Calculation is wrong, Rounding wrong - excel

For some reasons Excel doesn't calculate correctly:
Calculation = 4642,83 * (60,13-60,08) / 66,84 = 3,47...
Excel = 3,40.
It is really important that I calculate directly because it will be rounded. The first one is rounded to 4, the second one is rounded to 3 which is a big difference in my calculation.
Anyone knows how to fix this?
EDIT: Calculation in my excel sheet
=ABS(K2*(K11-K10)/K13) ==> gives me 3,40
K2 = 4642,83
K11 = 60,08
K10 = 60,13
K13 = 66,84
Other sheet:
=ABS(A1*(A2-A3)/A4) ==> gives me 3,47
A1 = 4642,83
A2 = 60,13
A3 = 60,08
A4 = 66,84

The problem is that the numbers are being calculated to a higher precision. Try,
=ABS(ROUND(K2, 2)*(ROUND(K11, 2)-ROUND(K10, 2))/ROUND(K13, 2))
Look into the 'Precision as displayed' option but be sure to understand all of the caveats before deciding to do it.

1- Check out Format Cells for result Cell.
the category should be General or Number with appropriated Decimal Places.
2- Make sure the above formula is:
It returns: 3.473840515
If you set about two, the true result is returns.
Thanks for edition details, thus the precision is in this matter, is related two above.
Pic1: Calculating your original question expression.
And bellow one as your above question edition:


Can't figure out why excel is rounding currency

Here is my excel table:
The cell with 8.83 = =((C8-B8)*24)-D8
*C8 = 4:50PM
*B8 = 7:30AM
*D8 = 0.50
The cell $371.00 = =(E8*B3)
Why does my total show $371.00 when B3 = $42? It should be $370.86. I don't have it set to round but for some reason it keeps on doing it.
Because, the actual result of formula =((C8-B8)*24)-D8 is 8.833333333. Due to cell formatting you are seeing 8.83. If you want result for only two digit after decimal point then use round function like-
Then you will get result 370.86. Or you can directly use in resulting cell.
$371 is “technically” the correct amount, mathematically. You are actually doing rounding when you are hand-calculating your cross-check, and that isn’t matching Excel’s unfounded calculation.
( 4:50pm - 7:30am ) is 9.3333333 repeating, or “9-1/3”. Divided by 24 leaves you 8.8333333 repeating, not 8.83. Excel is doing what it’s supposed to do, and 371.00 is the correct amount. If your use case calls for times to be rounded to .01 hours and no further then you’ll need to apply rounding somewhere in cell E8.

Odd value returned by LEN in EXCEL

Consider, for example, the following function strings inside some cells:
A1 = B1 - INT(B1)
A2 = LEN(A1)
A2 will return 17 regardless of the value returned by the function (and thus held) in A1. I suspect that this has to do with the precision returned by INT(B1), but I don't know enough of Excel's inner-mechanisms to confirm.
The end goal is to obtain the length of the decimal part of a number held in B1. For example, if B1 = 978.01194, A2 would hold 5 (LEN(01194)). Obviously this would require a subtraction of 2 to eliminate the counting of the leading (0.) in my implementation above, but that's assuming I can get proper results with this method. Any help or guidance in other methods would be greatly appreciated!
EDIT:I realized that the loss of proper precision occurs only when I subtract the two quantities. INT(B1) returns proper precision, and using its length I can obtain the decimal by subtracting from the original. Would still like to know what is causing the operation in A1 to lose precision internally for LEN.
Alternatives are to use number that is not result from a calculation :
= LEN(B1) - LEN( INT(B1) ) - 1
or round the number to less than 15.95 significant digits :
= LEN( ROUND( B1 - INT(B1), 16 - LEN(INT(B1)) ) ) - 2
= LEN(TEXT(B1,"0.##############")) - LEN(INT(B1)) - 1
Another alternative is to FIND where the decimal occurs and use that as an offset, e.g.
= LEN(B1)-FIND(".",B1)
In general, it is not wise to perform a mathematical operation on a number when what you are really interested in is the text that represents the number for this exact reason. Floating points are not very reliable for dealing with exactness which is why you are experiencing the extra trailing numbers after the decimal in this case.

IF Formula not calculating properly

I've structured a formula that should spit out a numerical answer that is basically a simple sum formula with IF statements assigning numerical values to qualitative inputs. Apologies for the length, I am looking at a number of different factors.Formula is:
Cell F36 contains:
=IF(F32="Medium-High", 18, IF(F32="High", 24, SUM(F16, IF(F20="High",5,IF(F20="Medium-High",4,IF(F20="Medium",3,IF(F20="Low-medium",2,IF(F20="Low",1))))),IF(F24="High",5,IF(F24="Medium-High",4,IF(F24="Medium",3,IF(F24="Low-Medium",2,IF(F24="Low",1))))),IF(F28="High",5,IF(F28="Medium-High",4,IF(F28="Medium",3,IF(F28="Low-Medium",2,IF(F28="Low",1,IF(F28="N/A",0)))))),IF(F30="N/A",0,IF(F30="High",5,IF(F30="Medium-High",4,IF(F30="Medium",3,IF(F30="Low-Medium",2,IF(F30="Low",1)))))),IF(F32="High",5,IF(F32="Medium-High",4,IF(F32="Medium",3,IF(F32="Low-Medium",2,IF(F32="Low",1,IF(F32="N/A",0)))))))))
F16 - contains values from 1 to 5
F20, F24, F28, F30, F32 - Are dropdowns, where you choose a value: Low, Low-Medium, Medium, Medium-High, High;
Right now, based on a test input, where: F16 = 5, F20 = Low (1), F24= Medium-High (4), F28 = N/A (0), F30 = Medium (3), F32 = Medium (3) my output in F36 is 11, however doing simple adding, I should be at 5+1+4+0+3+3 = 16.
Where am I losing 5 points?
You can create a table allocating numerical output to each qualitative inputs and using vlookup to get your output. For example, for a table created on K19:L25, the following can be used:
Tried your formula and it gives the correct result. Maybe your 5 in F16 is not a numerical value? You can test it by using
and it should give a TRUE if it is a number.
Debug embedded IFs is just hell.
What you are doing is recode a 5 levels scale. You may use alternative solutions.
a. place the 5 text values (from "Low" to "High") somewhere in a sheet, say in T1:T5, even better, give this range a name
then you can retrieve the values you search with
b. if it's suitable for your use, you may use combo boxes, presenting the 5 choices and giving the desired answer (from 1 to 5) in a linked cell.
(maybe not the answer, but I can't comment…)
(This should be a comment but I needed the formatting capabilities of an answer)
This is the current logic of your formula:
Check cell F32: "Medium-High" outputs 18, "High" outputs 24
If F32 is neither of those, then SUM the following:
Lookup for F20, F24, F28, F30, and F32 where the lookup for each is:
"High" = 5
"Medium-High" = 4
"Medium" = 3
"Low-Medium" = 2
"Low" = 1
I find it strange that you first check cell F32 only to check it again later in the sum. Because this current logic produces incorrect results, we can't really advise how to fix it without sample data and expected results. My guess is you are summing too many lookups by including the F32 in there, but that's just speculation without data.

How to exclude zero entry from a dynamic formula (SUBTOTAL + SUMPRODUCT) in excel

I'm working on a formula to get the standard deviation. It has been working not until I encountered a zero value which makes the result into #DIV/0!.
This is the screenshot of the expected value.
However, when I used my formula, the Game Time SD returned 0.
How do I exclude it in the calculation if the value in F column is zero? I tried IF(F5:F9 <> 0) but it won't work.
This is the formula I used.
I know the problem is somewhere in F5:F9, since the divisor used is zero
The part you suspected in the code involves dividing by a denominator that happens to be a factor in the numerator. You can avoid a division by zero by simplifying that fraction.
can be reduced to
(H5:H9^2*(F5:F9-1) + (G5:G9^2*F5:F9))
Resulting in the formula (3rd line modified)
(H5:H9^2*(F5:F9-1) + (G5:G9^2*F5:F9))))-
(SUBTOTAL(9,F5:F9)-1)))^(1/2), 0)
In my tests without the enclosing IFERROR, I could set some rows to zero and get values. Only when the square rooted subtotal was negative (which logically should not happen) was the result #NUM.
Hope this helps.

How can I use four time equal (ex. ====) in excel formula

I'm unable to use below formula in excel
Do this in calculator:
Now press four times the equal button. Answer is 10936.17. But I'm unable to do this in Excel. I hope someone may help me.
You don't need to write ====, just one = is enough. Also, use * and not x, use / and not ÷.
If you want the result to be 10226.25, you need some math predecessors using brackets ().
Enter this equation in a cell:
This gives the expected outcome:
Whenever you press = in the calculator you are multiplying the result by the operation before it
400+9.05=409.05 you will get the result without =in the calculator if you only press ÷
409.05 ÷ 400 = 1.022625 this is the number that each time you press = will multiply the result in the calculator
you write X 10000 and first = 10266.25 first result
second = is 1.022625 X 10266.25 second result 10457.62
third = is 1.022625 X 10457.62 third result 10694.22
fourth = is 1.022625 X 10694.22 fourth result 10936.18 your outcome
In Excel you have to write:
=(((400+9.05)/400)^4)*10000 to have the same outcome
It's true that Excel can be used as a Calculator up to certain extent,, but it's not created to act like a Calc,, always remember ever calculation begins with = sign followed either by Function or data.
So finally you should write your Formula like this,
=(400+9.05) /(400×10000)
You might find a parameterised version useful:
The inputs are shown in blue, the output in F2 where the formula is:
D2 is effectively the number of equals signs depressed on your calculator.
