Assign multiple private IPs to a VM in Azure - azure

I have 2 Virtual Networks and each of them has a subnet. I want to assign 2 private IP's to a virtual machine. One private IP resides in 1st Virtual Network while second private IP is in 2nd Virtual Network.
I have tried attaching 2 NIC's to the VM, and attached the first private IP to first NIC and second private IP to second NIC.
When I deploy the ARM template it says that second NIC is referring to a subnet which is not in same Virtual Network?
How can I achieve this in Azure?

How can I achieve this in Azure ?
As far as I know, Azure does not support this.
For now, Azure just support multiple NICs on the same virtual network.
Q:Are there any limitations to this feature that customers must be aware
A:Multiple NIC is supported on Azure VMs (IaaS, Standard SKUs) only;
and VMs must be in an Azure Virtual Network.
More information about multiple NICs, please refer to this link.

Select the existing NIC for the box you are trying to assign the second Private IP,
Select IP configuration on the right tab bar,
Click on +Add, write a name for your new IP address,
Select static Private IP address (it could stay as dynamic as well)

I think your best bet would be Azure VNET Peering, which can loosely be thought of as a VPN between the two VNETs via the Azure backbone. This way, all machines in one VNET can talk directly to all those in the second VNET. It assumes that there's no Address Space crossover between the to VNETs, but if that's the case you may always have struggled.
There's a good article here which explains it in more detail.

The best scenario to implement this through below steps.
Site 2 site between the 2 VNET thru VPN gateway.
Also you have to make the machines in Fail over cluster so as they form a cluster.


Azure: Multiple VMs behind same public IP?

What is the correct process for getting multiple VMs to report their public IP as the same address in Microsoft Azure? I have them in the same subnet on the same VNet already, and there is a gateway on that VNet with a dedicated public IP however all machines are reporting unique public IPs.
In general each Azure VM have their own IP (Public or Private or both).
However you can keep one IP at front and VM behind by -
Option 1 : Place a azure public loadbalancer and keep the VMs behind this and route the traffic by creating rules.
Option 2 : Easy Option if the VMs are identical (same OS, Size etc) you can use the Azure Dev test Lab with shared IP option for multiple VM. This option is there in the advance setting part of create VM dialog, here you can define the instance count as well.
Link for DevTestLab -

Creating a lab using Azure Lab Services with no Public IP

I am considering to use Azure Lab Services and I'm trying to find a way to create everything in it with no Public IPs but I can't find a way.
I noticed I can make the VMs from each lab to use private IP using a peered Vnet with a selected address space but when I create a lab it creates the Template VM with Public IP so I tried to search for a way to change it but there were no options on changing it neither in the Azure Lab Services site or in the infrastructure. I thought maybe using Azure CLI I could create a Lab using Azure Lab Services with no Public IP but this is all the CLI PowerShell commands I found.
I'd be really grateful if anyone knows if there's a way to create a Template VM without a Public IP or if there isn't yet I'd like to know it too.
This is by design in Azure Lab Services. Azure Lab Services is a SaaS solution, which means that the resources needed by Lab Services are handled for you. The lab account is hosted in your subscription. The student VMs, along with the resources needed to support the VMs are hosted in a subscription owned by Lab Services. Here is the basic architecture:
Each organization or school will set up their own network in a way that best fits their needs. Because Azure Lab Services runs in the public cloud, some extra configuration may be needed to allow students to access their VM when connecting from the campus network, like setting firewall rules that block RDP or SSH connections to machines outside their own network.
So, each lab uses a single public IP address and multiple ports. All VMs, both the template VM and student VMs, will use this public IP address. The public IP address will not change for the life of lab. However, each VM will have a different port number. The port numbers range from 49152 to 65535. The combination of public IP address and port number is used to connect instructor and students to the correct VM.
Here are some more FAQs about Azure Lab Services.
Creating a lab that uses a private ip is now possible with the April 2022 Update of Azure Lab Services, with some caveats. An advanced networking feature call vnet-injection allows users to have more control over the network used for the lab.
You can see advanced networking architecture diagram in the using shared server article. (Sorry, I can't post images yet.)
You would need to:
Create a virtual network in your subscription.
Create a subnet that is delegated to Microsoft.LabServices/labplans.
Create a lab plan with advanced networking and connect it to previously created subnet.
Create lab using the previous lab plan.
Update NSG to deny traffic through public ip.
CAVEAT: The 'connect' button Azure Lab Services website will no longer work for students. (Known issue on the team's backlog.) You will need to provide a separate rdp file for students to use. It would contain something like:
full address:s:
prompt for credentials:i:1
administrative session:i:1

Azure Vnet Private IP Ranges

I've not from a networking background. I'm data platform solution architecture and data/ai engineer. Since distributed data processing and scale out using containers has come into my world I've decided to bite the bullet and learn IP fundamentals so I can build clusters.
I've been doing lots of training but have a simple and relatively dumb question but finding simple answers to simple questions seems quite hard on the topic networking!
I have 2 Azure VNets for example in my subscription on the same domain does it matter if a subnet on 1 vnet overlaps a subnet on other vnet? Presumably that would only be a problem when they're peered together. Does the vnet ring fence it's private ip ranges?
"I have 2 Azure VNets for example in my subscription on the same domain does it matter if a subnet on 1 vnet overlaps a subnet on other vnet? "*Presumably that would only be a problem when they're peered together."
To be exact the answer is "NO". It doesn't really matter as long as the particular subnet doesn't require to communicate with another subnet in a different VNET. If you have a plan to configure VNET peering at some point then there are certain best practices that you should have followed to avoid conflicts. However, following are the best practices to implement an enterprise network in Azure.
Start from scratch by documenting your subnets along with subnet mask in each VNET.
There shouldn't be overlapping IP address ranges if your network design contains VNET peering, custom routing, Azure firewall, Azure load balancer etc.
There shouldn't be overlapping IP address ranges if you are planning to implement Site to Site VPN between your azure tenant and on-premises network.
"Does the vnet ring fence it's private ip ranges?"
Yes, subenets within a VNET can communicate with each other without any custom routes with the help of default systems routes.
But subnets in VNET-A cannot communicate with subnets in VNET-B if there's no VNET peering configured between VNET-A and VNET-B.
Hope this answer cleared out the doubts.
"I have 2 Azure VNets for example in my subscription on the same domain does it matter if a subnet on 1 vnet overlaps a subnet on other vnet? "*Presumably that would only be a problem when they're peered together."
Correct. Your subnet address space can overlap on different networks (VNETS). But if you ever need them to talk to each other with out some pretty complex routing changes or redeploying your resources then creating unique address space per subnet is recommend - deploy unique address space.
Struggling to understand why you require the same address space in different VNETs , there is plenty of address space available to ensure they do not overlap even if using ARM templates i.e use variables to deploy.
"Does the vnet ring fence it's private ip ranges?"
Essentially yes, RFC 1918 “Address Allocation for Private Internets" defines that private address space does not route out of a private network. I am no expert to be fair, but really interesting link here
RFC 1918
Request for Comment 1918 (RFC 1918), “Address Allocation for Private Internets,”is the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) memorandum on methods of assigning of private IP addresses on TCP/IP networks.
Along with NAT (network address tunneling), RFC 1918 facilitates expansion of the usable number of IP addresses available under IPV4, as a stopgap solution to prevent the exhaustion of public IPs available before the adoption of IPV6. It’s not necessary to register private IPs with a Regional Internet Registry (RIR), which simplifies setting up private networks.
RFC 1918 was used to create the standards by which networking equipment assigns IP addresses in a private network. A private network can use a single public IP address. The RFC reserves the following ranges of IP addresses that cannot be routed on the Internet: - (10/8 prefix) - (172.16/12 prefix) - (192.168/16 prefix)
IP addresses within these ranges can be assigned within a private network; each address will be unique on that network but not outside of it. Private IP addresses can't be communicated with directly by external computers because they are not globally unique and, as such, not addressable on the public Internet.
Computers on the inside of the network can communicate with the Internet through NAT. NAT translates an IP address used within one network to a different IP address known within another network. Typically, a company maps its local inside network addresses to one or more global outside IP addresses and unmaps the global IP addresses on incoming packets back into local IP addresses.
no, its doesn't. But you won't be able to peer\vpn them together. So they are effectively isolated from each other forever (or at least until you fix that).

Azure Virtual Network / VM's Setup to Share One Public IP

I've recently setup a point to site VPN on Azure. In doing so I have created:
Azure Virtual Network
Azure Virtual Network Gateway
Azure Virtual Network Gateway IP (static)
Azure VM
I was under the impression that any VM set to use the above said Virtual Network would all share the same public IP? However it appears that the Azure VM i setup is instead using its own dynamic public IP.
Is there a way to route any VM on the Custom Virtual Network I created through one public IP? IF so - how can I do this?
According to your description, you have create a point-to-side VPN. in this scenario, we can remove the public IP addresses from VMs, then you can access your VMs with private IP addresses via VPN.
You are correct - I have the VPN working correctly. My only concern is this, it'd be great that if any of those VM's in that private network shared the same static IP - that way I could grant access to that IP in my firewall to other systems i have in other hosting platforms (as they are all typically locked down by ip).
It sounds like your reference to availablity sets may be the phrase i was looking for to further google.. i will check it out and let me know
please let me know if anything I added above changes your answer/recommendations :)
I was under the impression that any VM set to use the above said
Virtual Network would all share the same public IP?
You are talking about Azure ASM module (classic). In ASM module, VMs can use the same public IP address(NAT).
However it appears that the Azure VM i setup is instead using its own
dynamic public IP.
In Azure resource module, we can create Azure VMs with different Public IP addresses.
Is there a way to route any VM on the Custom Virtual Network I created
through one public IP?
According to your description, you have create a point-to-side VPN. in this scenario, we can remove the public IP addresses from VMs, then you can access your VMs with private IP addresses via VPN.
If you want to access those VMs from Internet and use one public IP address, we can create VMs in the same availability set, and deploy a Internet facing load balancer, then add NAT rules to them, in this way, we can access those VMs use the same public IP address and different ports.

2 vms in one cloud service only one IP?

I created 2 vms, one for centos and another one for azure, I used the same cloud service, but both have the same public IP Address, why>? can I change it?
Or they have to be in different separate cloud services?
By default, they are behind a single IP address which load balances the private IP addresses. Until recently, there was no way to get a public IP for a virtual machine.
Now, it's possible to assign a public IP to a virtual machine:
With Instance-level Public IPs for VMs, you can now assign public IP addresses to your virtual machines, so they become directly addressable without having to map an endpoint through a VIP. This feature will enable scenarios like easily running FTP servers in Azure and monitoring virtual machines directly using their IPs.
We are making this new capability available in preview form today. This feature is available only with new deployments and new virtual networks and can be enabled via PowerShell.
Typically, the load balancer is fine, but there are options if you absolutely need access to individual machines.
Since they're in the same cloud service, they're probably behind the same load balancer, and a load balancer would only have one public IP.
So, yes, I would use different cloud services as you mentioned.
