How to adjust the arrow size in Sketch? - sketch-3

How to adjust the arrow size, not the thickness
enter image description here

Unfortunately, there is no specific setting.
I would recommend you to work with a line and an element such a triangle to have the same effect with controllable sizes.
You can also transform this combination of line and triangle in a symbol and replicate through out your artwork.


Why is there a difference between "width" and "actualBoundingBoxLeft + actualBoundingBoxRight" in a "TextMetrics" object of a HTML5 canvas?

When I call measureText as shown in the snippet, I get the following result:
"width": 45.43333435058594,
"actualBoundingBoxLeft": 0,
"actualBoundingBoxRight": 45.35,
"actualBoundingBoxAscent": 18,
"actualBoundingBoxDescent": 0
Why is there a difference between width and actualBoundingBoxRight, if actualBoundingBoxLeft is zero?
c2d = document.getElementById('canvas').getContext('2d');
c2d.direction = 'ltr';
c2d.font = '24px serif';
console.log (c2d.measureText('TeX'));
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
Hope I get what you are asking, I'll give it a go.
The width property gives the text's advance width. Space taken excluding left and right-side bearing.
– width attribute
The width of that inline box, in CSS pixels. (The text's advance width.)
– actualBoundingBoxLeft attribute
The distance parallel to the baseline from the alignment point given by the textAlign attribute to the left side of the bounding rectangle of the given text, in CSS pixels; positive numbers indicating a distance going left from the given alignment point.
Where it also gives the note:
The sum of this value and the next (actualBoundingBoxRight) can be wider than the width of the inline box (width), in particular with slanted fonts where characters overhang their advance width.
– actualBoundingBoxRight attribute
The distance parallel to the baseline from the alignment point given by the textAlign attribute to the right side of the bounding rectangle of the given text, in CSS pixels; positive numbers indicating a distance going right from the given alignment point.
Some examples
Take this times f with data from canvas's measuereText (normal left, italic right):
ERR: Switched places for middle and bottom width line (blue ones), but did not update the labels. "middle" is "bottom" and "bottom" is "middle" as for the labels in the picture. I'll try to get time to upload a new later.
Especially the slanted version shows this well. The blue line following the textBaseline (gray horizontal line), and starting at textAlign (gray vertical line) show the width value for the glyph. That is how much the font advances the "typehead".
Bounding box left / right are the extremes in horizontal expansion. If one look on it as an rectangle. Same goes for Ascend and Descend. They are the extremes up / down. But, as font's "overlap" (kerning etc.) it is not a factor for width which represents advanced width.
The sum of the box width is 111 + 39 = 150 but the width is only 72.28.
As for your sample, it is harder to catch with such small fonts. (Relatively speaking). Increasing the for to 1024px or what ever gives a clearer result. There is so small fractions and path calculations that one will miss subtle pixel fractions. With 1024px:
actualBoundingBoxAscent : 747
​actualBoundingBoxDescent : 14
​actualBoundingBoxLeft : -10
​actualBoundingBoxRight : 1933.5
​width : 1938.5
The difference (1933.5 + -10 = 1923.5) is still small, considering the total width, but at least present in the served object.
Another sample with +:
As one observe the glyph advances the text a lot more then what it occupies in painted pixels. One can even have cases where a glyph does not advance the text at all. They can still stand alone in a text, but it's definition applies to the previous glyph in a way ... For example dấu hỏi or hook above has zero width.
But some are still defined as advancing characters for example:
Also interesting with that sample is to see how Descent is negative, (not going down below textBaseline), and Ascent is also present. Logically when one look at it, but can be a gotcha.
Could scale up the test on the canvas, but would have to look at it closer. Way too long since I worked on cavases. This is a close view, but have not validated or checked how precise (down to pixel) the lines are.
If it is correct, it show a subtle diff where the width advances at the end of TeX using 24px font.

How to clip vega-lite text inside a rect?

In a webpage created with node/webpack, vega-lite, and vegaEmbed, I have a layer with rect marks with short annotations inside them using text marks. I'd like to clip the text to its surrounding rect but haven't figured out a way to do this and hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I realize text has a limit property in pixel units. If I could determine the pixel units of my rect marks (I don't know how to do this), using limit seems like a reasonable approach.
Also, if I knew the pixel extents of my rectangle, I can then write code to align the text within the rect which would be desirable. Currently I just use the same x as the rect, with a dx offset.
I've read about background for text which is a similar problem, but not the same.

How can I change width of a line without changing its stroke width in inkscape?

I am new to inkscape and I would like to know if there is anyway to increase/change the width of a line without changing its stroke width.
I want the line to have a fill color and a narrow black stroke (preferably 2px).
You can convert a thick-stroked curve using the Stroke to path command (in the Path menu): this won't change its aspect, but instead of being defined as a line with a given width, this will give a polygonal shape (a sort of ribbon). Then you can give this ribbon a stroke colour and thickness (Shift-click on the chosen colour).
In the Inkscape version 1.0 there are four buttons on the right side of the toolbar. The first one is responsible for enabling of scaling the stroke while changing the width of an object. Click it to disable this kind of scaling.
There's a small trick to change the width line as Inkscape doesn't provide a mechanism.
Close the current file in Inkscape
Edit your file in a normal ASCII Editor
Find your object (e.g. a spline), it will be a path ... statement
Change the "stroke-width" manually e.g. as
<path style="fill:none;stroke:#80ffff;stroke-width:0.164583px; ....
Tip: If you have a large file, you can assign your object a unique color (here 80FFFF) and you can then search that color code "80FFFF" in your ASCII Editor.

SVG Text-anchor top left

By default, the anchor for the text element in SVG is at the bottom left, but I want it to be at the top left, since I am also creating a rectangle to act as the background for the text, but it is displayed incorrectly since the text is higher than the rectangle (because rectangle anchor/offset is at the top left). Is there a way to fix this, so both text and rectangle can be drawn at same coordinates and be displayed in the same location.
The dominant-baseline property/attribute worked for me:
svg {
dominant-baseline: hanging;
The coordinates (x and y) you supply for text elements is used as the baseline of the text. This makes sense because if there is text with varying font sizes on the same line, you would want their baselines to line up.
There is no "automatic" way to do what you want. SVG elements are always absolutely positioned.
You will just have to move the text down a bit by making the y coordinate a bit larger.
Alternatively, you could add a dy attribute to shift the text down a bit. Or even use a transform attribute to do the same. But using either of those methods wouldn't really be simplifying the process for you.

Can you right-align an SVG rectangle?

I'm using Raphael to draw rectangles. Whoo-hoo!
Is there a way to right align contents of an SVG file?
Not just text, but shapes as well?
I can do the math and get the computed x value, but I'm looking for the lazy-simple solution.
Thank you.
There isn't. Unlike normal web pages where the window is resized and the content flows into it, when a Raphael paper is resized, there is no sort of flow, so aligning is irrelevant. Instead of setting align=right, you just set the right edge to be the same position you set the width of the paper to be. If you enlarge the paper, you can scale the contents with a single operation. Once you've set the position of the right edge, you've essentially set the align position. You don't need to re-set all edge values when the paper changes size, you just scale everything with one command. Hope that helps
