Passthrough proxy to a different IP address - linux

We run a multi site platform and customers configure their domains to point to our entry server IP for domain routing using an A record.
We are looking at migrating to a whole new setup that's more scalable.
However we don't have the ability to control everyone's DNS settings.
How can we setup a passthrough proxy or reverse proxy on our ubuntu box? Maybe Nginx? We currently have apache running.

Run DNS server on your ubuntu box and rewrite A records for domains you want to point to new server. I am using DNS manager software from ispSystems for the same reason.


Gitlab DNS Entry For Kubernetes Setup?

I have a n00b question about setting up gitlab on a kubernetes. I'm running a basic minkube cluster on my home machine and I want to install gitlab onto it. The setup instructions note the following prequesite:
The ability to point a DNS entry or URL at your GitLab install
How do I do this? What is the basic mechanism for setting up a "DNS entry" on a home machine running minikube? There example shows:
externalUrl: ''
If I own a domain how would I set this up? Why does the setup need an external URL?
Thank you in advance for you consideration and response.
You'll be setting it up with a nodeport and can access it normally through that. If you really want a DNS entry you can just add one in your hosts file at /etc/hosts:
[minikube ip]
You can get minikube's IP by running minikube ip.

how to open site from IP address

I uploaded a cakephp based application on new server. But, dns is not defined for that IP. When I try open website by IP address directly it shows Error 404. Can anyone please suggest me that how can I open website on browser?
Most likely the webserver isn't configured to accept connections using the direct IP. If you're using a apache webserver, you should most likely change the virtual host. More information here:
Nginx has a similar system which is explained here:
Most web servers have some similar system. This makes it possible to host multiple websites with several DNS on one physical computer. If you can't access the configuration files yourself, you should contact your host.

How to make a Wamp server installed on VPS hosting accessible by a domain name?

I have a VPS hosted server with Windows Server 2003 on which I installed WAMP server, it is working and I am able to access it by localhost and modify it's contents with no problems. Also I have a domain name, say "". My question is how can I make it accessible on the internet by typing my owned domain name in browser?
This is quite an open question, but here goes:
You'll have to set a DNS record that points to your server. Your domain registrar may offer a DNS services themselves. If they do not, and only allow you to set nameservers, have a look at (a free DNS hosting service). In the latter case, don't forget to configure the nameservers in your domain registrars panel to the HE DNS servers ( -!
The records you will have to add are as follows:
An A record for, pointing to your IP
A CNAME record for (often represented in a DNS panel as #), pointing to
Optionally, MX and SPF/TXT records if you wish to use e-mail services on your domain/server (this is a whole separate subject to deal with, especially SPF records can be tricky)
Additionally, while this is not part of the question - please don't use WAMP for public/production servers. WAMP was made for development server setups, and it will be configured as such. If you really can't set up a HTTPd+PHP+MySQL setup yourself, then at least have a look at XAMPP, which is more suitable for live servers.

Manage DNS Server from Gnome

Is there a UI component for Gnome (or perhaps web-based) that allows you to setup and manage a DNS server (Bind or otherwise)? I've worked with web-based DNS services and Windows DNS but have never worked with Bind or another Linux DNS Server directly. I'm hoping there's a UI that can ease me into creating a simple DNS setup for my tiny local network. My server is running CentOS 6.2.
Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!
I've used webmin and virtualmin. They were easy to use. If all you want to manage is Bind, they are probably overkill.

bind ip to subdomain

i have a linux client which uses pppoe to connect to the internet and
everytime this client comes online I wanna bind his ipadress to a subdomain.
dyndns is not an option due to their TTL.
It looks like i have to setup my own nameserver on my root server to accomplish this task because I cannot create the keys needed to run an nsupdate on the client with a provider nameserver... am I correct?
If so is there a good Howto for setting up a bind server for this specific task?
I havent ever maintained pppoe but if it uses dhcp to provide the ip address to the client, you could do updates from the dhcp to the dns.
Instructions on how to do this for debian here:
Do not thou that you can adapt these to other distros too. You can find the same software atleast on fedora and ubuntu, difference is only how you install the required software.
One posibility is to set their machine to register with somebody like DynDNS. They have all the software you need to automatically notify them when they come online/go offline. This will give them a domain name of something like (it does not really matter). You then put static CNAME entries in your DNS to point your nice domain names eg to point to
When they come online the domain will start to resolve and stop when they go off line since DynDNS have low TTL for this very reason. You can use large TTL in your zone file since the CNAMEs will not change.
Well dont you just need to create an A-Record for this IP on your DNS Server?
If your domain is '' and you wanted your host to be called 'server1'. Create an A-Record for 'server1' and point it to your machines IP.
Unless I am misunderstanding what you are asking for help with.
