))
i = LBound(args) + 1
tmp = args(UBound(args))
While (i < UBound(args))
If val = args(i) Then
tmp = args(i + 1)
End If
i = i + 2
End If
SWITCH = tmp
End Function
It works exactly like expected, a drop-in replacement for example for Google Spreadsheet's SWITCH function.
=SWITCH(selector; [keyN; valueN;] ... defaultvalue)
selector is any expression that is compared to keys
key1, key2, ... are expressions that are compared to the selector
value1, value2, ... are values that are selected if the selector equals to the corresponding key (only)
defaultvalue is used if no key matches the selector
=SWITCH("a";"?") returns "?"
=SWITCH("a";"a";"1";"?") returns "1"
=SWITCH("x";"a";"1";"?") returns "?"
=SWITCH("b";"a";"1";"b";TRUE;"?") returns TRUE
=SWITCH(7;7;1;7;2;0) returns 2
=SWITCH("a";"a";"1") returns #VALUE!
To use it, open your Excel, go to Develpment tools tab, click Visual Basic, rightclick on ThisWorkbook, choose Insert, then Module, finally copy the code into the editor. You have to save as a macro-friendly Excel workbook (xlsm).
Even if old, this seems to be a popular questions, so I'll post another solution, which I think is very elegant:
It's elegant because it uses just the IF function. Basically, it boils down to this:
if(condition, choose/use a value from the table, if(condition, choose/use another value from the table...
And so on
Works beautifully, even better than HLOOKUP or VLOOOKUP
but... Be warned - there is a limit to the number of nested if statements excel can handle.
Microsoft replace SWITCH, IFS and IFVALUES with CHOOSE only function.
Recently I unfortunately had to work with Excel 2010 again for a while and I missed the SWITCH function a lot. I came up with the following to try to minimize my pain:
where A1 is where your condition lies (it could be a formula, whatever). The good thing is that we just have to provide the condition once (just like SWITCH) and the cases (in this example: a,b,c) and results (in this example: 1,2,3) are ordered, which makes it easy to reason about.
Here is how it works:
Cond={"c1";"c2";...;"cn"} returns a N-vector of TRUE or FALSE (with behaves like 1s and 0s)
ROW(INDIRECT(1&":"&n)) returns a N-vector of ordered numbers: 1;2;3;...;n
The multiplication of both vectors will return lots of zeros and a number (position) where the condition was matched
SUM just transforms this vector with zeros and a position into just a single number, which CHOOSE then can use
If you want to add another condition, just remember to increment the last number inside INDIRECT
If you want an ELSE case, just wrap it inside an IFERROR formula
The formula will not behave properly if you provide the same condition more than once, but I guess nobody would want to do that anyway
If your using Office 2016 or later, or Office 365, there is a new function that acts similarly to a CASE function called IFS. Here's the description of the function from Microsoft's documentation:
The IFS function checks whether one or more conditions are met, and returns a value that corresponds to the first TRUE condition. IFS can take the place of multiple nested IF statements, and is much easier to read with multiple conditions.
An example of usage follows:
You can even specify a default result:
To specify a default result, enter TRUE for your final logical_test argument. If none of the other conditions are met, the corresponding value will be returned.
The default result feature is included in the example shown above.
You can read more about it on Microsoft's Support Documentation

Multiply numbers in Excel or LibreOffice cell contents by a constant when they are mixed with text?

I have a long series of cells written like this (example text):
Example Number (3502, 456)
How would I multiply the numbers by 4 without having to delete the text?
I also have cells in the format [sic below]:
Example Number (3502,456) (4560,250) (2345,223)
et cetera, there are on average ten parentheses per text string.
Occasionally, the text might also be only one word long, e.g.
Example (3205, 456)
Example (3205,456) (4560,250) (2345,223)
et cetera.
(all above is [sic]).
As a sort of newbie to Excel (well, really Libre Office Calc but it's essentially the same), how would I do this? I don't want to go through and manually multiply all the numbers myself. The number I want to multiply by is 4. I've tried just running a find-and-replace to replace all ,'s and )'s with *4's, but the program I need these numbers for can't evaluate expressions, it needs single numbers.
There are some 110+ items on each list I need to change, and just one math error on any of the three lists (!) and the program won't run correctly (I'm resizing an image, and the points I plotted on the image didn't scale up with it). I don't want to risk it.
It should be possible to do this with a macro but unless I'm mistaken LibreOffice macro code is quite different from Excel VBA.
However if you can afford to use several columns of your spreadsheet to figure the values out, you can do so using formulae. If cell A1 contains
Example Number (3502,456) (4560,250) (2345,223)
and B1 contains
then this formula will return the 3502 as a number:
(9999 is chosen to be much larger than the likely length of any line, so the MID function will always return the whole of the rest of the text after the search character).
You should be able to combine MID and FIND functions in further cells to isolate the other numbers, assuming these are always found in the format (xxx,yyy) as per your example. Then you can use a final formula to rebuild the string from the multiplied numbers:
="Example Number (" & 4*C1 & "," & 4*E1 & ")"
and so on.
If your data has a variable number of numbers to find, some of your FIND functions may return a #VALUE error. You may need to use an IF function to exclude these, for example:
would return the value of G1 if it contains data, but blank if it contains an error.
Here is a Python LibreOffice macro that does what you want. It assumes all of the values are in column A, and it writes the results to column B.
import re
def do_calculations():
document = XSCRIPTCONTEXT.getDocument()
sheet = document.getSheets().getByIndex(0)
cellrange = sheet.getCellRangeByName("A1:A10000")
row_tuples = cellrange.getDataArray()
row = 1
for row_tuple in row_tuples:
if row_tuple:
row = output_values(row, row_tuple[0], sheet)
def output_values(row, pairs_string, sheet):
"""Multiply pairs of values by 4 and output each pair to B column.
:param row: the row number in the B column
:param pairs_string: a string like "Example Number (123, 456) (789, 1011)"
:param sheet: the current spreadsheet
Returns the next row number in the B column.
pairs = re.findall(r'\([^)]+\)', pairs_string)
for pair in pairs:
match_obj = re.match(r'\((\d+),\s*(\d+)\)', pair)
x, y = match_obj.groups()
result = "(%d,%d)" % (int(x) * 4, int(y) * 4)
cell = sheet.getCellRangeByName("B" + str(row))
row += 1
return row
# Functions that can be called from Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro.
g_exportedScripts = do_calculations,
Save the code to a text file, for example Put it in Scripts/python in your LibreOffice user directory. On my Windows system it is C:\Users\JimStandard\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\Scripts\python. If the python directory doesn't exist yet, create it.
To run it, open the spreadsheet and go to Tools -> Macros -> Run Macro. Under My Macros, click calc_multiply_numbers and then press the Run button.
I don't think you need to worry about the JRE error. On my system I can uncheck "Use a Java runtime environment" in Tools -> Options -> LibreOffice -> Advanced, and it still works. I just click "No" when it asks if I want to enable the use of a JRE now, and then it runs my python macro.
The reason it is not showing up under My Macros is because python is not able to interpret the file correctly. To find the error, test it with python using the following steps (assuming Windows):
Open a command prompt, for example by pressing Win, typing cmd, and clicking "Command Prompt" from the start menu.
Type cd "path-to-libreoffice/program". On my 64-bit system this is cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 5\program" I use the normal Windows File Explorer to find the exact path.
Type "python.exe python-script". On my system it is python.exe "C:\Users\JimStandard\AppData\Roaming\LibreOffice\4\user\Scripts\python\"
The python interpreter will give an error message about the problem. If you are not able to figure out the message, write it in the comments below and I will help you.
